




表示形容词时一般不加the,前加数量词。例如:He gave me five dollars,same as usual和平时一样,他给了我五块钱。

Amy's Family Tree

Amy is a cute girlShe is a studentShe has a big familyDan Smith is her grandfather

Nora Smith is her grandmatherThey love Amy very much Amy ’s parents are Alice Denver and Peter SmithAlice Denver is her motherShe is a doctorHer father is a engineer They woke hardHer aunt is Rose SmithHer unche is John BenThey are teachersThey all love herAmy hasve a broher,Mike Smith and a sister Linda BillThey are in the same school Linda Bill is her uncle's daughter

你的意思是same前面不加the,这是不可能的,只要same在句子中出现,前面一定加的是the而不是a或者是an。比如the same as和…相同。Look the same看起来相同,这些都是必须加定冠词the的,没有其他的选择。



A0105 初中英语考试单词30小时全记牢视频教程抗遗忘不用记英口语30软件|《如鱼得水背单词4级词汇篇章记忆》(单词表)(文本、mp3、wav)rar(更新)|15 单词不用记+超强记忆学习法rar|14 单词不用记+VWYZrar|13 单词不用记+TUrar|12+单词不用记+++ST2rar|11+单词不用记+++RSrar|10+单词不用记+++PQRrar|09 单词不用记+NOPrar|08 单词不用记+MNrar|07 单词不用记+IJKLrar|06 单词不用记+GHIrar|05 单词不用记+FGrar|04 单词不用记+DEFrar|03 单词不用记+CDrar    

both 表示两着都… 是个副词,也可以做代词,例:

副词:We are both students

代词:Both of us are students

它的否定形式是neither 词性和both一样,例:

副词:We are neither STUDENT, 注意是单数名词

代词:Neither of us IS a student 同样注意也是单数 same在英语中是一个使用频率比较高的词,常用作形容词,意思为"相同的;同样的",但也可用作代词或副词。例如:

1 The mother swept the floor, and her child did the same 妈妈扫地,孩子跟着干。(代词)

2 I have my pride, same as anyone else 我跟其他人一样,也有自尊心。(副词)

3 Don't make the same mistake again 不要再犯同样的错误。(形容词)



1 He was in the same factory with me 他那时和我在同一家工厂。

2 It is the same to us 这对我们来说是一样的。

二、same与this, that, these, those连用,具有强调语气或含贬义,其后不接定语从句,意思为"刚提到/刚想到的;上述的"。例如:

1 This exercise is done in that same test paper 这道题就在上述做过的试卷上。

2 I felt no gratitude to that same Li 我并不感激那个姓李的。

3 That same man afterwards stole my wallet 就是那个人,他后来偷了我的钱包。

三、 just the same和the very same:前者表示"同一个;照样;没有变化",含有强调语气,而后者也具有强调语气,表示"正是这(那)个;完全相同的"。例如:

1 My hometown is just the same 我的家乡依然如故。

2 This is the very same point I want to make 我要说明的恰恰就是这一点。

3 I was just speaking to my classmates about the very same thing 刚才我和我的同学们谈论的正是这件事。

四、 same在口语或非正式文体中可单独使用,其前常不加定冠词the。例如:

1 -I want a cup of tea

-Same here



2 -Happy New Year to you

-Same to you / The same to you



五、the same用作代词,用来代替所讲述的"同样的人或事"。此时前面可加about或much。例如:

1 I came here to help the old man They did the same 我来这里帮助这位老人。他们也这样。

2 The patient is about the same 那病人差不多还是那样子。

六、the same可用作代词,常用在think the same of sb(sth)或feel the same to sb(sth),意思为"对某人(某事)有同样的看法"或"对某人(某事)的看法同过去一样"。例如:

1)-I think he is an honest man What do you think of him

-I think the same of him



2)-I think it is well worth doing

-I feel the same to it



七、the same后面可以接定语从句,如果后面的定语从句是省略的情况,则用as来引导,即,the sameas;如果是完整的定语从句,须根据不同的先行词来确定用 that,when,where,when,who等。例如:

1) He studies in the same school as I他和我在同一所学校里上学。

2) He was born in the same hospital where my brother was born他和我哥哥在同一家医院里出生。

3) The young teacher is the same man who visited our school last year 那个青年教师就是去年来我校参观的那个人。

但是应注意区分the sameas和the samethat两个定语从句。前者表示"与……同样的",不是同一个;而后者表示"同一个,就是那个"。例如:

4) This is the same pen as I lost last week这同我上周丢失的那枝钢笔一样。(但不是同一枝)

5)This is the same pen that I lost last week这就是我上周丢失的那枝钢笔。

八、有关the same几个固定搭配的用法。

1 come to the same意思为"具有同样的结果;没有多大差别"。例如:

Whether you go to see him or not, it comes to the same, but you must write a letter to him你去不去看他都一样,但是你必须给他写封信。

2 one and the same 意思为"同一个;完全一样;完全是一回事"。例如:

What he said yesterday and what I said just now are one and the same他昨天说的和我刚才说的是一回事。

3 be all the same to意思为"对……来说都一样;对……无所谓"。例如:

-Would you like a cup of coffee or tea

-It's all the same to me, thanks



4 all the same意思为"(虽然……)还是;仍然"。例如:

It was raining hard, but we got there on time all the same尽管雨下得很大,但我们还是准时到达那里。

Thank you all the same尽管如此,我还是谢谢你。

5 same here在口语中意思为"我也一样"。例如:

"I want to ask our teacher for advice" "Same here""我想征求一下老师的意见。""我也一样。"[$br]


same由一个单词组成,the same 由2个单词组成。



same可以搭配名词,介词。the same只能搭配介词。



英文读音:英 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm]  美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm] 

中文释义:adj 统一的;一致的;相同的;


1、uniform continuity [数] 一致连续 ; [数] 一致连续性 ; 均匀连续性 ; 可燃物的连续性

2、uniform velocity [物] 匀速度 ; [物] 等速度 ; 均速 ; 等速

3、Create Uniform 创建统一场 ; 创建同一场 ; 创立同一场

4、uniform crossover 交叉算子 ; 均匀交配

