


#英语资源# 导语为了让同学们被少扣分甚至不扣分, 考 网总结了高考英语阅读理解题型的超详细解题技巧和方法,高考来啦,快快收藏起来好好研究吧!



一、 主旨大意题

这类题在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。



What’s the best title for the text

The best title for this passage is ___

Which of the following can be the best title for the passage

2 概括大意题

包括寻找段落大意(topic)和文章中心思想(main idea),常见命题形式有:

What is the general/main idea of the passage? Which of the following expresses the main idea? What is the subject discussed in the text

BThe writer of the story wants to tell us that_____ The passage/ text is mainly about_____ What’s the article mainly about ?


阅读理解文章多是议论文和说明文 ,这两种文体的结构可归纳为:提出问题——论述问题——得出结论或者阐明观点。对于这类文章,抓主题句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾。主题句具有简洁性、概括性的特点。主题句在文章中的位置主要有以下几种情况。

位于段首 :一般而言,以演绎法撰写的文章,主题句往往在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。判断第一句是否为主题句,可具体分析段落的首句与第二,三句的关系;如果从第二句就开始对第一句进行说明,论述或描述,那第一句就是主题句。有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。在阅读中应尽量利用上述信号词来确定主题句的位置。

位于段尾 :有些文章会在开头列举事实, 然后通过论证阐述作者的核心论点。因此,如果第一句话不是概括性的或综合性的话,快速读一读段落的最后一个句子,看看它是否具备主题句的特征。如果它具备主题句的特征,段落的主题思想就很容易确定了。一般说来,当一种观点不易向人解释清楚或不易被人接受时,主题句便会到段落的末尾才出现。学生可以充分利用引出结论的信号词。如so,therefore,thus,consequently;in conclusion,in short;in a word, to sum up等来确定主题句的位置在段尾。当无明显的此类信号时,学生可在段落的最后一句话前面添加一个引出结论的信号词,以确定其是否是主题句。

位于段中 :有时段落是先介绍背景和细节,接着用一句综合或概括性的话概括前面所说的内容或事例,然后再围绕主题展开对有关问题的深入讨论。这种文章的主题句往往会在段落中间出现。归纳起来主要有两种情况:先提出问题,然后给予回答(主题句),最后给予解释;或者,先提出问题,然后点出主题思想(主题句),最后给予解释。

首尾呼应 :主题句在段落的开头和结尾两个位置上先后出现,形成前呼后应的格局。这两个主题句叙说的是同一个内容,但用词不尽相同,这样不但强调了主题思想,而且显得灵活多变。这两个句子并非简单重复,后一个主题句或对该主题作最后的评述,或对要点作一概括,或使之引申留给读者去思考。

无明确主题句:找关键词(出现频率较高), 归纳总结。









分为直接理解题和间接理解题,前者常用who, what, which, when, where, why和how提问,或判断正误;后者需与原文信息转换,表达上与原文有差异。常见命题形式有:

What can we learn from the passage

All the following are mentioned except

Which of the following is mentioned (not mentioned)

Which of the following statements is true/right/false/wrong about…

2 排列顺序题→首尾定位法 (找出第一个事件和最后一个事件,用排除法缩小范围)


Which of the following is the correct order of… Which of the following shows the path of signals described in Paragraph…

3 图文匹配题→按图索骥理清线索


4 数字计算题→ (方法:审题→带着问题找细节→对比、分析、计算)




indicate(象征,暗示), imply/suggest(暗示), conclude(作出结论), assume(假定,设想)



It can be inferred/ concluded from the text that __________

The author implies/ suggests that_____

We may infer that _________

Which of the following statements is implied but NOT stated


根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,常见命题形式有: What do you think will happen if/when…

At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to write_____



The passage is probably take out of_____

The passage would most likely be found in_____

Where does this text probably come from



询问写作目的的题,选项里常出现的词 是:explain(解释), prove (证明), persuade(劝说), advise(劝告), comment(评论), praise(赞扬), criticize(批评), entertain(娱乐), demonstrate(举例说明), argue(辩论), tell(讲述), analyze(分析)等。

