


我有一个让人羡慕的家庭!我、爸爸和妈妈就组成了这个幸福的家!家里有很多的趣事,真是讲也讲不完呀! 第一幕:端午节时,妈妈早早就起来做美食了。我呢,还在“梦会周公”,爸爸起来看到了我的懒样,就把妈妈做好的卤蛋放到我的床前,我一闻到香味,就麻利的爬起来,穿好衣服刷牙洗脸。走进了厨房,一见到卤蛋我就两眼放光。伸手就要去拿,爸爸突然拦着我,说:“本人决定,由于你今天起晚的原因,所以取消你吃卤蛋的资格,增加狗狗吃卤蛋的资格,钦赐!说罢,爸爸拿了一个卤蛋,掰开扔给了狗狗,看到狗狗吃的津津有味,我差点就和它去抢了。“妈妈!”我撒娇的拉住妈妈的手,说:“你看爸爸,你好好看看他!”谁知妈妈装糊涂的说道:“看什么,你爸爸很好呀!怎么了?”“你!!!哎呦!爸,我错了以后一定早起早睡,行了吧!”我不满意的说道“好,知错能改,善莫大焉嘛!这次就原谅你吧!不过,早睡早起还是好的么!对吧!”爸爸傲慢的说“对!老爸说的什么都对!”我恭维的说道“好!朕心情大好,特赦免你的罪行,你可以去吃卤蛋了!”“yes!老爸太棒了!”夸完爸爸后我一溜烟跑进厨房,拿起卤蛋享受起来!!! 没想到端午一大早还会有这么一出戏,呵呵!

Amy's Family Tree

Amy is a cute girlShe is a studentShe has a big familyDan Smith is her grandfather

Nora Smith is her grandmatherThey love Amy very much Amy ’s parents are Alice Denver and Peter SmithAlice Denver is her motherShe is a doctorHer father is a engineer They woke hardHer aunt is Rose SmithHer unche is John BenThey are teachersThey all love herAmy hasve a broher,Mike Smith and a sister Linda BillThey are in the same school Linda Bill is her uncle's daughter




  I love my family very much My father is very busy Everyday, he must work He always sleeps at home Sometime, we can have lunch and supper with him My mother is a housewife She cooks for us everyday My older sister is different She is a middle school student Sometimes, she is lazy Sometimes, she is laborious She is very strange My younger brother is very good He studies hard He is very thoughtful My older sister and my younger brother like music and chat I’m a girl I study at Daxin Primary School I love studying This is my family





I have a big family There are six people in my family They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister and I Though my grandparents and my parents are in different generation, they respect each other's lifestyle, so I barely see them have conflicts I feel so lucky to live in a harmonious environment Today, the TV shows always present the negative relationship between different generations, but it is not happening in my family I learn to respect each other My parents set the good example for me So sometimes when my sister and I have argument, I won't shout at her When we calm down, we can talk to each other peacefully I love my family 





I have a happy familyI am like my father very much, he is very young, he has big eyes of black, small nose, child, small mouth and round faceHe has the short hair of black, the shoes of dress white shirt, black pants and brownHe likes black, my father is very handsomeMy mother is also very young, she likes a yellow, she has black of big eyes, small nose, child, small mouth with long of faceShe has aureate and short hair, the shirt of dress pink, the shoes of the skirt and red of blackMy mother is very beautifulBut I am a gentle and quiet girl, I like a blue, I have black of long hair, have black of big eyes, small nose, child, small mouth with long of faceI wear blue shirt, the skirt of the white and the shoes of the blackWe are all very high




我有一个让人羡慕的家庭!我、爸爸和妈妈就组成了这个幸福的家!家里有很多的趣事,真是讲也讲不完呀! 第一幕:端午节时,妈妈早早就起来...