


给你一份比较有趣的个人觉得挺有道理的偏方,但是还是要复习一下一些必需的东西:无须复习,只要十天英语四级就能过!!!方法让你喷血!! 怕以后找不到!!! 大家想转就转 别留言啊 太多了 烦 无须复习,只要十天英语四级就能过!!!方法让你喷血!! 怕以后找不到!!! 无须复习,只要十天英语四级就能过!!!方法让你喷血!! 怕以后找不到!!! 1、听力,有三种题型,dialogue(十个对话),passage(三个短文),compound dictation(复合式听写,也就是传说中的段子题),第一种每年必考,后两种逐年交替,其中考passage的次数相对较多。 最容易得分的是dialogue和passage,只要记住一个超级技巧即可:对话所述事情总是向不好的方面发展。举几个例子:比如对话里问教授的讲座lecture难不难,记住一定难,老师的作业assignment多不多,一定多,男士发出的邀请,女士会答应吗,永远不会,永远是一个傻哥们发出邀请,邀请的对象是Mary,问我们游泳好吗,滑冰好吗,跳舞好吗,吃饭好吗,Mary的回答永远是,我非常的想去,but不去,四级考了十几年了,Mary从来没有去过,今年照样不会。所以大家记住,只要是对话,必然会发生意外的事情,再举个例子,两个选项,A火车准时,B火车晚点如果你是出题老师,你怎么设置对话,当然是晚点了,准时有什么好说的,总不能两个神经病,或者是两人刚谈恋爱,来到车站,没话找话,男的说,哇,火车准时了,女的说,咿!还真准时了耶!所以准时是不可能的,不好的事情一般都是最后的答案!对于compound dictation,上学期偶运气好没有考这个,但是偶觉得这种题确实比较难,只能竖直耳朵专心听了,即使听不懂,也要根据上下文瞎猜一个,空着肯定没分,瞎猜说不定老师看错了还会给你一分! 我想补充的是,千万不要听历年真题,不管是磁带还是MP3,这些只会让你觉得更烦,偶当时就只是在偶mp3里面存了一些BACK STREET BOY的as long as you love me,I PROMISE YOU 等和Mariah carey的Always Be My Baby等等,当偶困了的时候就在自习室里假寐一会儿,听歌养神! 2、阅读,这是我们应考的重点,阅读题得分的高低直接影响到你是否能过,在这里我针对每种题型谈一谈,一事实细节题,据偶的观察,每年必考地方是列举处,即有first,sceond,in addition……的地方,还有举例与打比方的地方,即有as,such ,for instance等出现的地方,有几个应考规律,大家记住,1)选项中照抄或似乎照抄原文的一般不是答案,而同义词替换的是正确答案, 2)选项中表达意义较具体,也就是句子较长的一般不是答案而概括性的,抽象的是答案, 3)选项中有绝对语气词的比如must,never,merely等不是答案而有不十分肯定语气词的是正确答案,比如could,might,possible等。 二词义及语义判断题,常考有指代上下问语义功能的名词和一词多义的词组,另外复杂句由于其句子之间的关系复杂,也常成为考查理解能力的一种手段,大家只要记住一个规律即可,那就是选项含义与被考单词在含义上肤浅相近的一般不是答案 三推理判断题,有如下几个技巧, 1)若要求对某段内容进行推论,那么就只看题干要求作答的那一段, 2)选项中采用试探性,不十分绝对语气词的比如tend to ,offten等一般是答案, 3)符合常识逻辑的一般是答案,比方说为什么中国比较穷,是因为人口众多,为什么美国人很胖,是因为他们吃的肯德基,麦当劳太多了)。 