Atomic Kitten的You are歌词翻译,急求


Atomic Kitten的You are歌词翻译,急求,第1张


Starter Unit1-3

1 Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午/晚上好,Bob!

2 Good morning to you祝你早上好。

3 --How are you你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks How are you我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

---I’m OK我还好。

4 ---What’s this in English用英语表达这是什么?

—It’s an orange它是一只桔子。

—Spell it, please 请拼写它。


---Thank you谢谢。

Thank you very much/a lot-----You are welcome=That’s all right=That’s OK不用谢。

5 --What color is it它是什么颜色? —It’s red红色。

6 The key is yellow钥匙是** 的。=It’s a yellow key它是**的钥匙。

7 Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too /Me,too 也很高兴见到你。

8 How do you do 你好!----How do you do你好!

Unit 1

1 ---What’s your name你的名字是什么?

2 —My name is Gina我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina我是吉娜。

3 What’s his name---His name’s Tommy

4 What’s her name—Her name is Jenny

5 ―Nice to meet you很高兴认识你。 —Nice to meet you,too也很高兴认识你。

6 -What’s her phone number她的电话号码是多少?

7 —Her telephone number is 535-2375她的电话号码是535-2375

8 -What’s his family/last name他的姓是什么?

—His family/last name is Brown他的姓是布朗。

9 -What’s her first name她 的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda她的名字是琳达。


1 Is this your pencil这是你的铅笔吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。

2 Is that your dictionary那是你的词典吗?---No, it isn’t不,它不是。

3 How do you spell eraser你怎样拼写eraser

4 Can you spell eraser你能拼写eraser吗?

5 in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里

6 call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539

7 school ID card校牌

8 8a set of keys一串钥匙

Unit 3

1 Is this your daughter这是你的女儿吗?—Yes, it is是,它是。/No, it isn’t不,它不是。

2 Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。

3 Is she your aunt她是你的姨母吗?—Yes she is是,她是。/No,she isn’t不,她不是。

4 family tree家谱

5Thanks for the photo of your family谢谢你的全家照。

6Here is my family photo这儿是我的全家福。

7This is my mother这是我母亲。

8a photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福


1 Where is the backpack背包在哪里?—It’s under the table它在桌子下面。

2 Where are my books我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa他们阿子沙发上。

3 Where are his keys他的钥匙在哪里?—They’re on the dresser他们在柜子上。

4 Is it on the floor它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t不,它不在。

5 Sorry, I don’t know对不起,我不知道。

6 Are they in the drawer他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are是,他们在。

7 The CDs are in the drawer激光唱片在抽屉里。

8 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去给你姐姐

9 bring it to school把它带到学校来


1 Do you have a ping-pong ball你有乒乓球吗?

—Yes, I do是,我有。/No, I don’t不,我没有。

2 I/We/You/They have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们有网球拍。

3 I/We/You/They don’t have a tennis racket我/我们/你们/他们没有网球拍。

4 Does he have a soccer ball他有足球吗

—Yes, he does是,他有。/No, he doesn’t不,他没有。

5 He/She/Tom has a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。

6 He/She/Tom doesn’t have a soccer ball他/她/Tom有足球。

7 Let’s play tennis/basketball让我们 打网球/篮球吧。

8 That sounds good那听起来真好。

9 play sports做运动 10watch them on TV通过电视看它们

11have a great sports collection有大量的体育收集品

12every day每天 13five volleyballs五只排球

Unit 6

1 Do they like pears他们喜欢梨吗?

—Yes, they do是,他们喜欢。/No, they don’t不,他们不喜欢。

2 They /I/We like hamburgers他们/我/我们喜欢汉堡包。

3 She likes ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋

4 Does she like ice cream 她喜欢冰淇淋吗?

—Yes, she does是,她喜欢。/No, she doesn’t不,她不喜欢。

5 running star跑步明星

6 6lots of=a lot of 许多 7healthy food健康食品

9 What does he have for lunch午餐他要吃什么?

---He has chicken, carrots and broccoli for lunch午餐他要吃鸡肉,胡萝卜和花椰菜。

10 What do you like for dinner晚餐你喜欢吃什么?

—I like vegetables for dinner晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜。

10go on a picnic =have a picnic去野餐

11make a list of food to buy列出需要购买的食物

12ask questions问问题 13answer questions回答问题

14I also like strawberries=I like strawberries, too 我也喜欢草莓。


1 How much is this T-shirt=What’s the price of this T-shirt-It’s seven dollars这件T恤衫多少钱?-7美元。

2 How much are these socks-They’re two dollars这些短袜多少钱?-2美元。

3 Can I help you=What can I do for you=Is there anything I can do for you我能帮你吗?

4 I want/need a sweater=I want to buy a sweater我想(买)一件毛衣。

5 I want to buy a pair of pants我想买一条长裤。

6 I’ll take it/them我要买它(们)。

7 Here’s the money给钱。

8 The price of the watch is low/high手表的价格是低的/高的。

9 The watch is cheap/expensive=dear手表是便宜/昂贵的。

10 We need to learn English well我们必须学好英语。

11 My watch needs mending我的手表需要修理。

12 Here is a pair of shoes这儿有双鞋。

13 Here are shoes这儿是鞋子。

14 What color do you want你要什么颜色?

15 We have great bags for only 18 yuan我们有只售18元的大包。

16 We sell pants for only 30 yuan我们的长裤只卖30元。

17 We have shirts in many colors我们有许多种颜色的衬衫。

18 Can I have a try?我可以试一试吗?

19 Can I try it/them on我可以试穿它(们)吗?

20 You’re welcome不用谢。

21 What size do you want你要多大尺码?-Size L/M/S/40大号/中号/小号/40号。

22 That’s too expensive那太贵了。How about 20 yuan?20 元怎么样?

23 We each have 200 yuan=Each of us has 200 yuan我们每人有200元。


a big red hat一顶大的红色的帽子 a short yellow T-shirt 一件短的**的T恤衫

price tag价格标签 come and buy your clothes来买你的衣服 an ad一则广告 at Huaxing’s=at Huaxing’s clothes store在华兴服装店 bags for sports运动包

