




[词典]    write; take notes by oneself; handwriting。


He started out to write the history of his family


1、Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revengeIt's all for myself to live better


2、Every day may not be good…but there's something good in every day


3、Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture


4、Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together


5、A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one


 二、完形填空 (10分)

 Li Lei gets an e-mail 46 Jackson Wilson Jack is a student in Canada He wants to 47 Chinese

 Dear friend,

 My name is Jack Wilson I am from Toronto, 48 I am 13 years old I’m a schoolboy I know China is a great 49 I want to make friends(交朋友) 50 China and I want to learn Chinese

 There are nineteen students in 51 class My classmates are from six countries They are learning English My parents are from France They 52 French I speak English and French There are many Chinese 53 in Toronto I want to learn Chinese , 54 I don’t have any Chinese textbooks Could you 55 me

 Please write back soon Thank you

 Jack Wilson

 ( ) 46 A for B to C from D of

 ( ) 47 A teach B learn C speak D know

 ( ) 48 A Canada B Japan C Australia D France

 ( ) 49 A city B country C people D school

 ( ) 50 Aon B at C in D to

 ( ) 51 A his B your C my D their

 ( ) 52 A speak B tell C say D talk

 ( ) 53 A there B here C peoples D students

 ( )54 A so B and C for D but

 ( ) 55 A give B help C write D leave

 三 阅读理解(3×10)


 Mr and Mrs Smith come from London, England They work in China now They teach English in a middle school They like their work very much They have two children, Sam and Sue They are both in Shanghai with their parents Mr Smith can’t speak Chinese, but his wife can speak it very well

 Mr Smith likes swimming and reading, and Mrs Smith likes swimming and reading, too They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in the evening Sam and Sue like playing games with Chinese boys and girls

 Sam’s uncle works on a farm near London He likes swimming, too He wants to work in Shanghai, but he can’t speak Chinese So he is still(仍然) there and goes to Chinese classes every day

 56 Where are Sam and Sue from

 A Canada B America C England D Australia

 57 What sport does Mrs Smith like

 A Swimming B Running C Playing basketball D Walking

 58 What does Sam’s uncle do

 A A teacher B A worker C A farmer D An actor

 59 What does Sue like

 A Swimming and reading B Playing computer games

 C Watching TV D Playing games

 60 ________ are in different countries now

 A Mr and Mrs Smith B Mrs Smith and her children

 C Mr Smith and his brother D Mr Smith and his children


 A French woman goes to London to see her son She knows a little English, but can not speak it very wellOne day she goes to a shopShe wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supperBut she can not remember(记得) the English word for “hen”Just then the shop waiter asks her: “Can I help you”“I want the egg’s mother ”the woman answeredThe shop waiter does not understand(明白) her and says:“Sorry, we have not any bigger(较大的) eggs”Suddenly(突然) the woman remembers(记起) the word “cock(公鸡)”She says:“I want the cock’s wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs(笑)

 61The woman goes to London_______

 A to learn English Bto have supper Cto see her son

 62The woman________

 Aonly knows a little English Bknows much English Cdoesn’t know English

 63The shop waiter think the egg’s mother must be”_______”

 Abigger eggs Bthe cock’s wife Chens

 64The shop waiter laughs because he ________

 Aunderstand the woman at last Bthink it is interesting(有趣的)

 C does not understand the woman

 65 Is the woman clever(聪明的)

 A Yes, he is B No, she isn’t C Yes, she is


 Dear Peter,

 I know that you are coming to Luzhou next week Welcome to my home Let me tell you the way to my house You will live in Changjiang Hotel on Changjiang Street , won’t you OK ! Changjiang Street is a famous and busy street in our city You can start from your hotel and go straight along Tongcheng Street You pass two small streets: Hongxing Street and Lujiang Street When you see an overbridge (高架桥),please turn right and go along Huangcheng Street It’s an old street, but it’s clean There’s a big park on the street It’s beautiful and clean When you get to Jinzhai Street, please turn left and go along it You will pass Wuhu Street and Tunxi Street Then you can see a KFC on your right There’s a supermarket across from the KFC and my house is near the supermarket There’s a pay phone in front of the KFC You can call me there and I will go to meet you

 I hope you will have a good trip


 Li Li

 66 Where will Peter live in Hefei

 A Li Li’s room B Changjiang Hotel C Anhui Hotel D His friend’s house

 67 How is Changjiang Street by Li Li’s words

 A It’s beautiful B It’s famous C It’s old D It’s famous and busy

 68 How many streets are mentioned (提及) in this letter

 A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9

 69 How is the park

 A It’s old but it’s clean B It’s on Tongcheng Street

 C It’s beautiful and clean D It’s quiet and dirty

 70 Where’s the KFC

 A It’s near Li Li’s home B It’s between the supermarket and the pay phone

 C It’s across from the supermarket D It’s across from the pay phone

七年级英语下册第一次月考试卷 2

 班级 姓名 得分


 ( ) 1 - Where is your pen pal from

 - _________

 A She's from CubaB It's from Canada

 C They're from CanadaD We're from the USA

 ( ) 2 - Is this your book, Jane

 - Yes, it is _________ book

 A hisB herC hersD my

 ( ) 3 - May I speak to Jim, please

 - Sorry, _________ now

 A I'm not JimB this is meC this isn't meD he isn't here

 ( ) 4 - _________ does your friend Jianjian look like

 - He is tall and has black hair

 A HowB WhatC WhichD Why

 ( ) 5 - What does your father do

 - _________

 A He's oldB He's tall

 C He likes meD He's a cook

 ( ) 6 - _________ is this pair of pants

 - It's 80 yuan

 A How manyB How longC How muchD How often

 ( ) 7 - What about going for a picnic with us

 - I'm sorry I can't My mother isn't _________ I have to cook

 A outB inC atD for

 ( ) 8 - _________ do you like this blue sweater

 - Not bad

 A WhatB How aboutC HowD What about

 ( ) 9 - Would you like to have lunch with me

 - _________

 A Yes, I'd love toB No, you can go

 C Yes, I have something to doD You're wrong

 ( ) 10 - These clothes are very nice Could I _________

 - Sure

 A try it onB try them onC try on itD try on them

 ( ) 11 - Don't forget _________ your school bag home

 - All right, see you then

 A takeB to takeC bringD to bring

 ( ) 12 - Do you have any time this afternoon

 - Yes _________

 A What are youB What's going

 C What's upD What's the matter

 ( ) 13 - _________

 - His favorite color is white

 A What's your favorite petB What's his favorite pet

 C What do you likeD What's your uncle's favorite color

 ( ) 14 - What can I do for you, madam

 - Well, I'm __________ looking Thanks

 A justB goodC soD only

 ( ) 15 - Can I help you

 - _________

 A That's goodB OK, I'll take it

 C Yes, I'd like a coatD No, you can't



 Lucy: Hello!

