




英 [ˈbrɪtn]   美 [ˈbrɪtn]  


1、The British have a very odd sense of humour


2、The survivors of the avalanche included 12 Britons



英 ['ɪŋɡlənd]   美 [ˈɪŋɡlənd]  


1、She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I


2、Personally, I couldn't have cared less whether the ice-cream came from Italy or England 





英 [ˈbrɪtɪʃə(r)]   美 [ˈbrɪtɪʃɚ]  


Of course I'm a Britisher, Haines 'voice said, and I feel as one 



英 [ˈbrɪtɪʃ]   美 [ˈbrɪtɪʃ]  



He was born in France but his parents are British


5 Royal Family Mother's Day Traditions You Probably Have Too, and 1 You Definitely Don't , 英国王室母亲节的6个传统,其中一个你肯定做不到 ,Mother's Day is on May 12 this year, but for our friends across the pond, it's already e and gone (it was on March 31 in the UK) And since the royal family is currently busy with all things royal baby, you may not have noticed their very low-key celebrations,今年的母亲节是5月12日,但对于大西洋彼岸的朋友来说,它已经成为了过去式(英国的母亲节是3月31日)。而由于王室目前正忙于新王室宝宝的事情,你可能没有在意他们非常低调的母亲节庆祝活动。,In the UK, Mother's Day is traditionally known as Mothering Sunday because it revolves around church And while the royals may go all out and have fancy photo ops for other church holidays like Christmas, Mother's Day is a lot quieter — they usually all stay out of the public eye On this day, they're a lot more like us! Since they already celebrated, keep reading to find out exactly what they do to get inspiration for your own mom — or "mum"!,在英国,母亲节传统上被称为“母亲星期天”,因为这个节日和教堂紧密相关。虽然王室成员会在圣诞节等宗教节日时外出拍摄很多官方照片,但在母亲节时他们会清闲一些,通常都会远离公众视线。在这一天,他们就像普通人一样!既然他们已经庆祝过了,那就来看看他们到底做了些什么,以便让每个人得到如何庆祝母亲的节日的灵感!, 1    Stay Out of the Public Eye , 1    远离公众视线 ,There actually aren't a ton of things the monarchy does on this special day In fact, more often than not, they stay out of the public eye and spend quality time with family — as they should! Last year, for example, Prince Harry brought then-fiancée Meghan Markle to see the queen, and they were only photographed out and about the next day, which was Commonwealth Day,事实上,在这个节日里,王室并没有很多事情要做。他们往往远离公众视线,与家人共度美好时光,而这本就是他们应得的时光。例如去年,哈里王子带着当时的未婚妻梅根·马克尔去见女王,到了第二天即英联邦纪念日,他们才被拍到外出活动。, 2    Give Flowers to Their Mums , 2    送上鲜花 ,Since the beginning of the Mothering Sunday holiday, children have given their mums flowers and all gifts, and the royal family sticks with this tradition Flowers are usually at the top of the list for all British families on this holiday, but cards and gifts have made their way into the celebration in more recent years,母亲节一到,孩子们就会给妈妈送上鲜花和小礼物,而英国王室也坚持这一传统。鲜花通常是所有英国家庭在母亲节的首选礼物,不过近年来,贺卡和礼物也加入了节日礼物之列。, 3    Release Photos to the Public , 3    发个“朋友圈” ,Although this doesn't happen every year, the royal family have been known to release unseen photos to the public on Mother's Day For example, Prince William and his family released an adorable family photo on Mother's Day back in 2014 when it was just little Prince Gee and his parents In 2018, the royal family unveiled a never-before-seen picture of Queen Elizabeth II and her family — including all of her children and hu and Prince Philip — at their more private residence, Frogmore, from 1965 It's basically our version of Facebook photos,英国王室通常会在母亲节这天向公众发布一些未曾公开的照片,不过这不是每年的例行传统。例如,2014年母亲节时,威廉王子和他的家人发布了一张可爱的全家福,照片中是乔治小王子和他的父母。2018年,英国王室发布了一张从未公开过的伊丽莎白女王二世和她的家人的照片,其中包括她所有的孩子和丈夫菲利普亲王。这张照片拍摄于1965年,地点是他们私密的住所Frogmore。这就像我们发个朋友圈一样。, 4    Spend Time With Their Mothers , 4    共度美好时光 ,Like all children try and do, the royal family spend time with their respective mothers on this special day Kate Middleton has been known to spend time with her royal side of the family and then head out to Berkshire to see her own mother, Carole Middleton Some of the royal family even attend events together with their moms, like Zara Tindall and Princess Anne, who love to attend any and all horse races/shows together in the Spring,和所有孩子一样,王室在这一节日中也会和母亲共度这一天。凯特王妃在当天和王室成员待一段时间后,会前往伯克郡看望自己的母亲Carole Middleton。一些皇室成员甚至和他们的母亲一起参加活动,如Zara Tindall和Anne公主,她们喜欢在春天一起参加所有的赛马比赛或表演。, 5    Spend Time at Frogmore , 5    在Frogmore享受时光 ,While the royal family doesn't disclose where they spend time on all of their holidays, they have reportedly spent numerous special occasions at Frogmore House, which is where this Mother's Day photo was taken many moons ago It's known as a "favorite royal retreat," and it's where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took their engagement photos and where they live This is one tradition we can't really relate to since most people don't have multiple estates!,虽然英国王室没有透露过他们的假期都在哪里度过,但据报道,他们在Frogmore的别墅里度过了许多值得纪念的日子,母亲节的照片就是多天前在那里拍摄的。这是“最受欢迎的皇家静修地”,也是哈里王子和梅根·马克尔订婚照的拍摄地,以及他们的住所。这是唯一一个我们无法做到的,因为大多数人没有这么多处房产。, 6    Attend Church , 6    宗教祭拜 ,You can't have Mothering Sunday without attending church Over the years, the queen has been spotted at mass at numerous locations, including churches in Sussex and Windsor, and we wouldn't expect anything less,如果不参加宗教祭拜,那母亲节就白过了。多年来,女王参加了各地的弥撒,包括苏塞克斯和温莎的教堂,而她参加的宗教活动肯定远不如此。,翻译:MS小冰晶