询问语气态度的题,选项里 常出现的词 是:neutral(中立的), sympathetic(同情的), satisfied(满意的), friendly(友好的), enthusiastic(热情的), subjective(主观的), objective(客观的), matter-of-fact(实事求是的), pessimistic(悲观的), optimistic(乐观的), critical(批评的), doubtful(怀疑的), hostile(敌对的), indifferent(冷淡的), disappointed(失望的)。


The purpose of the text is_____

What is the main purpose of the author writing the text By mentioning…, the author aims to show that_____

What is the author’s attitude towards…

What is the author’s opinion on…

The author’s tone in this passage is _____











The underlined word/phrase in the second paragraph means _____

The word “it/they” in the last sentence refers to______

The word “…”(Line 6 para2)probably means ______

The word “…”(Line 6 para2)could best be replaced by which of the following

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “…”



首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等等)表示前因后果。

例如:You shouldn't have blamed him for that,for it wasn't his fault 通过for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出blame的词义是"责备"。


通过同义词猜词 ,一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组,如happy and ,即使我们不认识这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships 此句中的Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于"行星"这一义域。

通过反义词猜词 ,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如but,while,however等;二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother根据not at allhandsome我们不难推测出homely的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。


根据前缀、后缀、复合、派生等构词知识判断生词词义。如:She is unlikely to have stolen the money ( “un”含否定意义,故为“不太可能”之意。)


例如:But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time Then there is a dry period,or drought 从drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨,于是便有一段干旱的时期,即drought,由此可见drought意思为"久旱","旱灾"。而a dry period和drought是同义语。这种同义或释义关系常由is,or,that is,in other words,be called或破折号等来表示。


例如:Bananas,oranges,pineapples,coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas假如pineapples和coconuts是生词,我们可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思。从句中不难看出pineapples,coconuts和bananas,oranges是同类关系,同属fruit类,因此它们是两样水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。


描述即作者对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。例如:The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole It is fat and walks in a funny way Although it cannot fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish从例句的描述中可以得知penguin是一种生活在南极的鸟类。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。

7 根据常识猜词

如:The door was so low that he hit his head on the lintel(lintel “过梁”。)

Afraid of waking the baby up, she tiptoed out of the room(tiptoed “踮着脚走,蹑手蹑脚”)



从题型和内容我们可以看出 ,选项可分为:













承接关系(如 so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result 等)

平列关系(如first, second, third…; firstly, secondly, thirdly…; first, next, then…; in the first place, in the second place…; for one thing, for another thing…;to begin with, to conclude 等)。如文中的选项 71,由 Second、Third 得知应选表示平列关系的句子 G项。

转折关系(如 however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, whoever,whatever on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, otherwise 等)。比如选项 75,与前句构成了转折关系,故应选 D 项答案。

层递关系(如 also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what’s more, too, either, neither,not…but…, not only…but also 等)。如 72 选项,与前句组合为层递关系,故应选包含 also 的 E项句子。

解释关系,如 73 选项应选 F选项,与 74 选项平等的,是一组祈示句,而非陈述句,故应选 A项而非 B项。



在 阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是是 全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义, 如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考 虑文章的写作方式是否为“结尾总结”式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意,首段与末段的提示作用。












在 完成选项定位后,应通读全文,检查文章内容是否完整,语义是否连贯合理、各段落内容是否紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路 是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确。同时,我们还应注意对相近选项的对比分析,个别干扰项由于与某个正确选项的内容相 近具有很强的干扰性,这时就需要我们认真分析,仔细甄别,排除干扰,从而得出正确选项。








1 介词:in,on, under, behind, near, at, of

1) in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如:

in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里

in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里

2)on 表示"在……上"。例如:

on the wall 在墙上

on the desk 在桌子上

on the blackboard 在黑板上

3) under表示"在……下"。例如:

under the tree 在树下

under the chair 在椅子下

under the bed 在床下

4) behind表示"在……后面"。例如:

behind the door 在门后

behind the tree 在树后

5) near表示"在……附近"。例如:

near the teacher's desk 在讲桌附近

near the bed 在床附近

6) at表示"在……处"。例如:

at school 在学校

at home 在家

at the door 在门口

7) of 表示"……的"。例如:

a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画

a map of China 一张中国地图日

2 冠词 a / an / the:

冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple


This is a cat这是一只猫。

It's an English book 这是一本英语书。

His father is a worker他的爸爸是个工人。


Who's the boy in the hat 戴帽子的男孩是谁呀

-- What can you see in the classroom -- 你能在教室里看到什么呀

-- I can see a bag -- 我能看见一个书包。

-- Where's the bag -- 书包在哪呀

-- It's on the desk -- 在桌子上。



There are some books>Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。


Is there any ink in your pen你的钢笔里有墨水吗

Do you have any brothers and sisters你有兄弟姐妹吗

There isn't any water in the glass杯子里没有水。



Would you like to have some apples你想吃苹果吗


Any one of us can do this我们当中任何一个都能做这个。

some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。


family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。

My family is a big family 我的家庭是个大家庭。

My family are all at home now 我的家人现在都在家。


His family are all workers 他的家人都是工人

My home is in Beijing 我的家在北京。

He isn't at home now 他现在不在家。

It's a picture of my family 这是一张我全家的照片。

5 little的用法

a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。


There is little time 几乎没时间了。

There is little water in the cup 杯中水很少。


on the desk 在桌子上

behind the chair 在椅子后

under the chair 在椅子下面

in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中

near the door 在门附近

a picture of a classroom 一个教室的

look at the picture 看这张

the teacher's desk 讲桌

a map of China 一张中国地图

family tree 家谱

have a seat 坐下,就坐

this way 这边走

二 日常用语

1 Come and meet my family

2 Go and see I think it's Li Lei

3 Glad to meet you

4 What can you see in the picture I can see a clock / some books

5 Can you see an orange Yes, I can / No, I can't

6 Where's Shenzhen It's near Hong Kong

7 Let me see(口语)让我想想看。

see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。For example :

8 Please have a seat seat表示"座位",是个名词。have a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。



阅读《家谱图——评估与干预》第五章 解读家庭结构

















  Smother Love

 Every morning,Leanne Brickland and he sister would bicycle to school with the same words ringing in their ears:“watch out crossing the roadDon't speak to strangers”“Mum would stand at the top of the steps and call that out,”says Brickland,now a primary-school teachet and mother of four from Rotorua,New ZealandSubstitute boxers and thongs for undies(内衣),and the nagging fears that haunt parents haven't really changedWhat has altered,dramatically,is the confidence we once had in our children's ability to fling themselves at life without a grown-up holding their hands

 Worry-ridden Parents and Stifled Kids

 By today'sstandards,the childhood freedoms Brickland took for granted practically verge on parental neglectHer mother worked,so she and her sister had a key to let themselves in after school and were expected todo their homework and put on the potatoes for dinnerAt the family's beach house near Wellington,the two girls,from the age of five or six,would disappear for hours to play in the lakes and sands

 A generation later,Brickland's children are growing up in a world more indulged yet more accustomed to perilThe techno-minded generation of PlayStation kids who can conquer entire armies and rocket through spacecan't even be trusted to cross the street alone“I worry about the roadI worry about strangersIn some ways I think they're missing out,but I like to be able to see them, to know where they are and what they'redoing”

 Call it smother love,indulged-kid syndrome,parental neurosis(神经症)Even though today's children have the universe at their fingertips thanks to the Internet,their physical boundaries are shrinking at a rapid paceAccording to British social scientist Mayer Hillman,a child's play zone has contracted so radically that we're producing the human equivalent of henhouse chickens-plump from lack of exercise and without the flexibility and initiative of freerange kids of the pastThe spirit of our times is no longer the resourceful adventurer Tom Sawyer but rather the worry-ridden dad and his stifled only child in Finding Nemo

 In short,child rearing has become an exercise in risk minimization,represented by stories such as the father who refused to allow his daughter on a school picnic to the beach for fear she might drownWhile it's natural for a parent to want to protect their children from danger,you have to wonder;Have we gone too far

 Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool

 A study conducted by Paul Tranter,a lecturer in geography at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra,showed that while Australian and New Zealand children had similar smounts of unsupervised freedom,it was far less than German of English kidsFor example,only a third of ten-year-olds in Australia and New Zealand were allowed to visit places other than school alone,compared to 80 percent in Germany

