

社会实践要带什么作文 写一篇参加社会实践活动的作文(500字)关于社会实践的英语作文,180字左右。急急急急!!!!!!

Winter holidays social practice has ended, but the social practice has brought us enormous impact is far from over. It allows us to go out of the school, walk out of the classroom,To the community, go on and practice of combining the road, to the society of the classroom experience world, talent, talent, training will, in realUse test. Half a month's social practice although relatively hard. Be thankful? Or attachment? In retrospect, he found, the original boring is full of hopeLook, bitter sweet in showing.Through the activities of social practice, on one hand, we train our ability, grow up in practice; on the other hand, our society has madeHis contribution; but in practice, we also demonstrated a lack of experience, dealing with issues not mature, book knowledge and practical combination of close enoughIssues such as. We came back to our school will be more cherish in school time, efforts to acquire more knowledge of knowledge, and have a deep into practice, examine oneselfKnowledge, exercise their abilities, for the future to better serve the society and lay a solid foundation.Opportunity only favors the prepared mind", we only through its own efforts, take out make still further progress energy,Mind when Ling will be extremely lofty ideal, continuously improve their overall quality, in social contact process, reduce the running-in period of collision,Accelerate blend in the pace of society, in order to gain a firm foothold of talent highland, to raise the ideal sail, sail to success.寒假的社会实践活动已经结束了,但社会实践给我们带来的巨大影响却远没有结束。

它使我们走出校园,走出课堂, 走向社会,走上了与实践相结合的道路,到社会的大课堂上去见识世面、施展才华、增长才干、磨练意志,在实 践中检验自己。


是庆幸?还是依恋?回想起来,才发觉,原来乏味中充满着希 望,苦涩中流露出甘甜。

通过本次社会实践活动,一方面,我们锻炼了自己的能力,在实践中成长;另一方面,我们为社会做出了 自己的贡献;但在实践过程中,我们也表现出了经验不足,处理问题不够成熟、书本知识与实际结合不够紧密 等问题。

我们回到学校后会更加要珍惜在校学习的时光,努力掌握更多的知 识,并不断深入到实践中,检验自己 的知识,锻炼自己的能力,为今后更好地服务于社会打下坚实的基础。

机遇只偏爱有准备的头脑 ” ,我们只有通过自身的不断努力,拿出百尺竿头的干劲, 胸怀会当凌绝顶的壮志,不断提高自身的综合素质,在与社会的接触过程中,减少磨合期的碰撞, 加快融入社会的步伐,才能在人才高地上站稳脚跟,才能扬起理想的风帆,驶向成功的彼岸。

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