
英语被动语态 英语被动语态用法总结

英语中常用的十种被动语态,你会用吗?小黑说英语2017年10月07日 · 教育领域创作者被动语态的基本构成:主语 + be + 及物动词的过去分词

动词的执行者由介词 by 引出,往往可以省去。

被动语态是动词的一种形式,有时态、人称和数的变化,这种变化体现在助动词 be 上。

英语中常用的十种被动语态如下表所示(以ask 为例):十种被动语态1.一般现在时:主语 + am/is/are + 过去分词English is taught in most schools in china.中国大多数学校都教英语。

2.一般过去时:主语 + was/were + 过去分词The computer was put into operation in 1942.计算机于1942年投入运行。

3.一般将来时:主语 + shall/will + be + 过去分词The sports meet will be put off.运动会将被推迟。

4.过去将来时:主语 + should/would + be + 过去分词He said he would be loved if he loved others.他说只要他爱别人,自己就会被爱。

5.现在进行时:主语 + am/is/are + being + 过去分词I'm afraid I am being followed.恐怕有人正在跟踪我。

6.过去进行时:主语 + was/were + being + 过去分词The hospital was being built when I came last time.上次我来时,这家医院正在修建中。

7.现在完成时:主语 + have/has + been 过去分词Many new buildings have been completed in the city.这座城市里已经建成许多新建筑。

8.过去完成时:主语 + had been + 过去分词All the tickets had been sold out when they arrived.他们到达时,所有的票已经售完了。

9.将来完成时:主语 + shall/will + have been + 过去分词The new factory will have been completed by the end of this month.这个月末,这个新工厂将会竣工。

10.过去将来完成时:主语 + should/would + have been + 过去分词He said that Book One would have been finished by the end of this term.他说到本学期末第一册书将已学完。









1 我 吃 这个 蛋糕。

I eat this cake. 也可以换一种说法 这个 蛋糕 被 我 吃掉。

This cake is eaten by me.2 我 打 你。

I hit you. 可以改为 你 被 我 打。

You are hit by me.3 这个 男人 偷了 我的 钱。

The man stole my money. 可以改为另外一种说法。

我的 钱 被 这个 男人 偷了。

My money was stolen by the man.何必纠结于什么时候使用英语的被动句呢?记住被动句的翻译格式是:am is are+动词的过去分词+by就够了。

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被动语态存在的原因有:强调动作承受者不知道或没必要表明动作发出者学术文献为了保持客观为了强调动作的承受者而不是发出者:Passive voice is used frequently in academic works. 被动语态在学术文章中经常被运用。


All the employees except the boss are encouraged to work overtime. 这个公司的员工被鼓励加班工作。


The painting is painted in 1840. 这幅画被画于1840年。


不知道或没必要表明谁是动作的发出者:A great deal of meaning is conveyed by Snape’s “always”. 很多层意思被斯内普教授的“一直都是”传达出来。

My gold ring has been stolen. 我的金戒指被偷了。


If a person is killed in an air crash, the world will notice it. If a person is killed on the road, no one will notice it. 如果一个人死于空难,全世界都会注意。


学术文献中,为了表示bias free,多用被动语态Higher education has been receiving increasing attention in international community. 高等教育已经并且仍然受到国际社会的关注。


AIDS is recognized as a worldwide public health concern. 艾滋病被认为是全球公共卫生问题。


You have to be tested on your loyalty to me. 在对我的忠诚方面,你需要被检验。

It is an hour to be invited to this party. 被邀请来这个宴会,实在是光荣。

动名词被动语态I still remember being taught to ride a bicycle by my father. 我还记得被教骑自行车的经历。

I hate being looked down upon. 我讨厌被轻视。


你问老外Why there are active voices in passive forms? 会把他们问蒙。

感官动词smell, taste, look等已经被归为系动词,和be一样,都是起连接表语的作用,表达主语的特征、身份和状态,哪里还有主被动的问题。

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