



一 英语的“家谱”

英语是印欧 (1ndo-European)语系。印欧语系是世界上最大的语系,包括欧洲、美洲和亚洲的大部分语言。讲印欧诸种语言的总人数约有十八亿七千五百万,占世界总人口的一半左右。早在1786年,英国梵文(Sanskrit)学者威廉·琼斯爵士 (Sir William Jones) 就指出:欧洲、印度、波斯等地的大多数语言,包括古希腊语、古拉丁语及古印度语属于同一“家族”。

原始印欧人是什么样的人 他们居住在何方 他们的语言究竞是什么样子的 对这些问题,我们今天仍缺乏文献的考证。但是通过长时期的研究,语言学家们得出了探索性的结论他们发现:属于印欧语系的许多语种都有表示“冬天”、“雪”和“寒冷”等意义的词,这说明原始印欧语最初是在气候比较冷的地一带使用的。另一方面,某些热带地区动植物名称的词,如“狮子”、“大象”、“稻米”、“竹”、“棕榈树”等,在原始印欧语中是不存在的;而印欧语系各语种中却都有表示“白杨”、“栎树”、“柳树”、“白桦”、“熊”、“狼”、“羊”、“鹰”、“蜜蜂”等动植物名称的相似词。通过这样的探索和研究,许多人认为,当人类进入新石器时代,欧洲中东部曾居隹着一些游牧部落,他们饲养着象羊、狗、奶牛和马这样的家畜,会使用马和简陋的马车,并能够驰骋于一望无际的原野上。这些游牧部落就是原始印欧人,他们用于交际的语言就是原始印欧语。大约在公元前3500年至公元前2500年间,这些原始印欧人开始迁徒。有些向西移动,有些向东移动,而有些则向南移动,到达今天的南亚次大陆。这些部落的大迁徒导致印欧语系的逐步形成。古印度语与古代欧洲语言之所以非常相近,其历史根源即在于此。

印欧语系包括:(一)印度语族(Indic);(二).伊朗语族(Iranian);(三)斯拉夫语族(Slavic),(四)波罗的话族(Baltic),(五)日耳曼语族(Germanic),(六)拉丁语族(亦称罗曼语族[Romance]), (七)凯尔特语族(Celtic),(八)希腊语族;(九)阿尔巴尼亚语(Albanian),(十)亚美尼亚语族(Armenian), (十一)吐火罗语族(Tocharian;Tokharian)(十二)赫梯语族(Hittite)。日耳曼语族是一个比较大的语族。它又分为三个语支:(一)东日耳曼语支(EastGermanic)主要以现已绝迹的哥特语(Gothic)为代表;(二)北日耳曼语支(North Germanic),主要以古北欧语(Oid Norse)为代表,包括今日的挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)、瑞典语和丹麦语等;(三)西日耳曼语支(West Germanic)包括低地德语(Low German) 今日的荷兰语(Dutch)、高地德语(High German)、英语、弗里西亚语(Frisian)佛兰芒语(Flemish)等。因此,我们说:英语属于印欧语系的日耳曼语族的西日耳曼语支。

