




 1 do one’s homework 做作业

 2 do one’s lessons 做功课

 3 do some cleaning / cooking / shopping 扫除/ 做饭 / 买东西

 4 do sport 运动,参加(体育)活动

 5 do well in做得很好,成功,成绩很好

 6 Don’t mention it 别提它。

 7 dress (oneself ) 穿衣服

 8 dress up 穿上盛装

 9 drink up 喝完

 10 drop off 放下(某物),下车

 11 each other 互相

 12 eat up 吃完,吃光

 13 either …or 不是…就是,或者…或者

 14 enjoy + V-ing 喜欢做某事

 15 enjoy oneself / have funhave a good time 过得愉快

 16 enough to do … 足够做……

 17 ever since 从那时起,此后一直

 18 even so 即使如此

 19 even though 即使

 20 every day / morning 每天/ 每天早上

 21 every 5 minutes 每5分钟,每隔4分钟

 22 exercise book 练习簿

 23 fall asleep 入睡

 24 fall behind 落后,跟不上

 25 fall ill 生病


 1 find out (查出) 查明,发现,了解

 2 for a while 一会儿

 3 fly kites 放风筝

 4 fly to 飞向

 5 fly away 飞往,飞跑

 6 fly up 向上飞

 7 for ever 永远

 8 for example 例如,举例说明

 9 for long 长久

 10 for the first time 第一次

 11 for some time 一会儿

 12 forget doing sth 忘记曾做过……

 13 forget to do sth 忘记做……

 14 from door to door 挨家挨户

 15 from morning to (till ) night 从早到晚

 16 from now on 从今以后,今后

 17 from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方

 18 from that time on 从那时起

 19 from then on 从那时起

 20 from …to … 从……到……

 21 full name 全名

 22 get / receive a letter from sb 收到某人的来信

 23 get along (on) with 和睦相处

 24 get along (with) 前进,进展

 25 get angry with sb 对…生气


 1 fall off 跌落,掉下,(质或量)下降

 2 fall over 向前摔倒

 3 family name 姓氏

 4 family tree 家谱,家系图

 5 far away 遥远

 6 far from 距…远

 7 far more enjoyable 有乐趣得多

 8 fast asleep 睡得很熟

 9 fast food 快餐

 10 faster and faster 越来越快

 11 Father Christmas 圣诞老人

 12 feel bad 感觉得糟,感觉不好

 13 feel good (well) 感觉很好/康复/不错

 14 feel good about oneself 自尊自爱

 15 feel good about life 享受生活

 16 feel like 感觉想做……

 17 feel like doing 想要做某事

 18 feel tired 感到疲劳

 19 fill …with 充满,填满

 20 fill in 填写,填空

 21 first name = given name 名,教名

 22 first of all 首先

 23 five days a week 一周五天

 24 fish and chips 炸鱼和土豆片

 25 finish middle / high school 中学/高中毕业









 二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



 16 — You look happy, Millie Anything special

 — Yes, Mum We have ______ “Festival Week” at school We all have ______ good time

 A the; a B a; the C a; a D the; /

 17 — Daniel is only five years old, but he can draw very well

 — How ______ he is!

 A quick B careful C interesting D clever

 18 — That’s all for this lesson Do you have any ______

 — No, thank you , Mr Li We can understand very well with your help

 A ideas B questions C plans D activities

 19 — Are you the only child in your family

 — Yes I have no brother ______ no sister

 A or B but C and D so

 20 — Do you like chocolate

 — No, I don’t, but I ______ have a little to give me some energy

 A sometimes B often C usually D always

 21 — Show me your presents for your parents, will you

 — Look! The bag is for ______ And the sunglasses are ______

 A Mum; Dad B Mum ’s; Dad’s C Mum’s; Dad D Mum; Dad’s

 22 — ______ are the students

 — They are reading in the library

 A What B Who C Where D How

 23 — Here are all kinds of juice ______ do you want

 — 10 bottles of apple juice and 10 orange juice ______ are they

 A How many; How many B How much; How much

 C How much; How many D How many; How much

 24 — I watched a very ______ cartoon last night The mouse is playing happily with the cat

