







1833年,向朋友借钱经商,但年底就破产了,接下 来他花了十六年,才把债还清。

1834年,再次竞选州议员 赢了!



1838年,争取成为州议员的发言人 没有成功。

1840年,争取成为选举人了 失败了!

1843年,参加国会大选 落选了!

1846年,再次参加国会大选 这次当选了!前往 华盛顿特区,表现可圈可点。


1849年,想在自己的州内担任土地局长的工作 被拒绝了!

1854年,竞选美国参议员 落选了!

1856年,在共和党的全国代表大会上争取副总统的 提名 得票不到一百张。

1858年,再度竞选美国参议员一一 再度落败。


In 1816, and his family were driven out of a place to live, he must work to support them

In 1818, the death of his mother

In 1831, the failure of the business

In 1832, the state election but lost in the elections!

In 1832, also lost, I would like to attend law school, but no access

In 1833, to borrow money from friends to do business, but at the end of the bankruptcy, he spent the next 16 years, only to pay off debt

In 1834, won re-election Members of the state!

In 1835, after the engagement is about to get married, the wife of the late marriage is dead, his heart broken!

In 1836, the spirit of complete collapse of the bed for six months

In 1838, the state's bid to become the spokesman did not succeed

In 1840, to become a voter failed!

In 1843, lost the election to participate in the Congress!

In 1846, once again participate in the parliamentary elections of the election! Go to Washington, DC, the remarkable performance

In 1848, members of Congress seeking re-election failed!

In 1849, would like to state in their own land as the Secretary of the work was rejected!

In 1854, lost a run for US Senate!

In 1856, the Republican National Convention's nomination for vice president less than 100 votes

In 1858, the United States Senate re-election once again defeated one by one

In 1860, was elected President of the United States

My name is Zhang Yin I am 13 years old i study in NO2 Middle School I am in Class4, Grade 7 my grandfather is zhang jiang he is 67 years old my grandmother is lin fang, she is 65 years old they are both farmers my father is zhang ming he is a math teacher he is 42 my mother is li hua she is 38 years old she works at a hospital my brother is zhang wei he is 9 he is a student, too i have a happy family i love my family

家谱   [jiā pǔ] [家谱]基本解释





《宋史·艺文志三》:“ 司马光 《宗室世表》三卷,《臣寮家谱》一卷。” 明 叶盛 《水东日记·范氏家谱世系》:“吾家 唐 相 履冰 之后,旧有家谱。 咸通 十一年,一枝渡 江 ,为 处州 丽水 县丞,讳 隋 。” 清 龚自珍 《<怀宁王氏族谱>序》:“由是胪而为家谱,则史表之遗也;广而为家乘,则史传之遗也。” 赵树理 《三里湾·从旗杆院说起》:“有些人听汉奸 刘老五 说过,从 刘 家的家谱上查起来,从他本人往上数,‘举人’比他长十一辈。”


家谱:又称族谱、宗谱等。是一种以表谱形式,记载一个家族的世系繁衍及重要人物事迹的书。皇帝的家谱称玉牒,如新朝玉牒、皇宋玉牒。它以记载父系家族世系、人物为中心,由正史中的帝王本纪及王侯列传、年表等演变而来。家谱是一种特殊的文献,就其内容而言,是中国五千年文明史中具有平民特色的文献,记载的是同宗共祖血缘集团世系人物和事迹等方面情况的历史图籍。家谱属珍贵的人文资料,对于历史学、民俗学、人口学、社会学和经济学的深入研究,均有其不可替代的独特功能。 更多→ 家谱



[家谱]近义词 家支 [家谱]相关词语 *祀 取名 姓氏 六亲 血食 辈分 玄虚 复姓 世系 碑文 五服 牌位 [家谱]相关搜寻 百家谱

My name is Zhang Yin I am 13 years old i study in NO2 Middle School I am in Class4, Grade 7 my grandfather is zhang jiang he is 67 years old my grandmother is lin fang, she is 65 years old they are both farmers my father is zhang ming he is a math teacher he is 42 my mother is li hua she is 38 years old she works at a hospital my brother is zhang wei he is 9 he is a student, too i have a happy family i love my family

Hello,everybody!Do you know my name?My name is YangYibin and I am so happy I can have a happy(幸福的)family There are six people in my family They are my father ,my mother ,my sister,my grandparents,my uncle ,my aunt and me This is my family。I love my family。你们好,你知道我的名字吗?我的名字是杨一斌,我很开心有一个幸福的家庭。我家有六口全文






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I have a very happy family, my parents have a very good job, my father is an engineer, a lot of bridges in city are designed by him, he walked every day in the design of the road, feel very proud, my mother is a teacher, she taught students are special well, I am really proud of my family 我有一个很美好的家庭,我的爸妈都有很好的工作,我爸是工程师,城市中很多的桥梁都是他设计的,每天都在走他设计的路,感觉很骄傲,我妈是一个人民教师,她教出来的学生成绩都特别好,我真的为我的家庭感到骄傲。 My family live in the capital of China, Beijing I am a high school student now Thanks to my parents I am, me today My parents are the always my icon of how I would like to be when I grow up I am very proud of my father because that he is in the military, because of people like him we have a better world Because of people my father we are here today I am very pround of my mother because she is a teacher, she is very patiant and always kind to others I am very proud for my family 我的家人生活在中国的首都,北京。我现在是一名中学生。感谢我的父母,我,我今天。我的父母一直是我长大后想成为的偶像。我为我的父亲感到骄傲,因为他在军队里,因为像他这样的人,我们有一个更美好的世界。因为有人,我的父亲,我们今天在这里。我很自豪我的妈妈因为她是一个老师,她对人很善良,总是下。我为我的家庭感到骄傲。







1816年,家人被赶出了居住的地方,他必须工作以抚养他们。 1818年,母亲去世。 1831年,经商失败。 1832年,竞选州议员但落选了! 1832...