

什么对我是最重要的英语作文 生命中最重要的人英语作文(200字左右)

妈妈眼神 我的妈妈是一位医生,中等的身材,平时对我的要求很严格,从她的眼神就能判断出来. 每当我考试考好时,妈妈的眼神总是很满意的;每当我做错事时,妈妈的眼神是非常严厉的;每当我生病时,妈妈的眼神又是那么关切;每当我有一点成长的足迹时,妈妈的眼神就会变的慈祥而柔和. 我在妈妈的不同眼神下成长,我爱我的妈妈. My mother's eyes My mother is a medical doctor, medium body, usually to my very strict requirements, from her eyes will be able to judge by. Whenever I do well at the examination, her mother's eyes are always very satisfied; Whenever I done nothing wrong, her mother's eyes is very severe; whenever I get sick, my mother's eyes is so concerned; whenever I It is growth in the footsteps, her mother's eyes will change the kind and gentle. I am in my mother grew up in the different eyes, I love my mother. (2) 我的妈妈对我的学习非常关心,有次作题,我不会做,妈妈还利用休息是教我. 其实,妈妈对我的身体健康也非常关心的.有次我发高烧,妈妈急得眼泪都要掉下来了,有了好转,妈妈的心才平静下来. 我为有这样一个好妈妈感到骄傲和自豪. My mother told me very concerned about the study, there are times for that, I will not do, my mother also taught me is the use of rest. In fact, my mother's health is also of great concern., I have a high fever, her mother must be very anxious tears fall, has improved, her mother's heart to calm down. I have such a good mother feel proud (3) 我母亲告诉我,非常关注有关研究,这是有时间,我不会做,我妈妈还教我来说,休息使用。



我有这样一个好母亲感到骄傲 My mother told me very concerned about the study, there are times for that, I will not do, my mother also taught me is the use of rest. In fact, my mother's health is also of great concern., I have a high fever, her mother must be very anxious tears fall, has improved, her mother's heart to calm down. I have such a good mother feel proud 以下是第二篇 A Great Man in My Life My father is the important person in my life. Why I say so? Many people think that mother is the great person in the world. But today I would like to say something about my father. Although he never writes the famous poets or does some great things .But as a father he always takes good care of my family silently. And often teach me how to be a real man. When I make a mistake. He never blaze(责备) me .He just tell me what should I do next time. You may think my father is just an ordinary people. Indeed. But he is the great man in my life. 我爸爸是我生命重要的人.为什么我要这样说呢?很多人认为母亲是世界上最伟大的人.但今天我想说一下有关于我的爸爸的事情.尽管我爸爸没有写下可歌可泣的诗篇也没有做过很伟大的事情.作为一个爸爸他一直在默默的照顾我们的家.他经常教育我怎样做人.当我做错事的时候.他从不会责备我而是告诉我下次遇到这种事情应该怎么做.或许有人会想这是一个很普通的爸爸呀.确实.但他是我生命中最伟大的人.

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