 Jack: Hello! Is that Lily

 Lucy: 16 Who is this

 Jack: This is Jack, Lily's classmate

 Lucy: This is Lucy, Lily's sister Can I take a message

 Jack: Thanks 17

 Lucy: Sure Does she know your phone number

 Jack: 18

 Lucy: What's your phone number

 Jack: 19

 Lucy: (1321)2588-7678 OK, 20

 Jack: Thank you

 Lucy: That's OK Bye

 Jack: Bye-bye

 A Do you know her

 B I'll tell her about it

 C No, she doesn't

 D I'm Jack

 E My phone number is (1321)2588-7678

 F Sorry, she isn't in now

 G Could you ask her to call me back tomorrow morning

 16 _________17 _________18 _________19 _________20 _________


 On Sunday morning, it's fine My friends Li Dong, Wang Lei, Robert and I would like to

 21 to the West Hill We plan to have a 22 Li Dong wants to buy a bag of salt and

 23 vegetables Wang Lei wants to buy four 24 milk and some hamburgers I have no many cups I want to buy some 25 in the shop What about Robert He's new here He 26 from Canada He has a big nose and two big blue eyes His hair is light brown He likes to go 27 on Saturday(星期六) with his mother Now he isn't at home So I call Robert with my cell phone, " 28 forget to take the guitar" Of course, he doesn't forget 29 his white dog He likes the pet We like 30 kites on the hill I think it's fun

 ( ) 21A goB goingC to go

 ( ) 22A partyB picnicC meeting

 ( ) 23A anyB someC a little

 ( ) 24A bottleB bottlesC bottles of

 ( ) 25A knivesB cakesC cups

 ( ) 26A comeB comesC are

 ( ) 27A shopB shoppingC swim

 ( ) 28A Doesn't B Don'tC Isn't

 ( ) 29A takesB takeC to take

 ( ) 30A fliesB flyingC playing



 Kangkang is a Chinese boy He is a student He is 14 Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友) Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England The letter is in English Sam is a student, too He speaks English He likes China He wants to visit the Great Wall

 ( ) 31 Kangkang is a _________

 A teacherB studentC doctor

 ( ) 32 The letter is in _________

 A ChineseB JapaneseC English

 ( ) 33 Sam lives in _________

 A ChinaB the USAC England

 ( ) 34 _________ wants to visit the Great Wall

 A SamB KangkangC Kangkang's brother

 ( )35 Sam is Kangkang's _________

 A classmateB pen palC teacher


 Mrs White doesn't like fish at all, but Mr White likes fish very much He buys some fish and takes it home Mrs White sees the fish and she thinks, "Good! I'll ask my friends to have lunch and we can have the fish They like fish very much"

 Mr White comes home in the evening He can't find his fish Mrs White says, "Oh, your cat eats it"And she gives Mr White some bread for supper Mr White is not happy at all He takes the cat and Mrs White goes to a shop He says to her, "Now you see, my cat is one kilo and the fish is one kilo, too The cat is here But where is my fish"

 ( ) 36 What does Mr White like very much

 A BreadB ChickenC FishD His cat

 ( ) 37 Does Mrs White like fish very much

 A Yes, she doesB No, she doesn't

 C Yes, she likesD No, she not likes

 ( ) 38 Who does Mrs White ask to have the fish

 A Mr WhiteB The catC Her friendsD Her mother

 ( ) 39 Does the cat eat the fish

 A Yes, it doesB Yes, he does

 C No, the cat doesn'tD No, it doesn't

 ( ) 40 What does Mr White have for supper

 A Some breadB Some fishC Some jiaoziD Some eggs


 On Sunday, Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his friends Maria's pet dog goes, too They take some food there Jane likes singing very much She wants Kangkang to sing a song with her, but he has no time Kangkang has to cook Wang Ping and Michael would like to help him Steve carries water for them And Maria flies a kite with her pet dog They are all very happy!

 ( ) 41 Who does Kangkang goes out for a picnic with

 A His classmatesB His friendsC His sister

 ( ) 42 What does Jane want Kangkang to do

 A Cook foodB Fly a kiteC Sing a song

 ( ) 43 Wang Ping and Michael would like to _________

 A cookB carry waterC sing a song

 ( ) 44 _________ fly a kite

 A MariaB The pet dogC A and B

 ( ) 45 They _________ on Sunday

 A go fishingB go for a picnicC go shopping



 46 - _________ _________(多少钱) are the apples

 - They are 20 yuan

 47 - _________ you _________(有空的) tomorrow morning

 - Yes, what's up

 48 I _________ _________(害怕) I can't get home in time

 49 - Hello!

 - Hello! May I _________ _________(和……说话) Tom

 50 I _________ _________(不得不) look after my grandmother at home


 51 Don't forget _________(bring) your kite when you go for a picnic

 52 - Why not _________(take) it It looks very nice

 - All right

 53 - Would you like _________(go) to the zoo

 - Yes, I want to see animals

 54 - What about (fly) kites this afternoon, Kangkang

 - Good idea

 55 I'll tell _________(he) about it



 Look at my 56 tree, please I am Mike I'm from the USA I have a big happy family My wife(妻子) 57 is a nurse We have 58 kids 59 is our son and Joy is our 60 They study at No1 High School My father's name is Bill and my 61 name is Hellen My 62 are old John is my 63 He is a doctor Kate is my wife's 64 She is a worker My wife's 65 name is Emma My wife's father's name is Peter They're old, too They stay at home

 56 ___________57 ___________58 ___________59 ___________60 ___________

 61 ___________62 ___________63 ___________64 ___________65 ___________



 姓名:Billy 年龄:12岁 国籍:美国 父亲:医生 母亲:教师

 爱好:养宠物狗 最喜欢的食物:汉堡包



 班级 姓名 得分Ⅰ单项选择。(15分)
















 Ⅰ 1-5A D D B D

 6-10C B C A B

 11-15B C D A C

 Ⅱ 16-20F G C E B

 Ⅲ 21-25A B B C C

 26-30B B B C B

 Ⅳ 31-35B C C A B

 36-40C B C D A

 41-45B C A C B

 Ⅴ (A)46 How much47 Are; free48 am afraid

 49 speak to50 have to

 (B) 51 to bring52 take53 to go 54 flying55 him

 Ⅵ 56 family57 Jean58 two

 59 Tom60 Daughter 61 mother's

 62 parents63 brother64 sister

 65 mother's

Unit 1

Topic 1 Nice to meet you!

