


1 我的家英文作文怎么写

My family

My name is I have a happy family

My father and mother all 38 yearthey all love me very muchI love them tooAnd I have an aughty brother

I like danceMy brother like drowMy father cans peak EnglishMy mother like do houework (haha)My father often speak English in my home

this is my family,a happy family







2 我的家庭作文英文怎么写

There are 3 people in my family, father, mother amd me My father is a business man, he likes fishing My mother is a housewife, she likes watching TV I'm happy with this family


I have a happy family, father, mother amd me My father is a business man, he travels a lot around this country He likes fishing in the countryside to relax My mother is a housewife, she liks watching TV, besides, as a typical woman, she also enjoy shopping, clothes, co tecis, etc To me, I perfer play sports with friends

I'm very happy with this family

3 关于《我想成为一名作家》的英语作文

I want to be a writerEveryone has a dream about their future,if you ask me what's my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writerI like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy as the writers doSo I practice to write something in my free time,by doing that I feel very fortable because sometimes I write some opinions about the life,the society,I think these will help me in the way of being a writer。

4 写我的家人用英文怎么写作文






Only three people in my family, one is my dear mom, a dad, is my humor and a lovely me

My father is very funny, he often tell me a lot of jokes, often made me laugh, so I very like the humorous father

My mother is very strict to me, every time I do a wrong thing mother always criticize me But I know mother to do it all for me, I also like me the strict mother

I am a lively and cheerful girl, treat each thing has its own opinions and decisions, mom and dad I always criticize me carefully listen, because I know they love me, so I never angry, this

5 用英语怎么写全家福作文

East, west, home is the best(金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝)/ My Family(我的家)As the old saying goes, “East, west, home is the best” Whenever I'm tired, I can have a good rest at home Whenever I feel sad, my parents will e to fort me Whenever I'm happy, I can share my joy with my family members I live in Shanghai There are o bedrooms and a living room in my home Although the flat is not big, I feel fortable to live there It is near my pany, so I can ride a bike to work everyday During the weekends, I will do some housework and study English at homeI love my home It is the best place ever

There are many happy things in my Childhood I still remember the good old days when I play with my family When I was 10 years old, my father took me to Hong Kong to see my aunt This was my first visit to Hong Kong During my stay there, I went to the famous Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Disneyland My aunt was very excited and we all had a good time This travel became the happiest things in my childhood


6 求一篇关于做家务事的英文作文




I think it is necessary for us to do some housework Because our parents are busy with their work and when they get home, they feel tired If we help them do some housework, they will feel relax and feel proud of us Besides, doing housework can help us grow up and make us relax and stronger It is our duty to do the housework and it can make us look after ourselves better。

7 英语家谱写做作文怎么弄

My Family

Hello,everybody!Do you know my nameMy name is YangYibin and I am so happy I can have a happy(幸福的)family There are six people in my family They are my father ,my mother ,my ,my grandparents,my uncle ,my aunt and me This is my family。

  作文 是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙 方法 。作文分为 小学作文 、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括: 记叙文 、 说明文 、应用文、 议论文 。那么你知道作文用英语怎么说吗下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。






 write a composition

 作文的相关 短语 :

 开放作文 Free Writing ; open-ended story ; Open-ended Composition ; open-ended composition

 作文评分 composition scoring ; mark students ' composition ; mark the composition

 英文作文 English Composition

 作文本 Composition of the ; composition book ; For text

 情景作文 situational composition ; Situational writing ; situational position

 作文训练 composition training ; The composition train ; writing training


 1 Now we wait for them to turn in their essays


 2 Have you finished your composition already You are very speedy

 你已经写完作文了 吧 你动作真快

 3 Make an outline before trying to write a composition


 4 His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes


 5 He merits a grade of B on his composition


 6 The composition is all right, but there is room for improvement

 这篇作文还不错, 不过还可以改进

 7 The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion


 8 Why didn't you select a better subject for your composition


 9 The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time


 10 The English curriculum should stress both composition and reading


 11 The composition was scored with corrections in red ink


 12 Your composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes


 13 My composition has not been completed yet


 14 His composition is good, yes, very good

 他的作文很好, 是的, 很好

 15 She undertook to revise my compositions




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1 十句英语作文写我的家庭带翻译大全

There are 5 people in my family My father is a doctor My mother is a nurse My brother is a policeman My sister is a singer My bother has a dog His name is Jack I am a student I love my parents They are very nice我家有5口人。






