
Economic International Technology简称ETB,中文名全球比特联盟, 为解决现在区块链技术所遇到的问题,2017年五月中旬由全球最大比特币矿工联盟发起成立ETB项目组,历时半年时间ETB通过最顶尖加密技术在继承比特币优良特性的基础上对现存问题进行革新,ETB加密货币总发行量2100万枚,ETB区块使用现在的线性算法进行挖矿动作,而是使用仿生的房产网络算力继承模式,形成一个虚拟货币房产网络,我们把每一个账户认定为一个ETB,把每一个支付结算应用利用房产末梢的模拟完成最终的支付即时完成。
Cloud - referred to as "ETB, Chinese bits of Cloud, to solve the problems now block chain technology, by the world's largest currency in mid-may 2017 miners union launched ETBproject team, lasted six months, ETBby top encryption technology on the basis of succeeding to the good features of the currency of existing problems in innovation, ETBencryption currency a circulation of 21 million pieces, ETBblock using linear algorithm for mining action now, but using bionic property network force inheritance pattern, forming a network of virtual currency property, us to identify each account as a ETB, apply every payment settlement to complete the final payment of housing endings simulation done immediately
Technology is making great originally complex world becomes simple No more long, only for decades, the high and new technology such as computer, Internet, smart phones, let ordinary people once unimaginable transactions, such as global communication become reality and simple At present in the field of more complex global real estate investment and financing, is also usher in a change to the simple Thanks to block the rise of chain technology and intelligent use of contract, and by the Eit platform into reality
ETBhope, through technology and intelligent use of investment contract based on block chain platform, link to global investors and real estate projects, and online visual rendering the whole real estate projects, from raw materials, logistics, to the completion of construction, to operation and benefits, etc, let the real estate investment in a transparent and easy to understand, predictable, through the platform of ETB, any investors can invest in real estate projects of any country, developers will also can more directly in the face of investors
May recall our daily online life: when we phase of a product, all fees paid to first trading platform, such as taobao or jingdong, and then wait for the businessman shipment, after we confirm receive the goods, the platform to transfer the cost to merchants In the shopping process, we can believe that the strange sellers, because we have no choice but can only believe that the trading platform, otherwise, cannot trade And based on block chain technology is not so complicated, in Eit platform, for example, investors and developers only need to believe that your judgment can direct interaction, Eit need to do, just for investors to strict audit status and real estate projects, normal trading platform and provide tokens, guaranteed
If yesterday, block chain technology application is limited to a few financial sectors such as banking, securities, fund, so now, block chain have begun to directly affect the daily life of ordinary people, the emergence of Eit dispersible in real estate investment platform, as well as the block chain into the construction industry, changed our ideas about traditional in the field of real estate investment and financing, trust and cooperation have been so easy
As COINS COINS community technology research and development center, at the same time shoulder the mission of the guide the whole industry technology innovation, we are in the process of evolving block chain technology, found that some fatal problems the industry! Including the currency block chain technology! So we started since 2018 to now block chain technology innovation and iteration, the following will be detailed in this paper, the problems and ETB block by block chain chain how to deal with these problems, at the same time announced life block chain core algorithm
Problem a: block chain can't really into consumption scene!
The currency's long-term vision is digitally docking to the existing monetary system, for the currency to become real currency digital kernel, but whether the currency or other block chain technology can really achieve this goal, at least so far all chain blocks only have an attribute that is investment property, the problem is the main reason of the technology on a few questions, first of all, digital currency trading time, the existing block chain trading technology is unable to realize real-time transaction, because at the beginning of the design for the sake of safety and decentralization, we abandoned the timeliness of the method Unable to complete real-time delivery, money is the biggest problem!
Problem two: block is lost!
This problem is a comprehensive problem, missing some blocks generally appear in several cases:
1, accounts tag missing
2, mill tag missing
3, all without effective inheritance
This problem seems to be very small, but for the influence of block chain is deadly, because after constantly lost finally the amount of blocks will be less and less, so the corresponding value will continue to increase, increase investment speculators driving force, to the health of a block chain development create a vicious cycle for a long time, and let the user to the whole block chain cannot be trusted
Question 3: decentralized technology operations
COINS community is to the existence of decentralized technology updates, but we really can't finish the really good technology updated quickly because most of the cold wallet and ore confidential to accept this time iterative update, update technology to complete, the currency on the design and fairness are no problem, but actually we ignored an important part of the problem - the delayed! We found that want to complete a technical iteration now is almost impossible, because no one is willing to change, perhaps this is the biggest problem we met!
ETB property chain network blocks will be easy to solve the above problem!
Solution a: aging consumption trading scene
Consumption scenarios in the design of ETB - online and offline mainly divided into two levels, the first thing we change our cognition to the wallet, purse is first and foremost a network version of the life not cold purse design, main is to solve the timing of the deal
Online transactions: each link need to be paid for the online application can be docking API, our wallet quickly complete the transaction, currency delivery time 1 to 3 seconds
Offline payment: offline payment, we will provide a similar API to pay the tool design manufacturers, through rapid development kit, complete offline payment tool development, trading time is also 1-3 seconds!
Solution 2: wallet binding mechanism
First of all we are thinking about a question - what is the end user's credentials Mobile Internet era, the mobile phone is the most limitation and accurate user security credentials, our wallet design based on the binding of user's phone, through binding mobile phone link not only can effectively solve the problem of account lost, succession and effectively solve!
Solution 3: decentralized technology
Why call technology operations here! Technical update is actually on the system's operation, we have design a voting mechanism in Eit all wallet, according to a weight system to complete the voting link through the weighting system of fast is mandatory to complete the wallet and mining machine force update!
Future has come, in the hope that the introduction of the Eit can truly the innovation of the whole block chain industry!