 — Oh, that is really great ______ I want to watch it, too

 A fun; fun B funny; funny C funny; fun D fun; funny

 25 — Look at the boy He is too young to ______ all these books

 — Oh, let’s go and help him

 A take B bring C get D carry

 26 — You ______ lessons this Thursday, right

 — No, we had a picnic in the park

 A don’t have B haven’t C didn’t have D hadn’t

 27 — Why were you late for school this morning

 — My mother forgot to ______

 A pick me up B wake me up C dress me up D get me up

 28 — Is that Jack over there It seems he ______ the cow

 — It can’t be him I saw him watching TV when I walked past his house

 A is milking B milks C will milk D milked

 29 — Can I have ______ juice, Mum

 — Sorry, what about ______ milk

 A some; any B any; some C some; some D any; any

 30 — ______ chess with me

 — Yes, I’d love to

 A Do you like playing B Do you like to play

 C Would you please play D Would you like to play

 三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


 Father came to Jack’s bed and sat down beside him

 “ 31 was your day” a sked Father

 “It wasn’t a very good day for me,” Jack answered “I had a 32 with Tom The teacher sent a note home about me And I talked back to Mother”

 “Yes, part of the day was 33 ,” his father said “But tell me about the best thing that you had today”

 Jack thought for a minute, and then smiled “After school I went fishing alone,” he said “I didn’t think I would have any 34 But I did I caught a fish!”

 “I’m glad you enjoyed youself,” Jack’s father said “Think about it until you go to 35 Now I’m going to turn 36 the light Have happy dreams”

 Every night, Jack answers the same question “What was the best thing that 37 to you today” Every night, Jack thinks about the best part of his day This gives him many happy dreams

 Sometimes he has to think 38 to find the best thing Sometimes it is a very 39 thing But he always finds one good thing to think about Jack’s father 40 him to end his days in a wonderful way

 31 A What B How C Where D When

 32 A talk B lesson C game D fight

 33 A good B exciting C bad D sad

 34 A luck B energy C time D plan

 35 A rest B sleep C dream D bed

 36 A up B down C on D off

 37 A put B happened C lent D meant

 38 A hard B together C happily D first

 39 A interesting B special C small D different

 40 A asked B taught C told D called

 四、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



 Oh, the rain! How Sara hates the rain! She cannot go outside to meet her friends for a game He r mother says to her, “You may catch a cold if you play in the rain” But Sara shouts, “It’s raining, but it’s very hot outside!” Her mother still doesn’t let her in the rain

 Sara goes up to her room and lies down in front of her window In fact she has many things to do in her room There is a TV, some books and toys But she doesn’t like any of them

 Sara sits by the window She does everything to make the rain go away She opens the window so the rain can hear her She wishes the rain away but that doesn’t work She asks it to go away but that still doesn’t work She stands up and shouts at the rain but that still doesn’t work

 “Well, if you’re going to be here and ruin my day, you can find something interesting for me to do” She shouts and again she gets no answer

 So she sits back down on the window It is still raining “Fine,” she thinks, “I c an go swimming, ride my bike and play with my friends when the rain stops” She thinks about her ideas again and again How she wishes the sun to come out! Soon she falls asleep on the window (211)

 41 What’s the weather like that day

 A Rainy and hot B Rainy and cold C Cold and sunny D Hot and sunny

 42 What does the word “ruin” mean in Chinese

 A 喜欢 B 改变 C 毁掉 D 度过

 43 From the passage, we know ______

 A the rain stops and the sun comes out

 B Sara finally falls asleep on the window

 C Sara is interested in playing in the rain

 D Sara’s mother doesn’t want her to play with her friends


 The street food stands (摊) are very popular in Korea The stand owners give the names of their food stands according to (根据) the food they sell (出售): Dukbokgi and Odeng

 Dukbokgi is a spicy hot food made of rice cakes and some vegetables These rice cakes are finger-s haped They are white, and they are about ten centimeters long They are mixed with sliced vegetables in a pan with a spicy red dressing Fifteen minutes later, they are ready to eat

