

为什么你最喜欢英语作文 我最喜欢的电影为什么喜欢它英语作文以我为什么喜欢英语为题的英语作文英语作文:为什么喜欢学英语英语作文,你最喜欢星期几?你最喜爱的食物是什么?为什么?在周末你经常做什么?不少于40个词。


正文:Every Sunday is my happiest day. Because my father's work is very hard, only one day a week, as long as my father has a rest, my mood is like a hibernating animal to see spring, just like the turtle I raised. When winter comes, I begin to hibernate and eat nothing. When spring comes, I happily look for food.每到星期天,是我最开心的一天。


My favorite food is vegetables, which is originally a kind of green food beneficial to human body. Because, there are many frogs and birds to keep eating vegetables on the pests, this is to protect the vegetables on the human body.我最喜受吃的食物是——青菜,青菜本来是一种对人体有益的绿色食品。


On Sunday morning, my father and mother and I went to the park to run and do some exercise to make my body healthier and stronger. Such an activity can not only exercise our physique, but also virtually promote our parent-child relationship.星期天的早晨,我和爸爸、妈妈到公园去跑步和做一些运动,使身体变得更健康,更强壮。


Before I knew it, Sunday was coming to an end. After finishing my schoolbag, I went to the dining room to have dinner with my family. After that, I went to meet the Duke of Zhou.不知不觉,星期天就快结束了,我把书包整理好后,就到饭厅去与家人一起吃晚饭。


I like Sundays because they allow me to spend my time at ease and to do things I can't do on Sundays. I really appreciate Abraham's "rest day" for us.我喜欢星期天,因为星期天能让我自在地度过,也能让我做周日做不到的事,我真感谢亚伯拉罕为我们定下了星期天这一个‘休息日’。

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