I don’t wanna let the chance slip away我不希望错失任何机会
Why is my freedom taken away 为何要夺走我的自由?
Reason as against emotion 与情感相对的理性
I’ve gotta deal with extreme frustration我要克服这要压垮我的沮丧
All my efforts will never be in vain 我的一切努力都不会成为徒劳
Endless desire, like a haunting refrain无尽的欲望仿佛萦绕在我的心头
Such a pain, the ideal versus the real 那些理想与现实带来的痛苦
There is a way To change the world 将会发现一条改变世界的道路
Just count on me 只需相信我
So what if I sing off-key, who cares 就算我的歌声五音不全,可谁又会在意呢?
Not good at drawing, no big deal 纵使不善于描绘色彩也无妨
Let me go for my one true belief 让我带着我唯一的信念前进吧
Overcome myself (Overcome yourself) 战胜我自己(战胜你自身)
“A Whole New World God Only Knows”“一个只有神知道的全新世界”
I’ll always be on your side(I know you’re hurting inside) 我会一直站在你身旁(我知道你正承受着种种苦痛)
To be a knight To be a light For you 我愿成为你的骑士,为你点亮一路光明
We’ll be shining bright我们必将光辉璀璨
No more fears No more tears 不再害怕,别再流泪
Everything will work out 一切终将成为现实
That’s“God only knows” 这便是“唯有神知晓”
Don’t get me wrong 请你不要误会
This is not real love but 尽管这不是现实中的爱恋
I’ll do anything for you 但我仍愿意为你做任何事
Whatever happens in my life, 无论我遇上什么
turn the page and come of age (Remember, no one can judge me) 我也会翻开下一页,成为大人物(别忘了,没人可以审判我)
Every end leads to a new beginning 每一个终焉都昭示着一个新的开始
of the next stage 引领我们走向下一个舞台
Try to make my life complete, trust myself 试着让自己的人生更加完整,相信自己
Be strong and do my best 变得更强 竭尽全力
Don’t look back, carry on 别再回头 大胆向前
The ideal, (The real,)将理想(将现实)
find a way out 全部完美攻略
“A Whole New World God Only Knows” “一个只有神知道的全新世界”
Here’s the thing I’ve realized (Deep sadness you can’t disguise)这是我所意识到的事情(纵使深深地悲伤已无从隐藏)
Keep the goal in sight 也不要迷失目标
So turn the tide For you 让形势因你而动
We can get over 我们定能度过这难关
One more try One more time 再试一次 再来一次
Everything has a reason 万事皆有因
That’s“God only knows” 这正是“只有神明白”
Don’t let me down 别让我失望
This is not real love but 尽管这不是真实的爱恋
I’ll never leave you alone 我也绝不会让你独自一人
Whatever happens in your life, 无论你遇到了什么
look for the silver lining(You know, some things are meant to be) 都要试着去寻找希望(你心知肚明,一切皆早已注定)
Even if you feel things are 即便你感到…
too much to bear, the sun’s shining…难以担负,太阳也会为你绽放耀眼光芒
Try to find the answer to all our dreams试着去寻找能让我们美梦成真的答案吧
Believe and do your best相信自己 竭尽全力
Not too late, start over 现在还不算晚,即刻启程吧
