


1 关于恐龙的英语作文




The Earth's history has been 45 billion years Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani s Since then, much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils, these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changes

Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaurs They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 15 million years old

In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs Today, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils e As people found their bones, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks, footprints, and other cave sites, the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs

2 关于写恐龙的英语作文50个单词,简单一点

the dinosuar the dinosaurs is one of the kind of animal lives successfully the dinosaurs was the kind of animal rule the global longest time the less of them was eating by the end of,dinosaurs had been disappear to the global in the noany ways,being a no-solve puzzle but people is finding the way to solve this problem nowwe believe that the true answers can be found。

3 介绍恐龙 英语作文

About 255 million years ago, the pla emergence of a new class of reptiles Like all reptiles, they are the descendants of the eggs hatching out of their skin covered with scales, impervious, and this is the dinosaur Emerged from the demise of the dinosaurs until, up to rule the Earth 16 billion years old。

4 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)

地球的历史已经有45亿年了在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,没有人见到过活的恐龙今天我们所知道的有关恐龙的一切是从恐龙的化石得来的由于人们找到了它们的骨、齿、卵的化石,和皮肤痕迹、脚印、穴居场所等,科学家们就根据这些线索去探索有关恐龙的秘密The Earth's history has been 45 billion yearsConstraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani sSince then,much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology,the course of the decline until extinction,only the fossils so far retainedNow the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils,these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changesDating back more than 200 million years ago,life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaursThey are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 15 million years oldIn humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct,and no one to see live dinosaursToday,we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils eAs people found their bones,teeth,egg fossils,and skin marks,footprints,and other cave sites,the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs。

5 喜爱的恐龙用英文怎么写60单词求60英语单词的作文

暴龙(又名霸王龙)是我最喜欢的恐龙,它是一种大型的肉食性恐龙,身长约13公尺,体重约7公吨,生存于白垩纪末期的马斯垂克阶最后300万年,距今约6850万年到6550万年它也是白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件前最后的恐龙种群之一Tyrannosaurus is my favourite dinosaurIt is a large carnivorous dinosaur,its body length of 13 meters and weighing about 7 tons,lived in the end of the Cretaceous Maastrichtian and last for 3 millions years,since about 685 million years to 655 million yearsThe tyrannosaurus is one of the last dinosaur species before the events of Cretaceous - Tertiary extinction。

6 关于恐龙的英语作文

Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years agoThey became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eatToday,people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the groundWe can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums。