good 好的

morning 早晨,上午

welcome 欢迎

to 向,朝,到,往

China 中国

thank 谢谢

you 你,你们

hello 喂;你好

I 我

am 是

I’m=I am 我是

are 是

yes 是

no 不;不是

not 不;没

oh 哦;啊

nice 令人愉快的,好的,漂亮的

meet 见面,会面,遇见

too 也,还,太,过分,很,非常

hi 喂;你好

Miss 女士,**

this 这;这个

is 是

Mr =mister 先生

see 看见,看到,明白

my 我的

mom 妈妈

teacher 老师

how 多少,怎样

do 做,干,行动

fine 美好的,(身体)好的

goodbye 再见,再会

bye 再见

afternoon 下午,午后

and 和,及,又,并

OK 好,对,不错,可以

later 以后,后来

Topic 2 Where are you from

excuse 原谅

me 我

excuse me 劳驾,请原谅

what 什么,到什么程度

your 你的

name 名字

where 哪里

from 从,从……起

be from 来自

Canada 加拿大

England 英格兰

the 这(那)个,这(那)些

the USA=the United States of America 美国

she 她

he 他

isn’t=is not

Japan 日本

we 我们

who 谁

they 他(她,它)们

aren’t = are not

△Cuba 古巴

zero 零

one 一,一个

two 二

three 三

four 四

five 五

six 六

seven 七

eight 八

nine 九

ten 十

telephone 打电话

number 号码;数,数字;数量

it 它

Topic 3 What class are you in

eleven 十一

twelve 十二

thirteen 十三

fourteen 十四

fifteen 十五

sixteen 十六

seventeen 十七

eighteen 十八

nineteen 十九

twenty 二十

year 年

old ……岁的,老的,旧的

year(s) old ……岁

How old ……多少岁?

class 班级;课;同一个班的学生

in 在……里(内,上), 用……(表达)

grade 年级

that 那;那个

English 英语(的),英国(人)的

in English用英语(表达)

an 一(个,件……)

eraser 黑板擦,橡皮

spell 拼写

a 一(个,件)

map 地图

can 可能;能够;可以

please 请

pencil 铅笔

apple 苹果

double 两倍的

toy 玩具;玩物

△wow 呀;哇(表示赞叹或惊奇)

desk 书桌,办公桌

pen 钢笔

ruler 尺子,直尺

book 书

orange 橙子,橘子;橙色的;橘**的

car 矫车,小汽车

egg 蛋;卵

blackboard 黑板

these 这些

those 那些

schoolbag 书包

cake 蛋糕;糕点,饼

bus 公共汽车

box 盒子,箱子

now 现在

school 学校

Beijing Ren’ai International School北京仁爱国际学校

her 她的(形容词性物主代词)

phone 电话

his 他的(形容词性物主代词)

same 同样的,同一的

but 但是,然而,尽管如此

friend 朋友

junior 初级的,年少的

high 高的,高度的

ID number 身份证号码

junior high school 初中

Unit 2

Topic 1 I have a small nose

guess 猜

have 有;吃,喝

small 小的;少的

nose 鼻子

has 有

big 大的

eye 眼睛

know 知道;了解,认识;懂得

right 对,正确的;右边的

head 头;头脑(像);才智;首脑

face 脸

hair 头发

ear 耳朵

mouth 嘴

neck 颈,脖子

round 圆的;球形的

long 长的,远的

wide 宽阔的

girl 女孩

boy 男孩

short 短的;矮的

favorite 特别喜欢的(人或物)

movie (尤美)**

star 星星,明星

Chinese 中国人,汉语;中国的,中国人的

does (动词do的第三人称单数现在式)

doesn’t = does not

again 再,又

look 看,瞧; 观看;看起来

arm 胳膊,臂;支架

hand 手

leg 腿;腿脚;支柱

foot 脚

come 来

come from 出生(于),来自

student 学生

sister 姐姐,妹妹

different 不同的

knife 小刀

don’t = do not

Topic 2 What does she look like

both 两者,双方

black 黑色(的)

△blond 金**的,浅色的

blue 蓝色

color 颜色

pink 粉红色

red 红色(的)

purple 紫色

brown 棕色(的),褐色(的)

white 白色

gray 灰色

green 绿色

yellow **

here 在这里;这里;向这里

give 给;递给;付出;给予

give … to … 把……给……

letter 信,字母

sorry 对不起,抱歉的

like 像,相似;喜欢

look like 看起来像……

tall 高的

will 会

I’ll=I will 我会

young 年轻的

snowman 雪人

T-shirt T恤(衫)

shoe 鞋

cap 便帽,军帽

coat 外套;大衣;涂层

skirt (女式)短裙

△pants 长裤,裤子

dress 女服,连衣裙,(统指)服装,童装;穿

at 在

look at 看着

photo 照片,相片

strong 强壮的;坚固的;影响力大的

cool 凉爽的,凉的,酷的

Topic 3 Whose jacket is this

mine 我的(名词性物主代词)

whose 谁的

then 那么(通常用于句首或句尾);那时;当时;然后

bike 自行车

cat 猫

hers 她的(名词性物主代词)

banana 香蕉

its 它的

our 我们的(形容词性物主代词)

ours 我们的

their 他/她/它们的

theirs 他们(她们;它们)的(名词性物主代词)

yours 你的;你们的(名词性物主代词)

baby 婴儿;幼畜

bag 书包;提袋;袋子

shirt 衬衫(尤指男式)

jacket 夹克衫,短上衣

think 想,认为;考虑

new 新的;新鲜的

classmate 同班同学

clothes 衣服

find 找到;发现;感到

man 成年男人;人;人类

help 帮助,帮忙

us 我们(宾格)

him 他(宾格)

Unit 3

Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal

could (can的过去式)可以,(表示许可或请求)可以……,行

tell 告诉,讲述

sure 确信,肯定,的确,一定,当然

△pen pal 笔友

speak 讲,说

some 一些;若干;有些;某一

poor 不好的,差的;贫穷的;可怜的

with 关于;有;带有;和;以;用

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

problem 问题,难题

after 在……之后;在……后面

after class 课后

live 居住

say 说,讲

want 想,想要

visit 访问,参观,拜访

great 伟大的;好极了;美妙的

the Great Wall 长城

many 许多的

lot 许多,好些

a lot 很,非常;许多

all 所有;全部;全体;一切

not … at all 一点也不;根本不

so 因此,所以;这么,那么,这样,如此

often 经常,常常

study 学习,研究;书房

each other 互相,彼此

little 小的;一点儿,稍许

a little 一点点

them 他(她,它)们(宾格)

very 非常,很

much 非常,更加,很

very much 非常,很

pet 宠物

home 家

at home 在家

dog 狗

any (用于否定句、疑问句等)一些;什么;任何的

of (表示所属、数量、其中)……的

Topic 2 What does your mother do

kid (口语)小孩子;开玩笑

glad 高兴的,乐意的

seat 座位

have a seat 就座,坐下

mother 母亲

father 父亲

doctor 医生,大夫;博士

parent 父亲(或母亲)