 Odeng is made of ground fish It comes in many shapes: some are square, others are round, and still others are stick style You can buy big or small ones At these food stands, you can also eat Odeng It is boiled (煮) in a pot It is served on a long stick so you can eat it easily

 The food at these stands is not expensive Each Dukbokgi and Odeng is about twenty to fifty cents, depending on the owner

 Each food stand has its own recipes (配方) for its food; for example, some like to add sugar or other special ingredients (配料) in the food Usually, there is just one owner, but if the food stand is big, there may be two or three owners

 When I was a primary school student, I used to stop at street food stands every day with other girls after school to eat the street food

 44 The owners take the names of their stands from ______

 A the food they sell B their recipes

 C the special ingredients D the shape of the food

 45 What are the ingredients of the Dukbokgi

 A Rice and fish B Rice cakes and sugar

 C Fish and vegetables D Rice cakes and vegetables

 46 Which of the following is NOT true

 A Odeng can be made into all kinds of shapes

 B Stand owners add different ingredients into street food

 C Street food is popular in Korea because it’s made easily

 D The writer liked street food when she was in primary school

 47 What’s the best title for the passage

 A My Favourite Food B Street Food Stands in Korea

 C The Most Popular Food in Korea D How to Make Street Food


 Briana, a student at John Fenwick School in Salem County, US, has a lot of free time The 13-year-old girl used to hang out (闲逛) on the streets after school “I know it wasn’t good, but I really had nothing else to do,” Briana said

 Briana was not alone Many kids in her city had too much free time and nothing to do So four school districts in Salem began a program (项目) called Big Brothers / Big Sisters It helps students do something useful after school Big Brothers / Big Sisters asks mentors (导师) to help students in grades 6 to 8 build healthy relationships (关系) and take part in some activities

 The “Littles” and the “Bigs” are nicknames for students and mentors Most mentors are teachers The “Bigs” and “Littles” usually meet once a week They play games, share stories and go on trips

 The program has already helped many Salem students

 Briana’s mentor is a school headmaster, Syeda Woods Woods took Briana ice-skating, to pizza parties and for a visit to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania “ When I got out, I saw that Salem is a very small place,” Briana said “The program helps me experience (体验) the outside world and see many new things”

 Kathy Jennings, 13, said she was very quiet but now she likes talking with others and making new friends

 “In the program, I see my mentor as a big sister, not a teacher I can tell her anything,” Jennings said “And she has taught me a lot about making good decisions (决定) I think it will make a big difference in my life”

 48 The program is to help students ______

 A make good use of after-school time B get high grades

 C to be kind to their brothers and sisters D take part in school activities

 49 What does Briana think of the program

 A It helps her to know her school teachers well B It brings her many new friends

 C It helps her understand the world better D It takes a lot of her free time

 50 What is Kathy like now

 A She is quiet and different B She is like a big sister

 C She is good at making decisions D She is much more open

 五、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


 51 White is Mary’s ▲ name

 52 ▲ is Ann’s aunt

 53 John is ▲ uncle

 54 Ann is Mary’s ▲

 55 Bruce and Allen are Mary’s ▲

 六、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



 56 The food t ▲ nice, so he wants to eat more

 57 Amy is c ▲ her birthday with her friends at home

 58 You should act like ▲ (绅士), my boys

 59 The present ▲ (花费) me only two y uan

 60 The little boy can count the ▲ (数) from one to one hundred

 61 — ▲ of the subjects do you like best

 — English I hope to study in the US

 62 — What is the dress made of

 — ▲ If feels so soft and smooth

 63 — Are you ready to start

 — Just give me ▲ five minutes

 64 — The children in that area can’t go to school

 — What ▲ children! Let’s help them

 65 — Can I have more sweets, Mum

 — No, ▲ they are bad for your teeth

 七、完成句子 (共5小题;每空05分,满分5分)


