
综合英文 综合的英文是什么?综合用英语怎么写?综合英语一课后全部答案

Lesson ONe 一、written work Time is important .Everyone has 24 hours in a day ,and 365 days in a year. once a day runs out in our life,it will never come back again.If we love our lives,we shouldn't waste time.we must control time.The best way to use time is to plan it well. When making the study plan,we should remember two things .First ,be realistic.Don't try to do too many things .Second ,a good study plan should be flexible .We may make some small changes,but follow the same pattern. Let's be the master of time ,start our plan now. 二、 1、I have run out of food ,I must go to buy some. 2,You have said so ,you should put them into practice . 3.It takes at least two hours to get there by bus. 4.Although we failes,at least we tried our best . 5.you speak louder so that everyone can hear you. 6.How long has it taken you to write that article? 7.You seem to be very sad .Tell us what has happened so that we may help you. 8.We should keep our classroom clean. 9.We may asd Xiao Wang to help us ,he seems to have a lot of time. 10.My brother will come to Beijing next week. he must make good use of time to stay here. 三、用本课的动词句型1。

1. You are the person whom(who)I'm looking for. 2,The book isn't mine,it's John's. 3.They are always the best friends. 4.Beijing is a beautiful city. 5.That seems to be the best choice. lesson two 一、written work Hans Andersen was born in a shoemaker's family.when he was a boy ,he wanted to become a writer and he wanted to write plays and act at the theater .Many people said that the boy was not sensible ,but be was sure that his dream would come true.When he was fourteen,he went to Copenhagen to seek his fortrne.There he went to see some theater people,but none of them lent a helping hand to him.soon he had just little money left.Several people gave him money to buy food and clothing,but the boy spent most money on books and went to the theater. 二、下列句子译成英语 1.once upon a time,there was a king who liked who liked horse very much. 2.The poor child didn't know what to do ,so he went to ask a favor of the Prince. 3.he is so wicked that I don't believe in him at all. 4.My English is poor so I have to work hard at it . 5.I am afraid to start out so early. 6.He adds some words to the vocabulary list from time to time. 7.SHe said that she could pay for these children's education. 8.Because of the low salary he can't pay for the rent . 9.Can you change this sentence into English? 10.I stared at the car until it was out of sight. 三、用本课的动词句型2 1.The cake tastes delicious. 2.That music sounds beautiful. 3.She appeared to be weak after she was sick. 4.It gets darker and darker. 5.This task seems to bo more difficult than we expected. Lesson Three 一、Written work Andersen put his own experience into his fairy tales which he told the children of his friends,because he had the genius of telling stories ,so he told the stories vividlyand children liked to listen to him.After his first book of faify tales was published ,it was liked by children and their parents and was very successful.The tales were full of everyday truth.then his second book of fairy tales came out ,late the third one.Altogether he produced 37 books .At that time,Andersen was regarded as the Prince of Fairy tales and he was one of the greatest writers in his time. 二、将下列句子译成英语 1、用课文中的词或词组 1.People may have a good view of the city from the tower. 2.he made friends with many young farmers when he worked in the country. 3.At that time ,that family was too poor to send their children to school. 4.I won't take part in that party because I don't feel at ease with those people. 5.Students stood up in turn to ask the spokesman questions. 6.Her question was so stupid that everyone laughed at her . 7.I advised him not to ask that person for help . 8.this book is very famous and it has been translated into many Languages. 9.More than one hundred people took part in the dinner party in honor of the old professor. 10.His students regard him as their friends . 11.After the book came out ,he found it full of mistakes . 2、用本课的动词句型3 1.can you take care of the baby for me when I am not in? 2.Yesterday I called him,but he wasn'in. 3.This shop is in the couner of the street. 4.Betty is in front of me in the picture. 5.Now it is 5:30,he has been up. Lessong Four This Life 一、Written Work Sidney Poitier was a famous American black actou and director. When he was eighteen,he wanted to become an actor,so he went to see a director and told him his wish.The direcdtor asked him to read the part of a character on the stage.Because there were many words he didn't know,Sidney didn't read well.The director didn't regard this young man as an actor and let him get off the stage.Later Sidney thought a lot of things .He realized that his reading was too poor and he was determined to study well.During the following six months ,he spent as much time as possible reading. 二、将下列句子译成英语。

