


如果您没有使用空间,在宝贝描述中插入是必须使用支持外网链接的电子相册的。若 *** 作正确仍无法显示,建议您重新设置网络相册后再尝试。推荐您使用淘宝空间哦^^

问题一:淘宝用英文怎么写? 就说拼音常aobao吧,就如同一个中文名字一样,虽然它作为词语,基本上所有人都明白它的意思,要是想按字面意思翻译的话仅仅是个解释这是个什么网站~~~~
它就是专属名词= =~~taobao

问题二:淘宝里面的“宝贝”用英语怎么说 这里的宝贝就是指的商品嘛, 直接翻译成g功ods,或者items
国外网站常用的是 items

问题三:请问大侠,淘宝店用英语怎么说用shop还是store store一般是指规模比较大的仓储式商店或百货公司。例如:Most depar憨ment stores have big sales before Christmas in the US(在美国,圣诞节前夕,多数百货公司都有大优惠。)She buys a chair at the depart-ment store(她在百货公司买了一把椅子。)
而shop一般指小型商店或小商铺等。例如:There are many new houses and shops along the street(沿街有许多房屋和店铺。)Is there a cake shop nearby?(请问附近有没有西饼店?)
看来不一定用哪个,看情况,大多数是taobao shops

问题四:淘宝的英文怎么拼?还有支付宝的英文 支付宝就是Paypal或alipay

问题五:在淘宝上拍下产品 英语怎么说 I or功er(订购)/bid(喊价)/buy(买) the products from Taobao
过去式: I ordered/bidded/bought the products from Taobao

问题六:我们在淘宝网上购物用英语怎么说 We do shopping at Taobao (on the Internet)

问题七:淘宝用英语怎么讲 20分 treasure hunt( on TaoBao)

问题八:用英语介绍一下淘宝网的特点 taobao is the first advanced personal e-trade platform,financed by the the best B2B webside Alibaba The trades there are based on integrity and it devoted itself to bee the safest and most convenient e-trade platform The main part it runs goes in mobile phones,software,digital equipment ,made-ups,clothes,furniture ,books ,food and so on The things there are with lower price and better quality We trust each other and this webside makes the world so all,for there are something we cannot get in our country What’s more ,we can easily municate with each other and pay safely for its payment system There is somewhere attracts me to go there I can sell things I don’t need anymore and get some money back to purchase another thing I wantOr I can buy something cheaper and easier Sometimes you may meet some friends and discuss how to earn more Youth like to go there because it sells a lot of fashionable things such as Korean-style clother,British-style scarves Now ,Taobao has bee better and better

问题九:苹果手表在淘宝上英文怎么写? Apple watch

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