Be yourself…Be happy…It’s your life… 做你自己 保持快乐 这是你的人生
“God only knows”“唯有神知晓”
Find your love…Find your way… For your life… 发现你的爱 找到你的路 皆为你一生
回答于 2016-12-02
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[00:-0400]God only knows[00:-0300]歌:ELISA[00:-0200]作词:西田恵美 编曲:前口渉[00:-0100]TVアニメ「神のみぞ知るセカイ」OP[00:0000]第一幕 Chapter1作曲:MCE[00:0042]What I\'m seeingIs it real 我所看到的,是现实?[00:0943]What I\'m feelingIs it real 我所感到的,是现实?[00:1558]What I\'m doingIs it real 我所在做的,那是现实?[00:2116][00:2159]There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities 没有遗憾,一切都只为喂饱好奇的心[00:2753]There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities 新世界在等待,等待发掘我的可能[00:3352]There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities<Go ahead with your own life -> 没有什么担保,只能提高我的力量 [00:3948]There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities<Is there any hope in your sight> 前方有着选项,选出你的最爱 [00:4559]<You will always be the one,so feel the power 你永远是那唯一,能感觉到哪力量,[00:5443]And you should know the sun comes up - For you> 要知道太阳会为你而升起[00:5830]There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities 没有遗憾,一切都只为喂饱好奇的心[01:0434]There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities 新世界在等待,等待发掘我的可能[01:1035]There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities 没有什么担保,只能提高我的力量[01:1637]There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities 前方有着选项,选出你的最爱[01:2351][01:2847]第二幕 Chapter2作曲:前口渉[01:2947][01:4010]<What is the best you can do How can you do> [01:5218]I was sitting and thinking the other day<What is the best you can do How can you do> 我独坐想起另一天[01:5817]If I fail,I won\'t throw my passion away<What is the best you can do How can you do> 就算失败我的激情也不褪色[02:0403]Just \'cause giving up is not the only way 因为放弃不会是唯一的路[02:0989]No matter how it\'s gonna be,I\'ll try it anyway 不管怎样我总会尝试[02:1931][02:2152]第三幕 Chapter3作曲:前口渉/木村香真良[02:2252][02:3298]Love is such a sweet illusion (Let\'s come together) 爱是如此甜蜜的幻想(一起来)[02:3864]Can\'t seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever) 貌似我的妄想也无法刹车(到永远)[02:4434]What a ridiculous situation(Another matter) 多么荒谬的情况 (是另一个破事啦)[02:4992]But I can\'t deny,I\'m faced with a tricky temptation 但我无从拒绝,我面对的这个古灵精怪的诱惑[02:5531]