JuGongLi、Nod ceremony、Raise your eyes。


1、Bowing is the courtesy of a subordinate to a superior or peer Take off your hat when saluting, and take it off with your right hand (if you hold things in your right hand, you can use your left hand) 

2、Right hand hangs down hind body to be opposite, with stand at attention posture, binocular gazes at the recipient, upside of the body leans forward about 15 degrees, hind restores original state 

3、When taking off the hat the hand and salute direction opposite, namely to the left person salute, take off the hat with the right hand; Salute the person on the right and take off your hat with your left hand

二、Nod ceremony

1、A nod is a courtesy of peers and equals, and one must take off one's hat If walking on the road between the encounter, can be in the march of ritual; 

2、If you meet an officer or an elder on the road, you must stand at attention and bow, but the officer may nod to his subordinates or the elder to the younger while walking or extend his right hand or touch his hat

三、Raise your eyes

1、Raising your eyes is military etiquette Raise the right hand when saluting, the finger is straight and neat, the fingertip contacts the hat brim right side, the palm is slightly outward

2、the upper arm and the shoulder are level, two eyes gaze at the other party, wait for the other party to answer the salute but then put down the hand, to the officer or the elder should salute as usual each time




























 Henry VIII (English: Henry VIII, June 28, 1991 - January 28, 1547) was the second monarch of the Tudor dynasty (April 22, 1509 - January 28, 1547), England With the king of Ireland He was the second son of King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth

 Henry VII after the death of Henry VIII in April 22, 1509 to inherit the throne

 As the second king of the Tudor dynasty, also the Irish lord, and later became the king of Ireland Henry VIII, in order to divorce his wife to marry a new queen, and then the Roman Pope against the implementation of religious reform, and through a number of important bills to allow themselves to marry another, and then the British bishop of the Archbishop of the British Church, the British Church from Rome The Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, and the dissolution of the monastery, so that the power of the British royal family thus reached its peak During his reign, he joined Wales into England