四主旨大意题和观点态度题,这两种相对都比较难,大家的得分都不是很高,所以即使你做的不好也别太介意。这两道题,偶当时是在十分紧迫的情况下,只读了首尾段,然后迅速选择的,其实最后效果还不错,阅读考了二百多分! 3、词汇,对于这种题,当你看到偶的博客以后,回去赶紧扔掉那些什么词汇串联记忆,星火记忆,黑白记忆,什么家谱式记忆,连环记忆……之类的书吧,或者送人,或者保存好,来年卖给不懂事的大一新生们,要不就拿去垫桌角,方方正正的多好啊!偶认为背单词是一种投入和产出极不成比例的做法,极其愚昧和迷信!偶当年是这样做的,考前两天(一定不要太早,否则还会忘掉),浏览了一下课本后面的四级词组,考试时,只要选项里有出现课本上的单词或词组,那么不要犹豫,选定她!偶还想提醒大家,千万不要在30个词汇题上浪费太多的时间,要知道每个题才0。5分啊,而阅读呢,一个2分,把时间节省出来做阅读吧!偶当时用偶的方法再加上1/4蒙题的概率,最后综合项(包括完形填空)考了一百多分。 4、完形填空题和简短回答题,这两个题也是逐年交替,其中前者出现的机会远远大于后者,如果你遇到的是完形填空题,你应该庆幸,整个四级考试中,数她最简单了,偶当时压根儿就没有看题目一眼,直到考试结束铃响了,偶才开始拿着机读卡瞎蒙,偶当时坐在最后一排,当收卷子的女老师走到偶跟前时,偶还有五道题没有涂卡,偶深情地对她说,天气很热,您也很累了吧,她笑着对偶说,谢谢,还行。在这一瞬间,偶把所有的题都涂完了。大家参加过高考的人都知道,做一个完形填空题花的时间可能超过两道阅读题,但是得分呢?相信大家都心中有数。幸亏四级考试中此题每个才0。5分,即使真正的高手在这个题上也不会超过你五分的,但是花的时间却是你的30倍左右(偶当时做这个题前后大概只用了18秒)。偶一直认为,对于完形填空,命题者的真正意图不是考查你的知识水平,而是考查你是否会合理安排时间! 如果你不幸遇到了简短回答题,说实话,偶也没有好办法,这种题虽说千年难遇一次,但是偶认为这是四级考试中最有水平,最不好应对的题,出题人一定来自天外星球!遇到这种题,如果你有兴趣,那就试一下,如果实在不会做,那么你就认倒霉吧!在大学里有一句话说的好:一生中,谁没有几次踩到大便的时候! 5、写作,偶认为这是最容易应对而且也是最容得分的题! 只需考前花9秒种,即有可能取得9分(满分100分制)以上的好成绩。偶当时只是在开考前熟记了两个比较有难度的经典句型,考试时想办法在在首句和结尾处各用了一个,然后剩余部分,或者自由发挥,或者写几段偶喜欢的英文歌词(注意不是汉语拼音的),或者写一下李阳疯狂英语里的搞笑句子。 你不要怀疑偶的做法,现在偶给大家分析一下此法可行的原因:判卷时,每个老师桌子上都会有一大叠卷子,远远超过你高考时的复习资料,你想,只要是个人,谁会有耐心仔细看那么多的英语文章,再加上一般判卷发生在大夏天,天气闷热,心情烦躁,每天关在小屋里看偶们这些无聊低级的文章,不许上网,不许QQ,不让开MSN,更不可能写博客,好人也会被折磨疯的。所以他们判卷时,一般只看开头和收尾句,再大体看一下字数够不够,有的正在谈恋爱的老师,心情比较好,还会看有没有错误的单词,为了防止这种情况,我提醒大家,我们的目标不是写一篇惊世骇俗的文章,而是尽量在三十分种内不说一句错话,不写一个错单词。一句话,我们的目标就是——没有蛀牙!!再有,写短文时,最好用黑色钢笔,而不要用其他颜色的,特别是圆珠笔,另外,千万要注意书面整齐,据说,判卷老师大都是近世眼,对于黑色他们更为敏感,更习惯。书写也是,越整洁,他看得越清晰,心情就越好,偶们的分也就越高!偶当时做完此题,共用了八分钟,但是偶的写作成绩却是八十分(满分710分制)! 另附四级真题