2 急求一篇英语作文“我的家庭”(带翻译)100个单词左右

我的家庭 家,一个多么熟悉的字眼,在我看来,家只不过是一幢房子,是家人归宿的地方。

然而“家庭”却不同,“家庭”它是与自己至亲至爱的人组成的一个集体。 我家就是一个大家庭,我们三代人在一起生活着。

我们家人虽多,日子却过的简单,平淡,并不象别的家庭一样,充满欢声笑语。 以前,每天早上,爸爸妈妈工作比较忙,没时间照顾我的起居饮食,除了晚饭,我几乎每天都在学校食堂吃,爷爷奶奶知道后,就特意从老家搬过来,每天为我准备好饭菜,使我一回家就能吃到香喷喷的饭菜。


可爷爷奶奶却说:“你们俩每天上班这么累了,回来还要干这些活,怎么忙的来,我闲着是闲着,能干多少是多少吧!” 不过,爸爸妈妈还是蛮孝顺的,每月都为爷爷奶奶添几件新一什么的,使我都有点羡慕了。 每天晚上,我们很少聚在一起聊天。


我则在看我的电视。虽然我们都在各干各的事,但我们耳边常传来一声声关心的话语,比如:奶奶常常对我说: “看电视时别吃太多零食,容易积食或别看太久电视,对眼睛不好等。”

爸爸妈妈常会对爷爷奶奶说: “ 爸,妈你们别熬那么晚,快去睡吧。”…… 我的家庭生活虽然平淡,却从这平淡之中突出了和谐与幸福,这就是我的家庭,一个普普通通的家庭。

3 十句英语作文写我的家庭带翻译大全

There are 5 people in my family My father is a doctor My mother is a nurse My brother is a policeman My sister is a singer My bother has a dog His name is Jack I am a student I love my parents They are very nice


4 我的家庭的高中英语作文带翻译

there are 5 people in my family, dad, mum, older sister and a younger brother, my family is a big family and happiness i am 17 years old, i like listening to the music so as my sister and brother when we get together we always share the music that we like and discuss about which singer is the best mum and dad really hard working, mum really good at cook, everytime she cooks we can finish all the dishes and dad always educates us, when we did naughty things, he will always talk to us and educates us i love my family and i feel so lucky to be a member of this famly。

5 急求一英语作文"我的家庭" 100单词左右

My family

In my family,there are three people:my father,my mother and meMy father is a workerHe is a little heavy and of medium heightHe has short black hairHe likes watching TV and reading newspapersHe often goes fishing in the evening with his friendsMy mother is a worker,tooShe is of medium height and she is very thinShe has long brown curly hairShe always visits my grandparents after workI am a studentI study in a middle schoolI am of medium height and I am thinI likes reading books,watching TV and playing puter gamesI am good at my leasonsThis is my familyI love my family!


6 英语作文有翻译

回答 (42)1 2 下一页>My FamilyEveryone has a family So do I I have a warmfamily, There are three persons in my familyMy father,my mother and I My mother is a shopassistant, she is always busy with her work Myfather is an teacher, he often helps me do mymaths problem And they love me very much Ilove them, too!每个人都有家,我也不例外。


我的爸爸是一个老师,他经常帮助我解决数学上的难题。他们都很爱我,我也爱他们!PS:要是你非要说我妈妈是卖衣服的,那只好说she sells clothes in her own shop紫萱长卿 2009-01-06have a perfectly happy big family , have 6person , my grandfathers , grandmas , fathers ,mothers , elder sisters to still have me at homeMy grandfather grandma already has had 70-year-old , they lie fallow very much, mygrandfather goes out to stroll every day curved ,play mahjong, my grandma has a rest be inhome My father has had more than 50-year-old this year , my father has been that onebuilder , his job make great efforts very much ,go off in the early morning not returning till lateat night every day , has acpanied me toplay in the evening, I am fond of my father verymuch My mother is to as soon as manager ,draws up clothing industry, she is a very kindlymother She is not afraid to return laboriously,every day being cooked meal by us The mealthat my mother prepares is very good eat, we alllike to eat the meal that my mother preparesStill having my elder sister , his is to beengaged in foreign trade's , she is very livelyCare for me very much My our going ahead notknowing in study about all asks him The at lastis me: I am one student , 18-year-old this year ,like to tour , to grapple , strike Be my family我有一个非常幸福的大家庭,家里有6口人,我爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐还有我。