二 英语的形成

英国南面隔英吉利海峡(the English Channel)、多佛尔海峡(the Straits of Dover)与法国相望,东面和东南面隔北海(the North Sea)与荷兰、比利时、丹麦、挪威遥对。距 欧洲大陆最窄处的多佛尔海峡仅三十公里宽。英国的领土主要包括大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛东北部。大不列颠岛包括三个地区:英格兰占南部和中部,威尔士占西部山地半岛,苏格兰占北部;其中以英格兰最为重要。大不列颠岛是欧洲第一大岛,海岸非常曲折,长达一万一千四百五十公里。英语就是在这样的地理环境中形成的。为了说明英语的起源,我们有必要回顾一下英语形之前的英国史前史。文物考查已经证明,古代印欧游牧部落西移之前今天的不列颠诸岛上已居住着旧石器人(Paleolithic Man)。那时,不列颠诸岛和欧洲大陆是连成一片的,英国和法国之间还没有今天的英吉利海峡和多佛尔海峡,莱茵河(the Rhine)与泰晤士河(the Thames)之间尚由其支流相接、今天的英国仍属欧洲大陆的一部分。大约在距今九千年的时候;由于地壳的变迁,大不列颠诸岛从欧洲大陆分离出来。所以史前的旧石器人能够在不列颠定居下来并不足为怪。曾任过英国首相的温斯顿·邱召尔Sir Winston Churchill)(1874/FONT>1965)在其《说英语的民族史》(History of the English Speaking Peoples)一书中,曾这样描写居住在不列颠的旧石器人:很明显,那些赤身裸体或只披着兽皮的男人和女人或觅食于原始密林之中,或涉猎于沼泽、草滩至于他们所说的语言,尚无史料可查。大约在公元前3000年,伊比利亚人(Iberians)从地中海地区来到不列颠岛定居。他们给不列颠带来了新石器(Neolithic)文化,同时征服了先前在那儿居住的旧石器人。大约从公元前500年开始,凯尔特人;(Celts)从欧洲大陆进犯并占领了不列颠诸岛。凯尔特人最初居住在今天德国南部地区,他们是欧洲最早学会制造和使用铁器和金制装饰品的民族;在征服不列颠之前,他们曾征服了今天的法国、西班牙:葡萄牙、意大利等地区;来到不列颠后,一部分凯尔特人在今天的爱尔兰和苏格兰定居下来,其余的一部分占领了今天的英格兰的南部和东部。每到一处,他们都对伊比利亚人进行残酷的杀戳。凯尔特人讲凯尔特语。今天居住在苏格兰北部和西部山地的盖尔人(Gaels)仍使用这种语言。在英语形成之前凯尔特语是在不列颠岛上所能发现的唯一具有史料依据的最早的格言。

公元前55年的夏天,罗马帝国的恺撒大帝(Julius Caesar)在征服高卢(Gaul)之后来到不列颠。那时,他的目的未必是想征服不列颠,而是想警告凯尔特人不要支持那些居住在高占的、正受罗马人奴役的凯尔特同族人。恺撒大帝的这次‘不列颠之行’并没有给罗马帝国带来什么好处,相反却在一定程度上降低了他的威信。第二年,即公元前54年的夏天,恺撒大帝第二次亲临不列颠。这次,他在不列颠岛东南部站稳了脚跟,并与当地的凯尔特人发生了一些冲突。恺撒大帝虽然取胜,但并没有能使凯尔特人屈服。不久,他又回到了高卢;在以后的大约一百年间,罗马帝国并没有对不列颠构成很大的威胁。 英国历史上的真正的“罗马人的征服”(Roman Conquest)是在公元后43年开始的。当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(Claudius)率领四万人马,用了三年时间终于征服了不列颠岛的中部和中南部随后,整个的英格兰被罗马牢牢控制了。,随着军事占领,罗马文化与风格习惯渗入不列颠。罗马人的服装、装饰品、陶器和玻璃器皿很快在不列颠得到推广;社会生活开始:“罗马化”这必然导致拉丁语在不列颠的传播。在以胜利者自居的罗马人看来,凯尔特人无疑是“低贱的”,凯尔特语自然不能登“大雅之堂”那时,在不列颠,官方用语、法律用语、商业用语等均是拉丁语;拉丁语成了上层凯尔特人的第二语言。这就是凯尔特语词汇为什么很少能幸存下来的历史原因。在今日英语中,只是在一些地名和河流名称方面还保留着凯尔特的词汇成分。例如the Thames ,the Cam,the Dee ,the Avon , the Esk , the Exe , the Stour , the Aire , the Derwent , the Ouse , the Severn , the Tees , the Trent , the Wye等,均是凯尔特人命名的河流。在Duncombe, Winchcombe, Holcome, Cumberland, Coombe 等地名中,也可看到凯尔特语cumb (=deep valley::深谷)一词的成分,在Torcross , Torquay,Torrington等地名中,尚保留着凯尔特语torr (=high rock or peak;高岩或山顶)一词的成分。英国著名城市多尔佛(Dover)、约克(York)的名称也源于凯尔特语。罗马人占领不列颠长达四百年,直到公元407年,罗马人才因罗马帝国内外交困不得不开始撤离不列颠。

