


七年级上册 Unit 1 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 to (同音词) too, two

2 meet (同音词) meat

3 four (同音词) for

4 family (复数) families

5 one (序数词) first first (基数词) one

6 boy (对应词) girl

7 question (反义词) answer

8 first (反义词) last

9 telephone (同义词)phone

10 telephone number (同义词组) phone number

11 first name (同义词组) given name

12 last name (同义词组) family name

13 look 看,瞧 (引起他人的注意)

look at (sb/ sth) 看(某人/ 某物)

14 an ID card 一张身份证

15 answer the phone 接电话

16 answer the question 回答问题

17 my name 我的名字

18 your clock 你的钟表

19 his answer 他的答案

20 her question 她的问题

II 交际运用

1 A:Nice to meet you !  见到你很高兴!

B: Nice to meet you ,too! 见到你也很高兴!

2 A: What's your name 你叫什么名字?

B: My name's Jenny / I am Jenny 我的名字叫詹妮。

3 A: What's his name 他叫什么名字?

B: His name's Tony / He is Tony 他的名字叫托尼。

4 A: What's her name 她叫什么名字?

B: Her name's Gina / She is Gina 她的名字叫吉娜。

5 A: What's your first name 你的名字是什么?

B: My first name is Linda 我的名字是琳达。

A: What's your last / family name 你姓什么?

B: My last / family name is Miller 我姓米勒。

6 A: What's his / her first name 他 / 她的名字是什么?

B: His / Her first name is 他 / 她的名字是……

A: What's his / her last name 他 / 她姓什么?

B: His / Her last name is 他 / 她姓……

7 A: What's your / his / her telephone number 你的/他的/她的电话号码是多少?

B: It's 是……


1 同义句

My name's Kim = I am / I'm Kim

Nice to meet you= Nice to see you / Glad to meet you

You are Tom = Your name's Tom

His name is Jim = He is Jim

She is Amy = Her name is Amy

What's your name = May I have / know your name

Are you Nick = Is your name Nick

My first name is Alice My last name is Smith= My name's Alice Smith

2 划线部分提问

My name's Gina / I'm Gina -------- What's your name

Her name's Grace --------- What's her name

His name's Bob ------- What's his name

Her name is Cindy Brown --------- What's her first name

His name is Mike Green ------ What's his last / family name

My phone number is 3669875 -------- What's your phone number

His / Her telephone number is 2987321 ------- What's his / her telephone number

3 变为一般疑问句

I am Tom ----- Are you Tom

You are Tina -------- Are you Tina

She is Lily ------- Is she Lily?

He is Jim ------ Is he Jim

My name's Dale ------ Is your name Dale

His name is Eric ------- Is his name Eric

My telephone number is 3456723----- Is your telephone number 3456723

Her phone number is 4567289 ----- Is her phone number 4567289

七年级上 Unit 2 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 this (对应词) that

2 yes (反义词) no

3 lost (反义词) found

4 OK (同义词组) all right

5 pencil case (同义词组) pencil-box

6 thank (名词) thanks

7 this (复数) these

8 that (复数) those

9 key (复数) keys

10 dictionary (复数) dictionaries

11 watch (复数) watches

12 lost (原形) lose

13 found (原形) find

14 this pen 这支钢笔

15 that pencil 那支铅笔

16 these books 这些书

17 those notebooks 哪些笔记本

18 my watch 我的手表

19 your ruler 你的直尺

20 his backpack 他的双肩背包

21 her ring 她的戒指

22 an eraser 一块橡皮

23 pencil sharpener 铅 笔刀,卷笔刀

24 computer game 电脑游戏,电子游戏

25 in English 用英语

26 lost and found 失物招领

27 at school 在学校

28 a set of keys 一串钥匙

29 school ID card 学生证

30 in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里

31 call 的用法

(1) call sb (同义词组) ring sb 给某人打电话

telephone(phone) sb

make a call to sb

(2) call + 电话号码 拨打XX电话

(3) call sb at +电话号码 拨打XX电话找某人

II 交际运用

1 A: Is this a pen 这是一支钢笔吗?

B: Yes, it is 是的,它是。

2 A: Is that an eraser 那是一块橡皮吗?

B: No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

3 A: Excuse me Is this your notebook


B: Yes, it is It’s my notebook


4 A : Excuse me Is that his computer


B: No, it isn’t It’s her computer


5 A: What’s this in English 着用英语怎么说?

B: It’s a baseball 它是一个棒球。

A: How do you spell it / baseball 你怎样拼写它/ 棒球?