office 办公室

worker 工人;工作者

driver 司机,驾驶员

farmer 农民

cook 炊事员,厨师;烹调,煮,烧

nurse 护士;保育员

work 工作;(机器、器官等)运转

hospital 医院

on 在……上

farm 农场

on a farm 在农场

drive 驾驶,开(车);驱赶

family 家庭(包括父母和子女);家族

woman 妇女;女人

aunt 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母

uncle 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父

brother 兄,弟

sofa 长沙发

grandparent 祖父(母),外祖父(母)

cousin 堂(表)姐妹,堂(表)兄弟

daughter 女儿

tree 树

family tree 家谱

son 儿子

happy 快乐的,幸福的,高兴的

teach 教,教授

only 仅仅,只有

△cute 有吸引力的,逗人喜爱的,机灵的

look after 照看,照顾

Topic 3 What would you like to drink

yourself 你自己

help oneself (to) 请随便吃点/喝点(……)

would (will 的过去式)将会,打算,想要

fish 鱼

chicken 鸡,鸡肉

about 关于,对于;大约

What about… ……怎么样?……好不好?

rice 米饭,稻米

all right 行了,好吧,不用客气

drink 喝;饮料

juice 果汁;饮料

milk 牛奶

for 对……来说;为了;向……;往……;适合……;因为……;对于……

idea 主意,想法,意见

good idea 好主意

water 水

vegetable 蔬菜

bread 面包

hamburger 汉堡包

usually 通常地,一般地

breakfast 早餐

lunch 午餐,午饭

supper 晚餐,晚饭;夜宵

food 食物,食品

may 可以;也许,可能

take 拿;拿走;乘坐;花费;服用;携带

order 订货单;订购,(点)一份菜

take one’s order 记下顾客点的饭菜

sir 先生

something 某事(物);某东西

glass (玻璃)杯

a glass of 一杯

wait 等,等候

moment 片刻,瞬间

wait a moment 等一会儿

eat 吃

out 不在里面,在(到)外面

eat out 下馆子,出去吃饭

dinner 正餐,宴会

have dinner 吃饭

let 让

why 为什么

Why not 为什么不……?

dear 亲爱的

kind 和蔼的;友好的;善良的

such as 例如,诸如……之类的

be 在;是

Unit 4

Topic 1 What can I do for you

madam 夫人,女士

buy 买

over 穿过;翻倒;遍布;结束

there 在那里,往那里

over there 在那边

try 试(做),设法,努力

try on 试穿

How much ……多少(钱)?

seventy 七十

thirty 三十

forty 四十

fifty 五十

sixty 六十

eighty 八十

ninety 九十

hundred 百

just 仅仅;刚刚,刚才;只是

pair 一对,一双,一条

think of 认为,看法;想起

How about… ……怎么样?……好不好?

△mm 嗯

well 好吧,那么,哎呀

think about 考虑(是否去做)

shop 购物,买东西

do some shopping 购物,买东西

need 需要;必须

kilo =kilogram 千克

salt 盐

How many… 多少……?

bottle 瓶子

heavy 重的

worry 烦恼;担扰;困扰;着急

fat 肥胖的

mouse 鼠,耗子

△meow 猫叫声

rabbit 兔;家兔

ant 蚂蚁

△er (思索该说什么话时发出的声音)哦,嗯

Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic

free 空闲的,自由的

be free 空闲,有空

Sunday 星期日

up 向上;起来;在上方;在……以上

go 去;走;驶;通到;到达

West Hill 西山

picnic 野餐

love 爱;喜爱

call 打电话给……;称呼;叫,喊;呼唤

forget 忘记,忘掉

bring 拿来,带来,取来

guitar 六弦琴,吉他

tomorrow (在)明天

go fishing 去钓鱼

sing 唱,唱歌

song 歌,歌曲,歌谣

can’t (can的否定形式)

have to 不得不

fun 有趣的事;娱乐,玩笑

fly 放(风筝、飞机模型等)

kite 风筝

fly a kite 放风筝

afraid 担心的;害怕的

time 时间,钟点,时期,次,回

carry 携带,搬运,运送

△bow-wow 狗汪汪叫声

speak to 向……说,和……说话

ask 请求;要求;邀请;询问

back 往后;回(原处)

call … back 给……回电话

evening 傍晚,晚上

have a picnic 野餐

go shopping 去购物

Topic 3 We want to go to the zoo

zoo 动物园

panda 熊猫

monkey 猴子

lion 狮子

tiger 老虎

elephant 象,大象

o’clock ……点钟

past (超)过,经过

quarter 一刻钟,四分之一

half 半,一半

show 演出;展示,展览(会)

clever 聪明的;伶俐的

animal 动物

It’s time to 是……的时间,到……的时候了

go home 回家

next 下一个的;最近的

next time 下次

get 买;得到;成为;具有;到达

get up 起床

have breakfast 吃早饭

way 路,道路;方式,手段

on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上

wrong 错误的,不正确的

meat (猪、牛、羊等的)肉


My father

I have a happy family There are three people in my family, my mom, dad and me

My father is a businessman He sells computers He is a kind man He isn't good at talking He is very busy Last week he flew to London I told him to bring some interesting things to me But when he came back home, he brought nothing I was mad But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl She didn't have enough money to go to school She was begging in the street My father gave her the snacks and books and some money So I had nothing But I was also happy I am proud of my father











一 词汇

⑴ 单词

1 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of

1) in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如:

in our class 在我们班上

in my bag 在我的书包里

in the desk 在桌子里

in the classroom 在教室里

2) on 表示"在……上"。例如:

on the wall 在墙上

on the desk 在桌子上

on the blackboard 在黑板上

3) under表示"在……下"。例如:

under the tree 在树下

under the chair 在椅子下

under the bed 在床下

4) behind表示"在……后面"。例如:

behind the door 在门后

behind the tree 在树后

5) near表示"在……附近"。例如:

near the teacher's desk 在讲桌附近

near the bed 在床附近

6) at表示"在……处"。例如:

at school 在学校

at home 在家

at the door 在门口

7) of 表示"……的"。例如:

a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画

a map of China 一张中国地图

2 冠词 a / an / the:

冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple


This is a cat


It's an English book


His father is a worker



Who's the boy in the hat


------ What can you see in the classroom

------ I can see a bag

------ Where's the bag

------ It's on the desk

------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀?

------ 我能看见一个书包。

------ 书包在哪呀?

------ 在桌子上。



There are some books on the desk桌子上有一些书。

Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。


Is there any ink in your pen你的钢笔里有墨水吗?