大约在公元449年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族侵犯不列颠。他们是盎格鲁(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)他们乘船横渡北海,借罗马帝国衰落、自顾不暇之机‘一举侵入大不列颠诸岛。他们遭到凯尔特人的顽强抵抗,征服过程拖延了一个半世纪之久:到了公元六世纪末,大不列颠请岛上原先的居民凯尔特人几乎灭绝,幸存者或逃入山林.或沦为奴隶。这就是英国历史上发生的“日耳曼人征服”,亦称“条顿人征服”Teutonic Conquest)。这次外来入侵.对英语的形成起了十分关键的作用。

盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人属古代日耳曼人。分市在北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛、德国西北沿海一带。在罗马帝国时期,他们往往统称为“蛮族部落”。他们从事畜牧和狩猎,过着半游牧的生活,且很早就知道农耕。他们的土地是氏族的公有财产,农业经营带有原始的流动性质。随着社会的发展,氏族公社逐渐解体,出现了氏族贵族和军事首领。他们的财富和权势在频繁的掠夺中剧增。军事首领名义上是由民众大会推选产生的,实际上都出于同一家族。恩格斯曾把这种氏族部落的管理制度称作军事民主制;他这样写道:“其所以称为军事民主制,是因为战争以及进行战争的组织现在已成为民族生活的正常职能。邻人的财富刺激了各民族的贪欲。这些民族把获得财富看成是最重要的生活目的之一。他们是野蛮人。进行掠夺在他们看来是比进行创造性劳动更容易,甚至更荣誉的事情。以前进行战争,只是为了对侵犯进行报复,或者是为了扩大已经感到不够的领上;观在进行战争,则纯粹是为了掠夺,战争成为经常的职业了。“ 这些所谓的‘蛮族”,在摧毁当时罗马帝国的奴隶制,以及推动西欧封建制度的诞生过程中,起过十分重要的作用。征服不列颠后,盎格鲁人主要占领了洪伯河(the Humber)以北地区;撒克逊人主要占领了泰晤士河以南地区;朱特人主要盘踞在英格兰东南端的肯特(Kent) 和南汉普郡(Southern Hampshire);以及位于英格兰之南、靠近今天的朴次茅斯(Portsmouth)的怀特岛(the Isle of Wight),形成许多小国。公元七世纪初,这些小园合并为七个王国:南部有撒克逊人的威塞克斯(Wessex)、萨塞克斯(Sussex)和埃塞克斯(Essex);东北部和中部有盎格鲁人的梅尔西亚(Mercia)、诺森伯里亚(Northumbria),和东盎格里亚(East Anglia);东南部有朱特人的肯特(Kent)王国。各国竞相争雄,达两百年之久;在英国历史上称为“七国时代”(the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy)。这三个日耳曼部族虽然有各自的方言,但这些方言均属低地西日耳曼语(Low West Germanic)。有许多共同之处.因此三个部落在语言方面基本上是相通的。他们都使用一种叫做茹尼克(Runic)的文字。这种文字是古代日耳曼各民族通用的文字.它的字母主要由直线组成,以便于刻在木头或石块上,是一种由古希腊语和拉丁语发展起来的北欧碑文字。随着人类社会的发展,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人逐渐形成统一的英吉利民族.他们各自使用的方言也逐渐溶合,出现了一种新的语言枣盎格鲁撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon)。


