




 1take a rain check 改天吧

 —— Can you come over for dinner tonight (今天晚上来吃饭好吗)

 —— I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a raincheck。(我工作很忙,改天吧。)

 2 lost count 弄不清楚

 —— Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport, you are alwaysdriving there How many trips a week do you makeanyway(自从你的女友搬到Bridgeport,你老是开车去看她。一周去几次啊)

 ——I have lost count, but I can do it with my eyesclosed。(搞不清楚了,但我闭着眼也能摸过去。)

 3 be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍

 —— Pete’s really out of it these days。(Pete 这几天有点心不在焉。)

 —— Yeah, I know Ever since he met Ann, he’s been in anotherworld。(我同意。自从他遇见Ann, 他就魂不守舍了。)

 4 make yourself at home 随意,随便

 —— Do you mind if I take off my jacket(你介意我脱下夹克吗)

 —— Of course not, make yourself at home。(当然不介意,随意一点!)

 5 save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌了

 —— Hey John! John!(嘿,John! John!)

 —— Save your breath He"s out of earshot。(省口气吧。他已经听不到了。)

 6 make sense 有意义,理解

 —— The plot of that movie is hard to follow。(那部**的'情节很难跟得上。)

 —— It makes more sense the second time。(再看一遍就理解了。)

 7 cost sb an arm and a leg 非常昂贵

 ——Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave toLinda(你看到Bill送给Linda的钻戒了吗)

 ——I sure did It must have cost him an arm and aleg。(当然了。那一定很昂贵。)

 8burn a hole in one’s pocket 很快地被花光

 ——Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computeryet (你攒足钱给你的电脑买一台新打印机了吗)

 ——You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately Maybe next month (这几个月我花钱如流水。也许下个月吧。)

 9fill one’s shoes 很好地顶替;令人满意地替代

 ——Have you heard that Professor Jones is retiring(你听说Jones教授要退休了吗)

 ——Yes The faculty won’t find anyone to fill her shoes。(是的。学校将很难找到合适的人来代替她。)

 10is ice cold 表示理所当然

 ——Does Prof Ford always come to class (Ford教授总是来上课吗)

 ——Is ice cold (当然了。)

 11like apples and oranges 用来表示无法相比的事物

 ——Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess orbridge (你认为桥牌和象棋哪个更难学)

 ——They are like apples and oranges (它俩没法比较。)


 1 face to face 面对面

 2 far away 遥远

 3 far behind 落后

 4 far from 远离

 5 fall asleep 入睡

 6 fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下

 7 fall ill/sick 生病

 8 fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格

 9 fall on top of 掉到了……上面

 10 fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来

 11 fall one’s exam 考试不及格

 12 fall over 滑倒,摔倒

 13 family name 姓

 14 family tree 家谱

 15 feel afraid 觉得害怕

 16 feel at home 像在家里一样舒适

 17 feel proud 感到自豪

 18 feel lonely 感到寂寞

 19 feel like doing sth 想要做某事

 20 feel tired 感到疲劳

 21 feel well 觉得舒服

 22 feel worried 感到忧虑

家庭树的英语:family tree。

读音:英 [ˈfæmili tri:]   美 [ˈfæməli tri] 


family mutational tree 家族突变树

Family Love Tree 亲情树

product family structure tree 产品族结构树

a family treefamily tree 家族树


1、Then the sisters began to ponder: where would the little girl sit on the family tree 


2、I’ve started my family tree and have added a few email addresses 



family的意思是“家庭”,指“家庭全体成员”时,为集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。作为“家庭整体”看待时,谓语动词要用单数形式。谓语动词无论是单数形式还是复数形式, family都应该用复数代词指代。









家庭成员: great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, older brother, older sister, young brother, young sister, grandson, granddaughter, etc

家庭类型: a nuclear / small family核心家庭a big / large/extended family大家庭a single-parent family单亲家庭