7 恐龙的英文怎么写

中生代或中生代前: 初龙Archosaur 迷龙Labyrinthodont 蜥蜴Lizard 中生代-三叠纪: 腔骨龙Coelophysis 犬齿龙Cynodont 始初龙Eoraptor 黑瑞龙Herrerasaurus 蓓天翼龙Peteinosaurus 三叉棕榈龙Thrinaxodon 蛇颈龙Plesiosaur 植龙Phytosaur 蒙托龙Metoposaur 鸟脚亚龙Ornithopod 上龙Pliosaur 板龙Plateosaurus 后鳄龙Postosuchus 布拉塞龙Placerias 盾齿龙Placodus 加斯马吐龙Chasnatosaurus 纯信龙Pistosaurus 龟龙Placohelys 鸥龙Lariosaurus 阿氏开普吐龙Askeptosaurus 混鱼龙Mixosaurus 舟椎龙Cymbospondylus 锹鳞龙Stagomolepis 无齿龙Henodus 沙尼龙Shonisaurus 高冠颌龙Hupsognathus 巨椎龙Massospondylus 副细颚龙Propsognathus 异平齿龙Hyperodapedon 中生代-侏罗纪: 异特龙Allosaurus 梁龙Diplodocus 鱼龙Ichthyosaur 无颚龙Anurognathus 滑齿龙Liopleurodon 斑龙Megalosaurus 大眼鱼龙Ophthalmosaurus 雷龙Apatosaurus剑龙Stegosaurus 嗜鸟龙Ornitholestes 嘴口龙Rhamphorhynchus 雷龙Brontosaurus 翼龙Pterosaur 翼手龙Pterodactylus 棱长颈龙Cryptoclidus 扭椎龙Eustreptospondylus 棱齿龙Hypsilophodontid 始祖鸟Archaeopteryx 秀颚龙Compsognathus 冰脊龙Cryolophosaurus 腕龙Brachiosaurus 虚骨龙Coelurus 巨齿龙Teratosaurus 异龙Tiranosaurus 双嵴龙Dilophosaurus 角鼻龙Ceratosaurus 蛇颈龙Plesiosaurus 离片齿龙Timnoodontosaurus 巴拉帕龙Barapasaurus 赖索托龙Lesothosaurus 槽齿龙Thecodontosaurus 安琪龙Anchisaurus 畸齿龙Heterodontosaurus 踝龙Scelidosaurus 狭翼龙Stenopterygius 小盾片龙Scutellosaurus 弯龙Camptosaurus 掘颌龙Scaphognathus 伊拉夫罗龙Elaphrosaurus 肯氏龙Kentrosaurus 叉龙Dicraeosaurus 永川龙Yongchuanosaurus 盘足龙Euhelopus 索德斯龙Sordes 沱江龙Tuojiangosaurus 马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus 磔齿龙Dryosaurus 奥思尼尔龙Othnielia 中生代-白垩纪: 大鹅龙Anatotitan 甲龙Ankylosaurus 重爪龙Baryonyx 笨爪龙Baryonyx 角龙Ceratopsian 虚骨龙Coelurosaurs 恐爪龙Deinonychus 鼠齿龙Didelphodon 奔龙Dromaeosaur 矮异特龙Dwarf allosaur 爱德蒙托龙Edmontosaurus 鸭嘴龙Hadrosaur 森林龙Hylaeosaurus 海拉尔龙Hylaeosaurus 酷拉龙Koolasuchus 雷利诺龙Leaellynasaura 犹他盗龙Utahraptor 迅猛龙Velociraptor 暴龙Tyrannosaurus 木他龙Muttaburrasaurus 结龙Nodosaur 鸟脚龙Ornithocheirus 披羽蛇翼龙Quetzalcoatlus 提米穆斯龙Timimus 牛角龙Torosaurus 钉背龙Polacanthus 它蓓翼龙Tapejara 三角龙Triceratops 棘龙Edaphosaurus 塔博龙Tarbosaurus 禽龙Iguanodon 棘齿龙Echinodon 准噶尔翼龙Dsungaripterus 普罗巴克特龙Probactrosaurus 乌埃哈龙Wuerhosaurus 厚针龙Pachyrhachis 鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus 阿克罗肯龙Acrocanthosaurus 塞塞罗龙Thescelosaurus 泰南吐龙Tenontosaurus 板果龙Platecarpus 无齿翼龙Pteranodon 厚甲龙Struthiosaurus 原角龙Protoceratops 阿利奥拉龙[Alioramus 薄片龙Ela osaurus 青岛龙Tsintaosaurus 山东龙Shantungosaurus 赛查龙Saichania 后凹尾龙Opisthocoelicaudia 似鸵龙Struthiomimus 达氏吐龙Daspletosaurus 鳄龙Champsosaurus 剑角龙Stegoceras 狭爪龙Stenonychosaurus 原蜥冠龙Prosaurolophus 浮龙Plotosaurus 帕克索龙Parksosaurus 胄甲龙anoplosaurus 肿头龙Pachycephalosaurus 盔头龙Corythosaurus 阿拉莫龙Alamosaurus 鸭嘴龙Anatosaurus 厚鼻龙Pachyrhinosaurus 赖氏龙Lambeosaurus 戟龙Styracosaurus 似鸟龙Saurornithoides 中国的恐龙 尹氏芦沟龙 Lukousaurus yini 破碎中国虚骨龙 Sinocoelurus fragilis 原始川东虚骨龙 Chuandongocoelurus primitivus 亚洲古似鸟龙 Archaeornithomimus asiatiicus 嗜角偷蛋龙 Oviraptor philoceratop 艾里克敏捷龙 Phaedrolosaurus ilikensis 小巧吐谷鲁龙 Tugulusaurus faciles 蒙古疾走龙 Velociraptor mongoliensis 三叠中国龙 Sinosaurus triassicus 中国只脊龙 Dilophosaurus sinensis 建设气龙 Gasosaurus constructus 七里峡宣汉龙 Xuanhanosaurus qilixiaensis 上游永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis 巨型永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus magus 巨型永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus magus 甘氏四川龙 Szechuanosaurus campi 石油克拉玛依龙 Kelmayisaurus petrolicus 大水沟吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus tashikouensis 毛儿图吉兰泰龙 Chiantaisaurus maortuensis 浙江吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus zhejiangensis 破碎金刚口龙 Chingkankousaurus fragilis 广西原恐齿龙 Prodeinodon Kwangshiensis 火焰山鄯善龙 Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis 威肋阿尔伯脱龙 Albertosaurus periculosus 奥氏鹰龙 Alectrosaurus olseni 栾川暴龙 Tyrannosaurus luanchuanensis 霸王龙相似种 Tyrannosaurus 特暴龙未定种 Tarbosaurus sp 许氏禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus huenei 巨型禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus magnus 黄氏云南龙 Yunnanosaurus huangi 巨硕云南龙 Yunnanosaurus magnus 中国近蜥龙(兀龙)Anchisaurus(Gyposaurus) sinensis 中和金沙江龙 Chinshakiangosaurus 。

