












A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, two paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday

The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found

It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie

The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit

But a small patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature

"It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said

The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix

There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an adult or lost its feathers for part of the year

But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize

"Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said

To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers

Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs 从南德国的一块美妙地被保存的化石在星期四出版的研究中提出关于羽毛怎么从恐龙演变了到鸟,二个古生物学家的问题争论。

The 150百万年老化石是少年食肉恐龙大约科学家命名Juravenator的2 1/2英尺长,为找到的朱拉山。


The化石的相当好被保存的骨头结构在恐龙家谱明显地投入它在用羽毛装饰的家族之中。 由于所有它的近亲用羽毛装饰,古生物学家会盼望Juravenator仿效别人。

But皮肤一个小补丁在生物的尾巴的不显示羽毛的迹象。 并且皮肤也没有是特点用羽毛装饰的恐龙的滤泡,说Luis Chiappe,恐龙学院的主任洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆的。 慕尼黑大学的他和厄休拉B Gohlich在学报自然的星期四的问题描述化石。

"它有典型的鳞状dinosaurian皮肤, “Chiappe说。

The古生物学家相信Juravenator的最接近的已知的亲戚也许是从中国, Sinosauropterix的充分地用羽毛装饰的恐龙。

There是Juravenator的裸体的一定数量的可能解说。 羽毛在带领Juravenator在升起在祖先以后两个它和它的用羽毛装饰的亲戚的演变线可能丢失了。 或者羽毛在恐龙可能不止一次演变了,突然发生在姐妹种类在不同的时间和地点。 也是可能的Juravenator这块特殊化石,看来少年,只有生长了羽毛作为成人或丢失了它的一部分的羽毛的年。

那里But是另一种可能性,说标记Norell,古生物学的馆长在自然历史美国博物馆的: 是完全可能的Juravenator有羽毛,但是他们没有僵化。

"羽毛是真正地保存的困难的事, “Norell说。


新的标本是否提出关于羽毛�0�3 �0�9和鸟�0�3 �0�9怎样的有趣的问题因而演变了,多数专家不看它,因为挑战对广泛被接受的观点现代鸟下降恐龙




Amy's Family Tree

Amy is a cute girlShe is a studentShe has a big familyDan Smith is her grandfather

Nora Smith is her grandmatherThey love Amy very much Amy ’s parents are Alice Denver and Peter SmithAlice Denver is her motherShe is a doctorHer father is a engineer They woke hardHer aunt is Rose SmithHer unche is John BenThey are teachersThey all love herAmy hasve a broher,Mike Smith and a sister Linda BillThey are in the same school Linda Bill is her uncle's daughter


Love for my parents


There is old saying:" filial piety" This is often people hanging out at the mouth, it contains the greatest love of all


When I was young, lie in the arms of mother, sipping sweet milk, babbling This is our most wonderful childhood memories More, learning has become our main task, the hardships of the learning process, the parents of our ship shore As we step out to grow step by step


Once, I was crossing the road when seen such a moving story: a cat, stealing the master's a fish, the master found out, carrying stick to chase the cat, the cat 's leg was interrupted, but the cat is still not let go Finally, the cat came out of the owner's chase, came to the side of the grass, stopped Put the fish in a kitten in front, the cat ate greedily, but the cat mother tongue lovingly lick kitten's head The almost 's life in exchange for the fish, it is not always eat, see this, I was moved to tears This is love, a mother love to their children


In this world who do know:" lamb with filial piety, crow are feeding As a child, saying " thank you",


How to save the parents of my love Although they have received a good education, they have the greatest love of all Life with their bodies, with time through, but in their covered with wrinkles on the face and wrote the traces of time


In nine years time in my life and white painted on a long track, nine years such as water easily stole your most valuable time I am no longer a child learn language, I understand that parents have cudgeled one's brains The years slowly push the wheel of history, I understand What is love""


Parental love is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea, more than the sun and the moon long I would like a full of feeling heart to pray to God, let my parents happy

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