Trace and Say是什么意思,第1张

Trace and Say的意思是:追踪和说;跟踪和说;描绘和说

Trace 读法 英 [treɪs]  美 [tres]



3、作名词的意思是:痕迹,踪迹;微量;[仪] 迹线;缰绳


1、trace mineral 微量无机物;矿物质

2、trace out 描绘出;探寻;轨迹为

3、trace level 痕迹量级

4、trace gas 微量气体;示踪气体

5、tooth trace 齿线


I traced the course of the river on the map spread out on my briefcase







3、kick over/jump the traces指“摆脱控制”,这个普遍使用于英国;在美国,人们习惯用work in the traces去表示“死板地工作”。




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歌曲名:I M Tryin
歌手:Trace Adkins
专辑:Definitive Greatest Hits
QT - I'm Tryin'
My past overshadows what's goin on right now
And it hurts so bad
I never thought I'd be all by myself,
But then I made you mad
Too many times before, that's why you locked the door
On our love
Then you threw away the key
Now I'm looking out the window
Seeing you with someone else
I know I made mistakes before but this one
Hit the books, now I'm just history
I can't adjust to the fact that you ain't comming back
And it just eats at me!
I'm trying
Not to think about the past
Reminiscing on the the love we had
I'm trying
And it's killing me Inside
Cause I had to let you go Bye-Bye
To figure out what's next, oh
Tryna figure out where to go
It's like I'm lost and I'll never be found
Without my love around
Searchin! Tryna find the answers to the riddle
Felling so little in this big ol world
And I hear the clock ticking
Tick tock, Aftershock, that's what my bodies feeling!
I know I made mistakes before but this one
Hit the books, now I'm just history
I can't adjust to the fact that you aint comming back
And it still eats at me!
I'm trying
Not to think about the past
Reminiscing on the the love we had
I'm trying
And it's killing me Inside
Cause I had to let you go Bye-Bye
I'm trying to forget about the hugs and the kisses
It hurts to know that a part of me is missing
My better half, my All I have
Aint comming back, I'm trying!
I'm trying
Not to think about the past
Reminiscing on the the love we had
I'm trying
And it's killing me Inside
Cause I had to let you go Bye-Bye
I'm trying

Abstract Twenty nine elements in 89 Chinese coal samples collected from Upper Permian in south China,Permo-Carboniferous in North China and Mesozoic or Cenozoic w ere investigated using INAA( instrumental neutron activation analysis) The average concentrations and ranges of these ele- ments are given respectively and compared w ith the w orld averages and the American ranges Six REE anomaly patterns are recognized All the results show that North China's coals deposited in rela- tively simple coal-forming environments,w hile South China's coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals deposited in complicated and diverse environments

1 Introduction

Some minor elements such as Sr,Ba,B and V in coal are indicators of coal-forming envi- ronments; some such as Ge,Ga,V and U can be rich enough to have commercial value; and some others such as As,Pb,Hg,Se and F are toxic Therefore,much w ork on minor and trace elements in coals has been done by many researchers ( Yudovich et al ,1985; Bouska,1981; Sw aine,1990) ,and lots of literatures and books on the subject have been published,for exam- ple,in America,the former Soviet Union,Britain,Australia and Canada In China attention to be given to the subject has been increased in the past tw o decades ( Zhou Y P ,1983; Xu Q , 1988; Gu D J ,1990) How ever,a nation-w ide systematic investigation has not been made on individual coal-accumulating areas of different eras We collected eighty nine coal samples of different ranks and ages from main coal-accumulating basins all over China and studied 29 elements in them using INAA This paper report our preliminary conclusions