B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L

6 Call Alan at 495-3539 拨打495-3539找 Alan

7 Is that your computer game in the lost and found case


III 句型转换

1 变为否定句

含有系动词be (am/ is /are) 的句子,在变成否定句时,只需在系动词be 后直接加上not 即可, 即 “be + not”。

I am Tom ---- I am not Tom (am 和not 不能缩写在一起)

This is my book ---- This isn’t my book (is not = isn’t)

You are at school----You aren’t at school (are not = aren’t)

2 变为一般疑问句

含有系动词be 的句子,在变成一般疑问句时,需要把be 提前,放在句首。注意: am 要变为 are, 要变为you,my 要变为your。

I am Tom ------ Are you Tom

That is my book ------- Is that your book

They are at school -------- Are they at school

3 作肯定回答和否定回答

Is this / that … Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

Are these / those … Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

4 按要求完成句子

(1) How do you spell it (同义句)

Spell it, please

(2) This is an eraser (变为一般疑问句)

Is this an eraser

(3) That is his watch (划线部分提问)

What’s that (in English)

(4) B-O-O-K (写出大问句)

How do you spell it / book

(5) It is a cat (变为否定句)

It isn’t a cat

(6) This is her pen (变为复数)

These are her pens

(7) That is an apple (变为复数)

Those are apples

(8) Are these your pencils (变为单数)

Is this your pencil

(9) Those are our books (变为单数)

That is my book

(10) It is a dictionary (变为复数)

They are dictionaries

IV 代词

人称代词 物主代词

主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性

数 第一人称 I (我) me my (我的) mine

第二人称 you (你) you your (你的) yours

第三人称 he (他) him his (他的) his

she (她) her her (她的) hers

it (它) it its (它的) its

数 第一人称 we (我们) us our (我们的) ours

第二人称 you (你们) you your (你们的) yours

第三人称 they (他们) them their (他们的) theirs





七年级上册 Unit 3 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 sister (对应词) brother 2 father(对应词)mother

3 grandmother (对应词) grandfather 4 these (对应词) those

5 aunt (对应词) uncle 6 son (对应词) daughter

7 picture (同义词) photo 8 here (对应词) there

9 parent 父亲或母亲(两者之一)_复数_parents 父母亲,双亲 (两者都)

10 these (单数) this 11 those (单数) that

12 he / she / it (复数) they 13 am / is (复数) are

14 photo (复数) photos 15 aunt (同音词) aren’t

16 dear (同音词) deer 17 family tree 家谱

18 thanks for …(同义词组) thank you for … 因为……而感谢

19 a photo of my family (同义词组) my famly photo 我的全家福

20 a map of China 一幅中国地图

21 a picture of our classroom 一张教室的

22 a photo of me 一张我的照片(本人)

a photo of mine 我的一张照片 (不一定是本人)


1 介绍对方的时候要用 This is … 例如: This is my friend

2 介绍近处的人或事物时要用 This is … (单数)和 These are …(复数);介绍远处的人或事物时要用 That is …(单数) 和 Those are …(复数)。

例如:This is my sister That is my brother

These are my parents Thoese are my aunt and uncle

3 Is this / that your mohter Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

这 / 那是你的妈妈吗 是的, 她是。 / 不, 她不是。

4 Are these / thoese his grandparents Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

这(些)/ 那(些)是他的祖父母吗? 是的,他们是。/ 不, 他们不是。

5 Is she your aunt Yes, she is / No, she isn’t

她是你的阿姨吗? 是的,她是。 / 不,她不是。

6 Is he your uncle Yes, he is / No, he isn’t

他是你的叔叔吗? 是的,他是。 / 不,他不是。

7 Is Anna your daughter Yes, she is She is my daughter

安娜是你的女儿吗? 是的,她是。 她是我的女儿。

8 Is Paul your cousin No, he isn’t He is my friend

保罗是你的堂兄弟吗? 不,他不是。 他是我的朋友。

9 Here is + n(单数)… Here is my family photo 这是我的全家福。

Here are + n(复数)… Here are some flowers 这(些)是一些花。

10 Thanks for the photo of your family 谢谢你的全家福。

III. 句型转换

1 This/ That is my friend (一般疑问句) --- Is this/ that your friend

2 Is this / that your brother (作肯定和否定回答)]

--- Yes, it it No, it isn’t

3 These / Those are my rulers (改为单数) --- This/ That is my ruler

4 These / Those are her books (改为一般疑问句)

--- Are these / those her books

5 Are these / those his cousins (作肯定和否定回答)

--- Yes, they are No, they aren’t

6 She is my aunt (改为一般疑问句) --- Is she your aunt

7 He is Anna’s father (改为否定句) --- He isn’t Anna’s father

8 Thanks for the picture of your family (同义句)

--- Thank you for your family picture

9 Here is my key (变为复数句) --- Here are my keys

10 Is Dave your friend (作肯定回答) --- Yes, he is

11 This/ That is Mona (划线部分提问) --- Who is this / that

12 These /Those are his photos (划线部分提问)

--- What are these / those ?