8 求一篇恐龙的作文(英文的)

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, o paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit But a all patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an or lost its feathers for part of the year But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize "Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs 从南德国的一块美妙地被保存的化石在星期四出版的研究中提出关于羽毛怎么从恐龙演变了到鸟,二个古生物学家的问题争论。

The 150百万年老化石是少年食肉恐龙大约科学家命名Juravenator的2 1/2英尺长,为找到的朱拉山。 在“失去的世界期间,开头场面It将看起来类似在生活中恐吓海滩的一个女孩的走路快的掠食性动物”,第二部侏罗纪公园**。

The化石的相当好被保存的骨头结构在恐龙家谱明显地投入它在用羽毛装饰的家族之中。 由于所有它的近亲用羽毛装饰,古生物学家会盼望Juravenator仿效别人。

But皮肤一个小补丁在生物的尾巴的不显示羽毛的迹象。 并且皮肤也没有是特点用羽毛装饰的恐龙的滤泡,说Luis Chiappe,恐龙学院的主任洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆的。

慕尼黑大学的他和厄休拉B Gohlich在学报自然的星期四的问题描述化石。 "它有典型的鳞状dinosaurian皮肤, “Chiappe说。

The古生物学家相信Juravenator的最接近的已知的亲戚也许是从中国, Sinosauropterix的充分地用羽毛装饰的恐龙。 There是Juravenator的裸体的一定数量的可能解说。

羽毛在带领Juravenator在升起在祖先以后两个它和它的用羽毛装饰的亲戚的演变线可能丢失了。 或者羽毛在恐龙可能不止一次演变了,突然发生在姐妹种类在不同的时间和地点。

也是可能的Juravenator这块特殊化石,看来少年,只有生长了羽毛作为成人或丢失了它的一部分的羽毛的年。 那里But是另一种可能性,说标记Norell,古生物学的馆长在自然历史美国博物馆的: 是完全可能的Juravenator有羽毛,但是他们没有僵化。

"羽毛是真正地保存的困难的事, “Norell说。 To支持他的假说他指出最旧的已知的鸟,始祖鸟,缺乏的几块化石用羽毛装饰。

新的标本是否提出关于羽毛¡ ª和鸟¡ ª怎样的有趣的问题因而演变了,多数专家不看它,因为挑战对广泛被接受的观点现代鸟下降恐龙。

9 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)


The Earth's history has been 45 billion years Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani s Since then, much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaurs They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 1, these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changes地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物, footprints,没有人见到过活的恐龙。


现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石5 million years old,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙。

从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs Today。它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久。

在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,和皮肤痕迹, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils e As people found their bones, and other cave sites。