 On January 28, 1547, Henry VIII died at the Whitehorn Palace, buried in St George's Church in Windsor, and buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour His only legitimate son Edward VI according to the third "throne succession law", inherited its throne


 Life background

 Henry's father Henry VII, is the descendants of England's Lancaster royal family, in 1485, Henry VII in the Bossworth battle to defeat Richard III, then king ascended the throne, into England, Wales and Ireland, the establishment of both Tuo dynasty In order to ease the political contradictions and strengthen their legitimacy as the king, on January 18, 1886, at the Westminster Abbey in London, Henry VII with the York Dynasty Edward IV daughter Elizabeth held a wedding ceremony

 On June 28, 1991, Henry was born in the Placencia Palace in the Greenwich district of London, the third child of Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth Before his birth, Queen Elizabeth had given birth to the eldest son of Wales Prince Arthur Tudor, the eldest daughter Margaret Tudor princess


 Henry was well educated since childhood, and the poet Skelton was his teacher, and when he was a little longer he met and consulted the people of Elasmo and some Renaissance celebrities He knows Latin, French, Italian and some Spanish, Greek, loves poetry and can play music He also likes hunting and is good at equestrian, archery, wrestling, and royal tennis

 In 1493, Henry was sealed as the governor of Dover and the five-port coalition chief In 1494, Henry was called the Duke of York

 1501 years, Henry VII for the eldest son of Arthur to marry the Spanish princess Aragon Catherine to conclude the alliance with the king of Aragon King Ferdinand II and Castilla Queen Isabella I

 1502 years, Arthur and Catherine married four months after the sudden death of Arthur As the brother of Joseph's premature death, 12-year-old Henry became the heir to the throne, successor Prince of Wales

 To continue to maintain a friendly relationship with Spain through marriage, Henry VII persuaded Catherine to stay and to join Kathleen for the second son of Henry

 At the time, the marriage violated the Catholic teachings, Aragon's Catherine declared himself not with the house of Arthur Later, Catherine's mother, Isabella I, sought the Pope's order to allow the marriage

 1505 years, Henry VII did not want to continue with the Spanish Union, so the Prince of Wales Henry announced that he did not agree with the marriage of Catherine, Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic mediation, marriage was not lifted

 Ascended the throne

 On April 21, 1509, Henry VII died

 June 11, 1509, Henry and Catherine officially held a wedding ceremony

 On June 24, 1509, Henry held a coronation ceremony at Westminster in London, inheriting the throne, for Henry VIII

 The young king Henry VIII, burly, can text to Wu In the early years of his reign, some of his actions were influenced by the new thought of the Renaissance He wrote two books, and also wrote poetry, he ascended the throne soon created folk "green sleeves" become popular songs

 Henry VIII personally visited Thomas Utah, the author of Utopia (Thomas Moore was finally sent to the guillotine for refusing to accept Henry VIII's religious reform) and had appointed him as a close friend

 He also supports the maintenance of British judicial power, opposing the intervention of the Holy See, claiming that "in Britain except the king, the king is the supreme authority"

 Henry VIII once created the British Royal Navy, he ordered the construction of fast and flexible new warships, the artillery installed in the cabin inside, and equipped with specialized fighting sailors, and the construction of several navy dedicated dock He issued a charter in Trinidad in 1514, making it specialized in the maritime industry and has the right to tax the nautical and set the lighthouse

 Henry VIII was also influenced by the feudal aristocratic traditions He spent a lot of time with the aristocratic knights contest, hunting, play, do not want to deal with daily business He promulgated a decree, strict provisions of the nobility in the dress on the level of distinction between the prohibition of civilians in the dress fair more than the move He often shows his king's style at the court event to conquer the ministers and guests

 1517 Henry VIII in Greenwich held knight contest contest, when he played gold armor, cover inlaid with colored jewelry purple satin gown, crotch horses also gold hanging silver A foreign envoy exclaimed, "The wealth and civilization of the world are here, and some people regard England as a barbarian land, and in my opinion they are barbarians

