




How to say it in English It is an orange Please spell it out O-R-A-N-G-E


Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too


1祝你早上好。 Good morning

2你好吗?我很好,谢谢。你好吗?我还好。 How are you I am good, thank you And you I am good, too

3它是什么颜色?红色。 What color is it Red

4她的电话号码是多少?她的电话号码是535-2375 What is her phone number Her number is 535-2375

5他的姓是什么?他德姓是布朗 What is his last name His last name is Brown

6她的名字是什么?她德名字是琳达 What is her name Her name is Linda

1这是你的铅笔吗是,它是 Is this your pencil Yes, it is

2那是你的词典吗不,它不是 Is that your dictionary No, it isn't

3你怎样拼写eraser How do you spell eraser

4你能拼写reaser吗 Can you spell eraser

5在失物招领箱里 It is in the lost and found box

6给艾伦打电话495-3539 Please call Helen at 495-3539

7一串钥匙 a chain of keys

1这是你的女儿吗是/不,不是 Is this your daughter No, she isn't

2那些是我的两个兄弟 Those are my two brothers

3她是你的姨母吗是她是/不,她不是 Is she your aunt No, she isn't

4家谱 family tree

5谢谢你的全家照 Thank you for the picture of your entire family

1背包在那里它在桌子下面 The backpack is over thereIt is under the desk

2我的书在那里他们在沙发上 Where are my books They are under the sofa

3他的钥匙在那里他们在柜子上 Where are his keys They are on the table

4它在地板上吗不,它不在 Is it on the floor No, it isn't

对不起,我不知道 Sorry, I don't know

5他们在抽屉里吗是,他们在 Are they in the drawer Yes, they are

6把这些东西带去给你姐姐 Please return these to your sister

7请把它带到学校来 Please bring it to school

1你有乒乓球吗是,我有/不,我没有 Do you have a ping-pong ballYes, I have/No, I don't

2我们有网球拍他们没有网球拍 We have tennis rackets They don't have tennis rackets

3他有足球吗是他有/不他没有 Does he have a football Yes, he does/No, he doesn't

4让我们打网球/篮球把 Let's play tennis/basketball

5那听起来真好 That sounds good

6做运动 do exercise

7看电视 watch TV

8每天 every day

1他们喜欢梨吗是,他们喜欢/不,他们不喜欢 Do they like pears Yes, they do/No, they don't

2我们喜欢汉堡包 We like hamburgers

3她喜欢冰淇淋 She likes icecream

4她喜欢冰淇淋吗是,她喜欢/不,她不惜换。 Does she like icecreamYes, she does No, she doesn't

5跑步明星 running star

6许多 a lot

7健康食品 healthy food

8午餐他要吃什么午餐他吃肌肉,胡萝卜和花椰菜 What does he want for lunch He wants to eat chicken,carrots and broccoli

9晚餐你喜欢吃什么晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜 What do you like to have for dinner I like to have vegetables for dinner

1add to 加上

2make the air clean 净化空气

3family tree 家谱

4traceback 追溯到。。。

5your great-grandparents 你的曾祖父母

6You cannot judge a tree by its bark 你不能以貌取人(人不可貌相)

7Don't judge by appearances 不要以貌取人

8A tree is know by its fruit 看一颗树的果实知道它(字面)/观其果而知其树(俗语)

9A person should be judge by his deeds,not by his words 应该通过一个人的行动而非言语来对他进行判断。





以下要回答不翻译这个用英语怎么说?它是一个橘子,请拼写它(回答)How to say it in English It is an orange Please spell ...