那么English和England的名称是如何来的呢?原来,凯尔特人将征服他们的盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人习惯地统称为Saxons(撒克逊人)。早期拉丁语学者仿照凯尔特人的习惯.也将这三个日耳曼部族称作Saxones.并将他们征服的不列颠称作Saxonia。到了公元七世纪. 由于用森伯利亚王国和梅尔西亚王国在政治上和文化上的影响剧增,而在这棿�ň酉吕吹闹饕�前桓衤橙耍��栽缙诶�⊙д哂殖S/FONT>Angli和Anglia指所有的三个部族和他们在不列颠所占有的地盘。随后,Angli和Anglia在拉丁语著作中分别代替了Saxones和Saxonia。到了公元700年所有的人都把当时通行在不列颠岛上的语言称作Englisc(盎格鲁人一直就是这样称呼其使用的语言的),三个入侵的日耳曼部族则统称为Angelcynn(=kin of the Angles即“盎格鲁人的家族”)到了公元1000年整个国家则被称作Englaland (=land of the Angles盎格鲁人的土地)。由于语言内部在发音和拼写方面发生了演变Englisc和Englaland才变成了今天的English和England。

在追溯英语的历史发展时,我们通常将它分为三个时期:(一)古英语(Old English),从公元450年至1150年;(二)中古英语(Middle English),从公元1150年至1500年;,(三)现代英语(Modern English),从1500年至今。为便于研究,我们常把1500/FONT>1700年的英语称作“早期现代英语”(Early Modern English),1700年至今的英语称作“后期现代英语”(Later Modern English)。这样的分期当然不是绝对的,但它有助于我们对英语历史发展全过程的了解和研究。



My father is thirty four years old, tall, thin lips, a high nose bridge on wearing a pair of golden glasses and a black head of hair, looks very cool My father endurance is very strong, not only love the work, and have a bright and cheerful disposition, never to lose his temper

My father is a workaholic, a day is a maximum, he was at home is also a unshakeable "anchored" - not sitting in puter room drawing is to see the puter Because he is a secondary puter division! There is only a day of rest on Sunday - and he also puter half a day to the puter to find information

Once, when I do my math homework, with an asterisk questions baffled me all of a sudden, I left think right think, draft paper with two copies, or do not e out I ask dad, dad a see see, take a sheet of paper, draw up to tell me, he spoke three times, my mind was a blank, I thought dad want to scold me, thought: "bad"! Dad said: "the putation for the parent to tell you again" I was very happy, this times I understood, I put my homework done together The next day, the teacher also praised me that question I thought to myself, "this is my dad's credit"

  I am proud to have such a father


My father was born in "the June 1 children's day", perhaps this is the reason why he never grow up Although he is 35 years old, but he is still like a child full of mischief and sense of humor

Father always get up early in the morning every day, and then began to call my mother and I get up If we don't get up, he had a lot of big idea: the audio voice up, the cold hand ice into bed with me If we don't get up, he suddenly put the quilt away My mother and I protested loudly, my all quick enough, as he was triumphant ile

On another occasion, my mother and I in idioms solitaire game to play, dad in the side when the audience When I back to "burn out", I suddenly let father take a word, dad, of course, I don't know, but won't give up, thought for a moment and said, "all dead!" I said: "no, the next word is: in vain!" Dad vigorously said: "the movie is drawn up, must be all dead!" My mother and I laugh shed tears

Father's love, I love my dad!


My father a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, high nose, wearing a pair of thick glasses, ile is very cute, like a rubber doll Is beginning to, however, is very terrible Remember once, I refuse to play the piano, my father gave me posing as a teacher of the shelves, and eyes were wide, fingers are going back to my nose, said angrily: "you exactly is to play, or not to play" Looks like a Wolf to eat the sheep

My father is a teacher, he is very love learning Every morning, after breakfast, began to read English He usually is not working at the puter, in reading, but also wrote many books

Dad usually like to speak a joke for me, made me laugh often Don't know that he gave his students in the class, will be like this

Dad go to sports every afternoon, sometimes I run, sometimes ice skating, sometimes at home to do sit-ups, sometimes put me as his sports equipment, go to give to give!

