求一首舞曲!!就是一开始是敲锣的声音 接着是一个男声在念经似的 后来是律动感很强的音乐 急求急求!


求一首舞曲!!就是一开始是敲锣的声音 接着是一个男声在念经似的 后来是律动感很强的音乐 急求急求!,第1张



歌手:Jason Walker

don t know where I m at

I m standing at the back

And I m tired of waiting

Waiting here in line hoping that I ll find what I ve been chasing

I shot for the sky

I m stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I m going to fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown

Never know why it s coming down down down

Not ready to let go

Cause then I d never know

That I could be missing

I m missing way too much

So when do I give up what I ve been wishing for

I shot for the sky

I m stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I m going to fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown

Never know why it s coming down down down

Oh I m going down down down

Can t find another way around

And I don t want to hear the sound of losing of what I never found

I shot for the sky

I m stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I m going to fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown

I never know why it s coming down down down

I shot for the sky

I m stuck on the ground

So why do I try I know I m going to fall down

I thought I could fly so why did I drown

Oh it s coming down down down










①指欢庆 祝贺 。② 形容 大造声势,大肆进行舆论宣扬。

成语出处: 毛《做 革命 的促进派》:“我们取得那么大的胜利,人家服服贴贴,敲锣打鼓。”

成语例句: 当年刚刚 问世 的时候,

繁体写法: 敲锣打皷

注音: ㄑㄧㄠ ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄚˇ ㄍㄨˇ

敲锣打鼓的近义词: 锣鼓喧天 锣声鼓声直上九霄。形容气氛热烈 只见山坡后面,锣鼓喧天,早撞出两彪军马。《水浒传》

成语语法: 作谓语、定语;用于欢庆的场面

常用程度: 常用成语

感情色彩: 中性成语

成语结构: 联合式成语

产生年代: 当代成语

英语翻译: beat drums and gongs

求一首舞曲!!就是一开始是敲锣的声音 接着是一个男声在念经似的 后来是律动感很强的音乐 急求急求!

Down 播放歌手:Jason Walkerdon t know where I m atI m standing at the backAnd I m tired of waitingWaiting here...