
校园故事英语作文 英语作文校园恐怖故事200字

The deuce endless cycle of AChao dad's unit, in a building and the layer. The building is built as some company office, so high. There are at least hundreds of businesses, most people is take the elevator. That is a little useless talk, not the fool willing to climb the stairs, but I just to let you all know, the building with an elevator)One day, in the class, no opinion mentioned his dad in the office building, as they powerfully, on the side of the mindless yoko but said 1: "place is good, but do not after 10 PM in the building of the corridor, or 14 floor......." Yoko awkward and toward eagerly, ask: "what will happen?" Yoko bag from took out a piece of newspaper, is three days ago. He pointed to the newspaper at o said: "here."In newspaper, took over, see the above a report: a company manager, dated in the company is located in the building of the missing. According to the police investigation, this old total after work with a material forgot to take out, then return to building back to the office to remove material. The old total office is located on the building and layer, he returned to the building has 10 26 points, monitoring shows, he went to 14 stories corridor, they never happened. Until today, the police are still in the search, but still nothing."This shows that???????" Toward asked o."You look at these." Yoko and took out a pile of newspaper to at o.In newspaper, took over, and this time is two years ago, again see a, five years ago, it was said in someone at that building 14 floor of the hallway missing."What! This......" In surprise, could not say words, "man, where did you come to this? This is Chen over the appetizers sesame bad!!!!""Ha ha, you forget my hobbies, designed to collect some inexplicable events is my forte." Yoko satisfiedly said."......"It was soon forgotten all about at o.One day, his father said may call back later, at home and in o, waited until half past nine dad hasn't come back. Thus old mama ordered at to see o, toward the discontent, with old mama to begin, may turn head think again, now with old mama to begin, and come back with yourself to dad, forget it, endure.At home, not far from the office building and, go for about 20 minutes. At o walked into the office building, on the elevator. Suddenly, the thought of that in news report, old total missing in 14 floor, ah! Dad was in office and 14 floor? !His subconscious looked at his watch, mama! Have 10 11 points, does he just downstairs cringed so long time? No matter how to say too late, go to? Or, don't go? The problem in the haunted o mind. Finally, toward the decision, the heart a horizontal, the heart eased, bile put is striding stepped out of the elevator. Before, is really a toward corridor, a more difficult but corridor. O in a fiercely toward such as be of heroism strode in. The corridor seems to very long, always walk not to come to an end, and, toward the wonder and pledge of such as fly forward ran out. Soon he stopped, but this time he was dumbfounded, he is still in the corridor. In immediately feel a share, air, of the life to return to run, but useless, no matter how long he ran, eyes still is corridor, and endless outspread... ...The second day, news and reports: a high school student in entering the building last night, looking for his father missing, according to its mother said, his father back in the late evening work overtime, o let in to find, but will not be called again. The father said that night and not see son come to him, and then his back. The incident is under investigation... ...* * note, never in the evening into the corridor * * 活见鬼之无尽的循环 阿朝的老爸的单位在某个大楼的14层里。



(说这些是有点废话,没有那个傻子愿意爬楼梯,但我就是为了让大家了解,这栋大楼有电梯) 一日,阿朝在班中无意见提到了他老爸所在的办公大楼,正说得起劲,在一旁的洋子却没头没脑的说了一句:“地方是不错,但可千万不能在晚上10点以后在那大楼的14层走廊去,否则... ...。



” 阿朝接过报纸,看到上面的一段报道:某公司老总,X月X日于公司所在的大楼里失踪。








“什么!这... ...”阿朝惊得说不出话来,“老兄,你从哪淘来这些的?这可都是陈芝麻烂谷子的事了!” “嘻嘻,你忘了我的业余爱好了,专搜集一些令人费解的事件是我的专长。


“... ...” 这件事很快就被阿朝忘得一干二净了。










不久他停了下来,可这回他傻眼了,他还在走廊里!阿朝顿时感到一股寒气,没命的向回跑,可是没用,不管他跑多久,眼前依旧是走廊,并且永无止尽的延伸着... ... 第二天,新闻又有报道:某高中生阿朝于昨夜进入大楼寻找其父失踪,据其母亲说,他父亲晚上加班回来的晚,就让阿朝去找,谁知一去不复返。


此次事件还在调查中... ... **注意,千万不要在晚上走进走廊里**)

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