2 Minor and Trace Elements

2 1 General trends

The concentration ranges and averages of 29 minor and trace elements in 89 Chinese coal samples are listed in Table 1,and for comparison the w orld averages and the content ranges of the same elements for U S A coals are also given Of the 89 Chinese coal samples,38 samples were collected from Upper Permian in South China,28 from Permo-Carboniferous in North China,and 23 from Mesozoic or Cenozoic The Chinese coals on average contain La,Ce,Nd, Sm,Tb,Yb,Lu,As,Co,Cr,Cs ,Hf,K,Na,Ni,Ta,Th and U more than,Eu,Fe,Sc,Se and W about equal to,and Ba,Br,Rb,Sb,Sr and Zn less than corresponding w orld averages Compared w ith American coals,the Chinese coals have w ider concentration ranges for all the elements except Zn Chinese coals have very w ide distribution,different coal-forming ages and complex history It is certain that only to consider the averages conceals the characteristics of coals of different ages from different areas Table 2 gives the statistics of these 29 elements by three items: South China P2( Upper Permian coals) ,North China C—P ( Permo-Carboniferous coals and Mz-Cz ( Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals) In this table S D is the standard deviation of a mean value,and EF is the enrichment factor of an element The follow ing features can be seen from this table:

Table 1 Concentration ranges and averages( 10- 6) of 29 minor and trace elements in Chinese coals

Table 2 Concentration ranges,averages,S D and EF of 29 elements in South China's Upper Permian coals,North China's Permo-Carboniferous coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals


( 1) The average concentrations and enrichment factors ( EF) of most elements decrease in such an order: South China's Upper Permian coals,North China's Permo-Carbonifemus coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals Mukherjee et al ( 1992) found that Eocene and Oligocene coals in northeastern India have more Cu,V,Ni,B,Cr,Co,Pb,Mn and Ba than Eocene coals of northw estern India,and pointed out that the former w as strongly influenced by sea w ater,w hile the latter w as piled mainly in freshw ater sw amps A similar case has also been seen in South China In Guizhou Province,the contents of Na,K,V,Mg,Sr,U,Mo,Sb,Se,Cr,Ti and Rb in Upper Permian coals increase gradually from Panxian and Luzhi to Guiding———a gradually distant direction from the sea coast ( Lei J J ,1993) Without respect to details,macroscopical- ly,the average trend of Chinese coals indicate a process increasingly to cast off the sea w ater influence

( 2) The concentration ranges and standard deviations ( S D ) of most elements such as REE,Cs,Rb,Ta,U and W are the largest in South China's coals,the middle in Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals and the smallest in North China's coals This indicates that the coal-forming en- vironment should be relatively simple during Permo-carboniferous in North China but diverse during Late Permian in South China

( 3) Only few elements with EF > 3 are obviously enriched in Chinese coals They are Se, U,Sb,Hf,W,Br,Cs and Th Sun J X et al ( 1986) already reported these enriched elements It is w orth noting that some elements such as Se,U,As and are toxic

In fact,the concentrations of these 29 elements are not as simple as listed in Table 2 Heshan of Guangxi Province,Tanjiashan of Hunan Province and Songyi of Hubei Province are high anomalous areas for Upper Permian coals in South China,Xinglong of Hebei Province a high anomalous area for Permo-Carboniferous coals of North China,and Qiantun,Suanbao and Qingshui of Liaoning Province,Zixing of Hunan Province and Jianou of Fujian Province high anomalous areas for Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals In these anomalous areas w hat elements show high concentrations vary from area to area Generally,these anomalous are as may be related to magmatism or hydrothermalism For example,higher concentration elements in Xinglong of He- bei Province are REE,Cr,Sr,Ba,Cs,Hf and Rb,possibly affected by granitic magmatism,w hile higher concentration elements in Qiantun,Suanbao and Qingshui of Liaoning Province are Co, Cr,Cs and Ni,likely related to intermediate and basic magmatism