亲戚关系: grandaunt姑婆,姨婆;granduncle伯公,叔公,舅公,姑公,姨公; aunt 婶母,伯母,姨母,舅母; uncle 叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父; cousin堂兄弟(姐妹),表兄弟(姐妹); cousin-in-law堂姐(妹)夫,堂嫂,堂弟媳,表姐(妹)夫,表嫂,表弟媳; brother-in-law 姐夫,妹夫; sister-in-law姑,姨,嫂,弟媳; son-in-law女婿; daughter-in-law儿媳; nephew 侄儿,外甥; niece侄女,外甥女; grandnephew甥(外)孙,侄(外)孙; grandniece甥(外)孙女,侄(外)孙女; grandson-in-law孙女婿;granddaughter-in-law孙媳妇;etc

常用短语: feed / raise / support a family抚养家庭; found / start a family 建立家庭;family property家产; family financial situation家境; family history家史; family tree家谱;family origin家庭出身; family responsibilities家庭责任; family function 家庭功能; family relationship 家庭关系; family planning 家庭计划; family education 家庭教育; family structure 家庭结构; family ethics 家庭伦理; family consumption 家庭消费;etc

常用句型: 1 What do you want to say about your family 2 How many people are there in your family 3 Do you have any brothers or sisters 4 Are you the oldest/youngest in your family5 What do your parents do 6 I grew up in a very close, loving family7 I keep in touch with my family regularly 8 I miss my family very much

2 实例:考试大论坛


Now first listen to a conversation about the family and say something about Brian’s family Please Listen Carefully Lin: Brian, what’s up You look unhappy Brian: Oh, nothing particular, Lin Just that I miss my family terribly Lin: Me too How many people are there in your family Brian: Four My parents, my elder sister and I Lin: What do they do Brian: My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse My older sister studies in Beijing, and we email each other fairly often Lin: Are your parents strict with you Brian: Yes, I think so When I was at home, I had to clean my own room, help with house chores, finish my homework before dinner time, get back home no later than 9:00 in the evening, and so no Lin: That’s good for you Do you get along well with your family Brian: Sure I’m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family I love them Narrator:

You may begin to prepare your response after the beep

[2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds

Response time: 45 seconds


Please begin speaking after the beep

[2 seconds beep] http://ksexamdacom

Suggested Answer:

There are four members in Brian’s family, his father, his mother, the elder sister and him His father works in a computer company, and his mother is a nurse in a hospital His older sister studies in Beijing, and they get in touch with each other by email His parents are strict with him When he was at home, he had to clean his own room, help with house chores, finish his homework before dinner time and get back home before 9:00 In short, Brian lives in a strict yet loving family


1 be strict with: 严厉的,严格的 wwwExamdaCoM

2 house chores: 家务事,家务活

3 get along with: 进展(情况);生活地,(友好地)与……相处

4 get in touch with 保持联系 答案解析:

这是两名学生在讨论家庭的一篇对话。这篇对话传递了三个信息。我们首先了解了Brian的家庭成员(Brian: Four My parents, my elder sister and I);其次,了解了Brian父母亲的职业 (My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse),他的父亲在一家计算机公司工作,母亲是护士。最后,我们从对话中得知,Brian的父母亲对他要求很严格:Brian在家的时候,他得自己打扫房间,帮助父母做家务活,晚饭前必须做完家庭作业,晚上九点之前必须回家。这些具体事例有力地证明了Brian的父母对他的严格要求。


对话的语言口语化,流畅自然,句型表达地道,其中不乏我们可以模仿的好句子:1 Just that I miss my family terribly 只是我很想家。2 Lin: Do you get along well with your family Brian: Sure I’m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family 你和家人相处得好吗?当然,我非常幸运地生活在一个要求严格却充满爱心的家庭。

在讨论“家庭”这类话题时,我们应该尽量多掌握有关家庭的文化背景知识,家庭是社会的一个基本单位,理想的家庭会给家庭成员提供保护、安全、和沟通情感的机会。在不同的社会里,家庭结构,家庭成员的需要不尽相同。现代社会流行的家庭模式主要有以下三种:1)核心家庭,the nuclear family --- two adults and their children, 即父母亲和他们的孩子,这是一些国家流行的家庭模式。2)大家庭,an extended family, 由祖父母和其他亲戚组成的一个大家族,这种模式在一些发展中国家和农村非常盛行。3)单亲家庭,a single-parent family,孩子与离异的父亲或者母亲生活,或者是未婚母亲与子女。


