
喜欢做某事 “喜欢做某事”用英文怎么翻译?(3种)喜欢做某事用英语怎么说?

一直喜欢做某事 like doing sth.特殊一次喜欢做某事 like to do sth.献身于/致力于某事 devote to sth./doing sth.like doing sth. 造句:1. I like doing my homework. 我喜欢做我的家庭作业

2. I like doing clay work. 喜欢制作陶器

3. I feel like doing something tonight. 今天晚上我特想干点什么。

4. He felt like doing something fearful. 他想要做些可怕的事情。

5. I like doing many kinds of exercise. 我喜欢许多运动。

like to do sth.造句:Janet like to do listen music. Janet喜欢听音乐。

Sally like to do answer more question. Sally喜欢回答许多问题。

Helen like to do go to Hong Kong. Helen喜欢去香港。

I like to eat apples.我喜欢吃苹果。

I like to play football. 我喜欢踢足球。


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