
write怎么读 write怎么读

write英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]v. 写(字/书/信); 创作(歌曲); 开具(支票等); (往计算机等)写入;变形 过去分词: written 过去式: wrote 现在分词: writing 第三人称单数: write双语例句1. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。

2. The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.这辆车报废了,但人员全部安全逃离。

3. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn't a problem.找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。

4. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.指南上有对每个饭店的简评。

5. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。

6. His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。

7. Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope.信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。

8. On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。

9. One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly.中学毕业生中有1/4的人读写有问题。

10. I could write for TV as well as any of those goofs.我写的电视剧肯定一点儿不比那帮笨蛋写得差。

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