 66 Our library has all kinds of books (改为同义句)

 ▲ ▲ all kinds of books in our library

 67 He looks strong (对划线部分提问)

 ▲ does he look ▲

 68 She is my hero (改为复数句子)

 ▲ my ▲

 69 If you eat too many sweets, you’ll be fat (改为并列句)

 ▲ eat too many sweets, ▲ you’ll be fat

 70 He often lies on the bed listening to the music (用now改写句子)

 He ▲ ▲ on the bed listening to the music now

 八、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


 71 我的梦想和我同学们的不同。


 72 我有必要改变我的生活方式来保持健康。


 73 我每周三晚上练习游泳。


 74 我享受周末与家人团聚在一起。


 75 我希望有早一日我的梦想成真。


 九、书面表达 (共l题;满分10分)

 76 为了迎接新年,你班在举行时装表演。请你根据提供的人物与,并以主持人的身份,用英语对此进行现场报道。

 人物 服饰搭配 服饰颜色及材质搭配







 Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our fashion show I’m Kitty from Class1, Grade 7 Today we are going to show you all kinds of clothes

 Here comes Daniel ▲

 Now Sandy and Simon are coming ▲

 Look! Here comes Amy ▲

 They all look modern and smart That’s all for today’s show Thanks for coming


有位男士妙用表示大学学位的三个英文词讲了一则幽默:人生会经历的三个阶段:没结婚的时候是无虑的bachelor(单身汉);结婚以后得做主持家事的一家之主(master);而一旦孩子出生,就变成了无微不至的大夫(doctor 即Ph D)。这三个英语词bachelor、master、doctor (Ph D) 原本的一层含义分别是“学士、硕士、博士”,这里转义一说,倒也能说得通,而且还挺传神。

 报纸上有时候常会说起某人是个eligible bachelor,富有、家境好、且又是单身,即所谓的“钻石王老五”是也。“王老五”们找到意中人,准备跨入婚姻的殿堂之前,西方有习俗,在婚礼的前一天,准新郎得邀请一帮铁哥们开个bachelor party,尽情狂闹一番,因为第二天开始就得做中规中矩的尽责丈夫了。调皮、促狭一些的男友们有时会想出些歪点子,捉弄一下准新郎,以泄惋惜、妒忌、羡慕之情。

 结婚以后,双方的immediate family(直系亲属)就都变成了对方的in-laws(姻亲)——father-in-law(岳父/公公),mother-in-law(岳母/婆婆),sister-in-law(姑子/姨子/嫂子/弟媳),brother-in-law(内兄、弟/大伯子/小叔子/姐夫/妹夫)等等。

 一看中英文的对照,就知道英语对亲属的称谓比起中文要简单得多。中文按年龄、男方还是女方的关系等等为亲属冠之以不同的称呼,而西方人似乎不太在乎这位亲戚是父亲这边的(on the father's side)还是母亲那边的(on the mother's side),一视同仁,给一个称呼。

 更有意思的是对distant relatives(远亲)的称呼。cousin一词不分男女,概括了所有“堂兄弟/姐妹;表兄弟/姐妹”。而 “侄子/外甥” 都是nephew:“侄女/外甥女”则都是 niece不过,尽管英语中的称谓不如中文的分工细致, "Blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水)是东、西方人都认同的。

 那么,既然英语的家庭关系词汇不难,我们来看看下面这段话,你是否能据此画出一张 family tree (家谱图)?

 Stephanie is the youngest in her family Her elder brother Mark is married with a son Kevin Her sister-in-law Rose used to go to the same high school with Stephanie Her sister Kate married Thomas Hawkins last year and they've just had a baby daughter Millie Stephanie adores her nephew and niece Bart and Marie are Stephanie's cousins They are children of Barbara and Peter Aunt Barbara is the younger sister of Stephanie's father Gordon Stephanie's mother Joy had a younger sister Liz who is divorced with a daughter Lily Both grandparents on Stephanie's father's side have passed away But her mother's parents Lucas and Nancy are living not far away from their house





 上完初一初二,到了初三之后,你总结出了多少必备的英语短语。下面是我给大家整理的初中英语必背短语总结,供大家参阅! 初中常用英语...