Part I Writing (30 minutes)

 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Free Admission to Museums You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

 1 越来越多的博物馆免费开放的目的是什么?2 也会带来一些问题3 你的看法

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C )and D) For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage

How Do You See Diversity

  As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise

  He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice

“It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting (避开) your eyes

  “I was just thrown off by the lack of eye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says “I missed out, but will not miss that opportunity again”

  Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our understanding of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions

Hire Advantage

  At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult, employers who can eliminate invalid biases (偏见) from the process have a distinct advantage My company, Mindsets LLC, helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make

  “During my Mindsets coaching session, I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to say in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession”

Blinded by Gender

  Dale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops on supervising a diverse workforce “Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias,” he recalls “I learned I had not been looking at a person as a whole person, and being open to differences” In his case, the blindness was not about culture but rather gender

  “I had a management position open in my department; and the two finalists were a man and a woman Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel My reasoning would have been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in the position, I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her children and not travel” Dale’s assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits an organization’s ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce

  “I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation, I needed to present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allow them to make an informed decision” Dale credits the workshop, “because it helped me make decisions based on fairness”

Year of the Know-It-All

  Doug is another supervisor who attended one of my workshops He recalls a major lesson learned from his own employee

  “One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong’, as the first of January had just passed When I advised him of this, I gave him a tong talking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates

  “He patiently waited, then when I was done, he said he would like Chinese New Year off, not the Western New Year He explained politely that in his culture the new year did not begin January first, and that Chinese New Year, which is tied to the lunar cycle, is one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuming he had his dates mixed up But I learned a great deal about assumptions, and that the timing of holidays varies considerably from culture to culture

  “Attending the diversity workshop helped me realize how much I could learn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with toy employees, rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all,” Doug admits “The biggest thing I took away from the workshop is learning how to be more ‘inclusive’ to differences”

A Better Bottom Line

  An open mind about diversity not only improves organizations internally, it is profitable as well These comments from a customer service representative show how an inclusive attitude can improve sales “Most of my customers speak English as a second language One of the best things my company has done is to contract with a language service that offers translations over the phone It wasn’t until my boss received Mindsets’ training that she was able to understand how important inclusiveness was to customer service As a result, our customer base has increased”

  Once we start to see people as individuals, and discard the stereotypes, we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone Diversity is about coming together and taking advantage of our differences and similarities It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our shared humanity

  When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our past, from the media, peers, family, friends, etc, we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed (有缺陷的) or contrary to our fundamental values We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone


  1 What bothered Tiffany during an interview with her candidate?

  A) He just wouldn’t look her in the eye

  B) He was slow in answering her questions

  C) His resume didn’t provide the necessary information

  D) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant

  2 Tiffany’s misjudgment about the candidate stemmed from _______

  A) racial stereotypes

  B) invalid personal bias

  C) cultural ignorance

  D) emphasis on physical appearance

  3 What is becoming essential in the course of economic globalization according to the author

  A) Hiring qualified technical and management personnel

  B) Increasing understanding of people of other cultures

  C) Constantly updating knowledge and equipment

  D) Expanding domestic and international markets

  4 What kind of organization is Mindsets LLC

  A) A real estate agency

  B) A personnel training company

  C) A cultural exchange organization

  D) A hi-tech company

  5 After one of the workshops, account executive Dale realized that ____

  A) he had hired the wrong person

  B) he could have done more for his company

  C) he had not managed his workforce well

  D) he must get rid of his gender bias

  6 What did Dale think of Mindsets LLC’s workshop

  A) It was well-intentioned but poorly conducted

  B) It tapped into the executives’ full potential

  C) It helped him make fair decisions

  D) It met participants’ diverse needs

  7 How did Doug, a supervisor, respond to a Chinese-American employee’s request for leave

  A) He told him to get the dates right

  B) He demanded an explanation

  C) He flatly turned it down

  D) He readily approved it

  8 Doug felt ________ when he realized that his assumption was wrong

  9 After attending Mindsets’ workshops, the participants came to know the importance of ______ to their business

  10 When we view people as individuals and get rid of stereotypes, we can achieve diversity and benefit from the _______ between us




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一 英语的“家谱”

英语是印欧 (1ndo-European)语系。印欧语系是世界上最大的语系,包括欧洲、美洲和亚洲的大部分语言。讲印欧诸种语言的总人数约有十八亿七千五百万,占世界总人口的一半左右。早在1786年,英国梵文(Sanskrit)学者威廉·琼斯爵士 (Sir William Jones) 就指出:欧洲、印度、波斯等地的大多数语言,包括古希腊语、古拉丁语及古印度语属于同一“家族”。

