



Genealogy What is it My mind was blank Later, under the guidance of my mother, I only knew a thing or two I will briefly introduce my family's generations of genealogy

Grandpa: There are seven brothers and sisters, ranking the third He is an out-and-out Zhoushan fisherman Grandpa is the most pampered person in my family He will try his best to satisfy me with whatever I need In my heart, Grandpa is still a very caring person Every time I see the elderly or the disabled begging in the street, he will give them money

Grandma: There are three brothers and sisters She is the eldest She is a hardworking and clean person Grandma should put all the scattered things in the house neatly, and wipe all the dust in every corner She also likes to cook all kinds of delicious food, but my grandmother likes nagging Whenever I mess things up, my grandmother will nag me in my ear and ask me to be a clean child







My name is Zhang Yin I am 13 years old i study in NO2 Middle School I am in Class4, Grade 7 my grandfather is zhang jiang he is 67 years old my grandmother is lin fang, she is 65 years old they are both farmers my father is zhang ming he is a math teacher he is 42 my mother is li hua she is 38 years old she works at a hospital my brother is zhang wei he is 9 he is a student, too i have a happy family i love my family

一本完整的家谱,家谱序言则是不可或缺的一部分。序言是一本家谱的完整介绍,它类似于一本书的序言,通过阅读家谱序言,可以清楚的了解到整个家谱的内容,家谱的编修来源,及家谱中的故事。今天就给大家介绍几个姓氏的家谱序言,希望给正在修家谱的人士带去一些帮助。内容如下: 家谱的序言主要包括以下几个部分,分别是: 一、序言名称:×××重修家谱或支谱,一般情况下用支谱的比较多。 二、说明原因:为什么修家谱或续家谱。现在的解释大部分以族谱丢失或毁之贻尽为缘由。 三、叙述现状:说一下现在本族的情况,展望一下在未来家族的发展情况,如社会青年今天东奔西走,在外工作等,为了让本家族成员之间永保联系,勿忘祖宗等。 四、修谱贡献:×××为本次修家谱提供信息资料,×××提供经费,×××撰写等,×××出资修谱。 五、修谱结尾:可以说点立谱的重要性,写上具体日期(干支纪年和公元纪年都要写)。 六、落款:可以分为两种(1)、撰修×××(从有谱以来你是第多少代),世孙×××(名字不要写姓氏)。(2)、缮写×××,世孙×××等。 诚然,不同家谱在修家谱时,思想也是不同的。有的家族中德高望重的老人喜欢用文言文,以表示对祖先的尊敬。现在人修家谱,则比较喜欢用白话文,目的是可以让后人很清楚的看懂写的是什么,容易理解,不致于造成歧义。 话又说回来,无论用哪一种方式,都有各自的作用和意义。但结合现今的语言情况来讲,续谱无忧网推荐大家使用浅显易懂的书面语言来写家谱序言。


我的家谱英语作文如下Genealogy What is it My mind was blank Later, under the guidance of my mother, I only knew a...