1.I saw her sitting in the corner ,staring at that girl. 2.Can you tell me where i should get off the bus ? 3.there was a good film last night ,but i wasn't able to go to see it. 4.He used to walk to work. 5.Let us clear those rubbish away from the attic. 6.One must look for the meaning of words when he runs into the words he doesn't know in reading. 7.Wait a minute.I have a couple of questions to ask you. 8.Yesterday I ran into a friend whom i haven't seen for many years. 9.I have no idea whether she will come or not . 10.These old red-army soldiers make an enormous contribution to our national revolution. 11.Yesterday he spent a whole afternoon working on the computer. 三、用本课动词句型4 1.the concert has begun. 2.Her son is crying. 3.The little boy has lied. 4.My father has never smoked. 5.We all breathe ,drink and eat. Lesson FIve Night watch 一、Written Work One day ,someone at the Red Cross called a Marine and asked him to rush to a hospital in New York,because his father was dying .The Marine arrived at the hospital and a nurse took him to his father's bedside.The marine knew immediately there'd been a mistake.that dying patient was not his father .But he knew he old man wanted to see his son at the last minute in his life .So he stayed there by the bed through the night .the old man held his hand tightly till he died. 二将下列句子译成英语 1.He was rushed to the local hospital because of his heart disease. 2.Policeman wanted to asd him some questions after he had come to . 3.His gelp enabled me to catch my plane when I reached the airport. 4.English enable us to talk with many people who can't speak Chinese . 5.he listened to the speech carefully.Occasionally he wrote several words on the Notebook. 6.the little boy didn't dare to go out ;he held his mother's hands tightly. 7.It is not too late to inform farmers that storm will come. 8.we all thought that the important letter had disappeared.It turned out that it had been kept in the safe. 9.Your younger sister is crying.What has happened to her? 10.he is too busy to pay attentiong to this matter. 11.Finally ,what hapened to the Kind-hearted old man in that film? 三、用本课的动词句型5 1.She is reading silently. 2.Susan swims very well . 3.they are quarreling again. 4.he drives fast . 5.the Young man has drund too much. Lesson six How Dictonaries Are Made 一、Written Work The writing of dictionary is a big job .The task of writing a dictionaty begins with reading.As the editors read,they collect a large of sentences and copy them on cars.These sentences show the common words in their ordinary uses as well as unusual uses.Next the task of editing occupies decades.Finally,the most important part of writing a dictionary is to define a word .Each definition must be based on those sentences.Today ,the task of writing a dictionaty is easier with computer.BUt this job must be based on the direct research work. 二、用课文中的词或词组 1.You are out of your mind to make friends with this kind of people. 2.Stealing is regarded as a bad thing . 3.What decision did you arrive at for this matter? 4.these principles don't apply to the children who are under 6 years old. 5.He often quarrels with his wife about their son's education. 6.There names are arranged in alphabetical order. 7.He said that money has been divided up equally by some companies. 8.What is you plan based on ? 9.These worders should be paid according to how much they have done. 10.I'll be busy from next Monday to Friday. 11.English study begins with A BC/ 12.I have never heard of this person. 13.the students laughed because of those silly mistakes they had made. 14.He is looking for a better job. 三、用本课的动词句型6 1.That person stood up ,and left. 2.He is an excellent participant ,and he never gives up. 3.he threw away his old shirt. 4.I turn on my radio. 5.French visitors have arrived in Beijing since Monday. 6.She is taking care of her father who is sick. 7.SUsan is not getting well with her classmates . 8.we will get off the bus at the next stop. LESSON SEVEN LOVE OF LIFE 一、written work Ater his friend went away from him,the man in the story was alone in the empty land.He faced many difficulties .First his foot hurt ,but it was nothing compared with his hunger.He ate small berries and chewed the bones of animals .When he realized that life was heavier than gold ,he threw off the sack of gold.Several days passed,he was very sick,he could not move.He crawled about on hands and knees.But he never gave up hope.He was held by the love of life.Finally he was found by the men on a ship. 二、用课文中的词或词组 1.He went out of the room,turned around and waited for his wife. 2.The students seem to be afraid of the new teacher. 3.We don't have much time.We can't wait any longer. 4.He struggled to his feet and walked away without saying a word. 5.Being abroad ,he often dreamed of his hometown_that stream,the house of his family and vegetable field,etc. 6.When he was a small boy ,be dreamed of becoming a pilot.Finally he become a footballer. 7.Yangtze is the longest river in china and it empties into the East Ocean. 8.I'm afraid that you will forget me soon. 9.I'm afraid of being alone at home. 10.The president has recovered(from his illness) and started working now. 三、用本课动词句型7 1.I don't like him. 2.He is examining his homework. 3.the young man has found a good job. 4.Money can't bring us happiness and love. 5.My mother has shut all the windows. 四、将下列句子译成英语 1.When he went out ,it was snowing.(一般过去时引出表示过去的时间状语;一般过去进行时表示正在发生的动作) 2.I got up early and went to bed late when I was in middle school.(表过去时间的状态和动作) 3.MY grandfather was studying in the college when the war broke out .(表过去时间的状态和动作) 4.China lost HongKong more then 100 years ago.Hong Kong returned to the homeland in1997.(过去时间发生的动作) 5.He didn't believe me when I told him the news .He thought that I was kidding him.(一般过去时表过去某时间发生的动作;过去进行时表示当时正在进行的动作) 6.HOw did you break you leg?I fell off the bicycle when I was hurrying to work.(一般过去时表过去某时间发生的动作和状态) 7.what were you doing between 8:00-9:00 yesterday?I was talking to my friend over the phone.(过去进行时表示某时间的正在进行的动作) 8.I saw him when i was walking after supper.过去进行时表后一动作发行前的情况 lesson eight A Fiddle and the Law 一、written work Special Agent X had never thought that the music could have such a great in fluence.once he was ordered to get a killer in his house.When he reached there ,he found the killer's father with a gun in his hands .He began to think quickly.He caught sight of a violin hanging on the wall and took it from the wall calmly.He began to play the violin.the killer's father was a fiddler.The music made him get rid of defiance gradually.He started to think it over carefully.He thought that Agent X was a decent person.SO he said that he would help him.He kept his word.Next day ,his son gave himself up to Agent X. 二、将下列句子译成英语(本课文中的词或词组) 1.Don't be nevous .Draw a deep breath.Draw a deep breath ,意为深吸一口气 2.It is impolite to point at people when one speaks in some countries.point at 意为指着 3.MY father was assigne to work in the northwest after his graduation from university. be assigned to do sth.,意为被指定做某事 4.I looked out of the window aand caught sight of a quickly passing train.catch sight of 意为看见 5.HE broke into laughter when he heard of the joke.break into 意为突然-------起来6.Typewriter has given way to computer.give way to意为 让路,为-------所代替 7.You have nothing to do ,please stay for dinner.stay for 意为“为-------留下来 8.Gradually the noise died away.Died away 意为“逐渐消失” 9.HE continued to play the violin as if nothing had happened. 10.My friend has spoken of you several times. speak of 意思提及,说起。