2009-01-07My FamilyI'm very glad to tell you about my family I havea happy family There are four people in it Theyare my father、my mother、my little brother、and IMy father is so busy that he has no timeto e back to see us We miss him verymuch My mother is a housewife Every day,shecooks delicious meals and does a lot ofhouseworkMy brother and I are bothstudentsWe work very hardIn my family ,there are lots of happinessesaround meI love my family!Now I will i。

7 谁会用英文写作文啊

My family in solar system's Earth's land Asia's China's Guangdong's English GermanyMy family has 5 individual, grandfather, daddy, mother, younger brother and meGrandfather is oldestThe daddy is strongestMother is most beautifulThe younger brother is youngestI am best! I love my family!I most love musicThe younger brother most loves the toy vehicleMother most loves usDaddy wholeheartedly for usI want to say that,Father and mother, I also love you!。

8 我的家庭 写一篇英语作文 把它翻译成英语

I have a perfectly happy big family , have 6 person , my grandfathers , grandmas , fathers , mothers , elder sisters to still have me at home My grandfather grandma already has had 70-year-old , they lie fallow very much, my grandfather goes out to stroll every day curved , play mahjong, my grandma has a rest be in home My father has had more than 50-year-old this year , my father has been that one builder , his job make great efforts very much , go off in the early morning not returning till late at night every day , has acpanied me to play in the evening, I am fond of my father very much My mother is to as soon as manager , draws up clothing industry, she is a very kindly mother She is not afraid to return laboriously, every day being cooked meal by us The meal that my mother prepares is very good eat, we all like to eat the meal that my mother prepares Still having my elder sister , his is to be engaged in foreign trade's , she is very lively Care for me very much My our going ahead not knowing in study about all asks him The at last is me: I am one student , 18-year-old this year , like to tour , to grapple , strike Be my family。

9 急需英语作文《我的家庭》五句就行,要汉语翻译

My family I have a happy family Though rooms seems rather disorder,I love my home very much My father is ,quite often he works late into the nightMy mother is As a housewife,she has to do almost all the houseworkSo she is the busiest one in our family I love my familyIt not only gives me much happiness and warmth but also teaches me how to be a real man我有一个幸福的家庭,尽管房内显得有些凌乱,但我却很爱我的家。





1 用拜访我的外祖父母写一篇英语作文带翻译

My Grandfather is tall, with a pair of iling eyes when he was young, handsome Grandfather likes to read a book, he read the book is very thick, Grandfather said is never too old to learn Grandfather also like the kind of flowers, and every day he cook for us to eat, he cooked delicious food, we all like to eat Grandfather also pick us to school every day, he is very hard Every time my mother gets angry, he will help us I like my grandfather I want to study hard, grow back Grandfather。




2 我的祖父母英语作文

我的祖父母(My Grandparents)

my grandparents are very special to methey have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my familynot only that,but they are also special friends to me

they are easier to talk to than my parents and they are very kindmto mefor example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing

in addtion,they are the leaders of my familythey are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestorsthey are the ones that hold our family togetheras a result,i owe them a great deal,but i don't know how to repay themall i can do is cherish them and never take them for granted

3 求一篇以我的祖父母为题的英语作文

Today it is thanksgiving dayI couldn't help thinking of my grandparents

my grandparents are very special to methey have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my familynot only that,but they are also special friends to me

they are easier to talk to than my parents and they are very kind to mefor example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing

in addtion,they are the leaders of my familythey are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestorsthey are the ones that hold our family togetheras a result,i owe them a great deal,but i don't know how to repay themall i can do is cherish them and never take them for granted

My grandparents has more than 70 years old and their health is not so good I often worried that i will hear the sad news of them in the next time

4 关于我和祖父母英语作文50个词

my grandparents are very special to methey have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my familynot only that,but they are also special friends to me they are easier to talk to than my parents and they are very kindmto mefor example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing in addtion,they are the leaders of my familythey are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestorsthey are the ones that hold our family togetheras a result,i owe them a great deal,but i don't know how to repay themall i can do is cherish them and never take them for granted。