 Six marriages

 First marriage

 Aragon's Catherine is the first queen of Henry VIII, Catherine is the widow of Henry VIII's brother, that is, Henry VIII's sister-in-law

 Queen Catherine has aborted several times, a baby girl prematurely, three boys died The only surviving child, Mary Tudor, was born on February 18, 1516 at the Pleistia Palace in London, which was later known as "Bloody Mary" by Mary I

 In 1525, Henry VIII found that Catherine could not give birth to his male heir and had an affair with the waitress Anne Boleyn (also known as Antiphor) Henry VIII to the Bible that brother married brother and sister who would have no future generations to request a divorce But Catherine insisted that he was a queen, refused to divorce with Henry VIII Because Catherine is a Spanish princess, so the pope did not approve Henry divorce So Henry VIII to let the judge Wolsey and the Pope to negotiate, hoping to get the consent of the Pope With the Pope's failure to negotiate Wolsey was exiled, Wal-Mart's successor, Thomas Moore, was soon removed from office by Thomas Kramer as archbishop of Canterbury

 In January 1533, in the absence of the Pope's permission, Henry VIII secretly married Anne Boleyn, the Pope announced the expulsion of Henry As a retaliation, the British Parliament immediately legislated from the Holy See, Archbishop Cran Mai then declared Henry and Catherine's marriage invalid, and Anne Boleyn's marriage legal

 Second marriage

 Henry VIII's second queen Anne Boleyn, according to BBC British history description, Anne Boleyn's sister Mary Boleyn is Henry VIII's mistress Anne went to France to return after studying, into the British court, Henry VIII and she fell in love

 On June 1, 1533, Anne Bolin was crowned Queen of England Catherine was deprived of the title of the queen, and imprisoned in a next manor Mary Tudor was also relegated to an illegitimate daughter, not allowed to meet with her mother

 In September 1533, Anne Bolin gave birth to her daughter Elizabeth, that is, later "virgin queen" Elizabeth I The same is because Anne did not give birth to his son, Henry VIII in turn transferred his mind to Anne's waitress Jane Seymour's body

 In 1536, Henry VIII ordered the arrest of Anne Boleyn and her brother's brother George George was charged with his three friends aloof Anne Boleyn and planned to assassinate the king George and his friend were executed, and Anne Boleyn was sentenced to adultery with his brother, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London

 May 19, 1536 Anne was beheaded Henry VIII declared himself and Anne Boleyn's marriage was invalid

 Third marriage

 May 30, 1536, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour held his third wedding

 On June 4, 1536 she was publicly declared a queen, but she was not officially crowned because of the spread of the plague in London at that time

 On October 12, 1537, Edward Tudor (later Edward VI), the son of Jane Seymour, was born in the room of the Hampton County in Middlesex, the king Henry VIII and the England royal family Looking forward to the male heir Jane Seymour in the postpartum recovery quickly, sent in 1536 signed the second "throne succession law", officially announced "by His Majesty the King and me between the legitimate marriage of the birth of the prince" England in the country jubilant, the church singing "praise ode", the city lit bonfire, to celebrate the birth of Edward

 However, on October 23, 1537, Jane Simo bursts of puerperal fever and died the next night Henry VIII in the letter to the French king of Francois I mentioned, " she brought joy to me, but it is mixed with the pain of her death

 Fourth marriage

 The painter Hans Holby came to England in 1532 to escape the religious war in Europe and was hired as a court painter He recommended Henry Ann to Princess Anne, a small country between France and Nederland Although Henry VIII did not like the appearance of Princess Anne, the two were married on January 6, 1540 Because Henry Henry VIII hated Anne queen, do not want to touch her, turn to the pursuit of Queen Anne's waitress Catherine Howard (Anne Boleyn's cousin)

 Henry VIII once again made himself and Anne Queen's marriage invalid, demanding divorce He gave Anne "king's sister" title, and gave her a lot of money, let her in the British seclusion In July 1540, Queen Anne and Henry VIII divorced, and later lived in London until 1557 died

