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If you are fan of Matheson's book prepare to be disappointed as the film entirely misses the point, especially when it comes to the title itself. 如果你迷的书准备梅斯森失望,因为这部电影完全的没有什么意义,尤其是当她头衔本身。

Having said that, taken on it's own merits the film is not all that bad. 我已经说过,在它自己的优点被这部电影是不错。

The opening half hour is well constructed and the lingering shots of a deserted NYC are quite effective. 打开了半个小时,一个废弃的镜头依旧纽约市是很有效的。

Will Smith reigns in his usual on-screen persona to deliver a good performance as Robert Neville, although at times it does seem as though he's playing to an audience which is at odds with the permeating sense of isolation (problems with the script rather than Smith himself). 威尔·史密斯统治他平时的银幕形象传递性能好,罗伯特?奈维尔,虽然时常似乎他在一个观众,这是别扭的感觉与渗透的隔离(问题而不是自己的剧本史密斯)。

Aside from it's deviation from the book, the film's most glaring problem are the dark seekers themselves. 除了它是偏离了书,电影的最明显的问题是黑暗的探索者自己。

They are entirely rendered in by today's standards unconvincing cgi and therefore never quite achieve the feeling of menace we're supposed to feel. 它们是完全提供以今天的标准来看,因此不能让人信服的cgi却从未达到威胁的感觉我们应该去感觉。

Real actors in make-up with perhaps a little cgi augmentation would've been far better. 真人演员在化妆也许有小的cgi扩增本来得更好。

Also the attempt to create an antagonist for Neville falls a little flat, as he comes across as nothing more than a slighter smarter creature with a grudge. 也试图创造一个对手的一个小公寓为内维尔下跌,因为他看起来像只是一个聪明且生物具有怀恨在心。

What does work though is Neville's relationship with his dog, Sam. 什么是工作的关系,但内维尔他的狗,山姆。

Considering they spend the majority of their screen time together it was important it felt like they had a genuine bond and they do. 考虑到他们花大部分他们的屏幕在一起的时间来说是很重要的,因为它觉得他们有了一个真正的债券和他们做的事情。

Also Neville's flashbacks to a time shortly before the worst of the outbreak are well-implemented, never interrupting the pace of the narrative. 纳威的倒叙也在短时间内最糟糕的一段日子,从不打断well-implemented爆发的速度的故事。

Ultimately it's the last predictable half hour of the film that falls flat and undoes most of the good work. 这是最后的预测最终半个小时的电影,瀑布平坦,破除大部分的出色的工作。

It's worth seeing but for all Richard Matheson fans it will be frustrating at best. 它绝对值得一看但是理查德梅斯森这将是令人沮丧的球迷的。

In fact, for anyone who read Mark Protosevich's script that leaked online a few years back you'll probably wish they made that film instead. 事实上,对于那些读过马克Protosevich泄露的剧本,在线几年前,你可能会希望他们让那个电影来代替。

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