Do you have any brothers and sisters你有兄弟姐妹吗?

There isn't any water in the glass杯子里没有水。



Would you like to have some apples你想吃苹果吗?


Any one of us can do this我们当中任何一个都能做这个。

some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。


family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。

My family is a big family 我的家庭是个大家庭。

My family are all at home now 我的家人现在都在家。

Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。

His family are all workers 他的家人都是工人。

My home is in Beijing 我的家在北京。

He isn't at home now 他现在不在家。

It's a picture of my family 这是一张我全家的照片。

5 little的用法

a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。


There is little time 几乎没时间了。

There is little water in the cup 杯中水很少。

⑵ 词组

on the desk 在桌子上

behind the chair 在椅子后

under the chair 在椅子下面

in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中

near the door 在门附近

a picture of a classroom 一个教室的

look at the picture 看这张

the teacher's desk 讲桌

a map of China 一张中国地图

family tree 家谱

have a seat 坐下,就坐

this way 这边走

二 日常用语

1 Come and meet my family

2 Go and see I think it's Li Lei

3 Glad to meet you

4 What can you see in the picture

I can see a clock / some books

5 Can you see an orange

Yes, I can / No, I can't

6 Where's Shenzhen

It's near Hong Kong

7 Let me see(口语)让我想想看。

see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如:

8 Please have a seat

seat表示"座位",是个名词。have a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。

三 语法

1 名词所有格


(1) 一般情况下在词尾加"'s"。例如:

Kate's father Kate的爸爸

my mother's friend 我妈妈的朋友

(2) 如果复数名词以s结尾,只加"'"。例如:

Teachers' Day 教师节

The boys' game 男孩们的游戏

(3) 如果复数名词不以s结尾,仍加"'s"。例如:

Children's Day 儿童节

Women's Day 妇女节

(4) 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如:

Lucy and Lily's room Lucy 和Lily的房间

Kate and Jim's father Kate 和Jim的爸爸


a map of China 一幅中国地图

the name of her cat 她的猫的名字

a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片

the door of the bedroom 卧室的门

2 祈使句

祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。

(1) 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。

Go and see 去看看。

Come in, please 请进。

(2) 祈使句的否定形式常用don't于句首。

Don't look at your books 不要看书。

Don't play on the road 不要在马路上玩。

3 There be 的句子结构

There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思,

肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。


There is an eraser and two pens on the desk 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。

There are two pens and an eraser on the desk 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。

(1)there be的否定句,即在be的后面加上not。

否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。

There is not any cat in the room 房间里没猫。

There aren't any books on the desk 桌子上没书。

(2)there be句型的疑问句就是将be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are 否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't

---Is there a dog in the picture 画上有一只狗吗?

---Yes, there is 有。

---Are there any boats in the river 河里有船吗?

---No, there aren't 没有。

(3)特殊疑问句:How many are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用There be

There's one / There are two / three / some

有时直接就用数字来回答。One / Two

---How many students are there in the classroom 教室里有多少学生?

---There's only one / There are nine 只有一个。/有九个。

(4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语?

How much water is there in the cup 杯中有多少水?

How much food is there in the bowl 碗里有多少食物?

Chapter 1:1说愿望:I would like to be a doctor in the futureI want to be a doctor when I grow upMy dream is to be a doctor2问工作:What do they doWhat do they work asWhat are theyWhat's their job3对某物感兴趣:be keen on(sth/doing sth)be interested inenjoy doing sth4问身高、体重、年龄及其答语:How tall are you=What's your height-I am 135cm tall=I am 135cm in heightHow heavy are you=What' your weight-I am 30kg=I am 30kg in weightChapter 2:1one of the + 最高级 + 名词复数among=one of2be at school与be in the school 的区别3on the way4频率副词5return=go back/give back6continue doing sth=go on doing sthChapter 3:1what to do with=how to deal with2happen=take place3wait for sbwait to do sthwait for sb to do sth注:有宾语有the,无宾语无the4woman man在修饰另一名词时,若为复数,则这个词也要变复数,其他名词不变5see sb do sth与see sb doing sth的区别6argue with sb about sthChapter 4:1祈使句2consist of3加减乘除四则运算的用法Chapter 5:1towards的用法2bring sth to sw 由远到近take sth to sw由近到远3from-escape from/appear from4将来时will和be going to的用法及区别5不定代词Chapter 6:1fall asleep2use sth to do sth=do sth with sth3otherwise=or=if not4问发生了什么事What's wrong with youWhat's the matter wirh youWhat's the trouble with youWhat happened5介词(1)in the front of与in front的区别有the有范围,无the无范围(2)between A and Bamong A,B and C仅供参考,其余请复习书上语法部分。

1a little后跟不可数名词 a few后跟可数名词复数2angry生气的be angry with sb生某人的气3too much太多的 +不可数名词 too many太多的+可数名词复数 much too太+adj[or]adv