蒋澈 邢立达

恐龙纲 Class Dinosauria(Owen),1841

◆蜥臀目 [ Order Saurischia Seeley, 1888 ]

◆兽脚亚目 Suborder Theropoda Marsh, 1881

◆虚骨龙次亚目 Infraorder Coelurosauria Huene, 1914

迅足龙科 Family Podokesauridae Huene, 1914

芦沟龙属 Lukousaurus Young,1948

⊙尹氏芦沟龙 Lukousaurus yini Young, 1948

虚骨龙科 Family Coeluridae Marsh, 1881

中国虚骨龙属 Sinocoelurus Young,1922

⊙破碎中国虚骨龙 Sinocoelurus fragilis Young, 1942

川东虚骨龙属 Chuandongocoelurus He,1984

⊙原始川东虚骨龙 Chuandongocoelurus primitivus He, 1984

似鸟龙科 Family Ornithomimidae Marsh, 1890

古似鸟龙属 Archaeornithomimus Russell,1972

⊙亚洲古似鸟龙 Archaeornithomimus asiatiicus(Gilmore, 1933)Russell, 1972

偷蛋龙科 Family Oviraptoridae Barshold, 1976

偷蛋龙属 Oviraptor Osborn,1924

⊙嗜角偷蛋龙 Oviraptor philoceratop Osborn, 1924

驰龙科 Family Dromaeosauridae Mattew et Brown, 1922

敏捷龙属 Phaedrolosaurus Dong,1973

⊙艾里克敏捷龙 Phaedrolosaurus ilikensis Dong, 1973

吐谷鲁龙属 Tugulusaurus Dong,1973

⊙小巧吐谷鲁龙 Tugulusaurus faciles Dong, 1973

疾走龙属 Velociraptor Osborn,1924

⊙蒙古疾走龙 Velociraptor mongoliensis Osborn, 1924

◆肉食龙次亚目 Infraorder Carnosauria von Huene, 1920

巨齿龙科 Family Megalosauridae Huxley, 1870

中国龙属 Sinosaurus Young,1948

⊙三叠中国龙 Sinosaurus triassicus Young, 1948

只脊龙属 Dilophosaurus Welles,1970

⊙中国只脊龙 Dilophosaurus sinensis Hu, 1992

气龙属 Gasosaurus Dong et Tang,1985

⊙建设气龙 Gasosaurus constructus Dong et Tang, 1985

宣汉龙属 Xuanhanosaurus Dong,1984

⊙七里峡宣汉龙 Xuanhanosaurus qilixiaensis Dong, 1984

异特龙科 Family Allosauridae Marsh, 1879

永川龙属 Yangchuanosaurus Dong et al 1978

⊙上游永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis Dong et al, 1978

⊙巨型永川龙 Yangchuanosaurus magus Dong et al, 1983

四川龙属 Szechuanosaurus Young,1942

⊙甘氏四川龙 Szechuanosaurus campi Young, 1942

克拉玛依龙属 Kelmayisaurus Dong,1973

⊙石油克拉玛依龙 Kelmayisaurus petrolicus Dong, 1973

吉兰泰龙属 Chilantaisaurus Hu,1964

⊙大水沟吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus tashikouensis Hu, 1964