DIESEL是意大利牛仔时装品牌,由伦佐·罗索 (Renzo Rosso)在1978年创立,并成为意大利时尚集团OTB(Only The Brave)集团的旗下最大品牌 之一。


RED VALENTINO是华伦天奴(知名的意大利高级时装品牌,成立于1960年)旗下的少女风品牌,延续华伦天奴优雅气质的同时,融入了俏丽而又摩登的活泼气质。名字中的“RED”代表着“浪漫古怪的衣服(Romantic Eccentric Dress)”,同时也代表着主线品牌Valentino浓烈而华贵的标志性色彩“华伦天奴红(Valentino Red)”。


Theory希尔瑞时装来自美国纽约,一个后现代的时装品牌,创立于1997年。希尔瑞时装 (Theory) 创办人是安德鲁·罗森 (Andrew Rosen) 和以色列裔美国设计师艾利·塔哈瑞 (Elie Tahari) 。


N°21由Alessandro Dell'Acqua于2010年创立,品牌创始人兼设计师将男士衣橱中才会出现的设计元素巧妙地融合进了女装。极简主义是设计师Dell'Acqua的拿手好戏,三里屯的这家是大陆唯一的一家。

腾讯科技讯 6月25日,微信与LVMH集团旗下国际奢侈品品牌FENDI、中国文物保护基金会、皮克斯动画工作室一起激发“玩”的创造力,共同推出了《FENDI罗马奇遇记》《一起修长城》《之玩具大作战》3款微信小游戏,借助微信的开放能力,用户将在微信小游戏的“轻互动”的形式下,与微信及品牌一起感受创造的魅力。
《一起修长城》的小游戏,围绕联合国教科文组织长城保护专题,将中国长城这一千年文化故事浓缩在游戏里。“九层之台,起于累土,万里长城,始于烧砖。” 中国文物保护基金会就用小游戏的方式创新呈现古砖窑,玩家可变身长城烧砖人,在火热的古砖窑前体验烧砖,切身了解长城、感受筑造及保护修缮长城的不易。借小游戏的轻量互动形式,将有更多人了解与关注长城保护修缮项目,甚至参与到长城的保护及修缮工程。
微信一直在用创新和创造力构建生态能力,实现产品价值的同时也为生态中的创造者提供价值, 在“创造者说”分享计划中,包括新世相、为你读诗、Sir、轻芒、花点时间等来自微信生态的15位创造者发声印证了微信“创造无需理由,不应被定义”的主张。微信团队表示,将号召更多人进入微信创造者的行列,帮助他们体现自身的价值,而这种价值无需成果大小来衡量,只要心有热爱,即可成为生活中的创造家。

淘宝,不用说了,国内电商平台的领头羊,但近年来因集团策略问题以及口碑等问题,增长形势并不好,0门槛的进驻模式吸引了越来越多的个体商家入驻,流水在商家增多的基础上保持增长,但腰部以上的商家几乎无增长,全线呈现颓势。tmall——阿里巴巴集团的B2C主场发力点,增长势头不减,强调品牌、品质。2013年引进了众多线下品牌,2014年则会在海外品牌上加大引入力度。对于淘品牌来说,2014年是一步都不能走错的一年。京东——2013年12月23日京东宣布年销售额突破1000亿元,又一个电商平台帝国崛起。京东是各大品牌在淘宝以外铺的重点渠道,值得关注。亚马逊——这个没啥可介绍的。美国最大的一家网络电子商务公司,在中国的发展也还算不错,虽然界面的美观度和整个购物路径和习惯不是很符合国人喜好,但不得不说他的关联体系真是做的非常牛逼,命中率极高!1号店——不二选择,常常和tmall超市一起出现在消费者的比对名单中,是网上超市中做的比较早也比较成功的一家。唯品会——2013年据说增长300%,具体的数据还没有爆出来。但是已经有淘品牌一年在唯品会单一渠道成交金额过亿,作为一个品牌尾货库存倾销渠道,唯品会稳坐第一把交椅。今年又请了因《爸爸去哪儿》爆红的男模张亮,2014年应该是值得关注的。商家类型:实体品牌:北京绫致——绫致时装总部丹麦,旗下服装公司ONLY(女装)、VERO MODA(女装)JACK&JONES(男装),国内的线上运营由北京绫致自建团队负责。较早进行了线上布局,电商负责人MAX也很有一套。这三个品牌在电商运营中也算是翘楚。GXG——电商掌门人“千万姐”李淑君在业内小有名气,带领GXG冲击了男装NO1,跟JACK&JONES不相伯仲阿芙精油——不多说了,雕爷够有名。

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