at a very good price以非常优惠的价格 the girl in red穿红衣服的女孩

T-shirts in red =red T-shirts穿红色T恤衫 come and see for yourself亲自来看看 come to my store来我的店 come here来这儿 next to 隔壁 have a sale =on sale在廉售 take/make notes作笔记 be on sale for 25 yuan以25元廉售have a look at=look at 看……

buy me a watch=buy a watch for me买给我一块手表 sell well销路好

buy a watch from the watch store从手表店买来一块手表

buy the socks for only 5 yuan each以每双5元买来袜子

sell me the bike =sell the bike to me 卖给我自行车

sell the bike for 100 yuan以100元卖了自行车

can afford our prices能承担得起我们得价格

can’t afford to buy a house 买不起房子

Mr Cool’s clothing store 库尔先生得服装店


1 When is your birthday你的生日在什么时候?

2 My birthday is October 10/10th/tenth=It’s October 10/10th/tenth我的生日在十月十日。

3 The first month of the year is January=January is the first month of the year一月是一年的第一个月。

4 How old are you=What’s your age你几岁?

5 I’m fifteen years old=I’m fifteen/15=Fifteen我十五岁。

6 How old is he/she他/她多大?

7 What’s the date today=What date is it today今天是几月几日?

8 It’s December 2是十二月二日。

9 When were you born你什么时候出生?

10 I was born on February 12th,1993我出生在1993年二月十二日。

11 In which year were you born你是哪一年出生的?

12 I was born in 1995我是1995年出生。

13 When was he/she born –He/She was born on December 25th,1642


14 When is the basketball game篮球赛在何时?

15 1949年读作:nineteen forty-nine 2004:two thousand and four

1804:eighteen (o) four 1600:sixteen hundred


October 1st/1/first读作:October the first十月一日

1/1st/first October读作:the first of October十月一日

your mother’s birthday你妈妈的生日 date of birth 出生日期

how old几岁 fifteen years old 15岁

an old man一位老人 an old bike一辆旧自行车

have an English speech contest 举行英语演讲比赛 Dave’s birthday party大卫的生日晚会 school trip学校旅行 have/hold a volleyball game举行排球赛

have an Art Festival举行艺术节 Music Festival音乐节

at your school在你的学校 have a School Day举行校庆

have an English party举行英语晚会 at the party在晚会上

welcome party欢迎会 farewell party 欢送会

Party member党员 at 3:00在三点

at breakfast/lunch/supper在早餐/午餐/晚餐时

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/下午/晚上

in 2005在2005年 in August在八月

in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天

on Friday在星期五

on Friday morning =on the morning of Friday 在星期五早上

on March 12th 在三月十二日 on his birthday在他的生日(那天) on Women’s Day 在妇女节

read it to the class 把它读给全班同学听 Joe’s calendar乔的日历

Tom and Tim’s mother Tom和Tim的母亲 Tom’s and Tim’s rooms Tom的和Tim的房间

Teachers’ Day教师节 go on a trip去旅行 be on a trip在旅行


New Year’s Day (January 1st)元旦 St Valentine’s Day(February 14th)圣瓦伦丁节/情人节

Tree Planting Day(March 12th)植树节 Women’s Day(March 8th)妇女节

April Fool’s Day(April 1st)愚人节 Labor’s Day(May 1st)=May Day劳动节

Mother’s Day(the 2nd Sunday of June)母亲节 Children’s Day(June 1st)儿童节

Father’s Day(the 3rd Sunday of June)父亲节 Army’s Day (August 1st)建军节

Mid-autumn Day中秋节 Teachers’ Day(September 10th)教师节

National Day (October 1st)国庆节 Thanksgiving Day(the 4th Thursday of Novembe感恩节 Halloween(November 1st)万圣节

Christmas Day (December 25th)圣诞节

the Spring Festival春节 Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节

Lantern Festival 元宵节Unit9his favorite subject他最喜欢的科目 an art teacher一位美术老师

my art teacher我的一位美术老师 an English teacher一位英语老师

favorite TV show最喜欢的电视节目 your parents’ favorite things你父母最喜欢的东西

two times=twice两次 one time=once一次

her mother’s favorite city她母亲最喜欢的城市 on Saturday在周六

be free 有空的 be busy with sth忙于某事

be busy (in) doing sth忙于做某事 have math=have a math class上数学课

next year明年 my last class我的最后一节课 at last最后

be the last one to do sth最后一个做某事 last week上星期

have volleyball for two hours上排球课两个小时 an hour 一小时

half an hour半小时

an hour and a half=one and a half hours一个半小时

One and a half apples are on the table一个半苹果在桌子上

be strict with me对我严格要求 be strict in sth对某事严格要求

feel tired觉得疲劳 be tired疲劳的

Chinese history club中国历史俱乐部 run around with me跟着我到处跑

play with my dog和我的狗玩耍 really interesting真地有趣

Atomic Kitten的You are歌词翻译,急求

人教版新目标英语七年级上册句型和词组Starter Unit1-31 Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午/晚上好,Bob!2 Good morn...