⊙毛儿图吉兰泰龙 Chiantaisaurus maortuensis Hu, 1964

⊙浙江吉兰泰龙 Chilantaisaurus zhejiangensis Dong, 1979

金刚口龙属 Chingkankousaurus Young,1958

⊙破碎金刚口龙 Chingkankousaurus fragilis Young, 1958

恐齿龙属 Prodeinodon Osborn,1924

⊙广西原恐齿龙 Prodeinodon Kwangshiensis Hou et al, 1975

鄯善龙科 Family Shanshanosauridae Dong, 1977

鄯善龙属 Shanshanosaurus Dong,1977

⊙火焰山鄯善龙 Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis Dong, 1977

暴龙科 Family Tyrannosauridae Osborn, 1905

阿尔伯脱龙属 Albertosaurus Osborn,1905

⊙威肋阿尔伯脱龙 Albertosaurus periculosus Riabinin, 1930

鹰龙属 Alectrosaurus Gilmore,1933

⊙奥氏鹰龙 Alectrosaurus olseni Gilmore, 1933

暴龙属 Tyrannosaurus Osborn,1905

⊙栾川暴龙 Tyrannosaurus luanchuanensis Dong, 1979

⊙霸王龙相似种 Tyrannosaurus cf T rex Hu, 1973

⊙特暴龙未定种 Tarbosaurus sp Maleev, 1955

◆蜥脚形亚目 Suborder Sauropodomorpha von Huene, 1932

◆原蜥脚次亚目 Infraorder Prosauropoda von Huene, 1920

板龙科 Family Platesauridae Marsh, 1895

禄丰龙属 Lufengosaurus Young,1941

⊙许氏禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus huenei Young, 1941

⊙巨型禄丰龙 Lufengosaurus magnus Young, 1947

云南龙科 Family Yunnanosauridae Young, 1942

云南龙属 Yunnanosaurus Young,1942

⊙黄氏云南龙 Yunnanosaurus huangi Young, 1942

⊙巨硕云南龙 Yunnanosaurus magnus Young, 1947

近蜥龙科 Family Anchisauridae Marsh, 1885

讯蜥龙属 Anchisaurus Marsh,1885

兀龙亚属 Gyposaurus Broom,1911

⊙中国近蜥龙(兀龙)Anchisaurus(Gyposaurus) sinensis Young, 1941

美兰龙科 Family Melanrosauridae von Huene, 1929

金沙江龙属 Chinshakiangosaurus Yeh,1975

⊙中和金沙江龙 Chinshakiangosaurus zhongheensis Elaao, 1956

◆蜥脚次亚目 Infraorder Sauropoda Marsh, 1878

圆顶龙科 Family Camarasauridae Cope, 1877

蜀龙亚科 Subfamily Shunosaurinae Mclntosh, 1990

昆明龙属 Kunmingosaurus Zhao,1985

⊙武定昆明龙 Kunmingosaurus wudingensis Zhao, 1985

原颌龙属 Protognathosaurus Olshevsky,1991

⊙炎齿原颌龙 Protognathosaurus oxyodon(Zhang, 1988) Olshevsky, 1991

三巴龙属 Sanpasaurus Young,1944

⊙岳氏三巴龙 Sanpasaurus yoai Young, 1944

资中龙属 Zizhongosaurus Dong et al,1983

⊙船城资中龙 Zizhongosaurus chuanchengensis Dong et al, 1983

蜀龙属 Shunosaurus Dong Zhou et Zhang,1983

⊙李氏蜀龙 Shunosaurus lii Dong, et al, 1983

似鲸龙亚科 Subfamily Cetiosaurinae Ly dekker, 1888

酋龙属 Datousaurus

⊙巴以酋龙 Datousaurus bashanensis Dong et Tang, 1984

巧龙亚科 Subfamily Bellusaurinae Dong, 1986

马门溪龙科 Family Mamenchisauridae Young et Chao, 1972

马门溪龙亚科 Subfamily Mamenchisaurinae Dong, 1992

峨嵋龙属 Genus Omeisaurus Young, 1939

⊙荣县峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus junghsiensis Young, 1939

⊙斧溪峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus fuxiensis Dong et al, 1983

⊙天府峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus tianfuensis He et al, 1984