原始印欧人是什么样的人 他们居住在何方 他们的语言究竞是什么样子的 对这些问题,我们今天仍缺乏文献的考证。但是通过长时期的研究,语言学家们得出了探索性的结论他们发现:属于印欧语系的许多语种都有表示“冬天”、“雪”和“寒冷”等意义的词,这说明原始印欧语最初是在气候比较冷的地一带使用的。另一方面,某些热带地区动植物名称的词,如“狮子”、“大象”、“稻米”、“竹”、“棕榈树”等,在原始印欧语中是不存在的;而印欧语系各语种中却都有表示“白杨”、“栎树”、“柳树”、“白桦”、“熊”、“狼”、“羊”、“鹰”、“蜜蜂”等动植物名称的相似词。通过这样的探索和研究,许多人认为,当人类进入新石器时代,欧洲中东部曾居隹着一些游牧部落,他们饲养着象羊、狗、奶牛和马这样的家畜,会使用马和简陋的马车,并能够驰骋于一望无际的原野上。这些游牧部落就是原始印欧人,他们用于交际的语言就是原始印欧语。大约在公元前3500年至公元前2500年间,这些原始印欧人开始迁徒。有些向西移动,有些向东移动,而有些则向南移动,到达今天的南亚次大陆。这些部落的大迁徒导致印欧语系的逐步形成。古印度语与古代欧洲语言之所以非常相近,其历史根源即在于此。

印欧语系包括:(一)印度语族(Indic);(二).伊朗语族(Iranian);(三)斯拉夫语族(Slavic),(四)波罗的话族(Baltic),(五)日耳曼语族(Germanic),(六)拉丁语族(亦称罗曼语族[Romance]), (七)凯尔特语族(Celtic),(八)希腊语族;(九)阿尔巴尼亚语(Albanian),(十)亚美尼亚语族(Armenian), (十一)吐火罗语族(Tocharian;Tokharian)(十二)赫梯语族(Hittite)。日耳曼语族是一个比较大的语族。它又分为三个语支:(一)东日耳曼语支(EastGermanic)主要以现已绝迹的哥特语(Gothic)为代表;(二)北日耳曼语支(North Germanic),主要以古北欧语(Oid Norse)为代表,包括今日的挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)、瑞典语和丹麦语等;(三)西日耳曼语支(West Germanic)包括低地德语(Low German) 今日的荷兰语(Dutch)、高地德语(High German)、英语、弗里西亚语(Frisian)佛兰芒语(Flemish)等。因此,我们说:英语属于印欧语系的日耳曼语族的西日耳曼语支。