 Girls were even more restricted than boys,with parents fearing assault or molestation(骚扰),while traffic dangers were seen as the greatest threat to boysBike ownership has doubled in a generation,but“independent mobility”---the ability to roam and explore unsupervised---has radically declinedIn Auckland,for example,many primary schools have done away with bicycle racks because the streets are considered too unsafeAnd in Christchurch,New Zealand's most bike-friendly city,the number of pupils cycling to school has fallenfrom more than 90 percent in the late 1970s to less than 20 percentSafely strapped into the family 4x4,children are instead driven from home to the school gate,then off to ballet,soccer or swimming lessons--rarely straying from watchful adult eyes

 In the USJournal of Physical Education,Recreation&Dance,New Jersey assistant principal and hockey coach Bobbie Schultz writes that playing in the street after school with neighbourhood kids--creating their own rules,making their own decisions and settling disputes--was where the real learning took place“The street was one of the greatest sources of my life skills,”she says“I don't see‘on-the-street play’anymoreI see adult-organized activitiesParents don't realize what an integral part of character development their children are missing”

 Armoured with bicycle helmets,car seats,“safe”playgrounds and sunscreen,children are getting the messageloud and clear that the world is full or peril--and that they're ill-equipped to handle it aloneYet research consistently shows young people are much more capable than we think,says professor Anne Smith,directorof New Zealand's Children's Issues Centre“The thing that many adults have difficulty with is that children can't learn to be grown-up if they're excluded and protected all the time”

 Educational psychologist Paul Prangley reckons it's about time the kid gloves came offHe believes parenting has taken on a paranoid(患妄想狂的)edge that's creating a generation of naive,insecure youngsters whoare subconsciously being taught they're incapable of handing things by themselves“Flexibility and the ability to resist pressure and temptation are learned skills,”Prangley explains“If you wrap kids up in cotton wool and don't give them the opportunity to take risks,they're less equipped to make responsible decisions later in life”

 Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective

 Sadly,high-profile cases of children being kidnapped and murdered--such as ten-year-old Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in the United Kingdom;five-year-old Chloe Hoson in Australia,whose body was found just 200 metres from where she lived;and six-year-old Teresa Cormack in New Zealand,who was snatched off the street on her way to school--only serve to reinforce parents'fearsTeresa Cormack's death,for example,was one of the rare New Zealand cases of random child kidnapIn Australia,the odds of someone under the age of 15 being murdered by a stranger have been estimated at one in four millionA child is at far greater risk from afamily member or someone they know

 However,parental fear is contagiousIn one British study,far more children feared an attack by a stranger than being hit by a car“We are losing our sense of perspective,”write Jan Parker and Jan Stimpson in their parenting book,Raising Happy Children“Every parent has to negotiate their own route between equipping children with the skills they need to stay safe and not restricting or terrifying them unnecessarily in the process”

 DrClaire Freeman,a planning expert at the University of Otago,points to the erosion of community responsibility as another casualty of that mutual distrustNot so long ago,adults knew all the local kids and werethe informal guardians of the neighbourhood“Now,particularly if you are a man,you may hesitate to offer help to a lost child for fear your motives might be questioned”

 More Space and More Attention to Kid's Needs

 As a planner in the mid-1990s,Freeman became concerned about the loss of green space to development and the erosion of informal places to playIn a study that looked at how children in the British city of Leeds spent their summer holidays,compared with their parents' childhood experiences,she found the freedom to explore had been severely contracted--in some cases,down to the front yardFreeman says she cannot remember being inside the house as a child,or being aloneGrowing up was about being part of a groupNow a mother offour,Freeman believes the “domestication of play”is robbing kids of their sense of belonging within a society

 Nevertheless,Freeman says children's needs are starting to get more emphasisIn the Netherlands,child-friendly “home zones”have been created where priority is given to pedestrians,rather than carsAnd ponds arebeing incorporated back into housing estates on the principle that children should learn to be safe aroundwater,rather than be surrounded by a barren landscapeAfter all ,as one of the smarter fosh says in Finding Nemo there's one problem with nothing ever will

 1According to Brickland,parents nowadays have changed their____________

 A)standards of the children's proper dressing

 B)worry about the children's personal safety

 C)ways to communicate with children

 D)confidence in the children's ability

 2When Brickland and her sister were little,they kept the home key because_____________

