

小学生小红帽故事比赛 请问谁有小学二年级学生参加英语口语比赛的文本材料?

Little Red Riding Hood 小 红 帽 Here is a little house . She is a pretty girl . 这有一所小房子。


This is her grandmother .She likes to play with grand-mother . 这是她的祖母


Grandmother:a red hood for you . 祖母:这个小红帽给你。

(She likes it very much .) 她非常喜欢它。

LRRH:Oh ,thank you . I like it very much . 小红帽:哦,谢谢!我非常喜欢它。

(Yes ,she is now little red riding hood .) 对了,她现在是小红帽了。

One day ,grandmother got sick . 一天,祖母生病了。

Mother:Here are some cookies and juice for grand-mother .Take them to grandmother .Grandmother will get well . 妈妈:这里是送给祖母的一些饼干和果汁。



LRRH:Yes . 小红帽:好的。

Mother:Be good ! Be careful ! 妈妈:好好的!路上小心点! LRRH:Yes , mother .Goodbye , mother . 小红帽:好的,妈妈。


(A big bad wolf) 一只大坏狼 Wolf:Where are you going ? 狼:你要去哪儿? LRRH:To my grandmother's house . 小红帽:到我的祖母家去。

(The wolf is hungry .) 狼饿了。

Wolf:I want to eat the girl and her grandmother . 狼:我要吃了这个女孩和她的祖母。

Where does your grandmother live? I'll go with you. 你的祖母住在什么地方?我要和你一块去。

LRRH:In the woods . 小红帽:在树林里。

Wolf:Look ! Flowers . Flowers for your grandmother. 狼:看,花儿!把花送给你的祖母。

LRRH:Oh, What beautiful flowers! Yes! Flowers for grandmother . 小红帽:哦!多么漂亮的花呀!是的!把花送给祖母。

(Little red riding hood forgets what mother said. 小红帽忘记了妈妈说的话。

The wolf goes to grandmother's house.Knock! Knock !) 狼向祖母家走去。

嘭!嘭! Grandmother:Who is it ? 祖母:谁呀? Wolf:It's me.little red riding hood! 狼:是我,小红帽。

Grandmother:Come in ! Come in ! Oh ...,no! 祖母:进来!进来!哦,不! Wolf:I will eat you ...Oh, delicious! 狼:我要吃了你!哦,真香! (He wears grandmother's pajamas ! He waits little red riding hood .Here comes little red riding hood . Knock ! knock !) 他穿上了祖母的睡衣。



嘭!嘭! LRRH:It's me ,grandmother . 小红帽:是我,祖母。

Wolf:Who is it ? 狼:谁呀? LRRH:It's me .What a strange voice ! 小红帽:是我。

多么奇怪的声音! Wolf:Comein ! Come in ! 狼:进来!进来! LRRH:Oh , what big ears ! 小红帽:哦!多大的耳朵呀! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice . 狼:这样我能听到你甜美的声音。

LRRH:Oh, what big eyes ! 小红帽:哦!多么大的眼睛! Wolf:I can see your pretty face ! 狼:这样我才能看到你可爱的脸! LRRH:Oh, what big hands ! 小红帽:哦!多么大的手! Wolf:I can hug you ,dear . 狼:这样我能拥抱你,亲爱的。

LRRH:Oh,what a big mouth ! 小红帽:哦!多么大的嘴! Wolf:I can ...eat you! 狼:我能......吞下你! LRRH:Oh ,no ! 小红帽:哦,不! (He eats little red riding hood .) 他吃掉了小红帽。

Wolf:I'm sleepy ! ZZZ... 狼:我困了,要睡觉了。

(A hunter hears the wolf .) 猎人听到了狼打呼噜的声音。

Hunter:Who is it ? 猎人:谁? (The wolf is sleeping .) 狼还在睡觉。

Hunter:What a big stomach! Grandmother and little red riding hood are inside.I must hurry.The scissors. Cut .Cut .Cut . 猎人:多么大的肚子呀!祖母和小红帽在里面。



LRRH,Grandmother:Thank you ! 小红帽,祖母:谢谢! (The wolf is still sleeping .) 狼仍在睡觉。

Hunter:Grandmother , give me a needle and some thread . Little red riding hood , get some stones. 猎人:祖母,给我跟针和一些线。


(They put in stones .One ,two ,three ...They sew ... They wait . He wakes up .) 他们把石头放进去。

一,二,三...... Wolf:My stomach is so heavy . 狼:我的肚子好重呀! Hunter:You big bad wolf ! 猎人:你这个大坏狼! Wolf:Help ! Help ! Don't shoot! 狼:救命,救命,别开 *** ! (He runs out . He runs slowly . Whoops ! He falls down , he can't swim . The wolf is dead ! ) 他逃走了,他跑得很慢。



LRRH:yeah! 小红帽:耶! (The hunter goes to town . Grandmother and little red riding hood have the cookies and juice .She is well again . They have a good time .) 猎人去了城里。




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