IV 名词的数

1 普通名词的复数我们知道是直接加-s或 -es,可是偏偏有一些名词不听话,变化不规则。这些小调皮是:

a以 s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的词,复数要加-es:classes, boxes, watches, brushes  

b以"辅音字母+y"结尾的词,复数要先将-y 变成-i再加-es: families, stories

c以-f 或-fe结尾的词,一般先将-f或-fe变为-v, 再加-es: life- lives, leaf-leaves

d 以-o结尾的名词,一般来说,末尾是"元音字母+o" 的词加-s,我们学过的有radios, zoos 。末尾是"辅音字母+o"的词,变复数加-es。如:tomatoes, heroes, potatoes,当然其中的piano 和photo,又是一个例外,他们的结尾只能加-s

 2 child(children), foot(feet), tooth(teeth), mouse(mice), man(men ), woman(women )等词的复数变化全不遵循规则。

注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。如:an Englishman,two Englishmen 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans;

3 deer,sheep, Chinese, Japanese等词更是懒得可以,竟然单复数同形。好记好记。

4 people,police 等词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数,所以它们的谓语当然也是复数形式,这就是集体名词。  

5 maths,politics,physics等学科名词,虽然以-s结尾,仍为不可数名词。还有theUnited States(美国),the United Nations(联合国)等应视为单数。

6 别奇怪,名词有时也可以作定语的。它作定语时一般用单数,但也有以下例外。

  a man, woman等作定语时,它的单复数以其所修饰的名词的单复数而定。如:men workers, women teachers。

  b 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式,中间加连字符。如:a ten-mile walk十里路,two-hundred trees 两百棵树。


句型和词组(七年级上Go for it)

Starter Us1-3

1Good morning/afternoon /evening,Bob!早上/下午/晚上好,Bob!

2Good morning to you祝你早上好

3--How are you

—I’m fine,thanksHow are you我很好,

---I’m OK我还好

4---What’s this in English用英语表达这是什么

—It’s an orange它是一只桔子

—Spell it,please请拼写它


---Thank you

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are wele=That’s all right=That’s OK不用谢

5--What color is it它是什么颜色—It’s red红色

6The key is yellow钥匙是** 的=It’s a yellow key它是**的钥匙

7Nice to meet you很高兴见到你----Nice to meet you,too/Me,too也很高兴见到你

8How do you do----How do you do

Unit One

1---What’s your name你的名字是什么

2—My name is Gina我的名字是吉娜=I’m Gina我是吉娜

3What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5―Nice to meet you很高兴认识你—Nice to meet you,too也很高兴认识你

6-What’s her phone number她的电话号码是多少

7—Her telephone number is 535-2375她的电话号码是535-2375

8-What’s his family/last name他的姓是什么

—His family/last name is Brown他的姓是布朗

9-What’s her first name她 的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda她的名字是


1Is this your pencil这是你的铅笔吗—Yes,it is是,它是

2Is that your dictionary那是你的词典吗---No,it isn’t不,它不是

3How do you spell eraser你怎样拼写eraser

4Can you spell eraser你能拼写eraser吗

5in the lost and found case在


6call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539

7school ID card校牌

8a set of keys一串钥匙


1Is this your daughter这是你的女儿吗—Yes,it is是,它是/No,it isn’t不,它不是

2Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟

3Is she your aunt她是你的姨母吗—Yes she is是,她是/No,she isn’t不,她不是

4family tree家谱

5Thanks for the photo of your family谢谢你的全家照

6Here is my family photo这儿是我的全家福7This is my mother这是我母亲

5a photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福


1Where is the backpack背包在哪里—It’s under the table它在桌子下面2Where are my books我的书在哪里—They’re on the sofa他们阿子沙发上3Where are his keys他的钥匙在哪里—They’re on the dresser他们在柜子上4Is it on the floor它在地板上吗—No,it isn’t不,它不在5Sorry,I don’t know对不起,我不知道6Are they in the drawer他们在抽屉里吗—Yes,they are是,他们在7The CDs are in the drawer激光唱片在抽屉里8take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐9bring it to school把它带到学校来


1Do you have a ping-pong ball你有乒乓球吗

—Yes,I do是,我有/No,I don’t不,我没有2I/We/You/They have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们有

3I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们没有网球拍4Does he have a soccer ball他有足球吗

—Yes,he does是,他有/No,he doesn’t不,他没有

5He/She/Tom has a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球

6He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球7Let’s play tennis/basketball让我们 打网球/篮球吧

8That sounds good那听起来真好9play sports做运动

10watch them on TV通过电视看它们

11have a great sports collection有大量的体育收集品

12every day每天

13five volleyballs五只排球,6,2913年人教版七年级上册英语句型


句型和词组(七年级上Go for it)

Starter Us1-3

1Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午/晚上好,Bob!

2Good morning to you祝你早上好。

3--How are you你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks How are you我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

---I’m OK我还好。

4---What’s this in English用英语表达这是什么?

—It’s an orange它是一只桔子。

—Spell it, please 请拼写它。


---Thank you谢谢。

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are welcome=That’s all right=That’s OK不用谢。

5--What color is it它是什么颜色? —It’s red红色。

6The key is yellow钥匙是** 的。=It’s a yellow key它是**的钥匙。

7Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too /Me,too 也很高兴见到你。

8How do you do 你好!----How do you do你好!

Unit One

1---What’s your name你的名字是什么?

2—My name is Gina我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina我是吉娜。

3What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5―Nice to meet you很高兴认识你。 —Nice to meet you,too也很高兴认识你。

6-What’s her phone number她的电话号码是多少?

7—Her telephone number is 535-2375她的电话号码是535-2375

8-What’s his family/last name他的姓是什么?