英语 我们老师说最重要的是单词关,祝你考个好成绩一、快读查疑。首先浏览课本,遇到较为生疏的、已被遗忘的词语,集中抄在一个本上,以便随时复习,重点记忆。 二、以点带面。以一个单词或语言点为中心,向四周辐射,找出与之相关的词语和用法。比如,学习一个名词,应知道它是可数的还是不可数的;如果是可数名词,其复数形式怎样变化;是不可数名词,又应怎样使用;它有没有动词形式或形容词形式。再如一个动词,其第三人称单数形式、现在分词形式是怎样变化的?应如何使用?有没有固定用法?运用这个方法,可以得到举一反三、事半功倍的良好效果。 三、归纳比较。将同类的知识点归纳在一起,比较其相同点和不同点。比如,表示“带、拿”的几个词:take, bring, get, carry, 应如何区别运用?in, on, at怎样表达不同的时间?一定要掌握它们的细微差别,并能熟练运用。 如何做好初中英语期末复习祝贺、同意与不同意、借东西、打电话等交际用语均为要复习的重点内容。 D 以点带面,讲究方法 以点带面是指在复习过程中充分调动自己的联想力,把一些相关或不相关的知识联系起来。这种复习方法通常可以把单词作为中心,从其读音、词义、搭配、用法等方面进行多方位地发散思维。例如,复习 dead 这个单词,可以这样进行联想: 1 从 dead 里的 ea 读 [e] ,可联想到 bread, head, ready, already, instead, sweater 等词; 2 从 dead 的形容词词性可联想到其动词 die 和名词 death 讲究方法是指在复习过程中注重运用科学的复习方法,避免机械重复地死记硬背。实践证明,这样的复习方法效果比较显著: 1 比较法。如把表示“花费”的 take, spend, pay, cost 这四个词语放在一起比较便知,它们各自的习惯搭配句型是有区别的: 1) It takes somebody some time to do something 2) Somebody spends some money or time on/ in (doing) something 3) Somebody pays some money for something 4) Something costs some money 2 归纳法。如,把“ V + up ”短语归纳在一起记忆,有 look up (查寻), dress up (乔装打扮), hurry up (赶快), wake up (醒来), get up (起床), put up (举起), stand up (起立), turn up (调高音量)等。 There is a big _______ (swim) pool in our schoolShe lives on the ______ (nine) floor of the blockThis blue bike is Mike’s and the red one is ______ (she)Mr Smith teaches ______ (we) EnglishWe must be careful when we walk ______ (cross) the roadHelen is a friend of ______ (I)They can run and jump They are much ______ (health)On _______ (wind) days, we’d better stay at homeLook! They are playing the game _______ (happy)It’s important to read the typhoon ______ (safe) precautionTom will come back on the _______ (twelve) of next monthI don’t like _______ (freeze) foodYang Liwei landed on the earth ________ at last (safe)_______, a strange man rushed into his office (sudden)Did you see a ________ (die) dog under the treeWe should eat _______ (little) meat than beforeIn winter, we wear ________ (wool) scarvesWe use wood to make _______ (wood) rulersIf you check your test papers _______ (care), you will find some mistakesI wish you ________ (happy) and health for everHave you got Ham’s ________ (invite)We often go _________ (boat) on the lakeLucy draws _______ (well) than LilyMany homeless animals are in _______ (dangerous)The doctor has saved many ______ (life)Two _____ (rob) were caught yesterdayLet’s have a _________(discuss)She got a lot of presents on her _______ (twenty) birthdayWere you born in _______ (British)It’s ______ (near) eight o’clock Let’s begin our workCould you tell me his ________ (hundred) and eighty students in our schoolMy father is a _______ (bake)This sign tells us _______ (direct)I don’t like ______ (noisy)It has snowed ______ since I came here(two)The English evening made the children ______ (excite)My sister is a _______ (secret)His job is to sell vegetable and street, he is a vegetable and fruit _____ (sell0Every morning, Simon sees the street _______ (sweep) doing their jobsThe ______ (motorcycle) was hurt in the accidentThe architect draws a lot of _______ (build)What’s your _______ (nation) We are______ (India)We are going to visit the ______ (forbid) City tomorrow

