用手机做什么 英语作文

用手机做什么 英语作文,第1张

手机做什么 英语作文 手机能干什么英语作文

现在,许多人都用手机,特别是在外打工的,都通过手机来联系,所以说,手机可以传递信息Now, many people use mobile phones, especially working outside, all through the phone to contact, say so, mobile phones can transmit information可以通过手机查资料来学习,进行一些有益的活动,加强与他人的联系,促进友谊,对于父母,还可以减相思之苦,情侣间,促进联系,总之,电脑能进行的,手机大部分可以做到,所以说,手机是另一个电脑Can search information to learn through mobile phone, some useful activities, strengthen the relationships with others, to promote friendship, to parents, still can reduce lovesickness between lovers who suffering, promote, contact, anyhow, computer, mobile phone can do it, so most, a mobile phone is another computer

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