三、用本课动词句型 8 1.the chairman announced that the meeting be over. 2.We hope that you may accept the present. 3.In the past people believed that the earth was flat. 4.that young man admitted that he was wrong . 5.He said that this computer was very useful. 四、将下列句子译成英语 1.please wait for me .I will be back in a minute. 2.Hurry up .the film starts at 7:00.一般现在时表将来 3.DO you think that he will pass the exam?WILL 表说话人的主观态度 4.Are you free tonight ?I am going to invite you to have dinner with me.现在进行时表将来 5.once that you begin to study English carefully,you will find that it is not so easy. 条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来时间,主语要用WILL。

6.This family is going to set up a school with this amount of money in the village.Be going to 表意图 7.If you work hard ,you will succeed.条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来时间,主语用WILL 8.We will not start out until every one is here . 9.I will call you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. 10.What will out country be like in 2010? LESSONG NINE HAppiness Written work Many people think that those who are rich and successful must be happy.Nothing is further from truth.Money can't make people very happy.Money is not the answer to all problems .Money can't bring happiness. The real happiness lies in the contribution towards the happiness of others.When you find yourself worth-while to your society and your fellow men,you will feel happy.If you want to be a useful person ,you should set a valuable goal for yourself and work hard to achieve it .The process of achieving your goal is the process of learning and growing.Thus you will Obtain a lasting happiness.

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