2 2 Correlation and cluster analyses

Correlation and cluster analyses of these 29 elements w ere performed for South China's Up- per Permian coals,North China's Permo-Carboniferous coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals, respectively The results are show n in Fig 1 The correlation is the best for Mesozoic or Cenozo- ic coals,the next for South China's coals and the poorest for North China's coals At a confi- dence level of 99 9% all elements except Se,Ba,Sr,Na and Br for Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals fall into one big group w ith a correlation coefficient r of 0 8,but the correlation coefficient for most elements is over 0 85 At the same confidence level,all elements for South China's coals can be divided into four groups using a correlation coefficient r of 0 7: the first group includes La,Ce,Sm,Yb,Eu,Nd,Tb and As; the second group Fe,Co,Ni,Cr,K,Na,Hf,Cs and Br; the third group Rb,Sr,Sc Sb,Ta,U,W and Zn; and the fourth group Se and Th The correlation coefficient for the elements w ithin each group is generally over 0 9 But at the same confidence level,using the same correlation coefficient as for South China's coals,all elements for North China coals can be divided into eighteen groups At a confidence level of 99 9% Using a corre- lation coefficient r of 0 3,these elements can be divided into six groups: the first group includes La,Ce,Nd,Sm,Hf,Ta,Th,Sr and U; the second group Sb,Se and W; the third group Eu,Tb, Yb,Lu and As; the fourth group Ba,Fe,Co,Cr,Ni,Sc and Zn; the fifth group Cs,Rb,K and Na; the sixth group Br How ever,the cluster analyses show that the correlation for North China's coals is better than that for South China's coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals

Fig1 Cluster analysis results of 29 minor and trace elements in South China's upper Permian coals(A), North China's Permo-Carboniferous coals(B) and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals(C)

The above results may have many interpretations The geochemical properties of elements themselves,biologic action,w eathering,hypergenesis,transportation,deposition etc all are influ- ence factors In transportation and deposition,for example,elements transported in the form of suspended solid along w ith coarse particles tended to deposit at basin margin zones,w hile ele- ments transported in the form of ions along w ith clay minerals tended to deposit in basin cen- ters Generally speaking,the longer w eathering,particularly chemical and biological w eathering, and transporting distance,the more obvious the differentiation of elements and so the w orse the correlation among elements Permo-Carboniferous sediments in North China underw ent longer w eathering and transporting,and their minor and trace elements w ere fully homogenized so that their correlation w as bad Comparatively speaking,Upper Permian sediments in South China and Mesozoic or Cenozoic sediments underw ent shorter w eathering and transporting,their minor and trace elements w ere less differentiated so that their correlation w as good As a w hole,correlation and cluster analyses still show that the coalforming environment w as relatively simple for Permo- Carboniferous coals in North China but complicated and diverse for Upper Permian coal in South China and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals

3 REE Distribution Patterns

As show n in Table 1,the average concentrations for analyzed rare earth elements except Eu in the Chinese coals are higher than the corresponding w orld averages,and their concentration ranges are w ider than those of American coals It can be see from Table 2 that the averages of the REE are the largest for South China's coals,the second for North China's coals,and smallest for Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals,and that their concentration ranges and standard deviations ( S D ) have such a decrease order: South China's coals,Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals and North China's coals The REE of 26 samples w ere normalized by chondrite,and their results are plotted in Fig 2 Six distribution patterns are recognized:

( 1) The negative Eu anomaly pattern,see 15,35,6,13 and 18 in Fig 2A and 3 in Fig 2C This is a common pattern

( 2) The negative Ce anomaly pattern,see 8 in Fig 2A,17 and 18 in Fig 2B and 17 in Fig 2C

( 3) The negative Ce and Eu anomaly pattern,see 9 in Fig 2C

( 4) The double slope-shaped anomaly pattern,which shows two sections: the La-Ce section is steeper than the Eu-Lu section,see 9 and 26 in Fig 2A,11,12,13,14,15,16,19 and 20 in Fig 2B and 1,12 and 21 in Fig 2 C The pattern is the commonest in our samples

( 5) The positive Eu anomaly pattern,see 36 in Fig 2A The pattern is seldom

( 6) The negative Ce and Tb anomaly pattern,see 15 in Fig 2C The pattern is also seldom

These REE distribution patterns also show that Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals are the most complicated,having five anomaly patterns; South China's coals the second,four anomaly pat- terns; and North China's coals the simplest,only tw o anomaly patterns Equally,these differences reflect the differences of coal-forming environments for the three regions or times of coals