二 英语的形成

英国南面隔英吉利海峡(the English Channel)、多佛尔海峡(the Straits of Dover)与法国相望,东面和东南面隔北海(the North Sea)与荷兰、比利时、丹麦、挪威遥对。距 欧洲大陆最窄处的多佛尔海峡仅三十公里宽。英国的领土主要包括大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛东北部。大不列颠岛包括三个地区:英格兰占南部和中部,威尔士占西部山地半岛,苏格兰占北部;其中以英格兰最为重要。大不列颠岛是欧洲第一大岛,海岸非常曲折,长达一万一千四百五十公里。英语就是在这样的地理环境中形成的。为了说明英语的起源,我们有必要回顾一下英语形之前的英国史前史。文物考查已经证明,古代印欧游牧部落西移之前今天的不列颠诸岛上已居住着旧石器人(Paleolithic Man)。那时,不列颠诸岛和欧洲大陆是连成一片的,英国和法国之间还没有今天的英吉利海峡和多佛尔海峡,莱茵河(the Rhine)与泰晤士河(the Thames)之间尚由其支流相接、今天的英国仍属欧洲大陆的一部分。大约在距今九千年的时候;由于地壳的变迁,大不列颠诸岛从欧洲大陆分离出来。所以史前的旧石器人能够在不列颠定居下来并不足为怪。曾任过英国首相的温斯顿·邱召尔Sir Winston Churchill)(1874/FONT>1965)在其《说英语的民族史》(History of the English Speaking Peoples)一书中,曾这样描写居住在不列颠的旧石器人:很明显,那些赤身裸体或只披着兽皮的男人和女人或觅食于原始密林之中,或涉猎于沼泽、草滩至于他们所说的语言,尚无史料可查。大约在公元前3000年,伊比利亚人(Iberians)从地中海地区来到不列颠岛定居。他们给不列颠带来了新石器(Neolithic)文化,同时征服了先前在那儿居住的旧石器人。大约从公元前500年开始,凯尔特人;(Celts)从欧洲大陆进犯并占领了不列颠诸岛。凯尔特人最初居住在今天德国南部地区,他们是欧洲最早学会制造和使用铁器和金制装饰品的民族;在征服不列颠之前,他们曾征服了今天的法国、西班牙:葡萄牙、意大利等地区;来到不列颠后,一部分凯尔特人在今天的爱尔兰和苏格兰定居下来,其余的一部分占领了今天的英格兰的南部和东部。每到一处,他们都对伊比利亚人进行残酷的杀戳。凯尔特人讲凯尔特语。今天居住在苏格兰北部和西部山地的盖尔人(Gaels)仍使用这种语言。在英语形成之前凯尔特语是在不列颠岛上所能发现的唯一具有史料依据的最早的格言。 公元前55年的夏天,罗马帝国的恺撒大帝(Julius Caesar)在征服高卢(Gaul)之后来到不列颠。那时,他的目的未必是想征服不列颠,而是想警告凯尔特人不要支持那些居住在高占的、正受罗马人奴役的凯尔特同族人。恺撒大帝的这次‘不列颠之行’并没有给罗马帝国带来什么好处,相反却在一定程度上降低了他的威信。第二年,即公元前54年的夏天,恺撒大帝第二次亲临不列颠。这次,他在不列颠岛东南部站稳了脚跟,并与当地的凯尔特人发生了一些冲突。恺撒大帝虽然取胜,但并没有能使凯尔特人屈服。不久,他又回到了高卢;在以后的大约一百年间,罗马帝国并没有对不列颠构成很大的威胁。 英国历史上的真正的“罗马人的征服”(Roman Conquest)是在公元后43年开始的。当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(Claudius)率领四万人马,用了三年时间终于征服了不列颠岛的中部和中南部随后,整个的英格兰被罗马牢牢控制了。,随着军事占领,罗马文化与风格习惯渗入不列颠。罗马人的服装、装饰品、陶器和玻璃器皿很快在不列颠得到推广;社会生活开始:“罗马化”这必然导致拉丁语在不列颠的传播。在以胜利者自居的罗马人看来,凯尔特人无疑是“低贱的”,凯尔特语自然不能登“大雅之堂”那时,在不列颠,官方用语、法律用语、商业用语等均是拉丁语;拉丁语成了上层凯尔特人的第二语言。这就是凯尔特语词汇为什么很少能幸存下来的历史原因。在今日英语中,只是在一些地名和河流名称方面还保留着凯尔特的词汇成分。例如the Thames ,the Cam,the Dee ,the Avon , the Esk , the Exe , the Stour , the Aire , the Derwent , the Ouse , the Severn , the Tees , the Trent , the Wye等,均是凯尔特人命名的河流。在Duncombe, Winchcombe, Holcome, Cumberland, Coombe 等地名中,也可看到凯尔特语cumb (=deep valley::深谷)一词的成分,在Torcross , Torquay,Torrington等地名中,尚保留着凯尔特语torr (=high rock or peak;高岩或山顶)一词的成分。英国著名城市多尔佛(Dover)、约克(York)的名称也源于凯尔特语。罗马人占领不列颠长达四百年,直到公元407年,罗马人才因罗马帝国内外交困不得不开始撤离不列颠。

大约在公元449年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族侵犯不列颠。他们是盎格鲁(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)他们乘船横渡北海,借罗马帝国衰落、自顾不暇之机‘一举侵入大不列颠诸岛。他们遭到凯尔特人的顽强抵抗,征服过程拖延了一个半世纪之久:到了公元六世纪末,大不列颠请岛上原先的居民凯尔特人几乎灭绝,幸存者或逃入山林.或沦为奴隶。这就是英国历史上发生的“日耳曼人征服”,亦称“条顿人征服”Teutonic Conquest)。这次外来入侵.对英语的形成起了十分关键的作用。

盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人属古代日耳曼人。分市在北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛、德国西北沿海一带。在罗马帝国时期,他们往往统称为“蛮族部落”。他们从事畜牧和狩猎,过着半游牧的生活,且很早就知道农耕。他们的土地是氏族的公有财产,农业经营带有原始的流动性质。随着社会的发展,氏族公社逐渐解体,出现了氏族贵族和军事首领。他们的财富和权势在频繁的掠夺中剧增。军事首领名义上是由民众大会推选产生的,实际上都出于同一家族。恩格斯曾把这种氏族部落的管理制度称作军事民主制;他这样写道:“其所以称为军事民主制,是因为战争以及进行战争的组织现在已成为民族生活的正常职能。邻人的财富刺激了各民族的贪欲。这些民族把获得财富看成是最重要的生活目的之一。他们是野蛮人。进行掠夺在他们看来是比进行创造性劳动更容易,甚至更荣誉的事情。以前进行战争,只是为了对侵犯进行报复,或者是为了扩大已经感到不够的领上;观在进行战争,则纯粹是为了掠夺,战争成为经常的职业了。“ 这些所谓的‘蛮族”,在摧毁当时罗马帝国的奴隶制,以及推动西欧封建制度的诞生过程中,起过十分重要的作用。征服不列颠后,盎格鲁人主要占领了洪伯河(the Humber)以北地区;撒克逊人主要占领了泰晤士河以南地区;朱特人主要盘踞在英格兰东南端的肯特(Kent) 和南汉普郡(Southern Hampshire);以及位于英格兰之南、靠近今天的朴次茅斯(Portsmouth)的怀特岛(the Isle of Wight),形成许多小国。公元七世纪初,这些小园合并为七个王国:南部有撒克逊人的威塞克斯(Wessex)、萨塞克斯(Sussex)和埃塞克斯(Essex);东北部和中部有盎格鲁人的梅尔西亚(Mercia)、诺森伯里亚(Northumbria),和东盎格里亚(East Anglia);东南部有朱特人的肯特(Kent)王国。各国竞相争雄,达两百年之久;在英国历史上称为“七国时代”(the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy)。这三个日耳曼部族虽然有各自的方言,但这些方言均属低地西日耳曼语(Low West Germanic)。有许多共同之处.因此三个部落在语言方面基本上是相通的。他们都使用一种叫做茹尼克(Runic)的文字。这种文字是古代日耳曼各民族通用的文字.它的字母主要由直线组成,以便于刻在木头或石块上,是一种由古希腊语和拉丁语发展起来的北欧碑文字。随着人类社会的发展,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人逐渐形成统一的英吉利民族.他们各自使用的方言也逐渐溶合,出现了一种新的语言枣盎格鲁撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon)。这就是古英语。它是在特定的地理和历史环境中,经过一系列民族迁移与征服的过程所形成的。

那么English和England的名称是如何来的呢?原来,凯尔特人将征服他们的盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人习惯地统称为Saxons(撒克逊人)。早期拉丁语学者仿照凯尔特人的习惯.也将这三个日耳曼部族称作Saxones.并将他们征服的不列颠称作Saxonia。到了公元七世纪. 由于用森伯利亚王国和梅尔西亚王国在政治上和文化上的影响剧增,而在这棿�ň酉吕吹闹饕�前桓衤橙耍��栽缙诶�⊙д哂殖S/FONT>Angli和Anglia指所有的三个部族和他们在不列颠所占有的地盘。随后,Angli和Anglia在拉丁语著作中分别代替了Saxones和Saxonia。到了公元700年所有的人都把当时通行在不列颠岛上的语言称作Englisc(盎格鲁人一直就是这样称呼其使用的语言的),三个入侵的日耳曼部族则统称为Angelcynn(=kin of the Angles即“盎格鲁人的家族”)到了公元1000年整个国家则被称作Englaland (=land of the Angles盎格鲁人的土地)。由于语言内部在发音和拼写方面发生了演变Englisc和Englaland才变成了今天的English和England。