—His family/last name is Brown他的姓是布朗。

9-What’s her first name她 的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda她的名字是琳达。


1Is this your pencil这是你的铅笔吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。

2Is that your dictionary那是你的词典吗?---No, it isn’t不,它不是。

3How do you spell eraser你怎样拼写eraser

4Can you spell eraser你能拼写eraser吗?

5in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里

6call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539

7school ID card校牌

8a set of keys一串钥匙


1Is this your daughter这是你的女儿吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。/No, it isn’t不,它不是。

2Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。

3Is she your aunt她是你的姨母吗?—Yes she is是,她是。/No,she isn’t不,她不是。

4family tree家谱

5Thanks for the photo of your family谢谢你的全家照。

6Here is my family photo这儿是我的全家福。 7This is my mother这是我母亲。

5a photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福


1Where is the backpack背包在哪里?—It’s under the table它在桌子下面。2Where are my books我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa他们阿子沙发上。3Where are his keys他的钥匙在哪里?—They’re on the dresser他们在柜子上。4Is it on the floor它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t不,它不在。5Sorry, I don’t know对不起,我不知道。6Are they in the drawer他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are是,他们在。7The CDs are in the drawer激光唱片在抽屉里。8take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐9bring it to school把它带到学校来


1Do you have a ping-pong ball你有乒乓球吗?

—Yes, I do是,我有。/No, I don’t不,我没有。2I/We/You/They have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们有网球拍。3I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们没有网球拍。4Does he have a soccer ball他有足球吗

—Yes, he does是,他有。/No, he doesn’t不,他没有。5He/She/Tom has a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。6He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。7Let’s play tennis/basketball让我们 打网球/篮球吧。8That sounds good那听起来真好。9play sports做运动 10watch them on TV通过电视看它们11have a great sports collection有大量的体育收集品12every day每天 13five volleyballs五只排球

七年级上册 Unit 1 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 to (同音词) too, two

2 meet (同音词) meat

3 four (同音词) for

4 family (复数) families

5 one (序数词) first first (基数词) one

6 boy (对应词) girl

7 question (反义词) answer

8 first (反义词) last

9 telephone (同义词)phone

10 telephone number (同义词组) phone number

11 first name (同义词组) given name

12 last name (同义词组) family name

13 look 看,瞧 (引起他人的注意)

look at (sb/ sth) 看(某人/ 某物)

14 an ID card 一张身份证

15 answer the phone 接电话

16 answer the question 回答问题

17 my name 我的名字

18 your clock 你的钟表

19 his answer 他的答案

20 her question 她的问题

II 交际运用

1 A:Nice to meet you !  见到你很高兴!

B: Nice to meet you ,too! 见到你也很高兴!

2 A: What's your name 你叫什么名字?

B: My name's Jenny / I am Jenny 我的名字叫詹妮。

3 A: What's his name 他叫什么名字?

B: His name's Tony / He is Tony 他的名字叫托尼。

4 A: What's her name 她叫什么名字?

B: Her name's Gina / She is Gina 她的名字叫吉娜。

5 A: What's your first name 你的名字是什么?

B: My first name is Linda 我的名字是琳达。

A: What's your last / family name 你姓什么?

B: My last / family name is Miller 我姓米勒。

6 A: What's his / her first name 他 / 她的名字是什么?

B: His / Her first name is 他 / 她的名字是……

A: What's his / her last name 他 / 她姓什么?

B: His / Her last name is 他 / 她姓……

7 A: What's your / his / her telephone number 你的/他的/她的电话号码是多少?

B: It's 是……


1 同义句

My name's Kim = I am / I'm Kim

Nice to meet you= Nice to see you / Glad to meet you

You are Tom = Your name's Tom

His name is Jim = He is Jim

She is Amy = Her name is Amy

What's your name = May I have / know your name

Are you Nick = Is your name Nick

My first name is Alice My last name is Smith= My name's Alice Smith

2 划线部分提问

My name's Gina / I'm Gina -------- What's your name

Her name's Grace --------- What's her name

His name's Bob ------- What's his name

Her name is Cindy Brown --------- What's her first name

His name is Mike Green ------ What's his last / family name

My phone number is 3669875 -------- What's your phone number

His / Her telephone number is 2987321 ------- What's his / her telephone number

3 变为一般疑问句

I am Tom ----- Are you Tom

You are Tina -------- Are you Tina

She is Lily ------- Is she Lily?

He is Jim ------ Is he Jim

My name's Dale ------ Is your name Dale

His name is Eric ------- Is his name Eric

My telephone number is 3456723----- Is your telephone number 3456723

Her phone number is 4567289 ----- Is her phone number 4567289

七年级上 Unit 2 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 this (对应词) that