⊙罗泉峨嵋龙 Omeisaurus luoquanensis Li, 1988

马门溪龙属 Genus Mamenchisaurus Young, 1954

⊙建设马门溪龙 Mamenchisaurus constructus Young, 1954

⊙合川马门溪龙 Manenchisaurus hochuanensis Young et Zhao, 1972

盘足龙亚科 Subfamily Euhelopodinae Romer, 1956

天山龙属 Tienshanosaurus Young,1937

⊙奇台天山龙 Tienshanosaurus chitaiensis Young, 1937

美丽龙属 Klamelisaurus Zhao,1993

⊙戈壁克拉美丽龙 Klamelisaurus gobiensis Zhao, 1993

嘉裕龙属 Chiayusaurus Bohlin,1953

⊙湖泊嘉裕龙 Chiayusaurus lacstris Bohlin, 1953

盘足龙属 Euhelopus Romer,1956

⊙师氏盘足龙 Euhelopus zdanskyi Wiman, 1929

亚洲龙属 Asiatosaurus Osborn,1924

⊙广西亚洲龙 Asiatosaurus kwangshiensis Hou et al, 1975

蒙古龙属 Mongolosaurus Gilmore,1933

⊙坦齿蒙古龙 Mongolosaurus hoplodon Gilmore, 1933

梁龙科 Family Diplodocidae Marsh, 1884

巨龙亚科 Subfamily Titanosaurinae Nopcsa, 1928

纳摩盖吐龙属 Nemegtosaurus Nowinski,1971

⊙耙齿纳摩盖吐龙 Nemegtosaurus pachi Dong, 1977

◆鸟臀目 [ Order Ornithischia Seeley, 1887 ]

