


Miss home

I am a resident studentsand I really miss homeI miss my father and mother very much At home they often told me storiesand I often with ecstasy

They often help me do my homework They often cook delicious food for me Leave home they told me a lot of things For example: you can't fight with my classmates

I also miss the scenery of my home There are a lot of beautiful flowers such as jasmine I also love my family tree It is tall and make me cool in summer I often like drinking tea at homeand I can appreciate the scenery

I very miss homeI hope my father and mother are well






1 以语文书写作文



它犹如一座知识宝库,内容丰富;犹如一把钥匙,找开它的知识大门。现让我的语文书把我带到五彩缤纷的语言、文学世界。 语文书的形状是长方形,它的封面不断地变化,从二年级的卡通动物,到三、四年级的课文中生活现片,随着大家年龄的增长,知识文化需要程度不断提高,里面的内容丰富多彩。语文书的封面是描述桂花雨一课的景象。




2 如何将手写作文在网上转变为电子文稿形式


1 首先你得先把这些手写文稿用扫描仪扫到电脑上去,或是用数码相机翻拍也行,翻拍成JPG文件放到电脑里面去,现成的文件也把它放到统一的目录里。2 用“画图”软件,或是“PS”、“Adobe Reader”软件把文件打开。

3 点击菜单“文件”→“打印”。4 选择打印机为“Microsoft Office Document Image Writer Driver”,这是一个随Microsoft Office 2003一起安装到计算机里的虚拟打印机,5 设定打印机“属性”→选择“高级”→选择输出格式为“MDI”,确定输出的文件夹。

6 点击菜单“文件”→“打印”,将打印成后缀为“mdi”的文件,并自动打开。7 在打开的“mdi”文件里,依次操作菜单“工具”→“使用OCR识别文本”。

和“工具”→“将文本发送到word”, 并在弹出的窗口中勾选“在输出时保持版式。

3 英语作文,会写的手写发

嗯 对了,几天前帮我指导的ABC夫下口语的导师才和我提过 如果想将英语学好应该是不费力地 一定需要个恰当的学习情境及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 标准口音才是最好,保持每天练习口语,1v1针对性教学才会有更好的学习效果。

上完课需要复习听取课堂录音档 好巩固知识点~然后要是真的没有练习对象的状况下 可以去 VOA或爱思得到课外教材学习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,一下子英语水平会进步许多 学习效益肯定会达成目标的~As can be seen from the picture, there is a mother and her daughter who are danging happily together in the f缉偿光锻叱蹬癸拳含哗orest They wears the clothes of the same style And they both have fair hair There are so many trees and flowers around them Flowers are blooming around them where it is like a paradize I tnk the picture is so beautiful for the homouniou relationsp among mother, daughter and environment It cathes my eyeballs at once I imaging dancing there together with them, breatng fresh air wity my soul singing I tnk the harmonious relationsp bween parents and cldren is very important for cldren's growth physically and psychologically What cldren lacking of most may not be much much money but parents' love and attention How much time do you spare to acpany your cldren if you are a father or a mother Have you ever danced with your or played with your cldren like the mother in the picture Do you notice the sweetest ile on kids' face Your ampany will be the best present to your cldren and their iles will also be the best present to you Therefore, no matterh how busy you are, never fet to stay with your cldren。

4 一周网课学习你的感受300字作文









5 我的网课生活(600字作文)


"首先也是最重要的,每次上网课时是不是总感觉少了点什么呢?反正我是有这种感觉的,那为什么会有这重感觉呢?我觉得原因有以下这几点:1 不能和老师互动"老师和同学们互动,最重要的是为了增加学习的趣味和考验同学们有没有听懂,有些积极发言的同学们,就会感觉少了些什么似的。2 笔记"大家是不是觉得上网课的老师只写一点点笔记,而不是像我们现实的老师,一节课的笔记写满4黑板,一点也不无聊。

网课的老师不紧笔记少,而且写一句话些30秒,超级慢的。3 读课文"线上上课时,老师叫你读课文,有时你没读完,就结束了。


6 我的老师 手写的作文谢谢






 1 at no time 从不,决不

 2 at one time 曾经,一度;同时

 3 at present 目前,现在

 4 at someone's disposal 任处理

 5 at the cost of 以为代价

 6 at the mercy of 任凭摆布

 7 at the moment 此刻,目前

 8 accuse sb of sth控告

 9 add to增加(add up to)

 10 after all 毕竟,究竟

 11 agree with同意

 12 ahead of time / schedule提前

 13 ahead of 在之前(ahead of time 提前)

