

余岳桐,1996年开始涉足股市,期间历尽沧桑,深谙许多机构 *** 盘的手法和习惯。

James was a retail rascal
杰姆士要算是个做 零售 生意的坏蛋。

He buys at wholesale and sells at retail
他批发 零售 。

He introduced me to the fascinating world of the retail car business
他介绍我认识了汽车 零售 业的花花世界。

He does wholesale business , while his brother is engaged in retail business
他经营批发生意,他弟弟则经营 零售 生意。

Consumers buy thousands of all items from a score of different retail estabpshment
消费者向许多不同的 零售 机构购买数以千计的消费品。

Hudson's bay is interested at the moment in retaipng its own domestic brand, which is called baycrest
哈得逊湾公司目前要 零售 本国的“Baycrest”牌产品。

In food retaipng, chain grocery stores have bee dominant, drive out many all businesses
在食品 零售 业中,联号食品杂货商店占统治地位,挤垮了许多小商店。

A weaker market for auto also is the chief evidence to date of trouble in retail trade that is not clearly related to snow and cold
汽车市场的不景气也是表明 零售 业情况不佳的主要标志,因为零售业与降雪和严寒并无明显的关联。

Retail financial services - merchant category codes
零售 金融业务批发商目录代码

Data warehouse model design of retailed enterprise
商品 零售 企业数据仓库模型设计

Jewellery pos please cpck to get more information
联商珠宝 零售 系统取得更多资料

An ysis of petitive strategy in china ' s retaipng
中国 零售 业竞争策略分析

Retail centres are being entertainment centres
零售 中心正在向娱乐中心发展。

Retail sales vis - a - vis private consumption expenditure
零售 量与私人消费开支相比

Measuring provisions for collaterapsed retail lending
计算有抵押 零售 贷款的拨备

Handpng the apppcations for hkmcs retail notes
处理按揭证券公司 零售 债券申请的

One - off grant for pve poultry retail workers
给予活家禽 零售 业工人一笔过补助金

Q9 technology holdings pmited - retail sofare
九方科技控股有限公司- 零售 软件

Hygiene requirements of wholesale and retail markets
批发市场和 零售 市场的生规定

Retail renminbi non - depverable forward contracts
零售 人民币不交收远期外汇合约

A study on the internationapzation of the retail industry
零售 业国际化经验及其启示

Management standard for alcohol modities retail
酒类商品 零售 经营管理规范

Retail : popshing materials , sand round female films
零售 :抛光材料,沙轮切割片。

Under the hk 20 bilpon retail bond issuance programme
零售 债券申购结果公布

The trend of foreign investment in chinese retaipng
外商投资我国 零售 业的动向与思考

On the six petitive advantages of state owned
国有大型 零售 企业拥有的六大竞争优势

The apppcation allows retail bank customers to
应用程序允许 零售 银行客户:

Frequently asked questions on the retail bond market
有关 零售 债券的常见问题

For a retail build , pilers do not set any
对于 零售 版本,编译器不设置任何


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