在追溯英语的历史发展时,我们通常将它分为三个时期:(一)古英语(Old English),从公元450年至1150年;(二)中古英语(Middle English),从公元1150年至1500年;,(三)现代英语(Modern English),从1500年至今。为便于研究,我们常把1500/FONT>1700年的英语称作“早期现代英语”(Early Modern English),1700年至今的英语称作“后期现代英语”(Later Modern English)。这样的分期当然不是绝对的,但它有助于我们对英语历史发展全过程的了解和研究。



天才一词“Genius”源自于拉丁语,原意是指守护神。随后衍生出创造能力、天赋、才华等意思。 天才,顾名思义,是指有天生的才能的人的意思。










1 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)

地球的历史已经有45亿年了在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,没有人见到过活的恐龙今天我们所知道的有关恐龙的一切是从恐龙的化石得来的由于人们找到了它们的骨、齿、卵的化石,和皮肤痕迹、脚印、穴居场所等,科学家们就根据这些线索去探索有关恐龙的秘密The Earth's history has been 45 billion yearsConstraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani sSince then,much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology,the course of the decline until extinction,only the fossils so far retainedNow the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils,these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changesDating back more than 200 million years ago,life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaursThey are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 15 million years oldIn humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct,and no one to see live dinosaursToday,we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils eAs people found their bones,teeth,egg fossils,and skin marks,footprints,and other cave sites,the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs。

2 关于恐龙的英语作文(60字)

Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat Today, people know that dinosaurs had once exist福丁弟股郗噶甸拴鼎茎ed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums。

3 关于恐龙的英语作文(60字)

Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat Today, people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums。

4 用英语描写恐龙的外貎小作文,带翻译

Most dinosaurs have some mon features, but because of the presence of other major dragon classes, or do not exist in the early dinosaurs, so they are not listed as a dinosaur's mon Dinosaurs have an upright gait, similar to most modern mammals, while most other reptiles are the legs to extend the o sides of the gait The dinosaur's hip fossa is toward both sides, and the fourth of the femur is in the inner side of the femur The o are in agreement to produce an upright gait



5 求一篇恐龙的作文(英文的)

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, o paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit But a all patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an or lost its feathers for part of the year But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize "Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs 从南德国的一块美妙地被保存的化石在星期四出版的研究中提出关于羽毛怎么从恐龙演变了到鸟,二个古生物学家的问题争论。

The 150百万年老化石是少年食肉恐龙大约科学家命名Juravenator的2 1/2英尺长,为找到的朱拉山。 在“失去的世界期间,开头场面It将看起来类似在生活中恐吓海滩的一个女孩的走路快的掠食性动物”,第二部侏罗纪公园**。

The化石的相当好被保存的骨头结构在恐龙家谱明显地投入它在用羽毛装饰的家族之中。 由于所有它的近亲用羽毛装饰,古生物学家会盼望Juravenator仿效别人。

But皮肤一个小补丁在生物的尾巴的不显示羽毛的迹象。 并且皮肤也没有是特点用羽毛装饰的恐龙的滤泡,说Luis Chiappe,恐龙学院的主任洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆的。

慕尼黑大学的他和厄休拉B Gohlich在学报自然的星期四的问题描述化石。 "它有典型的鳞状dinosaurian皮肤, “Chiappe说。

The古生物学家相信Juravenator的最接近的已知的亲戚也许是从中国, Sinosauropterix的充分地用羽毛装饰的恐龙。 There是Juravenator的裸体的一定数量的可能解说。

羽毛在带领Juravenator在升起在祖先以后两个它和它的用羽毛装饰的亲戚的演变线可能丢失了。 或者羽毛在恐龙可能不止一次演变了,突然发生在姐妹种类在不同的时间和地点。

也是可能的Juravenator这块特殊化石,看来少年,只有生长了羽毛作为成人或丢失了它的一部分的羽毛的年。 那里But是另一种可能性,说标记Norell,古生物学的馆长在自然历史美国博物馆的: 是完全可能的Juravenator有羽毛,但是他们没有僵化。