◆鸟脚亚目 Suborder ornithopoda Marsh, 1871

异齿龙科 Family Heterodontosauridae Romer, 1966

滇中龙属 Diachongosaurus

⊙禄丰滇中龙 Diachongosaurus lufengensis Young, 1982

棱齿龙科 Family Hypsilophodontidae Dollo, 1882

膮龙属 Xiaosaurus Dong et Tang,1983

⊙大山铺膮龙 Xiaosaurus dashanpensis Dong et Tang, 1984

盐都龙属 Yandusaurus He,1979

⊙鸿鹤盐都龙 Yandusaurus hungheensis He, 1979

工部龙属 Gongbusaurus Dong et al,1983

⊙拾遗工部龙 Gongbusaurus shiyii Dong et al, 1983

⊙五彩湾工部龙 Gongbusaurus wucalwanensis Dong, 1989

灵龙属 Agilisaurus Peng,1990

⊙兰氏灵龙 Agilisaurus louderbacki Peng, 1990

禽龙科 Family Iguanodontidae Cope, 1869

原巴克龙属 Probactrosaurus Rozhdestvensky, 1966

⊙戈壁原巴克龙 Probactrosaurus gobiensis Rozhdestvensky, 1966

⊙阿拉善原巴克龙 Probactrosaurus alashanicus Rozhdestvensky, 1966

鸭嘴龙科 Family Hadrosauridae Cope, 1869

鸭嘴龙亚科 Subfamily Hadrosaurinae Lambe, 1918

巴克龙属 Bactrosaurus Glmore,1933

⊙姜氏巴克龙 Bactrosaurus johnsoni Glmore,1933

满洲龙属 Mandschurosaurus Riabinin,1930

⊙黑龙江满洲龙 Mandschurosaurus amurensis Riabinin,1930

计氏龙属 Gilmoreosaurus Brett-Surman,1975

⊙蒙古计氏龙 Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis Brett-Surman,1975

谭氏龙属 Tanius Wiman,1929

⊙中国谭氏龙 Tanius sinensis Wiman, 1929

⊙金刚口谭氏龙 Tanius chingkankoensis Young, 1958

⊙莱阳谭氏龙 Tanius laiyangensis Zhen, 1976

小鸭嘴龙属 Microhadrosaurus Dong,1979

⊙南雄小鸭嘴龙 Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis Dong, 1979

山东龙属 Shantungosaurus Hu,1973

⊙巨型山东龙 Shantungosaurus giganteus Hu, 1973

栉龙亚科 Subfamily Saurolophinae Brown, 1914

牙克煞龙属 Jaxartosaurus Riabinin,1939

⊙富蕴牙克煞龙 Jaxartosaurus fuyanensis Wu, 1972

青岛龙属 Tsintaosaurus Young,1958

⊙棘鼻青岛龙 Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus Young, 1958

◆剑龙亚目 Suborder stegosauria Marsh, 1880

华阳龙科 Family Huayangosauridae Galton, 1990

大地龙属 Tatisaurus Simmons,1965

⊙奥氏大地龙 Tatisaurus oehleri Simmons, 1965

华阳龙属 Huayangosaurus Dong et al,1982

⊙太白华阳龙 Huayangosaurus taibaii Dong et al, 1982

剑龙科 Family stegosauridae Marsh, 1877

剑节龙属 Stegosaurides Bohlin

⊙凹甲剑节龙 Stegosaurides excavatus Bohlin, 1953

嘉陵龙属 Chialingosaurus Young,1959

⊙关氏嘉陵龙 Chialingosaurus kuani Young, 1959

沱江龙属 Tuojiangosaurus Dong et al,1977

⊙多棘沱江龙 Tuojiangosaurus multispinus Dong et al, 1977

重庆龙属 Chunkingosaurus Dong et al,1983

⊙江北重庆龙 Chungkingosaurus jiangbeiensis Dong et al, 1983

乌尔禾龙属 Wuerhosaurus Dong,1973

⊙平坦乌尔禾龙 Wuerhosaurus homheni Dong, 1973

芒康龙属 Monokosaurus

⊙拉乌拉芒康龙 Monokosaurus lawulacus Chao, 1983

◆甲龙亚目 Suborder Ankylosauria Osborn, 1923

甲龙科 Family Ankylosauridae Brown, 1903

天池龙属 Tianchiasaurus Dong,1993

⊙明星天池龙 Tianchiasaurus nedegoapeferima Dong, 1993

北山龙属 Peishansaurus Bohlin,1953

⊙薄甲北山龙 Peishansaurus philemys Bohlin, 1953

绘龙属 Pinacosaurus Gilmore,1933

⊙谷氏绘龙 Pinacosaurus grangeri Gilmore, 1933

蜥甲龙属 Sauroplites Bohlin,1953

⊙结节蜥甲龙 Sauroplites scutiger Bohlin, 1953

黑山龙属 Heishanosaurus Bohlin,1953

⊙肿头黑山龙 Heishanosaurus pachycephalus Bohlin, 1953

◆角龙亚目 Suborder Ceratopsia Marsh, 1890

朝阳龙科 Family chaoyangosauridae Zhao, 1983

朝阳龙属 Chaoyangosaurus Zhao,1983

⊙辽西朝阳龙 Chaoyangosaurus liaoxinensis Zhao, 1983

鹦鹉嘴龙科 Family Psittacosauridae Osborn, 1924

鹦鹉嘴龙属 Psittacosaurus Osborn,1923

⊙蒙古鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus mongoliensis Osborn, 1923

⊙中国鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus sinensiss Young, 1953

⊙奥氏鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus osborni Young, 1931

⊙固阳鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus gugangensis Zhen, 1981

⊙新疆鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus xingiangensis Sereno et Chao, 1988

⊙梅勒营鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus meileyingensis Sereno et al, 1988

原角龙科 Family Protoceratopsidae G ranger et Gregory, 1923

微角龙属 Microceratops

⊙戈壁微角龙 Microceratops gobiensis Bohlin, 1953

⊙凹齿微角龙 Microcera tops sulcidens Bohlin, 1953

原角龙属 Protoceratops Granger et Gregory,1923

⊙安氏原角龙 Protoceratops andrewsi Granger et Gregory, 1923

◆肿头龙亚目 Suborder Pachycephalosauria Osmolska et Maryansky, 1976

平头龙科 Family Homalocephalidae Dong, 1978

小肿头龙属 Micropachycephalosaurus Dong,1978

⊙红土崖小肿头龙 Micropachycephalosaurus hongtuyanensis Dong, 1978

皖南龙属 Wannanosaurus Hou,1977

⊙岩寺皖南龙 Wannanosaurus yangsiensis Hou, 1977

◆慢龙目 Order Segnosauria (Barsbold et Perly, 1980) Dong, 1992

南雄龙科 Family Nanshiungosauridae Dong, 1995

南雄龙属 Nanshiungosaurus Dong,1979

⊙短棘南雄龙 Nanshiungosaurus brevisinus Dong, 1979


1 关于恐龙的英语作文 地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物。从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰...