求tim mcgraw的歌词,有多少给多少

求tim mcgraw的歌词,有多少给多少,第1张

1Please remember me
When all our tears have reached the sea
Part of you will live in me
Way down deep inside my heart
The days keep coming without fail
A new wind is gonna find your sail
That�s where your journey starts
You�ll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
Just like the waves down by the shore
We�re gonna keep on coming back for more
�cause we don�t ever wanna stop
Out in this brave new world you seek
Oh the valleys and the peaks
And I can see you on the top
You�ll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
Remember me when you�re out walkin�
When the snow falls high outside your door
Late at night when you�re not sleepin�
And moonlight falls across your floor
When I can�t hurt you anymore
You�ll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
Please remember me
2 still
There's a place I wanna to go
Where I can hear the cotton grow
Midnight train whistles blow
A dozen miles down the road
Adn all I have to do is be still
There's a place I need to be
Mom and Dad my brother and me
First time I ever saw the beach
Back to 1983
And all I have to do is just be still
When the road gets crazy
And tries to break me
And I've had all I can stand
I can close my eyes no matter where I am
And just be still
Theres a place I love to be
Where it's just my baby and me
Close enough to feel the heat
All wound up beneath the sheets
And all I have to do is just be still
When the road gets crazy
And tries to break me
And I've had all I can stand
I can close my eyes no matter where I am
And just be still
There's a place I need to go
Where stained glass windows glow
Every part of me is known
Thank God I can go there
Thank God I can go there
3 i didn't know it at the time
I thought that my first love would be my wife
But in junior high she moved away from here
I thought Johnny would always be my best friend
I haven't talked to him, in 15 years
Back when I had those fights with my old man
I never thought he'd bean old man
And I didn't know, all those years ago
How the years would go flying by
Thought I knew it all
But I was wrong
And I didn't know it at the time
I never thought good jobs were hard to find
Til I let my pride cost me one
I never thought my whole life would change
Til I heard the doctor say, I had a son
I never really thought that I was lost
Til I heard my dying mother sing Old Rugged Cross
And I didn't know, all those years ago
How the years would go flying by
Thought I knew it all
But I was wrong
And I didn't know, I didn't know it at the time
Oh, I Thought I knew it all
Oh, But I was wrong
And I didn't know, I didn't know it at the time
I didn't know, didn't know, didn't know
I didn't know
Ohhh, I didn't know
4good girls
Jesse called her best friend Jenny
Said we're goin' out tonight
Gonna chase the moon
Right out of the sky
We're gonna drink Boone's Farm
Like we were seventeen again
You can't say no
As long as we've been friends
Good girls
Always walk the line
Good Girls
Never let you seem them cry
Took off like a bottle rocket
Through a field of corn
And hell hath no fury
Like a woman scorned
Then Jesse lit a cigarette and said
My man's been sleepin' around
And I know who it is
And Jenny's head fell down
Good girls
Always walk the line
Good girls
Never let you see them cry
Next mornin' the paper read
Two killed in a fatal crash
The train never had time to stop
They were parked right on the tracks
The only witness was
A weeping willow on a faraway hill when
Jesse told Jenny
Hey if I can't have him neither one of us will
Good Girls
Always walk the line
Good Girls
Never let you see them cry
Cry, cry, cry, cry
Jesse called her best friend Jenny
Said we're goin' out tonight
Gonna chase the moon
Right out of the sky
5if i died today
If I died today
Who’d turn off my coffee pot
Would there be a street parade
Would I just be an after-thought
If I died today
Would I still be a waiter
Could I fly around like superman
Would I make the Sunday paper
I wonder who I’d see
Cryin’ standin’ over me
Who would just send their regards
Would anybody say “at least he’s in a better place”
And who would get this old guitar
If I died today
Would my mama keep on prayin’
Would my buddies go out drinkin
Would my alarm clock keep on blinkin’
If I died today
Would I need to be ashamed
Would I be easy to forget
Could I live with my regrets
I wonder who I’d see
Cryin’ standin’ over me
Who would just send their regards
Would anybody say “the world will never be the same”
And who would get this old guitar
If I died today
Could I see my room from Heaven
Would my family talk about me
At Christmas and Thanksgivin’
I wonder who I’d see
Cryin’ standin’ over me
Who would just send their regards
Would anybody say “what a good guy, what a shame”
And who would get this old guitar
If I died today
Who’d turn off my coffee pot
6MR whoever you are
There's a girl
Back roads Tennessee
And she works in the factory
All day on the line
Then she clocks at five finally
There's a bar
The boys treat her like a queen
She's the bell of the ball in blue jeans
And they all get a turn
Just to turn her around the floor
And they always want more
She says take me for one more song
Mr Whoever You Are
Spin me around and pull me in close
And the band slows down
Then let's get the hell out of this bar
Mr Whoever You Are
Mr Whoever You Are
They dance
Melt to the heat of the song
Their bodies feel like they belong
And the boys hold on tight
Thinking I might get lucky tonight
And they're probably right
Yeah they're probably right
She says take me for one more song
Mr Whoever You Are
Spin me around and pull me in close
And the band slows down
Then let's get the hell out of this bar
Mr Whoever You Are
Mr Whoever You Are
They hold onto her waist
She falls into the night
And she throws back her head
She looks toward the sky
And she laughs
At all the pretty lights
And says take me for one more song
Mr Whoever You Are
Spin me around and pull me in close
And the band slows down
Then let's get the hell out of this bar
Mr Whoever You Are
Mr Whoever You Are
Aw Mr Whoever You Are
Mr Whoever You Are

Tim, I can tell that you are scared, but it is helpless to escape and pretend that nothing happened You can ask me for help if you like
This time, I have two advice for youFirstly, smile and talk

1、My sister likes music and she wants to be a (musician,音乐家)
2、When do you have english lessons, (today,今天) or tomorrow
3、Mrssmith likes art and she (also,也) likes sports
4、Miss Green (teaches,教) history at our school
5、Our English club has about 30 (persons,人)
He (is) very (good) (with) children
Alan often (helps) me (with) my writing
We often (talk) (with) kids and play games with them
My brother wants to join the art club
Jim and Jack are good at swimming
Mary,can play the drums well
Tim likes playing basketball with his friends
5、:一个女孩在 *** 钢琴
Tina always plays the piano at home

Tim, I can tell that you are scared, but it is helpless to escape and pretend that nothing happened You can ask me for help if you like
This time, I have two advice for youFirstly, smile and talk

1、see you again 指再次见到你;

2、see you later 指稍后再见;

3、see you next time 指下次再见;

4、see you 指再见,回头见;


1、see you again表示已经见过一次

2、see you later用于日常见面结束用语

3、see you next time 用于聚会结束时

4、see you是see you next time的口语版


1、Glad to see you again.How are you doing

再一次见到你真高兴。 你最近怎么样?

2、Typical people will give some indication the conversation is over, "see you later," good bye," "talk to you soon," etc


3、Thank you for your attendance, see you next time!


4、Well, this is a problem that we have solved and will solve in the weeks to come See you Monday


Chifeng city,
Inner Mongolia ,
July 202012
Dear Jim:

To learn chinese is not easy but as a language I think you should have good basic of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, cultural background knowledge, etc and you must developt chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills you 'd better have Strong will keep on practice Remember: practice makes perfect

sincerely yours

Searching for ameaning just like searching for a rhymes scheme in a cookbook You won’t findit and it will bugger up your soufflé I’m never going to give career advice CosI’ve never really had what most would consider a job However I have had largegroups of people listening to what I say for quite a few years now and it’s giveme an inflated sense of self-importance So I will now, at the ripe old age of37-point-nine, bestow upon you nine life lessons to echo of course the ninelessons of carols of the traditional Christmas service, which is also prettyobscure You might find some of this stuff inspiring You will definitely findsome of it boring and you will definitely forget all of it within a week Andbe warned there will be lots of similes and obscure aphorisms which start wellbut end up making no sense So listen up or you’ll get lost like a blind manclapping in a pharmacy trying to echo-locate the contact lens fluid Ready One:You don’t have to have a dream Americans on talent shows always talk abouttheir dreams Fine if you have something you’ve always wanted to do, dreamedof, like in your heart, go for it After all it’s something to do with yourtime, chasing a dream And if it’s a big enough one it’ll take you most of yourlife to achieve so by the time you get to it and are staring into the abyss of themeaningless of your achievement you’ll be almost dead So it won’t matter I neverreally had one of these dreams and so I advocate passionate, dedication to thepursuit of short-term goals Be micro-ambitious Put your head down and workwith pride on whatever is in front of you You never know where you might endup Just be aware the next worthy pursuit will probably appear in yourperiphery, which is why you should be careful of long-term dreams If you focustoo far in front of you you won’t see the shiny thing out the corner of youreye Advice metaphor- look at me go Two: Don’t seek happiness Happiness islike an orgasm If you think about it too much it goes away Keep busy and aimto make someone else happy and you might find you get some as a side effect Wedidn’t evolve to be constantly content Contented homo erectus got eaten beforepassing on their genes Three: remember it’s all luck You are lucky to behere You are incalculably lucky to be born and incredibly lucky to be broughtup by a nice family who encouraged you to go to uni Or if you were born into ahorrible family that’s unlucky and you have my sympathy but you are stilllucky Lucky that you happen to be made of the sort of DNA that went on to makethe sort of brain which when places in a horrible child environment would makedecisions that meant you ended up eventually graduated uni Well done you fordragging yourself up by your shoelaces But you were lucky You didn’t createthe bit of you that dragged you up They’re not even your shoelaces I suppose Iworked hard to achieve whatever dubious achievements I’ve achieved but I didn’tmake the bit of me that works hard any more than I made the bid of me that atetoo many burgers instead of attending lectures when I was here at UWAUnderstanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes nor trulyblame others for their failures will humble you and make you morecompassionate Empathy is intuitive It is also something you can work on intellectuallyFour: Exercise I’m sorry you pasty, pale, smoking philosophy grads archingyour eyebrows into a Cartesian curve as you watch the human movement mobwinding their way through miniature traffic cones of their existence You arewrong and they are right Well you’re half right You think therefore you arebut also you jog therefore you sleep therefore you’re not overwhelmed byexistential angst You can’t be can’t and you don’t want to be Play a sport Doyoga, pump iron, and run, whatever but take care of your body, you’re going toneed it Most of you mob are going to live to nearly 100 and even the poorestof you will achieve a level of wealth that most humans throughout history couldnot have dreamed of And this long, luxurious life ahead of you is going tomake you depressed But don’t despair There is correlation between depression and exercise Do it My beautifulintellectuals run Five: Be hard on your opinions A famous bon mot assertsopinions are like assholes in that everyone has one There is great wisdom inthis but I would add that opinions differ significantly from assholes in thatyours should be constantly and thoroughly examined I used to do exams in hereIt’s revenge We must think critically and not just about the ideas of othersBe hard on your beliefs Take them out onto the verandah and hit them with acricket bat Be intellectually rigorous Identify your biases, your prejudices,your privileges Most of society arguments is kept alive by a failure to acknowledge nuanceWe tend to generate false dichotomies and then try to argue one point using twoentirely different sets of assumptions Like two tennis players trying to win amatch by hitting beautifully executed shots from either end of separate tenniscourts By the way, while I have science and arts graduates in front of meplease don’t make the mistake of thinking the arts and sciences are at oddswith one another That is a recent, stupid and damaging idea You don’t have tobe unscientific to make beautiful art, to write beautiful things If you needproof – Twain, Douglas Adams, Vonnegut, McEwan, Sagan and Shakespeare, Dickensfor a start You don’t need to be superstitious to be poet You don’t need tohate GM technology to care about the beauty of the planet You don’t have toclaim a soul to promote compassion Science is not a body of knowledge nor abelief system it’s just a term which describes human kinds’ incremental acquisitionof understanding through observation Science is awesome! The arts and sciencesneed to work together to improve how knowledge is communicated The idea thatmany Australians including our new PM and my distant cousin Nick Minchinbelieve that the science of anthropogenic global warming is controversial is apowerful indicator of the extent of our failure to communicate The fact that30 percent of the people in this room just bristled is further evidence stillThe fact that bristling is more to do with politics than science is even moredespairing Six: Be a teacher! Please! Please! Please be a teacher Teachers arethe most admirable and important people in the world You don’t have to do itforever but if you’re in doubt about what to do be an amazing teacher Just foryour 20s be a teacher Be a primary school teacher Especially if you’re abloke We need male primary school teachers Even if you’re not a teacher, be ateacher Share your ideas Don'’ take for granted your education Rejoice inwhat you learn and spray it Seven: Define yourself by what you love I foundmyself doing this thing a bit recently where if someone asks me what sort ofmusic I like I say Well I don’t listen to the radio because pop song lyricsannoy me, or if someone asks me what food I like I say, I think truffle oil isoverused and slightly obnoxious And I see it all the time online people whoseidea of being part of a subculture is to hate Coldplay or football or feministsor the Liberal Party We have a tendency to define ourselves in opposition tostuff As a comedian I make my living out of it But try to also express yourpassion for things you love Be demonstrative and generous in your praise ofthose your admire Send thank you cards and give standing ovations Be prostuff not just anti stuff Eight: Respect people with less power than you I havein the past made important decisions about people I work with agents andproducers-big decisions based largely on how they treat the wait staff in therestaurants we’re having the meeting in I don’t care if you’re the mostpowerful cat in the room, I will judge you on how you treat the least powerfulNine: Finally, don’t rush You don’t need to know what you’re going to do withthe rest of your life I’m not saying sit around smoking cones all day but alsoDon’t panic! Most people I know who were sure of their career path at 20 arehaving mid-life crises now I said at the beginning of this ramble, which isalready three-and-a-half minutes long, life is meaningless It was not aflippant assertion I think it’s absurd the idea of seeking meaning in the setof circumstances that happens to exist after 138 billion years worth ofunguided events Leave it to humans to think the universe has a purpose forthem However I’m no nihilist I’m not even a cynic I am actually ratherromantic and here is my idea of romance: you will soon be dead Life willsometimes seem long and tough and God it’s tiring And you will sometimes behappy and sometimes sad and then you’ll be old and then you’ll be dead There isonly one sensible thing to do with this empty existence and that is fill it Andin my opinion, until I change it, life is best filled by learning as much as youcan about as much as you can Taking pride in whatever you’re doing Having compassion,sharing ideas, running, being enthusiastic and then there’s love and travel andwine and sex and art and kids and giving and mountain climbing, but you knowall that stuff already It’s an incredibly exciting thing this one meaninglesslife of yours Good luck and thank you for indulging me

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