2 yes (反义词) no

3 lost (反义词) found

4 OK (同义词组) all right

5 pencil case (同义词组) pencil-box

6 thank (名词) thanks

7 this (复数) these

8 that (复数) those

9 key (复数) keys

10 dictionary (复数) dictionaries

11 watch (复数) watches

12 lost (原形) lose

13 found (原形) find

14 this pen 这支钢笔

15 that pencil 那支铅笔

16 these books 这些书

17 those notebooks 哪些笔记本

18 my watch 我的手表

19 your ruler 你的直尺

20 his backpack 他的双肩背包

21 her ring 她的戒指

22 an eraser 一块橡皮

23 pencil sharpener 铅 笔刀,卷笔刀

24 computer game 电脑游戏,电子游戏

25 in English 用英语

26 lost and found 失物招领

27 at school 在学校

28 a set of keys 一串钥匙

29 school ID card 学生证

30 in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里

31 call 的用法

(1) call sb (同义词组) ring sb 给某人打电话

telephone(phone) sb

make a call to sb

(2) call + 电话号码 拨打XX电话

(3) call sb at +电话号码 拨打XX电话找某人

II 交际运用

1 A: Is this a pen 这是一支钢笔吗?

B: Yes, it is 是的,它是。

2 A: Is that an eraser 那是一块橡皮吗?

B: No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

3 A: Excuse me Is this your notebook


B: Yes, it is It’s my notebook


4 A : Excuse me Is that his computer


B: No, it isn’t It’s her computer


5 A: What’s this in English 着用英语怎么说?

B: It’s a baseball 它是一个棒球。

A: How do you spell it / baseball 你怎样拼写它/ 棒球?

B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L

6 Call Alan at 495-3539 拨打495-3539找 Alan

7 Is that your computer game in the lost and found case


III 句型转换

1 变为否定句

含有系动词be (am/ is /are) 的句子,在变成否定句时,只需在系动词be 后直接加上not 即可, 即 “be + not”。

I am Tom ---- I am not Tom (am 和not 不能缩写在一起)

This is my book ---- This isn’t my book (is not = isn’t)

You are at school----You aren’t at school (are not = aren’t)

2 变为一般疑问句

含有系动词be 的句子,在变成一般疑问句时,需要把be 提前,放在句首。注意: am 要变为 are, 要变为you,my 要变为your。

I am Tom ------ Are you Tom

That is my book ------- Is that your book

They are at school -------- Are they at school

3 作肯定回答和否定回答

Is this / that … Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

Are these / those … Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

4 按要求完成句子

(1) How do you spell it (同义句)

Spell it, please

(2) This is an eraser (变为一般疑问句)

Is this an eraser

(3) That is his watch (划线部分提问)

What’s that (in English)

(4) B-O-O-K (写出大问句)

How do you spell it / book

(5) It is a cat (变为否定句)

It isn’t a cat

(6) This is her pen (变为复数)

These are her pens

(7) That is an apple (变为复数)

Those are apples

(8) Are these your pencils (变为单数)

Is this your pencil

(9) Those are our books (变为单数)

That is my book

(10) It is a dictionary (变为复数)

They are dictionaries

IV 代词

人称代词 物主代词

主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性

数 第一人称 I (我) me my (我的) mine

第二人称 you (你) you your (你的) yours

第三人称 he (他) him his (他的) his

she (她) her her (她的) hers

it (它) it its (它的) its

数 第一人称 we (我们) us our (我们的) ours

第二人称 you (你们) you your (你们的) yours

第三人称 they (他们) them their (他们的) theirs





七年级上册 Unit 3 要点归纳

I 词汇

1 sister (对应词) brother 2 father(对应词)mother

3 grandmother (对应词) grandfather 4 these (对应词) those

5 aunt (对应词) uncle 6 son (对应词) daughter

7 picture (同义词) photo 8 here (对应词) there

9 parent 父亲或母亲(两者之一)_复数_parents 父母亲,双亲 (两者都)

10 these (单数) this 11 those (单数) that

12 he / she / it (复数) they 13 am / is (复数) are

14 photo (复数) photos 15 aunt (同音词) aren’t

16 dear (同音词) deer 17 family tree 家谱

18 thanks for …(同义词组) thank you for … 因为……而感谢

19 a photo of my family (同义词组) my famly photo 我的全家福

20 a map of China 一幅中国地图

21 a picture of our classroom 一张教室的

22 a photo of me 一张我的照片(本人)

a photo of mine 我的一张照片 (不一定是本人)


1 介绍对方的时候要用 This is … 例如: This is my friend

2 介绍近处的人或事物时要用 This is … (单数)和 These are …(复数);介绍远处的人或事物时要用 That is …(单数) 和 Those are …(复数)。

例如:This is my sister That is my brother

These are my parents Thoese are my aunt and uncle

3 Is this / that your mohter Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

这 / 那是你的妈妈吗 是的, 她是。 / 不, 她不是。

4 Are these / thoese his grandparents Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

这(些)/ 那(些)是他的祖父母吗? 是的,他们是。/ 不, 他们不是。

5 Is she your aunt Yes, she is / No, she isn’t

她是你的阿姨吗? 是的,她是。 / 不,她不是。

6 Is he your uncle Yes, he is / No, he isn’t

他是你的叔叔吗? 是的,他是。 / 不,他不是。

7 Is Anna your daughter Yes, she is She is my daughter

安娜是你的女儿吗? 是的,她是。 她是我的女儿。

8 Is Paul your cousin No, he isn’t He is my friend

保罗是你的堂兄弟吗? 不,他不是。 他是我的朋友。

9 Here is + n(单数)… Here is my family photo 这是我的全家福。

Here are + n(复数)… Here are some flowers 这(些)是一些花。

10 Thanks for the photo of your family 谢谢你的全家福。

III. 句型转换

1 This/ That is my friend (一般疑问句) --- Is this/ that your friend

2 Is this / that your brother (作肯定和否定回答)]

--- Yes, it it No, it isn’t

3 These / Those are my rulers (改为单数) --- This/ That is my ruler

4 These / Those are her books (改为一般疑问句)

--- Are these / those her books

5 Are these / those his cousins (作肯定和否定回答)

--- Yes, they are No, they aren’t

6 She is my aunt (改为一般疑问句) --- Is she your aunt

7 He is Anna’s father (改为否定句) --- He isn’t Anna’s father

8 Thanks for the picture of your family (同义句)

--- Thank you for your family picture

9 Here is my key (变为复数句) --- Here are my keys

10 Is Dave your friend (作肯定回答) --- Yes, he is

11 This/ That is Mona (划线部分提问) --- Who is this / that

12 These /Those are his photos (划线部分提问)

--- What are these / those ?

IV 名词的数

1 普通名词的复数我们知道是直接加-s或 -es,可是偏偏有一些名词不听话,变化不规则。这些小调皮是:

a以 s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的词,复数要加-es:classes, boxes, watches, brushes  

b以"辅音字母+y"结尾的词,复数要先将-y 变成-i再加-es: families, stories

c以-f 或-fe结尾的词,一般先将-f或-fe变为-v, 再加-es: life- lives, leaf-leaves

d 以-o结尾的名词,一般来说,末尾是"元音字母+o" 的词加-s,我们学过的有radios, zoos 。末尾是"辅音字母+o"的词,变复数加-es。如:tomatoes, heroes, potatoes,当然其中的piano 和photo,又是一个例外,他们的结尾只能加-s

 2 child(children), foot(feet), tooth(teeth), mouse(mice), man(men ), woman(women )等词的复数变化全不遵循规则。

注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。如:an Englishman,two Englishmen 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans;

3 deer,sheep, Chinese, Japanese等词更是懒得可以,竟然单复数同形。好记好记。

4 people,police 等词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数,所以它们的谓语当然也是复数形式,这就是集体名词。  

5 maths,politics,physics等学科名词,虽然以-s结尾,仍为不可数名词。还有theUnited States(美国),the United Nations(联合国)等应视为单数。

6 别奇怪,名词有时也可以作定语的。它作定语时一般用单数,但也有以下例外。

  a man, woman等作定语时,它的单复数以其所修饰的名词的单复数而定。如:men workers, women teachers。

  b 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式,中间加连字符。如:a ten-mile walk十里路,two-hundred trees 两百棵树。

句型和词组 ( 七年级上 Go for it)

Starter Us1-3

1 Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob! 早上 / 下午 / 晚上好, Bob!

2 Good morning to you 祝你早上好。

3 --How are you 你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks How are you 我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

---I’m OK 我还好。

4 ---What’s this in English 用英语表达这是什么?

—It’s an orange 它是一只桔子。

—Spell it, please 请拼写它。


---Thank you 谢谢。

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are welcome=That’s all right=That’s OK 不用谢。

5 --What color is it 它是什么颜色? —It’s red 红色。

6 The key is yellow 钥匙是** 的。 =It’s a yellow key 它是**的钥匙。

7 Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你。 ----Nice to meet you, too /Me,too 也很高兴见到你。

8 How do you do 你好! ----How do you do 你好!

Unit One

1 ---What’s your name 你的名字是什么?

2 —My name is Gina 我的名字是吉娜。 =I’m Gina 我是吉娜。

3 What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4 What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5 ― Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你。 —Nice to meet you,too 也很高兴认识你。

6 - What’s her phone number 她的电话号码是多少?

7 —Her telephone number is 535-2375 她的电话号码是 535-2375

8 - What’s his family/last name 他的姓是什么?

—His family/last name is Brown 他的姓是布朗。

9 - What’s her first name 她 的名字是什么 —Her first name is Linda 她的名字是琳达。


1 Is this your pencil 这是你的铅笔吗? —Yes, it is 是,它是。

2 Is that your dictionary 那是你的词典吗? ---No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

3 How do you spell eraser 你怎样拼写 eraser

4 Can you spell eraser 你能拼写 eraser 吗?

5 in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里

6 call Alan at 495-3539 给艾伦打电话 495-3539

7 school ID card 校牌 8a set of keys 一串钥匙


1 Is this your daughter 这是你的女儿吗? —Yes, it is 是,它是。 /No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

2 Those are my two brothers 那些是我的两个兄弟。

3 Is she your aunt 她是你的姨母吗? —Yes she is 是,她是。 /No,she isn’t 不,她不是。

4 family tree 家谱 5Thanks for the photo of your family 谢谢你的全家照。

6Here is my family photo 这儿是我的全家福。 7This is my mother 这是我母亲。

5 a photo of your family=your family photo 你的全家福


1 Where is the backpack 背包在哪里? —It’s under the table 它在桌子下面。

2 Where are my books 我的书在哪里? —They’re on the sofa 他们阿子沙发上。

3 Where are his keys 他的钥匙在哪里? —They’re on the dresser 他们在柜子上。

4 Is it on the floor 它在地板上吗? —No, it isn’t 不,它不在。

5 Sorry, I don’t know 对不起,我不知道。

6 Are they in the drawer 他们在抽屉里吗? —Yes, they are 是,他们在。

7 The CDs are in the drawer 激光唱片在抽屉里。

8 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐

9 bring it to school 把它带到学校来

U5 1 Do you have a ping-pong ball 你有乒乓球吗?

—Yes, I do 是,我有。 /No, I don’t 不,我没有。

2 I/We/You/They have a tennis racket 我 / 我们 / 你们 / 他们有网球拍。

3 I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket 我 / 我们 / 你们 / 他们没有网球拍。

4 Does he have a soccer ball 他有足球吗

—Yes, he does 是,他有。 /No, he doesn’t 不,他没有。

5 He/She/Tom has a soccer ball 他 / 她 /Tom 有足球。

6 He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball 他 / 她 /Tom 有足球。

7 Let’s play tennis/basketball 让我们 打网球 / 篮球吧。

8 That sounds good 那听起来真好。

9 play sports 做运动 10watch them on TV 通过电视看它们

11have a great sports collection 有大量的体育收集品

12every day 每天 13five volleyballs 五只排球


1 Do they like pears 他们喜欢梨吗?

—Yes, they do 是,他们喜欢。 /No, they don’t 不,他们不喜欢。

2 They /I/We like hamburgers 他们 / 我 / 我们喜欢汉堡包。

3 She likes ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋

4 Does she like ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋吗?

—Yes, she does 是,她喜欢。 /No, she doesn’t 不,她不喜欢。

5 running star 跑步明星 6lots of=a lot of 许多 7healthy food 健康食品

8 What does he have for lunch 午餐他要吃什么?

---He has chicken, carrots and broccoli for lunch 午餐他要吃鸡肉,胡萝卜和花椰菜。

9 What do you like for dinner 晚餐你喜欢吃什么?

—I like vegetables for dinner 晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜。

10go on a picnic =have a picnic 去野餐

11make a list of food to buy 列出需要购买的食物

12ask questions 问问题 13answer questions 回答问题

14I also like strawberries=I like strawberries, too 我也喜欢草莓。

句型和词组(七年级上Go for it)

Starter Us1-3

1Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午/晚上好,Bob!

2Good morning to you祝你早上好。

3--How are you你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks How are you我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

---I’m OK我还好。

4---What’s this in English用英语表达这是什么?

—It’s an orange它是一只桔子。

—Spell it, please 请拼写它。


---Thank you谢谢。

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are welcome=That’s all right=That’s OK不用谢。

5--What color is it它是什么颜色? —It’s red红色。

6The key is yellow钥匙是** 的。=It’s a yellow key它是**的钥匙。

7Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too /Me,too 也很高兴见到你。

8How do you do 你好!----How do you do你好!

Unit One

1---What’s your name你的名字是什么?

2—My name is Gina我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina我是吉娜。

3What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5―Nice to meet you很高兴认识你。 —Nice to meet you,too也很高兴认识你。

6-What’s her phone number她的电话号码是多少?

7—Her telephone number is 535-2375她的电话号码是535-2375

8-What’s his family/last name他的姓是什么?

—His family/last name is Brown他的姓是布朗。

9-What’s her first name她 的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda她的名字是


1Is this your pencil这是你的铅笔吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。

2Is that your dictionary那是你的词典吗?---No, it isn’t不,它不是。

3How do you spell eraser你怎样拼写eraser

4Can you spell eraser你能拼写eraser吗?

5in the lost and found case在


6call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539

7school ID card校牌

8a set of keys一串钥匙


1Is this your daughter这是你的女儿吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。/No, it isn’t不,它不是。

2Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。

3Is she your aunt她是你的姨母吗?—Yes she is是,她是。/No,she isn’t不,她不是。

4family tree家谱

5Thanks for the photo of your family谢谢你的全家照。

6Here is my family photo这儿是我的全家福。 7This is my mother这是我母亲。

5a photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福


1Where is the backpack背包在哪里?—It’s under the table它在桌子下面。2Where are my books我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa他们阿子沙发上。3Where are his keys他的钥匙在哪里?—They’re on the dresser他们在柜子上。4Is it on the floor它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t不,它不在。5Sorry, I don’t know对不起,我不知道。6Are they in the drawer他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are是,他们在。7The CDs are in the drawer激光唱片在抽屉里。8take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐9bring it to school把它带到学校来


1Do you have a ping-pong ball你有乒乓球吗?

—Yes, I do是,我有。/No, I don’t不,我没有。2I/We/You/They have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们有

。3I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们没有网球拍。4Does he have a soccer ball他有足球吗

—Yes, he does是,他有。/No, he doesn’t不,他没有。

5He/She/Tom has a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。

6He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。7Let’s play tennis/basketball让我们 打网球/篮球吧。

8That sounds good那听起来真好。9play sports做运动

10watch them on TV通过电视看它们

11have a great sports collection有大量的体育收集品

12every day每天

13five volleyballs五只排球

句型和词组 ( 七年级上 Go for it)

Starter Us1-3

1 Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob! 早上 / 下午 / 晚上好, Bob!

2 Good morning to you 祝你早上好。

3 --How are you 你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks How are you 我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

---I’m OK 我还好。

4 ---What’s this in English 用英语表达这是什么?

—It’s an orange 它是一只桔子。

—Spell it, please 请拼写它。


---Thank you 谢谢。

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are welcome=That’s all right=That’s OK 不用谢。

5 --What color is it 它是什么颜色? —It’s red 红色。

6 The key is yellow 钥匙是** 的。 =It’s a yellow key 它是**的钥匙。

7 Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你。 ----Nice to meet you, too /Me,too 也很高兴见到你。

8 How do you do 你好! ----How do you do 你好!

Unit One

1 ---What’s your name 你的名字是什么?

2 —My name is Gina 我的名字是吉娜。 =I’m Gina 我是吉娜。

3 What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4 What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5 ― Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你。 —Nice to meet you,too 也很高兴认识你。

6 - What’s her phone number 她的电话号码是多少?

7 —Her telephone number is 535-2375 她的电话号码是 535-2375

8 - What’s his family/last name 他的姓是什么?

—His family/last name is Brown 他的姓是布朗。

9 - What’s her first name 她 的名字是什么 —Her first name is Linda 她的名字是琳达。


1 Is this your pencil 这是你的铅笔吗? —Yes, it is 是,它是。

2 Is that your dictionary 那是你的词典吗? ---No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

3 How do you spell eraser 你怎样拼写 eraser

4 Can you spell eraser 你能拼写 eraser 吗?

5 in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里

6 call Alan at 495-3539 给艾伦打电话 495-3539

7 school ID card 校牌 8a set of keys 一串钥匙


1 Is this your daughter 这是你的女儿吗? —Yes, it is 是,它是。 /No, it isn’t 不,它不是。

2 Those are my two brothers 那些是我的两个兄弟。

3 Is she your aunt 她是你的姨母吗? —Yes she is 是,她是。 /No,she isn’t 不,她不是。

4 family tree 家谱 5Thanks for the photo of your family 谢谢你的全家照。

6Here is my family photo 这儿是我的全家福。 7This is my mother 这是我母亲。

5 a photo of your family=your family photo 你的全家福


1 Where is the backpack 背包在哪里? —It’s under the table 它在桌子下面。

2 Where are my books 我的书在哪里? —They’re on the sofa 他们阿子沙发上。

3 Where are his keys 他的钥匙在哪里? —They’re on the dresser 他们在柜子上。

4 Is it on the floor 它在地板上吗? —No, it isn’t 不,它不在。

5 Sorry, I don’t know 对不起,我不知道。

6 Are they in the drawer 他们在抽屉里吗? —Yes, they are 是,他们在。

7 The CDs are in the drawer 激光唱片在抽屉里。

8 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐

9 bring it to school 把它带到学校来

U5 1 Do you have a ping-pong ball 你有乒乓球吗?

—Yes, I do 是,我有。 /No, I don’t 不,我没有。

2 I/We/You/They have a tennis racket 我 / 我们 / 你们 / 他们有网球拍。

3 I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket 我 / 我们 / 你们 / 他们没有网球拍。

4 Does he have a soccer ball 他有足球吗

—Yes, he does 是,他有。 /No, he doesn’t 不,他没有。

5 He/She/Tom has a soccer ball 他 / 她 /Tom 有足球。

6 He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball 他 / 她 /Tom 有足球。

7 Let’s play tennis/basketball 让我们 打网球 / 篮球吧。

8 That sounds good 那听起来真好。

9 play sports 做运动 10watch them on TV 通过电视看它们

11have a great sports collection 有大量的体育收集品

12every day 每天 13five volleyballs 五只排球


1 Do they like pears 他们喜欢梨吗?

—Yes, they do 是,他们喜欢。 /No, they don’t 不,他们不喜欢。

2 They /I/We like hamburgers 他们 / 我 / 我们喜欢汉堡包。

3 She likes ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋

4 Does she like ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋吗?

—Yes, she does 是,她喜欢。 /No, she doesn’t 不,她不喜欢。

5 running star 跑步明星 6lots of=a lot of 许多 7healthy food 健康食品

8 What does he have for lunch 午餐他要吃什么?

---He has chicken, carrots and broccoli for lunch 午餐他要吃鸡肉,胡萝卜和花椰菜。

9 What do you like for dinner 晚餐你喜欢吃什么?

—I like vegetables for dinner 晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜。

10go on a picnic =have a picnic 去野餐

11make a list of food to buy 列出需要购买的食物

12ask questions 问问题 13answer questions 回答问题

14I also like strawberries=I like strawberries, too 我也喜欢草莓。


七年级上册 Unit 1 要点归纳I 词汇1 to (同音词) too, two2 meet (同音词) meat 3 four (同音词) for4 family (复数)...