 14 alien to与相反

 15 all at once 突然,同时

 16 all but 几乎;除了都

 17 all of a sudden 突然

 18 all over again 再一次,重新

 19 all over 遍及

 20 all right 令人满意的;可以

 21 all the same 仍然,照样的

 22 all the time 一直,始终

 23 angry with sb at/about sth生气,愤怒

 24 anxious about/for忧虑,担心

 25 anything but 根本不

 26 apart from 除外(有/无)

 27 appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求

 28 applicable to适用于

 29 apply to适用

 30 appropriate for/to适当,合适

 31 approximate to近似,接近

 32 apt at聪明,善于

 33 apt to易于

 34 around the clock夜以继日

 35 as a matter of fact 实际上

 36 as a result(of) 因此,由于

 37 as a rule 通常,照例

 38 as far as be concerned 就而言

 39 as far as 远至,到程度

 40 as follows 如下

 41 as for 至于,关于

 42 as good as 和几乎一样

 43 as if 好像,防腐

 44 as regards 关于,至于

 45 as to 至于,关于

 46 as usual 像平常一样,照例

 47 as well as 除外(也),即又

 48 as well 同样,也,还

 49 ashamed of羞愧,害臊

 50 aside from 除外(还有)

 51 ask for the moon异想天开

 52 at a loss 茫然,不知所措

 53 at a time 一次,每次

 54 at all costs 不惜一切代价

 55 at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

 56 at all times 随时,总是

 57 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

 58 at any rate 无论如何,至少

 59 at best 充其量,至多

 60 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

 61 at first 最初,起先

 62 at hand 在手边,在附近

 63 at heart 内心里,本质上

 64 at home 在家,在国内

 65 at intervals 不时,每隔

 66 at large 大多数,未被捕获的

 67 at last 终于

 68 at least 至少


 1 need textbs 需要我的教科书

 2 be ging t d sth 打算做某事

 3 wear watch 佩带手表

 4 tae lunch 带午饭

 5 g n a schl trip 去参加学校郊游

 6 n tie 按时

 7 sund lie + n 听起来象……

 8 after schl 放学后

 9 have class 上课

 10 tal t sb 和某人谈话

 11 n the plagrund 在操场上

 12 allw sb t d sth 允许某人做某事

 13 prise t d sth 许诺做某事

 14 a lt f stuff 许多杂物

 15 agree t d sth 同意做某事

 16 watch a vie 看**

 17 have fun 玩的高兴

 18 g t a vie 去看**

 19 lie this 象这样

 20 what tie 什么时候

 21 after lunch 午饭后

 22 at 1:00 p 在下午1点钟

 23 dn’t be late 别迟到

 24 dn’t wrr 别担心

 25 wal t se place 走着去某地

 26 the vie theater **院

 27 an f … ……中任何一个

 28 at the vie 在看**期间

 29 I dn’t thin s 我不这样认为。

 30 n the weeend 在周末

 31 get there 到那

 32 in France 在法国

 33 have basetball practice 进行篮球训练

 34 in the librar 在图书馆

 35 plan t d sth 计划做某事

 36 tae an art class 上美术课

 37 ever da 每天

 38 d well in… 擅长……

 39 ath prbles 数学难题

 40 get help fr… 从……那得到帮助



 a bit有一点儿;一会儿

 a bit of有一点儿

 a bottle of 一瓶

 a cup of 一(茶)杯

 a glass of 一(玻璃)杯

 a few 一些,少数几个

 again and again再三地,反复地

 after all 毕竟,终究

 after a while 过了一会儿

 after school 放学后

 agree on 同意,赞成

 agree to do sth 同意做某事

 agree with (sb) 与某人意见一致

 a group of 一群

 a kind of 一种

 a little 一点,少量

 a lot of 许多,大量

 a lot 许多,大量

 a moment ago 刚才

 a moment later 片刻之后

 a place of interest 名胜

 and so on 等等

 across from 在……对面

 a list of …的清单

 a pair of 一双

 a quarter past/to… …点过一刻/差一刻到…点

 a roll of film 一卷胶卷

 a shop assistant 售货员;店员

 a top speed of 50 kilometres per hour 每小时50千米的高

 a number of若干的;许多的

 a set number of固定数量的`;一定数量

 all by oneself独自地,全靠自己

 all day整天;一天到晚

 all kinds of 各种各样的

 all one’s life一生;终生

 all over遍及,到处,结束

 all over the world全世界

 all right行了;好吧;(病)好了

 all the same都一样,仍然

 all the time一直,始终;老是

 all year round一年到头

 an hour or two一两个小时

 answer the telephone接电话

 answer to……的答案

 anything else 别的东西(事情

 arrive at/in+地方名词 到达某地


 as…as one can尽量

 as if 好像

 as long as 只要

 as soon as一就

 as soon as possible尽快,尽可能早地

 as usual像往常一样

 as well as也,又

 ask for要求(做)某事

 ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

 at breakfast早餐时

 at firt起先,开始的时候

 at home在家

 at last最后,终于

 at least至少;起码

 at midnight 在半夜

 at night在夜里

 at noon在正午

 at once马上

 at school在学校(上课)