 Fifth marriage

 On July 28, 1540, Henry VIII married Catherine Howard But Catherine married and Minister Thomas Carphepper had an affair, also appointed former lover Francis Dillham as secretary Someone confessed Catherine's contact with others to Thomas Cramer, then Archbishop of Canterbury, who was adulterated to Henry

 Henry VIII arrested all the lovers of Catherine In 1543, Catherine was hanged

 Sixth marriage

 In 1543, the old Henry eventually married Catherine Parr in the court for his sixth wife Catherine Parr was a widow married twice, and her religious view was radical, and Henry was a conservative They often argued that several times almost let her die, but she always make concessions in time

 Affected by the queen, Henry and two daughters Mary, Elizabeth reconciliation Catherine Pale takes Henry's children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edward to take care of them so that they are well educated She also took good care of the old age sick, easy to anger Henry

 Suspicion of old age

 Henry VIII was overweight in his later years, and once he was wounded on horseback, he was stunned and questionable

 He was arrested by the rebel leader Norfolk Norfolk, etc, ready to be executed, but not yet implemented, Henry VIII to facilitate the January 28, 1547 died at the Whitehorn Palace in Windsor, the appointment of sixteen major reformists The new aristocracy formed the Privy Council, which assisted the 9-year-old Edward VI to inherit his throne

 Henry VIII was buried in St George's Church in Windsor, and was buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour

 Henry VIII died ten years later, the three legitimate children are sitting on the British throne, but no heirs


 During the reign of Henry VIII, the practice of religious reform, the British Church from the Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, the national government agencies made a comprehensive reform in Europe to balance the interests of foreign policy to protect their own political and economic interests These modern countries, which have led to great changes in the social and economic situation, political system, culture, ideology and religion of the United Kingdom, have created favorable conditions for the further development of capitalist factors In this process Henry VIII played an important role as an autocratic monarch with unprecedented power

英国在英语中的表达方式是 United Kingdom 或 UK,也可以简写为 Britain。United Kingdom 意为 “联合王国”,是由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰四个国家构成的半独立国家。United Kingdom 也是英联邦成员国之一,包括许多前英国殖民领土和领土松散结合。

以下是一些有关 United Kingdom 的英文表达方式:

1 英国首都 – London,位于英国东南部。它不仅是英国的政治和经济中心,也是有着深厚历史和文化底蕴的城市。

2 苏格兰 – Scotland,英国的四个国家之一。其瑰丽的自然风光和文化特色吸引了许多游客。

3 威尔士 – Wales,英国的四个国家之一。威尔士的地形多样,包括山峦、海滩和平原等不同地形景观,也有丰富多样的文化和历史。

4 英国皇室 – The British Royal Family,英国的君主制国家,皇家家族的成员通常被称为王室成员,包括国王、女王和王储等。

总之,英国是欧洲重要的国家之一,在国际舞台上具有重要的地位和影响力。在英语中,United Kingdom 是英国的正式名称,而 Britain 则是一种非正式的表达方式。为了更加准确地描述英国的特点和概念,理解这些英语表达方式非常重要。掌握这些单词可以帮助我们更好地了解和表达各种与英国或其相关领域有关的概念和描述。

同学你好。 首先你的拼写错了,the Royal Family of UK或者叫做 the British Royal Family是英国皇室,全世界最有影响力,和家族成员最有魅力(有渲染成分)的皇室。如果你想阅读英国皇室相关资料:请见http://baikebaiducom/linkurl=L-d-q27IPDHshtmednOVBKx0Idmt7DkUCzpjTS8O5rdtj_U20nqNLguX5-iFH_SNu3s-LSknpnJy26BVZi4F2_

此外,the Rayol Family还有以之为名的电视剧和书籍,对皇室故事进行了介绍和描写。



英国的英文:England、Britain。一、Britain英 [ˈbrɪtn]   美 [ˈbrɪtn]  n不列颠,英国1、The British have a very odd s...