5 英语作文《Myweekends》

本文纯属自己写的,我是小学生五年级的:My weekend!My weekend is very good!On sutaday,I usually get up 8:00PMin the morning8:30 eat breakfastOften I 9:00PM go shopping10:00 PM play puter games11:00PMeatlunch12:00PM sleep in the afternoonPMDo home on 3:00PM5:00 play sports7:00PM eat dinner9:00go to bedOn Sunday I get up 8:00PMin the morning8:30 eat breakfastI usually 9:00 PM play puter 11:00PMeatlunch12:00PM sleep in the afternoonPMDo home on 3:00PM5:00 visit grandparents8:00 go home 9:00sleepThis is my weekend!我的周末很棒,在星期六,我通常在早晨八点起床,八点半吃午饭,九点去购物,十点玩电脑游戏,十一点吃午饭,十二点在中午睡觉,在三点写作业,五点出去玩,七点吃晚饭,九点睡觉在周日,我通常在早晨八点起床,八点半吃午饭,九点玩电脑游戏,十一点吃午饭,十二点睡觉,三点写作业,五点去看望祖父母,八点回到家,九点睡觉这就是我的周末。

6 根据内容提示写一篇英语作文内容提示:几天前,你和父亲去乡下看

it turned out that that girl was a ghost and the umbrella was actually covered with bloodIt was too late when I realized thatAt the midnight of that day that girl's ghostly figure came to my room and whispered,"Where is my umbrella。

Why do you have my bloody umbrella。"In the morning of the next day people in the village saw the blood near our house and on our doorWhen the police broke in they saw blood all over the roomMy grandparents and my father were cut into pieces and I was laying on the bed with a red umbrella sticking into my head。

The moral of this story is:Never accept an umbrella from a strange girl on a rainy dayThink about it。she is giving you her own umbrellaWhat the fack about herselfShe just walks away in the rainThat's just stupid ok。

7 英文作文向同学介绍我的祖父母和父母

My grandparents are very special to meThey have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my familyNot only that,but they are also special friends to meThey are easier to talk to than my parentsFor example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing祖父母对我而言,是非常特别的他们一生都辛苦工作,并且为了整个家,牺牲了很多很多不仅如此,他们还是我特别亲密的朋友他们比我爸妈还好说话比如,我的祖父母会做可口的食物给我吃,他们还常常带我去钓鱼In addtion,they are the leaders of my familyThey are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestorsThey are the ones that hold our family together另外,他们是这个家的***他们有着丰富的智慧和知晓许多有关我们祖先的故事他们让我们整个家牢牢地守护在一起I owe them a great deal,but I don't know how to repay themAll I can do is cherish them and never take them for granted我欠他们很多,但我不知道如何报答他们我能做的,就是珍惜他们,并且不把祖父母(疼我)当成理所当然的事。

8 初三关于祖父母的作文

我的祖父、祖母有很多特色和专长,让我介绍给大家认识吧! 祖父的头中间滑滑亮亮的,好像装了许多知识一样,祖父已经七十几岁了,每天还会早起到学校运动,他都会说:“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”我觉得祖父一定很喜欢早晨,难怪大家都说:“一日之计在于晨”我跟祖父相处的美好时光在晚上,记得我小时候,晚上吃完饭,就会跑去跟祖父聊天,有时,祖父会教我一些做人处事的道理他也会每天写日记,祖父的日记本有好几本,他说写日记,可以把一天有趣的事记下来,每次翻以前的日记,就会觉得很充实 我的祖母在家乡是无人不知、无人不晓的,为什么呢?因为祖母酿的酒最好喝了,而且还很养生喔!祖母的招牌酒是“葡萄酒”,大家都说祖母的酒保有原味,因为我家种葡萄,祖母会采收优质的葡萄来酿葡萄酒,难怪祖母的葡萄酒人气这么旺 我的祖父、祖母已经七十几岁了,可是他们白天还是努力工作,休息时,也会拿书起来看,俗话说:“活到老,学到老”我的祖父母就是一个很好的例子祖父在我的心中是文武双全的,他曾经教我写书法,因为他写得一手好书法,而且还会种好多菜给我们吃,还能种出香甜好吃的葡萄 祖父母除了是我的好模范,也是他们同辈的好楷模祖父告诉我:“小时候努力读书,长大努力工作,老了要认真运动”祖父都做到了,所以我也要像祖父一样,认真做好每一件事。







1 我的家英文作文怎么写 My family My name is I have a happy family My father and mother all 38 yearthey ...