I love my father very much, no matter what, to me I will not change my dad


My name is Li Hua I am from a worker's family There are six people in my family They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade My grandfather and grandmother are peasants They do farm work every day in my hometown My father is a senior engineer He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station My mother is a teacher She teaches English in a middle school My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county She loves her work and does it well I am a middle school student And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination I wish that I could be enrolled by a famous university

That is my family All the members in my family live in harmony We love each other devotedly


我的家人 My Family Members

I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School I am in Class Two Grade Three I'm a girl I'm twelve years old I'm tall and thin I like to sing and dance I can sing POP music very well I like to eat meat, because I think it's very delicious I' good at English, because I like it very much I like to write a position and I like to read many nice books I think it's good for me I like drawing, but I can't draw very well I like cats very much, but I can't have them, because my mother doesn't like them, she think they're very dirty I want to travel around the world, but I haven't enough money But I'm happy, because I have many friends and a happy family

My mother is a shop assistant She's thirty-six years old She's tall and thin too She's pretty Her hair is short and straight She likes to sing and she likes Zhang Xueyou's songs and English songs She likes to eat crabs She always goes shopping with me She's good at Maths When I have problems with Maths she will help me She doesn't like pets; because she thinks they are dirty I like my mother very much

My father is a manager He's forty-six years old But he looks like very young and handsome He always goes to park with me He likes to oke But I think oke is bad for himself He likes English songs He's good at Chinese He sometimes helps me to write a position My father likes pets very much I like my father very much

My grandmother and my sister live together My grandma is sixty-three years old She's retiring My sister is a student of fourteen years old She has two big eyes and long straight hair She's a all famous singer in her city She likes to sing and dance She can sing very well She joins in many petitions and she always be champion


There are three people in our family, my father, my mother and I, our home is very warm You see, dad's humor, mom's sternness, and my mischievous mischievous, make our family happier

Oh! By the way, tell you, my mother is very much like a face Why Because in my heart, my mother is a volcano, a little fire, a little bit of trivial things would have made her angry, so most of her expression on anger and strict, but she can also laugh, like to laugh, not sneer at is laughed, these are the result of the father's jokes, and my father's credit is very big, my mother is a lengthy, you see, her day and night, like pressing, said a pile of words, but some nonsense, only a little bit of essence, so, my father and I put up with her every day Not only that, all the expenses of the family, but also her supervisor, speaking of this, I am not convinced, why everything in the family has a woman supervisor, therefore, I have a heart for our boys

My home, there is a joke big king, is our ming-rong wang Sir, my father played, see his words of humor, like got a precious thing, very happy, so I respect him Oh dear! I came on the field and looked at my mischievous look It was such a cry, but I thought I was good How about you

Finally, I said, "do you like my family











Love for my parents


There is old saying:" filial piety" This is often people hanging out at the mouth, it contains the greatest love of all


When I was young, lie in the arms of mother, sipping sweet milk, babbling This is our most wonderful childhood memories More, learning has become our main task, the hardships of the learning process, the parents of our ship shore As we step out to grow step by step


Once, I was crossing the road when seen such a moving story: a cat, stealing the master's a fish, the master found out, carrying stick to chase the cat, the cat 's leg was interrupted, but the cat is still not let go Finally, the cat came out of the owner's chase, came to the side of the grass, stopped Put the fish in a kitten in front, the cat ate greedily, but the cat mother tongue lovingly lick kitten's head The almost 's life in exchange for the fish, it is not always eat, see this, I was moved to tears This is love, a mother love to their children


In this world who do know:" lamb with filial piety, crow are feeding As a child, saying " thank you",


How to save the parents of my love Although they have received a good education, they have the greatest love of all Life with their bodies, with time through, but in their covered with wrinkles on the face and wrote the traces of time


In nine years time in my life and white painted on a long track, nine years such as water easily stole your most valuable time I am no longer a child learn language, I understand that parents have cudgeled one's brains The years slowly push the wheel of history, I understand What is love""


Parental love is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea, more than the sun and the moon long I would like a full of feeling heart to pray to God, let my parents happy