 at sea 在海上

 at the beginning of在。。。。。。开始时

 at the cinema看**

 at the age of在。。。。。。岁的时候

 at the door在门口

 at the edge of在……边缘

 at the end of在……的结尾

 at front of在……(外部的)前面

 at the front of在……(内部的)前面

 at the foot of在……脚下

 at the head of在……的前面;在……的排头/前面

 at the top of在……顶上/部

 at the very top 在最顶层

 at the moment此刻;正在那时

 at that moment正在那时

 at the same time同时

 at the starting line在起跑线处/上

 at this time of the year在一年中这时候

 at times偶尔;有时,时常

 at work在工作

 around the world世界各地


 bad luck不幸,倒霉

 bad manners 没礼貌;坏习惯

 be abroad 出国,在国外

 be back home回到家

 be able to do sth能够做某事

 be unable to do sth不能做某事

 be after追求,想得到

 be alone独自,单独

 be amazed at 对……感到惊讶

 be angry with sb生某人的气

 be anxious about担心,焦虑

 be asleep睡着

 be awake 醒着的

 be away离开

 be away from远离……

 be away from home离家在外

 be bad for对……有害

 be badly hurt伤得很重

 be born in/on 出生于……

 be busy doing sth忙于做某事

 be busy with sth 忙于某事

 be careful小心

 be covered with被……覆盖着

 because of由于

 be confident of对……有信心

 be excited 兴奋;激动

 be different from与……不同

 be easy to do sth做某事容易

 be famous as作为……而出名

 be famous for因……而出名

 be fed up with 厌倦

 be filled with充满

 be free免费,自由,空闲

 be friendly to sb对某人友好

 be friends with 与……交朋友

 be from来自于

 be full of充满着

 beg one’s pardon 请原谅;对不起

 be going to do sth 打算(计划)做某事

 be good at善于,擅长……

 be good for 对……有益

 be happy to do sth乐于做某事

 be hard to do sth做某事难

 be helpful有帮助

 (be)in bed 在床上,在睡觉

 be in hospital(生病)住院

 be/become interested in对……感兴趣

 be in trouble处于困难之中

 be joined to 接近;连接

 Beijing Opera 京剧

 before long 不久以后

 be kind to sb对……友好

 belong to属于

 be late for 迟到

 be less/more trouble 麻烦少/多

 be like像……

 be located in/on座落于;位于

 be lost迷路;丢失

 be mad at 生……的气

 be made of/from用……制成的

 be made in由……制造

 be nice of sb 某人真好

 be nice to 对……好

 be off 离开

 be out 不在,外出

 be over结束;在……上方;超过

 be pleased满意

 be proud of 为……而自豪/骄傲

 be quiet安静

 (be)related to和……有关系,涉及

 be/get ready for sth 为……准备

 be/get ready to do sth 准备好做某事

 be saved获救

 be sick 生病

 be scared of 害怕

 be sorry遗憾;后悔,难过

 be strict with对……要求严格

 be sure (of)肯定……

 be talented at 在……有特长

 be the opposite 恰恰相反

 be weak in 在……(方面)弱

 be welcome 受欢迎,不用谢

 be worn out 筋疲力尽

 be worried about 为……担心

 be well-known for 因……而著名

 begin school 开学

 begin to do sth 开始(着手)做某事

 begin with 以……开始

 believe in(sb) 相信(某人)

 between…and… 在……和……之间

 blow away (风)刮走,吹走

 blow out 吹灭

 body language 手势语

 borrow…from… 从……借来……

 both…and… 既……又…… , ……和……

 break down (机械)损坏;拆散(某物)

 break a world record 打破一项世界纪录

 break into 潜入;闯入

 break into pieces (使)成为碎片

 bring back 归还;使……想起

 bring…to… 把……带给…… ;给……带来……

 bring up 养育

 brush one’s teeth 刷牙

 by air/bike/bus/car乘飞机/骑自行车/ 乘公共汽车/坐汽车

 by plane/boat/train/ship乘飞机/坐船/ 乘火车/乘轮船

 by land/sea 由陆路/由水路

 by hand 手工

 by oneself 独自

 by the end of 到……时为止

 by the side of 在……旁边

 by the time 到……时候

 by the way 顺便说

 by then 到那时

 bus station 公共汽车站

 business hours 营业时间

 buy sth for sb 给某人买某物


 call one’s name 叫某人的名字,点名

 call…for short 简称就

 can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待

 catch a bus 赶公共汽车

 catch a cold 着凉,伤风,感冒

 catch a ball 接球

 catch up with 赶上

 change one’s mind 改变主意(想法)

 cheer for 为……助威/加油

 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕

 clean up 清除;收拾干净

 carry …away… 把……搬(移)走

 carry on 坚持下去;继续下去

 come along 快点

 come back 回来

 come down 下来

 come from 来自于

 come in/out 进来/出来

 come into 进来

 come into one’s mind 想起

 come on 赶快,快点。跟我来

 come out (花)开;发(芽)

 come over 过来,顺便来访

 come around/round (走)过来

 come to school 来校

 come true 实现

 come up with 发现

 compare to/with 与……相比(比较)

 connect…to … 连接……到………

 congratulations(to sth) 祝贺(某人)

 communicate with 与……交流

 cook a meal 做饭

 copy one’s example 以……为榜样

 cover…with… 用……覆盖……

 cut down 砍倒,消减


 day after day 一天又一天,日复一日

 decide to do sth 决心做某事

 dining room 餐厅

 do further study 继续学习

 do housework 做家务

 do morning exercises 做早操

 do one’s best 尽最大努力,竭尽全力

 do one’s homework 做功课,做家庭作业

 do some shopping/cooking/cleaning 买东西/做饭/扫除

 do some reading/washing 看书/洗衣服

 do sport 运动

 do some sports运动,做运动

 do the shopping/washing 买东西/洗衣服

 do well in在……方面做得好

 do with 处理,安排

 don’t have to 没必要,不得不

 don’t worry 别担心

 dress up 打扮,穿上盛装

 drop (math )放弃(数学)

 drop off 放下(某物)

 during the holiday 在放假期间


 each other 互相,彼此

 eat up 吃完,吃光


 encourageto do sth 鼓励……做某事


 enjoy doning sth 喜欢做某事,享受……乐趣

 enjoy oneself 过得愉快

 ever since 自从

 every ten minutes 每隔十分钟

 every day 每天

 every other day 每隔一天

 even if 即使,纵然

 excuse me 对不起

 except for 除了……以外

 eye exercises 眼保健操


 face to face 面对面

 far away 遥远

 far behind 落后

 far from 远离

 fall asleep 入睡

 fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下

 fall ill/sick 生病

 fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格

 fall on top of 掉到了……上面

 fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来

 fall one’s exam 考试不及格

 fall over 滑倒,摔倒

 family name 姓

 family tree 家谱

 feel afraid 觉得害怕

 feel at home 像在家里一样舒适

 feel proud 感到自豪

 feel lonely 感到寂寞

 feel like doing sth 想要做某事

 feel tired 感到疲劳

 feel well 觉得舒服

 feel worried 感到忧虑

 field trip 野外旅游

 fight against 为反对……而斗争

 fill with 装满

 fill in the blanks 填空

 finish doing sth 完成/结束……

 find out 查出,查明,发现,了解

 find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事

 (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身

 fly a kite 好风筝

 follow one’s example 仿照……的榜样

 follow one’s instruction 听从某人的指导

 for a moment 一会儿

 for a walk 散步

 for ever 永远

 for example 例如

 for long 很长,很长时间

 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

 four times as…as…是……的四倍

 form now on 从此以后,今后

 from then on 从那时起

 from…to… 从……到……

 full name 全名

 full of 装满


 get back 返回,取回

 get down 下来,落下

 get dressed 穿衣服

 get home 到家

 get in 收集,进入

 get into 搭乘(出租车)

 get lost 迷路,丢失

 get long/short 变长/短

 get off 下车,取下,离开

 get on 上车

 get on…with sb 与某人相处……

 get on well with sb与某人相处融洽

 get married 结婚

 get more exercise做更多运动

 get out of 从……出来,把……拿出来, 从出租车(轿车)下来

 get out of bed 起床

 get ready for sth 为……作准备

 get ready to do sth 准备做某事

 get up 起床,起立

 get warm 变暖和

 get well 痊愈

 get together 团聚

 get to 到达(某地)

 get to know 逐渐认识到

 get to work 开始工作(学习)

 give advice to 给……提建议

 give sb a call 给某人打电话

 give back 归还,送回

 give first aid 进行急救

 give sb a push 推某人一下


 You are welcome!别客气(不用谢)。

1 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)

地球的历史已经有45亿年了在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,没有人见到过活的恐龙今天我们所知道的有关恐龙的一切是从恐龙的化石得来的由于人们找到了它们的骨、齿、卵的化石,和皮肤痕迹、脚印、穴居场所等,科学家们就根据这些线索去探索有关恐龙的秘密The Earth's history has been 45 billion yearsConstraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani sSince then,much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology,the course of the decline until extinction,only the fossils so far retainedNow the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils,these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changesDating back more than 200 million years ago,life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaursThey are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 15 million years oldIn humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct,and no one to see live dinosaursToday,we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils eAs people found their bones,teeth,egg fossils,and skin marks,footprints,and other cave sites,the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs。

2 关于恐龙的英语作文(60字)

Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat Today, people know that dinosaurs had once exist福丁弟股郗噶甸拴鼎茎ed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums。

3 关于恐龙的英语作文(60字)

Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat Today, people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums。

4 用英语描写恐龙的外貎小作文,带翻译

Most dinosaurs have some mon features, but because of the presence of other major dragon classes, or do not exist in the early dinosaurs, so they are not listed as a dinosaur's mon Dinosaurs have an upright gait, similar to most modern mammals, while most other reptiles are the legs to extend the o sides of the gait The dinosaur's hip fossa is toward both sides, and the fourth of the femur is in the inner side of the femur The o are in agreement to produce an upright gait



5 求一篇恐龙的作文(英文的)

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, o paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit But a all patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an or lost its feathers for part of the year But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize "Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs 从南德国的一块美妙地被保存的化石在星期四出版的研究中提出关于羽毛怎么从恐龙演变了到鸟,二个古生物学家的问题争论。

The 150百万年老化石是少年食肉恐龙大约科学家命名Juravenator的2 1/2英尺长,为找到的朱拉山。 在“失去的世界期间,开头场面It将看起来类似在生活中恐吓海滩的一个女孩的走路快的掠食性动物”,第二部侏罗纪公园**。

The化石的相当好被保存的骨头结构在恐龙家谱明显地投入它在用羽毛装饰的家族之中。 由于所有它的近亲用羽毛装饰,古生物学家会盼望Juravenator仿效别人。

But皮肤一个小补丁在生物的尾巴的不显示羽毛的迹象。 并且皮肤也没有是特点用羽毛装饰的恐龙的滤泡,说Luis Chiappe,恐龙学院的主任洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆的。

慕尼黑大学的他和厄休拉B Gohlich在学报自然的星期四的问题描述化石。 "它有典型的鳞状dinosaurian皮肤, “Chiappe说。

The古生物学家相信Juravenator的最接近的已知的亲戚也许是从中国, Sinosauropterix的充分地用羽毛装饰的恐龙。 There是Juravenator的裸体的一定数量的可能解说。

羽毛在带领Juravenator在升起在祖先以后两个它和它的用羽毛装饰的亲戚的演变线可能丢失了。 或者羽毛在恐龙可能不止一次演变了,突然发生在姐妹种类在不同的时间和地点。

也是可能的Juravenator这块特殊化石,看来少年,只有生长了羽毛作为成人或丢失了它的一部分的羽毛的年。 那里But是另一种可能性,说标记Norell,古生物学的馆长在自然历史美国博物馆的: 是完全可能的Juravenator有羽毛,但是他们没有僵化。

"羽毛是真正地保存的困难的事, “Norell说。 To支持他的假说他指出最旧的已知的鸟,始祖鸟,缺乏的几块化石用羽毛装饰。

新的标本是否提出关于羽毛? a和鸟? a怎样的有趣的问题因而演变了,多数专家不看它,因为挑战对广泛被接受的观点现代鸟下降恐龙。

6 有谁会写描写恐龙的英语小作文

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, o paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit But a all patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an or lost its feathers for part of the year But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize "Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs。

7 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)


The Earth's history has been 45 billion years Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani s Since then, much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaurs They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 1, these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changes地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物, footprints,没有人见到过活的恐龙。


现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石5 million years old,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙。

从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs Today。它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久。

在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,和皮肤痕迹, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils e As people found their bones, and other cave sites。

8 以我最喜欢的恐龙写一篇英语作文40个字

About 255 million years ago, the pla emergence of a new class of reptiles Like al

l reptiles, they are the descendants of the eggs hatching out of their skin covered with scales, impervious, and this is the dinosaur Emerged from the demise of the dinosaurs until, up to rule the Earth 16 billion years old


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