On the other hand,even if some coals have the same REE distribution pattern,their LREE and RREE distribution is different As far as those coals w ith the commonest double slope- shaped anomaly pattern is concerned,for example,North China's coals is obviously differentia- ted in REE ( Fig 2B) ,having an average LREE / RREE ratio of 45 14 and South China's coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals are w eakly differentiated( Fig 2A,C) and their average LREE / RREE ratios are 39 89 and 44 13,respectively Both the distribution of REE and the differenti- ation of LREE and RREE are related to source areas,w eathering,transporting etc Generally,the more complex the source areas and the shorter the w eathering and transporting history,the w orse the homogenization of REE,i e ,the low er the average LREE / RREE ratio Therefore,the difference of LREE / RREE ratios in the above REE distribution patterns can also reflect varying coal-forming environments

Fig 2 REE distribution patterns of South China Upper Permian coals( A) ,North China's Permo-Carboniferous coals( B) and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals( C)

4 Conclusion

If one is familiar w ith the geological and tectonic backgrounds for forming North China's Permo-Carboniferous coals,South China's Upper Permian coals and Mesozoic or Cenozoic coals,he must understand the potential information disclosed by the above results During Late Palaeozoic,North China w as in a stable tectonic environment after long time erosion,show ing a simplicity,w hile South China w as in a relatively active tectonic environment,show ing a diversi- ty During Mesozoic or Cenozoic,entire East China w as separated into many mutually isolated basins w here coals formed,obviously show ing a complexity Our results reflect these geological and tectonic backgrounds to some extension

Acknow ledgments

This study has been supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation We w ish to thank Prof Han Dexin for his advice


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Lei J J 1993 The sulfer occurence and distribution in late Permian coal of Guizhuo Province,China ( Ph D Thesis )

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Swaine D J 1990 Trace elements in Coal,Butterworths,Sydney,Australia

Xu Q 1988 The gathering mechanism of associated elements in coal and their partition trends towards the environment ( Ph D Thesis)

Yudovich Y E,Ketris M P,Merts A V 1985 Impurity Elements in Coals ( in Russian) ,Leningrad: Nauka

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( 本文由王运泉、任德贻、唐跃刚、雷家锦合著,原载 Scientia Geologica Sinica,第 4 卷第1 期)

连接器中no conductive trace意思:无导电线路

conductive trace




A trace is formed on the second surface of the substrate The busbar and trace are formed of an electrically conductive material


2Also, a patterned electrically conductive back plane may be providedin the

laminate to better control the trace characteristic impedance




track 英[træk]  美[træk]

trace 英[treɪs]    美[treɪs] 



n    轨道; (人踩出的)小道,小径; (人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹; 车辙; (火车站的)站台; 跑道; (移动的)路径,路线,方向; 一首乐曲,一首歌曲; 音轨,声道; (幕帘的)滑轨,滑道; (推土机等的)履带;  

v    追踪; (尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪; 跟踪摄影;  


vt    查出; 找到; 发现; 追踪; 追溯; 追究; 描绘(事物的过程或发展); 追述; 记述; 画(线); 绘出,勾画出(轮廓); 复制,描摹;  

n    痕迹; 遗迹; 踪迹; 微量; 少许; 描记图; 轨迹; 迹线;   


track第三人称单数:tracks 复数:tracks 现在分词:tracking 过去式:tracked 过去分词:tracked

trace第三人称单数:traces 复数:traces 现在分词:tracing 过去式:traced 过去分词:traced



He thought he had better track this wolf and see where it lived他认为他最好跟踪这只狼,并看看它在哪儿生活。


The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present这个展览会追溯了从19世纪到现在美国平面设计的历史。



1、The police have so far failed to track down the attacker


2、Don't track mud on my clean floor


3、We followed the bear's tracks in the snow


4、The path was no better than a sheep track


5、She is on the fast track to promotion



1、He vanished without trace


2、All her yesterdays had vanished without a trace


3、The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach


4、He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years


5、I traced the course of the river on the map


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