如果需要全部的单词,估计需要邮箱,因为在这里无法全部复制,下面先传给你七年级上册,以及下册的一部分,希望能帮上忙!可以联系我!仁爱版英语七年级词汇总表(上下册) Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 1 Welcome to China 话题1 欢迎来到中国 good adj好的,良好的 morning n早晨;上午 welcome interj欢迎;v&n欢迎 adj受欢迎的 to prep到,对,向;给;在……之前 (动词不定式符号,无词义) China n中国 thank v谢谢,感谢,致谢;n(只用复数)谢谢,感谢,谢意 you pron你;你们 hello interj喂;你好(表示打招呼、问候或唤起注意) I pron我 am v是 I'm/I am (=I am)我是 are v是 yes adv是,好,同意;(用于表示疑问、征询等,常用升调)什么;是吗 no adv不;不是;adj没有,无,不 not adv不;没 oh interj哦;啊 nice adj令人愉快的;好的,漂亮的 meet v相识,结识;遇见,见到 too adv也,还;又;太,过分;很,非常 hi interj喂;你好(表示打招呼、问候或唤起注意) Miss n(用于对女教师的称呼);女士;**(对未婚女性的称呼) this pron&adj这;这个 is v是 Mr (=mister)n(用于对男教师的称 呼);先生(用于男子姓氏或姓名前) see v看见,看到;明白,领会;拜会 my pron我的(形容词性物主代词) mom n妈妈 teacher n老师,教师,教员 how adv怎样,如何;多少;多么 do aux构成否定句、疑问句的助动词,无词义;v做;干;行动 afternoon n下午;午后 fine adj(身体)健康的;美好的;晴朗的 goodbye interj再见,再会 bye interj再见 evening n傍晚,晚上 and conj和;又;而 OK adj&adv(口语)好,对,不错 later adv以后;后来;adj晚些的,迟些的 Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 2 Where are you from 话题2 你来自哪里? excuse v原谅;宽恕 me pron我(宾格) excuse me 劳驾,请原谅(尤其是引起陌生人的注意) what pron什么,怎么样 your pron你的;你们的(形容词性物主代词) name n名字,姓名,名称 where adv在哪里;往哪里 from prep来自;从;从……起 be from 来自 Canada n加拿大 the art这(那)个;这(那)些 the U.S.A./the United States of America (=the United States of America)美国;美利坚合众国 she pron她 he pron他 isn't/is not (=is not ) Japan n日本 we pron我们 England n英格兰 who pron谁 they 他/她/它们;人们 aren't/are not (=are not) Cuba n古巴 zero num&n零 one num一;pron(用来代替单数的人或物)一(个,只……) two num二 three num三 four num四 five num五 six num六 seven num七 eight num八 nine num九 ten num十 telephone n电话(机);v打电话 number n号码;数,数字;数量 it pron它 Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 3 What class are you in 话题3 你在哪个班? eleven num十一 twelve num十二 thirteen num十三 fourteen num十四 fifteen num十五 sixteen num十六 seventeen num十七 eighteen num十八 nineteen num十九 twenty num二十 year n年 old adj……岁的;老的;旧的 year(s) old ……岁 How old ……多少岁 class n(学校里的)班级;课;同一个班的学生 in prep在……里(内;上);用……;prep穿着,戴着;adv在家,在内,向内 grade n年级 that pron&adj那;那个 English n英语;adj英国的;英国人的;英语的 in English 用英语(表达) an art一(个,件……) eraser/rubber n(rubber BrE)橡皮擦;黑板擦 a art一(个;件……) map n地图 spell v拼写 can modal v可能;能够;可以 please interj请;v使人高兴,使人满意 pencil n铅笔 apple n苹果 double adj双的;两倍的;n两个;双 toy n玩具;玩物 wow interj呀;哇(表示赞叹或惊奇) desk n书桌,写字台 pen n钢笔,笔 ruler n尺子;直尺 book n书;本子 car n小汽车,轿车 orange n橘子,橙子;橘汁;橘色;adj橙色的,橘色的 egg n蛋;卵 blackboard n黑板 these pron&adj这些 those pron&adj那些 schoolbag n书包 cake n蛋糕;糕点,饼 bus n公共汽车 box n盒子,箱子 now adv现在 school n学校 Beijing Ren'ai International School 北京仁爱国际学校 her pron她的(形容词性物主代词);pron她(宾格) phone n电话;v打电话 his pron他的(形容词性物主代词);pron他的(名词性物主代词) same adj同样的;同一的;n同样的事 but conj但是,可是 friend n朋友 ID number 身份证号码 junior adj初级的;年少的 high adj高的;高度的 junior high school 初中(美国等国家12至14岁的孩子上的学校) Unit 2 第2单元 Topic1 I have a small nose 话题1 我有一个小鼻子。 guess v猜 have n有;吃,喝 small adj小的;少的 nose n鼻子 has v有(have的第三人称单数现在式) big adj大的 eye n眼睛 know v知道;了解,认识;懂得 right adj对,正确的;右边的;n右边;权利 head n头;头脑(像);才智;首脑 face n脸;v面向,面对 hair n头发 ear n耳朵 mouth (plmouths)嘴 neck n颈,脖子 round adj圆的;球形的 long adj长的,远的 wide adj宽的,宽阔的 girl n女孩 boy n男孩 short adj短的;矮的 favorite (favourite BrE)adj最喜爱的;n特别喜欢的(人或物) movie n(尤美)** star n明星;星星,恒星 Chinese adj中国的;汉语的;n汉语;中国人 does/do v(动词do的第三人称单数现在式) doesn't/does not (=does not) again adv再,又,再一次 look v看,瞧;观看;看起来;n(pl)相貌;样子;美貌 arm n胳膊,臂;支架 hand n手;v递,给;交付,交上;交进 leg n腿;腿脚;支柱 foot n脚,足;英尺 come v来,来到 come from 出生(于);来自 student n学生 sister n姐;妹 different adj不同的,有差异的 knife/knives n(plknives)小刀;匕首;刀片 don't/do not (=do not) Unit 2 第2单元 Topic2 What color is it 话题2 它是什么颜色? both pron两者,双方 black adj黑色的;n黑色 blond adj金**的;浅色的 blue adj蓝色的;n蓝色 color n颜色;v给……着色,涂色 pink n粉色;adj粉红色的 red n红色;adj红色的 purple n紫色;adj紫色的 brown n棕色;褐色;adj棕色的;褐色的 white n白色;adj白色的 gray n灰色;adj灰色的,灰白色的 green n绿色;adj绿色的,青的 yellow n**;adj**的 here adv在这里;这里;向这里 give v给;递给;付出;给予 giveto 把……给…… letter n信;字母 sorry adj对不起;抱歉的 like prep像;跟……一样;v喜欢,喜爱 look like 看起来像 tall adj高的 will modal v.将,会(表示将来);愿意,要 I'll/I will (= I will)我会 young adj年轻的 man (pl men)成年男人;人;人类 woman n(pl women)妇女;女人 snowman (pl snowmen)n雪人 T-shirt nT恤(衫) shoe n鞋 cap n(无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子 coat n外套;大衣;涂层 skirt n(女式)短裙 pants n(trousers BrE)(p)长裤;裤子 dress n女服;连衣裙;v穿衣,穿着 at prep在;在(几点钟);在(某处) look at 看着 photo n照片 strong adj强壮的;坚固的;影响力大的 cool adj酷;凉爽的,凉的 Unit 2 第2单元 Topic3 Whose jacket is this 话题3 这是谁的夹克衫? mine pron我的(名词性物主代词) whose pron谁的 then adv那么(通常用于句首或句尾);那时;当时;然后 bike n自行车 cat n猫 hers pron她的(名词性物主代词) our pron我们的(形容词性物主代词) ours pron我们的(名词性物主代词) banana n香蕉 their pron他/她/它们的(形容词性物主代词) theirs pron他/她/它们的(名词性物主代词) yours pron你的;你们的(名词性物主代词) baby n婴儿;幼畜 bag n书包;提袋;袋子 shirt n衬衫(尤指男式) jacket n夹克衫,短上衣 think v想,认为;考虑 new adj新的;新鲜的 classmate n同班同学 clothes n(pl)衣服 find v找到;发现;感到 help v帮助,帮忙;n帮助,帮忙 us pron我们(宾格) him pron他(宾格) Unit 3 第3单元 Topic1 Dose he speak Chinese 话题1 你讲中文吗? could modal v(表示许可或请求) 可以……;行(can的过去式)可以 tell v告诉;讲述;吩咐 sure adv当然,(口语)的确,一定;adj确信,肯定 pen pal (=penfriend) n笔友 speak n讲,说;谈话;发言 some adj一些;若干;有些;某一;pron若干,一些 poor adj不好的,差的;贫穷的;可怜的 with prep关于;有;带有;和;以;用 help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 problem n问题,难题 pet n宠物 often adv经常,常常 want v想,想要;需要,必要 live v居住;生活;活着 say v说,讲 visit v参观;访问;拜访;n参观;访问;拜访 great adj伟大的;好极了;美妙的 wall n墙 the Great Wall 长城 many adj许多的;pron许多人(或物) lot n许多,好些 a lot 很,非常;许多 all pron所有;全部;全体;一切 notat all 一点也不;根本不 so conj因此,所以;adv如此,这么;非常;同样 study v学习;研究;n书房 each other 互相,彼此 little adv一点儿;稍许;adj小的 a little 一点点 them pron他/她/它们(宾格) very adv非常,很 much adv非常,更加,很 very much 非常;很 home n家;adv到家;回家 at home 在家 its pron它的(形容词性物主代词); 它的(名词性物主代词) dog n狗 any adj(用于否定句、疑问句等)一些;什么;任何的;pron(无论)哪一个,哪些 of prep(表示所属、数量、其中)……的 Unit 3 第3单元 Topic 2 What does your mother do 话题2 你妈妈是做什么工作的? kid n(口语)小孩子;v开玩笑 glad adj高兴的;乐意的 seat n座位,座 I have a seat 就座,坐下 mother n母亲 father n父亲 doctor n医生,大夫;博士 parent n父亲(或母亲)(pl双亲) office n办公室 worker n工人;工作者 driver n司机,驾驶员 farmer n农民 cook n炊事员,厨师;v烹调,煮,烧;做饭 nurse n护士;保育员 work v工作;(机器、器官等)运转;n工作,劳动 hospital n医院 on prep在……上;关于 farm n农场;农庄 on a farm 在农场 drive v驾驶,开(车);驱赶 family n家庭(包括父母和子女);家族 aunt n婶母;伯母;姨母;舅母;姑母 uncle n叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑父 brother n兄;弟 sofa n长沙发 grandparent n祖父(母);外祖父(母) cousin n堂(表)姐妹,堂(表)兄弟 daughter n女儿 tree n树 family tree 家谱 son n儿子 happy adj快乐的,幸福的,高兴的 teach v教书,教 only adv仅仅,只有 cute adj逗人喜爱的;机灵的;有吸引力的 after prep在……之后;在……后面;conj在……以后 look after 照看,照顾 Unit 3 第3单元 Topic 3 What would you like to drink 话题3 你想喝点什么? yourself pron(plyouselves)你自己 help oneself(to) 请随便吃点/喝点(……) would modal v打算,想要;(will的过去式)将会 fish n鱼;鱼肉;v钓鱼;捕鱼 chicken n鸡肉;鸡 about prep关于;对于;adv大约;到处;四处 What about ……怎么样……好不好 rice n米饭;稻米 all right 行了,好吧 drink v喝;n饮料 juice n果汁;饮料 milk n牛奶 for prep对……来说;为了;向……;往……;适合……;因为……;对于…… idea n主意,想法,意见 good idea 好主意 water n水 vegetable n蔬菜 bread n面包 hamburger n汉堡包 usually adv通常地,一般地 breakfast n早餐,早饭 lunch n午餐,午饭 supper n晚餐,晚饭;夜宵 food n食物,食品 may modal v可以;也许,可能 take v拿;拿走;乘坐;花费;服用;携带 order n菜单;订货单;顺序;v订购;点菜 take one's order 记下顾客点的饭菜 sir n先生 something pron某事(物);某东西 glass n(玻璃)杯 a glass of 一杯 wait v等,等候 moment n片刻;瞬间 wait a moment 等一会儿 let v让 well interj嗯;好吧,那么;哎呀; adj好的;健康的 eat v吃 out adv不在里面,在(到)外面 eat out 下馆子,出去吃饭 dinner n正餐,宴会 have dinner 吃饭 why adv为什么 why not (用于提出建议)为什么不…… here you are 给你 dear adj亲爱的 kind adj和蔼的;友好的;善良的;n种,类 such as 例如,诸如……之类的 be v在;是 Unit 4 第四单元 Topic 1 What can I do for you 话题1 我能帮你做什么吗? madam n夫人;女士 buy v买 over adv穿过;翻倒;遍布;结束;prep在……上方;遍及 there adv在那里,往那里 over there 在那边 try v试,试图;努力 try on 试穿 How much ……多少(钱) seventy num七十 thirty num三十 forty num四十 fifty num五十 sixty num六十 eighty num八十 ninety num九十 hundred num百 just adv仅仅;刚刚,刚才;只是 pair n一条;一对;一双 think of 认为,看法;想起 How about (=What about…)(询问消息、征求意见)……怎么样……好不好 mm interj嗯 think about 考虑(是否去做) shop v购物,买东西;n商店;车间 do some shopping 购物,买东西 need v&modal v需要;必须;n需要,需求 kilo\kilogram (=kilogram)n千克 salt n盐 How many 多少…… bottle n瓶子 heavy adj重的 worry v&n烦恼;担忧;困扰;着急 fat adj肥胖的 mouse(plmice) n鼠,耗子 meow n猫叫声;v(猫)叫 rabbit n兔;家兔 ant n蚂蚁 er interj(思索该说什么话时发出的声音) 哦,嗯 Unit 4 第四单元 Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic 你想去野餐吗? free adj空闲的;自由的;免费的 be free 空闲,有空 Sunday n星期日 up adv向上;起来;在上方;在……以上;prep向(在)……上 go v去;走;驶;通到;到达 West Hill 西山 picnic n野餐 love v&n爱;喜爱 call v打电话给……;称呼;叫,喊;呼唤;n喊,叫;电话,通话 forget v忘记,忘掉 bring v拿来,带来,取来 guitar n吉他;六弦琴 tomorrow adv(在)明天;n明天 go fishing 去钓鱼 sing n唱;唱歌 song n歌,歌曲;歌谣 can't\can modal v.(can的否定形式) have to 不得不 fun n有趣的事;娱乐,玩笑 fly n放(风筝、飞机模型等) kite n风筝 fly a kite 放风筝 afraid adj担心的;害怕的 time n时间;钟点;时期;次,回 carry v携带;搬运;运送 bow-wow n狗汪汪叫声 speak to 和……说话;向……说 ask v请求;要求;邀请;询问 back adv往后;回(原处);n背,背后;后部 callback 给……回电话 have a picnic 野餐 go shopping 去购物 Unit 4 第四单元 Topic 3 We want to go to the zoo 我们想去动物园。 zoo n动物园 panda n熊猫 monkey n猴子 lion n狮子 tiger n老虎 elephant n象;大象 o'clock adv……点钟 past prep(超)过;经过;n过去,昔日,往事;adv过 quarter n一刻钟;四分之一 half n半;一半;adj一半的,半个的 show n演出;展示,展览(会);v给……看,出示,显示 am 午前,上午 clever adj聪明的,伶俐的 animal n动物 It's time to 是……的时间;到……的时间了 go home 回家 next adj下一个的;最近的;adv随后,然后,下一步 next time 下次 get v买;得到;成为;具有;到达 get up 起床 have breakfast 吃早饭 pm 下午,午后 way n路,道路;方式,手段 on one's way home 在某人回家的路上 wrong adj错误的,不正确的 meat n(猪、牛、羊等的)肉 Unit 5 第5单元 Topic 1 How do you usually come to school 话题1 你通常怎样去上学? gate n.大门 the same to 对……也一样 by prep.乘(车等);靠近,在……旁;在……时间;不迟于;被;用;由 subway (underground) n.地下铁道;地铁交通 always adv.总是,一直;永远 come on 快点儿;加油;来吧 on foot 走路,步行 go to school 去上学 plane n.飞机 train n.火车;v. 培训,训练 ship n.船,轮船 boat n.小船,小舟 Ms. n.女士(用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓氏或姓名前) grandmother n.奶奶;外婆 group n.组,群 weekday n.平日(星期一至星期五的任何一天) early adj.早的;adv.早地 bird n.鸟 catch v.捉住;接住;赶上;染上(疾病) worm n.软体虫,蠕虫(尤指蚯蚓) sometimes adv.有时 seldom adv.很少;不常 walk v. & n.步行;散步 never adv.决不,从来没有 ride v.骑(自行车、马等);乘车;n.乘车旅行 park n.公园;v.停放(汽车) homework n.家庭作业 do (one’s) homework 做家庭作业 watch v.观看;注视;当心,注意;n.手表,表 TV =television n. 电视;电视机 watch TV 看电视 interviewer n.采访者 America n.美国 life n.生活;生命;人生 American adj.美国的;美国人的;n.美国 or conj.或者,还是;否则 few adj.很少的,不多的;pron.不多,少数 have lunch 吃午饭 at school 在学校;在上课 day n.(一)天,(一)日;白天 rest n.休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物);v.休息,歇息 have a rest 休息 play v.打(球);玩;游戏;播放;n.玩


手写英文如下:手写    [词典]    write; take notes by oneself; handwriting。他开始着手写家谱。He started out to wr...