"羽毛是真正地保存的困难的事, “Norell说。 To支持他的假说他指出最旧的已知的鸟,始祖鸟,缺乏的几块化石用羽毛装饰。

新的标本是否提出关于羽毛? a和鸟? a怎样的有趣的问题因而演变了,多数专家不看它,因为挑战对广泛被接受的观点现代鸟下降恐龙。

6 有谁会写描写恐龙的英语小作文

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, o paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie The fossil's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit But a all patch of skin on the creature's tail shows no sign of feathers And the skin also doesn't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County He and Ursula B Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," Chiappe said The paleontologists believe Juravenator's closest known relative may have been a fully feathered dinosaur from China, Sinosauropterix There are a number of possible explanations for Juravenator's nakedness Feathers could have been lost on the evolutionary line leading to Juravenator after arising in an ancestor to both it and its feathered relatives Or feathers could have evolved more than once in dinosaurs, cropping up in sister species at different times and places It is also possible that this particular fossil of Juravenator, which appears to be a juvenile, only grew feathers as an or lost its feathers for part of the year But there is another possibility as well, said Mark Norell, curator of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History: It is entirely possible that Juravenator did have feathers, but they simply failed to fossilize "Feathers are really just difficult things to preserve," Norell said To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird, archaeopteryx, lack feathers Whether or not the new specimen raises interesting questions about how feathers — and thus birds — evolved, most experts do not see it as a challenge to the widely accepted view that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs。

7 关于恐龙的英语作文(100字)


The Earth's history has been 45 billion years Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest ani s Since then, much of the pla has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of ani s - the dinosaurs They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 1, these fossils tell the history of our pla earth-shaking changes地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物, footprints,没有人见到过活的恐龙。


现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石5 million years old,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙。

从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had bee extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs Today。它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成15亿年之久。

在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,和皮肤痕迹, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils e As people found their bones, and other cave sites。

8 以我最喜欢的恐龙写一篇英语作文40个字

About 255 million years ago, the pla emergence of a new class of reptiles Like al

l reptiles, they are the descendants of the eggs hatching out of their skin covered with scales, impervious, and this is the dinosaur Emerged from the demise of the dinosaurs until, up to rule the Earth 16 billion years old


A lot of people don't understand why should it be called a dog looks down other people,and they wonder if the dog has some special abilities


There are two meanings in this sentenceFirst,a dog moves around people's feet,and the world in its eyes is certainly lower than that in people's eyes,of course,when it look at us,just like we look at Yao Ming,it always needs to look upward,and will not look completelySecond,a dog is snobbish,it will judge people by their dressing


In fact,this sentence means a dog judge people by their dressing,and the concrete reason is very strange,why can a dog judge the quality of people's dressingI have six years experience of raising dogs,and I have seen too more thingsFor example,there are two people in the front,and they are coming together,one dresses bad,but the other dresses very well,the dog will certainly snarl at the one who dresses badAt first,I thought it was its instinctIn fact not,it is a habit after a long time of trainning


Another experience I have had will explain the reason furtherOne day,the archetype of A-qiao in my novel A-qiao's Nth Loving Affair came,according to my dog's usual behavior,it would snarl at the stranger fiercely without fail,but this time,instead of snarlling,it waved its tail to show amity to my friend,did it strangeno,the dog is sure to have some aesthetic ability,perhaps it is the instinct its ancestor had left,and perhaps there are other reasons


The other exmple is more typical,I had seen a people who was in charge of cleaning in the subdistrict,he was always teasing my dog for rest,but he dressed very bad when working,and my dog could not recognize him occasionallyThe dog will not make a mistake,unless it is familiar with his odor,this is a rule too


The key secret of“a dog looks down other people”is that a dog distinguish things by looking their appearance and smelling their odors


































































Friendship can not be bought with money It enables people to love each other, help one another overcome the difficulties one by one in the world, so it must have been the endless proliferation of humans has In fact, you want to get a real friendship is not a difficult thing, as long as you do not plan fame and fortune, without remuneration, to get it is simply an easy task


Money, however, in some people's eyes than anything else, some people have money, not lives They have the hands of the money, would have everything, they blindly greedy, mad pursuit of money , Often for money, making a number of immoral things A person who betrayed friendship, depending on the true feelings of dirt, depending on the money as a confidant, we will certainly lose the friendship, a person alone to live in the world, even close friends do not have one, then what does that mean


Only you selflessly to help others, you have to get someone else's care, to be sincere friendship