你自己说的 不行再说啦 可以加分吧 原创的放心

There are four people in my family My father's name is Jeff My mother's name is Doris, My sister is 19 years old Her name is Anna My name is Bella I am elve years old I like my family very much! 下次记得给回答你的问题的人一些悬赏分,不然是不会有人给你发答案的! 我家有四口人。我爸爸叫Jeff,我妈妈叫Doris我姐姐19岁了,她叫Anna,我叫Bella。我12岁了,我非常爱我的家人! 如果是找人代写代答, 网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的, 复制的和原创的价格是不一样的, 原创的是需要支付稿酬的, 看来你是想空手套白狼吗? 如果是请别人帮助的话, 应该有句礼貌的语言, 这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的, 这里又不是你个人的秘书处, 别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作, 你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢? i have a big familyit have grandpa,grandmo,father,mother and imy grandpa is very tall and thin,my grandmo is heavy and my mother is shortfor age,my grandpa is sixty three,my grandmo is sixty o,my father is thirty o and my mother is thirty threein this family,we both enjoy having fun My family There are five people in my familyThis is a person who is the mother of my motherThis is a person who is the father of my motherMy mother's name is Tian LingMy father's name is Cui QungongMy name is Cui ZihanI am eleven years oldLike my family very much!

1 我的家英文作文怎么写

My family

My name is I have a happy family

My father and mother all 38 yearthey all love me very muchI love them tooAnd I have an aughty brother

I like danceMy brother like drowMy father cans peak EnglishMy mother like do houework (haha)My father often speak English in my home

this is my family,a happy family







2 我的家庭作文英文怎么写

There are 3 people in my family, father, mother amd me My father is a business man, he likes fishing My mother is a housewife, she likes watching TV I'm happy with this family


I have a happy family, father, mother amd me My father is a business man, he travels a lot around this country He likes fishing in the countryside to relax My mother is a housewife, she liks watching TV, besides, as a typical woman, she also enjoy shopping, clothes, co tecis, etc To me, I perfer play sports with friends

I'm very happy with this family

3 关于《我想成为一名作家》的英语作文

I want to be a writerEveryone has a dream about their future,if you ask me what's my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writerI like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy as the writers doSo I practice to write something in my free time,by doing that I feel very fortable because sometimes I write some opinions about the life,the society,I think these will help me in the way of being a writer。

4 写我的家人用英文怎么写作文






Only three people in my family, one is my dear mom, a dad, is my humor and a lovely me

My father is very funny, he often tell me a lot of jokes, often made me laugh, so I very like the humorous father

My mother is very strict to me, every time I do a wrong thing mother always criticize me But I know mother to do it all for me, I also like me the strict mother

I am a lively and cheerful girl, treat each thing has its own opinions and decisions, mom and dad I always criticize me carefully listen, because I know they love me, so I never angry, this

5 用英语怎么写全家福作文

East, west, home is the best(金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝)/ My Family(我的家)As the old saying goes, “East, west, home is the best” Whenever I'm tired, I can have a good rest at home Whenever I feel sad, my parents will e to fort me Whenever I'm happy, I can share my joy with my family members I live in Shanghai There are o bedrooms and a living room in my home Although the flat is not big, I feel fortable to live there It is near my pany, so I can ride a bike to work everyday During the weekends, I will do some housework and study English at homeI love my home It is the best place ever

There are many happy things in my Childhood I still remember the good old days when I play with my family When I was 10 years old, my father took me to Hong Kong to see my aunt This was my first visit to Hong Kong During my stay there, I went to the famous Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Disneyland My aunt was very excited and we all had a good time This travel became the happiest things in my childhood


6 求一篇关于做家务事的英文作文




I think it is necessary for us to do some housework Because our parents are busy with their work and when they get home, they feel tired If we help them do some housework, they will feel relax and feel proud of us Besides, doing housework can help us grow up and make us relax and stronger It is our duty to do the housework and it can make us look after ourselves better。

7 英语家谱写做作文怎么弄

My Family

Hello,everybody!Do you know my nameMy name is YangYibin and I am so happy I can have a happy(幸福的)family There are six people in my family They are my father ,my mother ,my ,my grandparents,my uncle ,my aunt and me This is my family。


英语的起源 一 英语的“家谱” 英语是印欧 (1ndo-European)语系。印欧语系是世界上最大的语系,包括欧洲、美洲和亚洲的大部分语言...