 A)they wanted to be trusted

 B)their mother had to work

 C)their mother didn't live at home

 D)they were very naughty and wild

 3Mayer Hillman indicates that children now have less and less_____________

 A)space for playing

 B)contact with animals

 C)concern about others

 D)knowledge about nature

 4Paul Tranter finds that eighty percent of the children were allowed to visit places other than school alone in_____________


 B)New Zealand



 5What is ranked by parents as the greatest threat to boys

 A)Gang crimes

 B)Online games

 C)Extreme sports

 D)Dangerous traffics

 6Bobbie Schultz points out that real learning takes place in______________

 A)on-the-street play

 B)adult-organized activities

 C)student-centered teaching

 D)home and nature

 7What accident had happened to a little girl called Chloe Hoson

 A)She was robbed on her way to school

 B)She was kidnapped and murdered

 C)She fell a victim to domestic violence

 D)She disappeared for no reason

 8Claire Freeman thinks that lack of mutual trust results in__________________

 9Freeman concludes that kids are robbed of their sense of belonging to the society by___________________

 10Netherlands has placed the rights of pedestrians before those of cars in such areas called____________



 解析:题止中的changed与原文该句中的altered为同义词,可见altered的宾语confidence为答案的关键间,在4个选项中,只有D与confidence有关,为本题答案。A中的dressing试图将考生的注意力转移到首段倒数第2句的boxers(四脚裤)和undies(内衣),虽然这两个词比较陌生,但看到该句末的haven't changed,就无须考虑太多,可以肯定A并非本题答案。其他两个选项的内容在原文并未提及。

 2[B][定位]根据题干中的Brickland, her sister及home key定位到第1个小标题Worry-ridden Parents and Stifled Kids下首段第2句。


 3[A][定位]根据题干中的Mayer Hillman定位到笫1个小标题Worry-ridde Parents and Stifled Kids下第3段第3句。

 解析:该句中的contracted与less and less意思相近,与contracted前的play zone

 同义的选项为本题答案,因此A为本题答案。要小心B。原文该句中提到的henhouse chickens可能会误导考生选择B事宴上,henhouse chickens用于比喻受过分保护的小孩,与animals没有关系。

 4[C][定位]根据题干中的allowed to visit places 和school alone定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下首段末句。

 解析:原文该段提到多个国家的名称,只要按照题干中的eighty percent,再结合选项中的国家名称。应该很快可以确定本题答案为C。

 5[D][定位]根据the greatest threat to boys定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下第2段首句。

 解析:原文该句while引出的分句明确表明traffic dangers是对男孩最大的安全威胁,D是对traffic dangers的同义改写,为本题答案。

 6[A][定位]根据题干中的Bobbie Schultz和rcal learning定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下第3段首句和第3句。

 解析:将首句中破折号前后的内容结合起来可以知道playing in the street after school with neighbourhood kids就是真正学到本领的地方。在该段第3句Bobbie Schultz将此简称为on-the-street play,因此A为本题答案。

 7[B][定位]根据题干中的Chloe Hoson定位到第3个小标题Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective下首段首句。

 解析:该句笫2个分句中的body暗示Chloe Hoson被murdered(该句开头提到的),因此本题应选B。本段提到的是kidnap和murder,其他选项提到的各种罪案在原文并未提及。

 8[the erosion of community responsibility]

 [定位]根据题干中的Claire Freeman和mutual定位到第3个小标题Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective下末段首句。

 解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。原文该句中的as another casualty of,表明mutual distrust导致the erosion of community responsibility,题目中的lack of mutual trust是对mutual distrust的同义改写,由此可见,the erosion of community responsibility为本题答案。

 9[the“domestication of play”]

 [定位]根据题干中的Freeman和kids are robbed of their sense定位到最后一个小标题More Space and More Attention to Kids’Needs下首段末句。

 解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。对比原文与题目可见,两个句子的语态相反:原文rob为主动语态,而题目中rob为被动语态,两句的主语和宾语位置相反,所以原文rob的主语the“domestication of play”即为本题答案。

 10[child-friendly“home zones”]

 [定位]根据题干中的The Netherlands和pedestrians定位到最后一个小标题 More Space and More Attention to Kids' Needs下末段第2句。

 解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。题干与原文中where引出的定语从句内容相同,两句对比可见题目中缺少了原句中的主语child-friendly“home zones”。


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