






牛津大学大数据研究所的研究人员在 探索 人类之间的遗传关系方面迈出了重要的一步:一个追踪我们所有祖先的家谱。这项研究发表在今天的《科学》杂志上。

在过去的二十年中,人类基因研究取得了非凡的进步,为数十万人产生了基因组数据,其中包括来自数千名史前人类的基因组数据。这就为追踪人类遗传多样性的起源,以生成世界各地个体如何相互关联的完整地图的可能性提供了依据。 到目前为止,这一愿景面临的主要挑战是找到一种方法来组合来自许多不同数据库的基因组序列,并开发算法来处理这种规模的数据。

然而,牛津大学大数据研究所的研究人员今天发表的一种新方法可以轻松组合来自多个来源的数据,并进行扩展以适应数百万个基因组序列。 大数据研究所的进化遗传学家、主要作者之一Yyan Wong博士解释说:"我们基本上已经建立了一个巨大的家谱,一个全人类的家谱,它尽可能地模拟了产生我们今天在人类中发现的所有遗传变异的 历史 。这个家谱使我们能够看到每个人的基因序列如何与其它基因组相关联。 由于单个基因组区域仅从父母一方(母亲或父亲)遗传,因此基因组上每个点的祖先都可以被认为是一棵树。这组树被称为"树序列"或"祖先重组图",将遗传区域与遗传变异首次出现的祖先联系起来。

主要作者Anthony Wilder Wohns博士在大数据研究所攻读博士学位,现在是麻省理工学院布罗德研究所和哈佛大学的博士后研究员,他说:"从本质上讲,我们正在重建我们祖先的基因组,并利用它们形成了一个庞大的关系网络。然后,我们可以估计这些祖先居住的时间和地点。我们方法的强大之处在于,它对基础数据做出的假设很少,还可以包括现代和古代的DNA样本。

该研究整合了来自八个不同数据库的现代和古代人类基因组数据,共包括来自215个人群的3609个个体基因组序列。古代基因组包括在世界各地发现的样本,年龄从1000多岁到10万多岁不等。这些算法预测了进化树中必须存在共同祖先的位置,以解释遗传变异的模式。由此产生的网络包含近2700万祖先。 在这些样本基因组上添加位置数据后,作者使用该网络来估计预测共同祖先居住的位置。结果成功地重新捕捉了人类进化史上的关键事件,包括从非洲迁出。

虽然家谱图已经是一个非常丰富的资源,但研究小组计划通过继续整合遗传数据来使其更加全面。由于树序列以高效的方式存储数据,因此数据集可以轻松容纳数百万个额外的基因组。 Wong博士说:"这项研究正在为下一代DNA测序奠定基础。随着来自现代和古代DNA样本的基因组序列质量的提高,这些树木将变得更加准确,我们最终将能够生成一个单一的,统一的地图,解释我们今天看到的所有人类遗传变异的下降。 Wohns博士补充说:"虽然人类是这项研究的重点,但这种方法对大多数生物都是有效的。

BIND http://bondunleashedinformaticscom/ PMID: 15608229

Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) archives biomolecular interaction, reaction, complex and pathway information curated from published experimental research

BioGRID http://wwwthebiogridorg/ PMID: 16381927

A database of physical and genetic interactions curated from the primary literature Graphical layouts of interactions can be generated in a variety of file formats using Osprey

DIMA http://mipsgsfde/genre/proj/dima2/ PMID: 16481337

Domain Interaction MAp (DIMA) aims at becoming a comprehensive resource for functional and physical interactions among conserved protein-domains The scope of the resource comprises both experimental data and computational predictions Currently, DIMA is based on a domain phylogenetic profiling method and domain-domain contacts found in crystal structures (iPFAM)

DIP http://dipdoe-mbiuclaedu/ PMID: 14681454

Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP) catalogues experimentally determined interactions between proteins It combines information from a variety of sources to create a single, consistent set of protein-protein interactions The data stored within the DIP database are curated, both, manually by expert curators and also automatically using computational


HPRD http://wwwhprdorg/ PMID: 14525934

Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) represents a centralized platform to visually depict and integrate information pertaining to domain architecture, post-translational modifications, interaction networks and disease association for each protein in the human proteome All the information in HPRD has been manually extracted from the literature by expert biologists

InterDom http://interdomi2ra-staredusg/ PMID: 12519994

InterDom is a database of putative interacting protein domains derived from multiple sources, ranging from domain fusions (Rosetta Stone), protein interactions (DIP and BIND), protein complexes (PDB), to scientific literature (MEDLINE) It focuses on providing supporting evidence for validating and annotating detected protein interactions and complexes based on putative protein domain interactions

MINT http://mintbiouniroma2it/mint/Welcomedo PMID: 17135203

Molecular INTeraction database (MINT) focuses on experimentally verified protein interactions mined from the scientific literature by expert curators

MIPS http://mipsgsfde/services/ppi PMID: 16381906

The Munich Information center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) has two protein-protein interaction resources: MPact representing yeast protein-protein interaction data which is very comprehensive and is often considered to be the gold standard dataset; and the Mammalian Protein-Protein Interaction (MPPI) Database containing manually curated high-quality data collected from the scientific literature by expert curators

Prolinks http://mysql5mbiuclaedu/cgi-bin/functionator/pronav PMID: 15128449

The Prolinks database is a collection of inference methods used to predict functional linkages between proteins These methods include the phylogenetic profile method, the ge-ne cluster method, Rosetta Stone, and the gene neighbor method

PSIMAP http://psimapcom/indexphp/Main_Page PMID: 15914543

Protein Structural Interactome MAP (PSIMAP) is a tool for viewing interactions among protein domains in terms of their structural families to analyze the large-scale patterns and evolution of interactomes among species

STRING http://stringemblde/ PMID: 17098935 (重点推荐)

STRING is a database of known and predicted protein-protein interactions The interactions include direct (physical) and indirect (functional) associations; they are derived from four sources: genomic context; high-throughput experiments; coexpression; and previous

knowledge from databases and the scientific literature STRING quantitatively integrates interaction data from these sources for, currently, 373 organisms, and transfers information between these organisms where applicable STRING uses orthology information from the COG database

3D-partner http://3d-partnerlifenctuedutw/vers-pub/indexphp PMID: 17517763

这是来自台湾National Chiao Tung University的在线服务,特别推荐一下。


